Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Government Workers Ride Into a Golden Sunset on the Backs of Taxpayers | Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association

Government Workers Ride Into a Golden Sunset on the Backs of Taxpayers Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association
"For those who work in the private sector, the dream of enjoying a comfortable retirement has become just that -- a dream.

The impact of the recession continues to be brutal, especially on older workers.

“More than seven-in-ten (72 percent) workers over the age of 60 who said they are putting off their retirement are doing so because they can’t afford to retire,” according to a recent survey by CareerBuilder.

In California, with unemployment and under employment totaling over 21 percent – only Michigan with its decaying auto industry is worse off – older people being forced to work longer may regard themselves as lucky just to have a job.

This is not a concern for those who enjoy the job security of working for California government.

The highest paid public workers in all 50 states -- some of whom are able to retire as many 15 years earlier than the private sector average with pensions nearing full time-pay -- continue to be shielded from the impact of our dismal economy by their sponsors in the state Legislature."

Charters May Be Forced Into Public School Retirement System

Charters May Be Forced Into Public School Retirement System
"About 4,000 charter school teachers could be forced into the state's public school retirement system.

That's one item Michigan lawmakers are considering as they negotiate incentives to encourage more teachers to retire."

The bogus "it's for the children" ain't gonna fly here.

This is a flat out disgusting union grab pushed by their slobbering democrat political enablers.

It's anti-child, anti-teacher and anti-taxpayer.

And it's emblematic of what Michigan is today and will be for the foreseeable future.

(HT Cal)

letter to the county commission chairman

To commissioner Mahoney.

Copy to all other commissioners, Ted Williams, County clerk Waters

Dear commissioner Mahoney,

Last week I asked you to clarify your interpretation of the rules governing public participation at county meetings.

As I have yet to hear from you, I will ask again.

The rules as posted on the county web site are clear:

"1. On an agenda item, by providing a completed “Public Participation” form to the
secretary, chair or committee member, and being recognized by the chair during
discussion of the time;"

Your recently approved rules specifically mention "agenda item", "public participation form" and "during discussion of the time" an agenda item is being discussed.

It is clear to me that your rules encourage public comment during discussion and before a vote is taken on an agenda item.

The form is less clear but explicitly states that it is the "Public Participation" form:

My questions are simple:

1. Are citizens allowed to address the full board or committees during discussion of specific agenda items before a vote is taken?

2. If the answer is "yes", what do we citizens have do to get the approval to speak from the chairman of the county board?

3. If the answer is "no", please explain.

Thank you very much,

China May ‘Crash’ in Next 9 to 12 Months, Faber Says

China May ‘Crash’ in Next 9 to 12 Months, Faber Says (Update3) - Bloomberg.co
"Investor Marc Faber said China’s economy will slow and possibly “crash” within a year as declines in stock and commodity prices signal the nation’s property bubble is set to burst."

Candidates have until May 11 to file for Muskegon County drain commissioner's post

Candidates have until May 11 to file for Muskegon County drain commissioner's post
"Candidates for the suddenly vacant post of Muskegon County drain commissioner, a countywide partisan elective office, have until 4 p.m. May 11 to file declarations of candidacy with the Muskegon County clerk’s office."

David Fisher is absolutely the most qualified to fill the job.

I hope that democrats Waters and Tague do the right thing for Muskegon and appoint Dave Fisher right now!
It might be a first.
It might be the begining of better times for Muskegon.

Republicans Sound Alarm on Administration Plan to Seize 401(k)s

Republicans Sound Alarm on Administration Plan to Seize 401(k)s
"In February, the White House released its “Annual Report on the Middle Class” containing new regulations favored by Big Labor including a bailout of critically underfunded union pension plans through “retirement security” options.
The radical solution most favored by Big Labor is the seizure of private 401(k) plans for government disbursement -- which lets them off the hook for their collapsing retirement scheme.
And, of course, the Obama administration is eager to accommodate their buddies."

This government is at war with its citizens.

When will we wake up?

CBS Features NY Mayor Bloomberg Speculating Bomber Was Mad About ObamaCare

CBS Features NY Mayor Bloomberg Speculating Bomber Was Mad About ObamaCare
"With Katie Couric drawing him out, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg agreed the Times Square car bombing was likely “homegrown” as he proceeded, in an interview excerpt run on Monday's CBS Evening News, to speculate it could have been placed by “somebody with a political agenda who doesn't like the health care bill or something. It could be anything.”"

Monday, May 03, 2010

Drain commissioner race will get HOT!

Now that county drain commissioner Hepler has been "fired" by democrat prosecutor Tony Tague, the May 11 primary filing date is all important.

The two democrats (clerk Waters & prosecutor Tague) and the probate judge will appoint a replacement who most likely have to run in November. Or maybe a later date.

The two democrats have the majority so the appointee most likely will be another Marty Hulka style democrat hack or an Hepleresque felon-in-waiting.

The primary could change that.

And maybe the direction of Muskegon county.

We'll see!

20 most stressed, least stressed counties

20 most stressed, least stressed counties
"Here are the 20 most economically stressed counties with populations of at least 25,000 and their March 2010 Stress scores"

I'm very conflicted about this report.

On one hand, Muskegon county is not on the list.
That's good, I think.

On the other hand, there are three Michigan counties on the list.

There are at least 3 Michigan counties economically WORSE than Muskegon?!!!!!!

How really, really bad it must be out there.

And Gov. Jenny is on another list to be appointed to a lifetime position on the Supreme Court?

Muskegon County prosecutor rules Drain Commissioner Jeffrey Hepler ousted at conviction

Muskegon County prosecutor rules Drain Commissioner Jeffrey Hepler ousted at conviction
"However, according to research by the prosecutor’s office following the conviction, no resignation or removal is necessary.
For certain officeholders — basically, elected countywide department heads such as drain commissioners — the job ceases upon conviction of a felony, according to the prosecutor’s opinion."

Very interesting as the state has explicit rules governing the removal of county officials.

I wonder if the union controlled Muskegon democrats have another unqualified, felon-in-waiting to be appointed to this most important position.

Muskegon didn't get to be "muskegon" by chance.

We elected leaders who got us where we are.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Power Line - Don't leave it to Cleaver, part 12

Power Line - Don't leave it to Cleaver, part 12
"Yesterday we received an email message from McClatchy News DC investigative editor James Asher promoting a current McClatchy story.
Of all the news outlets that covered the fabricated March 20 story of Reps. Carson, Cleaver, Clyburn and Lewis regarding the racial abuse to which they (Carson and Lewis, anyway) were subjected by Tea Party/Obamacare protesters on Capitol Hill, McClatchy's 'Tea party protesters scream 'nigger' at black congressmen' may have been the worst."

Top 10 dumbest things said about the Arizona immigration law

Top 10 dumbest things said about the Arizona immigration law Washington Examiner

Memo to Deficit Commission: Spending is the Problem

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Leave Vera Baker Alone. She Did Not Have An Affair With Obama.

Leave Vera Baker Alone. She Did Not Have An Affair With Obama. « HillBuzz
"We never believed Obama had an affair with a woman, because Obama does not appear to like women.

As American Standard recently wondered, there are no former girlfriends, either on the scene or noted in any of the books William Ayers or Jon Favreau wrote for Obama.
No high school girlfriends.
No college sweethearts.
But, there sure are plenty of men he’s spent an odd amount of time with......

Could this have anything to do with the fact that, surreally, even people like Maureen Dowd have been hinting at a sexual relationship between Obama and his “basketball buddy” and “body man” Reggie Love…or is it linked to Kal Penn’s firing?"


National Enquirer: "Reports out of Washington, DC: PRESIDENT OBAMA in a shocking cheating scandal after being caught in a Washington, DC Hotel with a former campaign aide"

The Michigan Tax Burden: Growing or Falling?

The Michigan Tax Burden: Growing or Falling? [Mackinac Center]

Basing his calculations on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis and the U.S. Census Bureau, Hohman used three other indicators that show a different picture about the state's tax burden.
Luke asserts that the percentage of total personal income paid in taxes and fees went down between 2000 and what is estimated will be taken in for fiscal 2010.
Hohman largely confirms this, noting that the federal data he is using shows a drop from 10.8 percent in 2000 to 10.7 percent in 2007 - the latest year the federal data is available.

But that's not the whole story.

Hohman points out that per capita taxes paid went from $3,162 in 2000 to $3,691 in 2007.

Taxes paid per job went from $6,730 in 2000 to $8,691 in 2007.

And percentage of state Gross Domestic Product in taxes went from 9.3 percent in 2000 to 10.0 percent in 2008.
Hohman said the three other indicators show that the state tax burden has increased.

UN Puts Iran On ‘Women’s Commission’

Mr. Obama sheds tears for women’s rights leader, Dorothy Height.

UN Puts Iran On ‘Women’s Commission’ Sweetness & Light
"Without fanfare, the United Nations this week elected Iran to its Commission on the Status of Women, handing a four-year seat on the influential human rights body to a theocratic state in which stoning is enshrined in law and lashings are required for women judged 'immodest.'"

Europe's Bad Example On Science Policy

Europe's Bad Example On Science Policy - IBD
"As one European report on precaution states about new technologies, 'their very novelty might be considered as a warning sign.'

Here the core of precaution is revealed: Society needs to forego technological advance for fear of innovative disaster"

Social Security Explained

"The Michigan chapter of the National Federation of Independent Business provides a handy chart to explain the critical differences between federal retirement programs like the Social Security Administration and crooked Ponzi schemes being peddled by con men like Bernard Madoff"

Oil Spill a Catastrophe of Monumental Proportions: Is It Sabotage?

Oil Spill a Catastrophe of Monumental Proportions: Is It Sabotage?

As you might imagine, such an occurrence is an oil company’s worst nightmare, and there are fail-safe measures like you would not believe, to ensure that such a thing as what happened, never happens.
There are “deadman switches,” down-hole safety valves, “panic buttons.” and Blow Out Preventers (BOPs). (Source)

And yet obviously, something did happen.
What—and was it sabotage?
How could so many time-tested automatic back-ups fail, all at the same time?
What are the odds?

As Carl Franzen writes, the BOP, “the piece of offshore-rig equipment designed to be ‘a drilling operation’s last line of defense’ against leaks, failed miserably.”

Sabotage is not outside the realm of possibility when trillions of dollars are at stake.
The question to ask is:
With “climate-gate” throwing a wrench in the works of Cap and Trade, and the (potentially) extremely lucrative carbon-credit market about to go down the drain, were drastic measures taken? (Here and Here)

May Day 2010: A Day of Remembrance

May Day 2010: A Day of Remembrance The Distributed Republic
"Welcome to this year's May Day commemoration.
As is our tradition, today, we remember the all those who have died at the hands of communism."

Still Government Motors

Still Government Motors - Forbes.com
"So how is it paying it?
As it turns out, the Obama administration put $13.4 billion of the aid money as 'working capital' in an escrow account when the company was in bankruptcy.
The company is using this escrow money--government money--to pay back the government loan."

Friday, April 30, 2010

Louisiana Spill: Big Oil's Chernobyl?

Louisiana Spill: Big Oil's Chernobyl?

Note To New York Times, MSNBC, WaPo and CNN: May Day Is Here and So Are the Actual Violent Protesters

Note To New York Times, MSNBC, WaPo and CNN: May Day Is Here and So Are the Actual Violent Protesters - Big Journalism
"May Day is upon us – the day when the Communists, Socialists, Marxists and other nuts take to the streets to protest capitalism, individual freedom and America.

Coincidentally – I’m sure – it’s the same day immigration reform advocates will be marching en masse across America demanding amnesty for illegals."

Muskegon's Kyle Olson!

» When It Comes To ‘Pollution,’ Most Of It Is In the Media’s Mind

"Ergo, according to ALA, the number of Americans breathing unhealthy air increased by sixteen per cent over a two year period, from 42% to 58%.

This suggests two things: a) air pollution emissions over that two year period must have increased, and b) the concentrations of air pollutants in the atmosphere must have gone up as well.

The only problem is that neither of those things actually happened."

Meddlers at the gate

Meddlers at the gate - The New Editor
"How many voters are aware that the pending Senate reform bill includes a payback to unions in the form of a 'proxy access' that would allow labor to manipulate company boards?
How many are aware that the bill may give the Treasury Department the right to seize private property and businesses without any significant judicial review?"

A Rosemary Woods moment

I called the county earlier this morning to buy an audio CD of yesterday's full county board meeting.
The official minutes sorta left out much of the content out:
"Public Participation
Jim Riley addressed the Board regarding Board Rules and public participation.
John McNally addressed the Board.
Chuck Woods thanked the Board for letter of support regarding Muskegon River Trailways
and Regional Association Letter of Support.
Chairman Mahoney recognized Dave Kieft, Muskegon Charter Township Supervisor, Mike
Thompson, Egelston Township Supervisor and Chuck Woods, City of North Muskegon
Council Member."
I was told someone would call me back when they were available and a nice woman just called and told me she was checking the "tape" but it had stopped about half way during the meeting.

The county clerk's office just called me and said they were sorry but the second half of the county commission full board meeting was just "not on the recording" so I wouldn't be able to buy a copy.

So, "they" have decided to abbreviate the official minutes.

To the benefit of our community?

Or is the county board of commissioners going to the mattresses?

Or is it the clerk who has decided just what the public should or should not see?

And now the recording just poofed away.

But the county web site still proclaims "Muskegon County welcomes public participation".

Yeah right....

Rosemary Woods would be proud.

Fun with Numbers: GM ‘Payback’ of Taxpayer Loans.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » TOM BLUMER: Fun with Numbers: GM ‘Payback’ of Taxpayer Loans.

“Taking money from one bailout kitty to pay back another bailout fund.”

When I talked with Mark Tapscott yesterday, he called those GM bailout-payback commercials the most dishonest claims he’s seen in 30 years of covering politics and the auto industry.
“It is a lie.”"

How to Tackle Government Labor Costs

Gary Shilling: How to Tackle Government Labor Costs - WSJ.com
Years ago, there was an informal "social contract"—public employees generally received lower wages than private-sector workers, and in return they got earlier retirement and generous pensions, allowing them to catch up. That arrangement has long since gone by the boards.

The result is a remarkable trend. State and local government employees for years have received pay increases in excess of inflation, and BLS figures show they now have wages that are 34% higher on average than in the private sector.

.... The average quit rate among state and local employees is a third of that in the private sector.

Public employees also have a 70% advantage in benefits..... In 2009, BLS figures indicate that the costs of health insurance were 2.18 times as much for state and local employees as for private-sector workers.

In the private sector, defined-benefit pensions have declined over the years in favor of defined-contribution plans such as the 401(k). In 2009, defined-benefit plans were available to only 21% of private-sector workers—but to 84% of municipal employees, according to the Cato Institute. And public-sector defined-benefit plans paid retirees about twice as much as those in the private sector.

Public-sector retirement costs also are high because many can retire at age 55 after 30 years of employment with pensions equal to 60% or more of final salary, which is often jacked up by lots of overtime in final working years. In some states, employees can "double dip" by retiring early and then resuming their previous jobs or taking other government positions. So they get salaries and pensions at the same time.

The answer to the problem is to attend to the problem, public sector unions, union rules and overpaid, underworked employees.

If you don't acknowledge the problem, you won't fix the problem.

Pension Pulse: Beyond the Greek Crisis: Will Capitalism Survive?

Pension Pulse: Beyond the Greek Crisis: Will Capitalism Survive?
"'We have to go this route,' he said.
'We are not defending Greece, we are defending the stability of our currency.'"

No shirt sherlock!