Thursday, September 29, 2011

Effort to recall Michigan governor fizzles

Report: Effort to recall Michigan governor fizzles
The Detroit Free Press on Wednesday cited an e-mail from campaign spokesman Tom Bryant saying "the recall effort will be coming to an end."

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Read this 1st (remember the name of the letter writer):

Read this next!:

Odds Favor GOP Gaining Senate Control in 2012

RealClearPolitics - Odds Favor GOP Gaining Senate Control in 2012

Tossup: Bill Nelson (Florida), Debbie Stabenow (Mich.), Claire McCaskill (Mo.), Jon Tester (Mont.), Virginia (open; Jim Webb is retiring), Wisconsin (open; Herb Kohl is retiring).

.....In 2006, Michigan looked like it would be competitive until September or so.
Stabenow pulled away against fairly weak competition and won handily.
This time, the environment is much worse for Democrats. Her opposition isn’t top-notch, but her approval ratings have been well below 50 percent in a state that swung heavily toward Republicans in 2010.

A Short History of the Income Tax

John Steele Gordon: A Short History of the Income Tax -
The new president, Woodrow Wilson, and the strongly Democratic Congress promptly passed a personal income tax.
It kicked in at 1% on incomes above $3,000 (a comfortable upper middle-class income at the time) and reached 7% on incomes over $500,000.
But there were many deductions, bringing the effective tax rates down sharply from the marginal ones—a feature of the tax system ever since.

US Has More Serious Problems Than Europe

US Has More Serious Problems Than Europe: Jim Rogers - CNBC
"Europe has a few bad, bankrupt states, so does America.
We've got Illinois which is bigger than Greece, we've got California, we've got New York, you know those are pretty big states that have serious economic problems.
We have pension plans in America that are terribly under water," Rogers told CNBC on Tuesday.

According to Rogers, the U.S. has deeper structural problems than Europe as well as higher debt levels.

"Europe's got some bad problems but the entity as a whole is not nearly as deep in debt as the U.S.
They don't have a huge balance of trade deficit, like we do," Rogers said.

UC Berkeley Republicans hold 'Diversity Bake Sale'

UC Berkeley Republicans hold 'Diversity Bake Sale' -
A satirical bake sale at the University of California, Berkeley, that was designed to protest affirmative action drew several dozen sweet-toothed supporters along with hundreds of critics Tuesday.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rhode Island – the Greece of the U.S.?

Public Pension Watch: Rhode Island – the Greece of the U.S.?

Tax hike not enough to solve state's fiscal woes | hike, woes, report

Tax hike not enough to solve state's fiscal woes hike, woes, report - Report - The Telegraph
"The entire 67 percent (personal) income tax hike went to fund the pensions and payroll here in Illinois,"

Too Much Of A Good Thing

Too Much Of A Good Thing The New Republic
To solve the serious problems facing our country, we need to minimize the harm from legislative inertia by relying more on automatic policies and depoliticized commissions for certain policy decisions.
In other words, radical as it sounds, we need to counter the gridlock of our political institutions by making them a bit less democratic.

The "free speech for me but not for thee" crowd has come up with another nifty idea from the Politburo.

Beat the Clock: Government Union ‘Cadillac’ Health Plans Preserved Before Tighter Controls Take Effect

Beat the Clock: Government Union ‘Cadillac’ Health Plans Preserved Before Tighter Controls Take Effect [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
Two days before a mandated 20 percent contribution for health insurance from all public employees would be imposed by the pending creation of a new state law, Muskegon County approved seven union contracts that require only a 15 percent employee contribution.

According to research from the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average employee in Michigan with an employer-sponsored health insurance plan paid 22 percent of the cost for their own health insurance premiums in 2010, and the figure nationally was 27 percent.

Public Schools Eat Too Much At Government Trough

Public Schools Eat Too Much At Government Trough Neal McCluskey Cato Institute: Commentary
Soon after his boss introduced the American Jobs Act, Vice President Joe Biden held a conference call to get teachers' unions behind it.
It was an easy task, with American Federation of Teachers honcho Randi Weingarten promising to "do whatever we can" to get the legislation passed. And why not?
It's teachers and other politically potent interests, not kids or the economy, that the Act is really about.
That teachers' unions are gung-ho about the proposal — which would furnish $30 billion for education jobs and another $25 billion for school buildings — doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing. Kids need teachers and classrooms, right?

Egypt: Assailants blow up Sinai gas pipeline

Egypt: Assailants blow up Sinai gas pipeli... JPost - Middle East
ISMAILIYA, Egypt - Unknown assailants blew up an Egyptian pipeline in Sinai on Tuesday that supplies Israel and Jordan with gas, security sources and witnesses said.

WW4 continues.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Coke chief criticises US tax rules

Coke chief criticises US tax rules -
Coca-Cola now sees the US becoming a less friendly business environment than China, its chief executive has revealed, citing political gridlock and an antiquated tax structure as reasons its home market has become less competitive

Last Chance to Avoid Global Catastrophe?

The PJ Tatler » Last Chance to Avoid Global Catastrophe?
Last Chance to Avoid Global Catastrophe?
Treasury Secretary Geithner thinks so: “The threat of cascading default, bank runs, and catastrophic risk must be taken off the table.
Sovereign and banking stresses in Europe are the most serious risk now confronting the world economy.
Decisions cannot wait until the crisis gets more severe.”

From the same Telegraph write up:
The International Monetary Fund warned last week that emerging markets face the risk of “sharp reversals” or even a “sudden stop” if there is further spill-over from Europe.
This comes at a time when Asia and parts of Latin America are already in the topping phase of a credit boom, one of epic proportions in China where loans have doubled to almost 200pc of GDP over the last five years.

Warning signs have been flashing red for the last three weeks.
Shares of China’s top property developer Greentown have crashed by a third this month.
The currencies of Indonesia, Brazil, Korea, South Africa, and Hungary have all buckled, and central banks have begun intervening to stop the slide.
“A continued flight from risk raises the growing possibility of investor capitulation in emerging markets,” said Neil Mellor from BNY Mellon.

Feeling better now?
UPDATE: And now the IMF is broke.

Why Saugatuck is losing S.S. Keewatin Steamship Museum to Canada

Why Saugatuck is losing S.S. Keewatin Steamship Museum to Canada

I suspect the real reason is the value of the Keewatin's dock.

Coffee reduces depression risk?

Coffee reduces depression risk?
Though we love caffeine as much as the next awake person, Willet and Ascherio’s reported correlations (e.g., a relative risk of 0.82 for 4 or more cups of coffee per day) are too small to be credible.
As is standard with Nurses Health Study junk science, exposures, disease and confounding risk factors are all self-reported and, hence, not reliable. Simply put, bad data do not make for a credible statistical analysis.

No doubt Willet and Ascherio are relying on the intuitive nature of their claim to carry the day with the unsuspecting public and the ever-gullible media.

Coffee keeps you awake, but not from being sad about it.

Obama gaffe: President says billionaires should pay ‘Jew’ tax rate

Obama gaffe: President says billionaires should pay ‘Jew’ tax rate The Daily Caller
If asking a billionaire to pay the same tax rate as a Jew — as a janitor — makes me a warrior for the working class, I wear that as a badge of honor.”

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Illinois taxpayers repeat, "Please sir, may I have another?

Kass: Illinois taxpayers repeat, "Please sir, may I have another? -
Then you must be in Illinois.

That's the state where Chicago machine politicians and their union muscle boys slap taxpayers in the mouth, year after year after year, and all voters do is repeat that line from "Animal House,"
"Thank you, sir, may I have another?"

Stabenow, White House official disagree over separation of waterways to prevent spread of Asian carp into the Great Lakes

Stabenow, White House official disagree over separation of waterways to prevent spread of Asian carp into the Great Lakes
U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow renewed a call to close the Chicago shipping locks and create a permanent ecological separation of the Mississippi River basin and the Great Lakes to prevent an invasion of giant Asian carp.
But a White House official rebuffed the plea, saying more study must happen to prevent unintended consequences.

Debbie who?
She's been sittin' on the union bosses laps so long she doesn't even know where Michigan is.
It sure is great she's "on" the carp trail....right?

Federal Loans Fund Big-Ticket Energy Projects At Firms Outside Of U.S.

Federal Loans Fund Big-Ticket Energy Projects At Firms Outside Of U.S. Fox News
Among the biggest recipients on the Department of Energy's controversial list of loans to renewable energy companies like the failed Solyndra Inc. are a number of non-U.S. firms whose big-ticket energy projects will cost taxpayers billions of dollars -- but will generate no more than a few hundred permanent U.S. jobs.

The Latest Ugly Truth About Pakistan

The Latest Ugly Truth About Pakistan -
Inter-Services Intelligence — played a direct role in supporting insurgents who attacked the American Embassy in Kabul last week, killing 16 people.
He also said that with ISI support, the Haqqani network of terrorists planned and conducted an earlier truck bombing on a NATO outpost that killed 5 people and wounded 77 coalition troops, and other recent attacks.

Top 10 Green Job Fiascoes

Top 10 Green Job Fiascoes - HUMAN EVENTS
Of course, when the government tries to intrude in the marketplace, bad things happen.
Such as these: the Top 10 Green Job Fiascoes.

Teachers unions, school groups give mixed reviews to Obama No Child Left behind waivers |

Teachers unions, school groups give mixed reviews to Obama No Child Left behind waivers The union approves of offering more options to improve failing schools and the move to college- and career-ready standards.

Kollege redi!
That sure beats teechin' reedin ritin ritmatik.
Don't it?

How Cain won Florida

York: How Cain won Florida Campaign 2012
Once the delegates got over the can't-get-elected hurdle, a close contest became a landslide for Herman Cain.

Churchill, chance and the 'black dog'

BBC News - A Point of View: Churchill, chance and the 'black dog'
If Bracken hadn't left Australia to reinvent himself as an Englishman and appointed himself as Churchill's faithful protector;
if Beaverbrook and Bracken hadn't found Churchill brooding in his club;
if Bracken hadn't succeeded in persuading Churchill to remain silent;
and if Churchill hadn't been prepared for the desperate struggle that followed by the visits of the black dog, history would have been very different and the world darker than anything we can easily imagine.

Stephen Colbert: 'Let's pray satellite lands in Detroit'

Stephen Colbert: 'Let's pray satellite lands in Detroit'
"As we speak a defunct satellite is hurtling toward the Earth where it will destroy everything in it's path. Let's just pray it lands somewhere where it can't do any damage -- like Detroit," Colbert said.
You know, you can't even get angry at these type of sentiments anymore.

Can you imagine what Al Sharpton and the Detroit extorters would demand from US taxpayers if a chunk of space junk flattened a hovel in Dead Town?

Renewable Energy Subsidies Are a Waste of Money

Renewable Energy Subsidies Are a Waste of Money
Last month solar companies Spectra Watt in New York, Evergreen Solar in Massachusetts, and Solyndra Solar in California went bankrupt.
All companies had extensive subsidies from state and federal governments.
Taxpayer losses most likely exceeded $1 billion.
All three states have high electricity costs due to banning coal use and mandating renewable energy sources for electricity production.

Meet Olga Stefou, a Perfect Symbol of Greece’s Downfall

Meet Olga Stefou, a Perfect Symbol of Greece’s Downfall « International Liberty
The Los Angeles Times has a story that provides an inside look at the attitudes that have contributed to Greece’s fiscal collapse.
Let’s start with Olga Stefou, who is a good (or bad) symbol for her nation’s downfall.
She protests in favor of bigger government, naively asserting that the budget shortfall can be solved by pulling 122 troops out of Afghanistan and taxing the Orthodox Church.
Olga’s entitlement mentality is not unusual.
The story also notes that young Greek women think a government job is the most desirable thing in a potential mate. At the risk of being politically incorrect, the people of Greece (at least the ones in the moocher class) deserve a miserable future.

Organizers raising money for 'Snurfer' statue expected to go in downtown Muskegon next spring

Organizers raising money for 'Snurfer' statue expected to go in downtown Muskegon next spring The piece has a price tag of about $50,000, with $35,000 already committed by local individuals, businesses and organizations.
Organizers hope to have the remaining $15,000 raised by mid-October.
That's enough to cover the cost of raw materials, contracting with the artist and mounting and shipping the sculpture.
Contributors giving $1,000 or more will get a commemorative plaque on the statue's platform.

A nifty new statue from the deep pockets of our betters!
Waaay better for our city than ....say....a functioning school system.
Wait til the unwashed see the rush to Muskegon!

EPA To Shut Down 20% of Coal Plants in 2012

EPA To Shut Down 20% of Coal Plants in 2012 - Helen Whalen Cohen
"Obama's EPA Cues 130 Billion Race to Cut Pollution By 2015", she reports that the EPA will shut down 20 percent of coal plants through the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule.