Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Europe Doesn’t Want To Pony Up More Cash, Seeks U.S.-Led IMF Rescue

Europe Doesn’t Want To Pony Up More Cash, Seeks U.S.-Led IMF Rescue
In other words, Europe wants the U.S., China and the Mideast to come to its rescue without Germany, France or other “rich” euro zone members ponying up more cash.

Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss

Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss - Peter Roff (usnews.com)
Amazingly, rather than laugh the suit out of court U.S. District Court judge Timothy S. Black, an Obama appointee, is allowing it to go forward.

Monday, October 24, 2011

John Who? - WSJ.com

John Who? - WSJ.com
The best detail is this: "The librarians have eschewed the Dewey Decimal System, concerned by historical accounts that portray Melvil Dewey, its inventor, as a racist and misogynist."

Flash mob at Copenhagen Central Station. Copenhagen Phil playing Ravel's...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

iowahawk: Together, I Shall Ride You To Victory

iowahawk: Together, I Shall Ride You To Victory
Who, you may ask, is T. Coddington Van Voorhees VII?
Simply put, a man born to the conservative saddle.
The only scion of the legendary swashbuckling conservative editor / author / bon vivant T. Coddington Van Voorhees VI, I have since my earliest days honed a conservatism forged in the fires of intellectual combat, stoked by the bellows of classic education, and tempered in the cooling waters of good breeding.

Wisconsin vs Michigan State 10/22/11 Kirk Cousins Last Second Touchdown HQ

For Rhode Island, the Pension Crisis Is Now

For Rhode Island, the Pension Crisis Is Now - NYTimes.com
ON the night of Sept. 8, Gina M. Raimondo, a financier by trade, rolled up here with news no one wanted to hear: Rhode Island, she declared, was going broke.

Flashback: Obama’s Failed Stimulus Cost More than 9 Year Iraq War

Flashback: Obama’s Failed Stimulus Cost More than 9 Year Iraq War The Gateway Pundit
As the War in Iraq winds down remember…
The entire cost of the Iraq War was less than Barack Obama’s failed stimulus bill.
Nice work, champ!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fraud case leaves California Democrats scrambling

Fraud case leaves California Democrats scrambling Reuters
Stunning accusations that a top California Democratic campaign treasurer looted the war chests of her big-name clients have left candidates across the state scrambling to raise more money as election season looms.
Kinde Durkee, who controlled the funds of roughly 400 candidates and groups, ranging from Senator Dianne Feinstein to local Democratic youth clubs, was arrested in September and charged with fraud.

What Explains the Left's Affinity for OWS and Abhorrence of the Tea Party?

Articles: What Explains the Left's Affinity for OWS and Abhorrence of the Tea Party?

50 Things I Learned From The Movies

50 Things I Learned From The Movies
3. The ventilation system of any building is the perfect hiding place.
No one will ever think of looking for you in there, and you can travel to any other part of the building you want without difficulty.

Why Publish the Marco Rubio Story?

Why Publish the Marco Rubio Story? « Commentary Magazine
I just want to offer a few thoughts, based on years working in newsrooms, of how a piece like Roig-Franzia’s comes to be and why it is usually published even when it fails to make its own case.

DOJ Finds A Cause

DOJ Finds A Cause - WSJ.com
: In the end it couldn't have come as any great shock when the Department of Justice intervened on behalf of a Muslim school teacher who claimed that the board of her Illinois school district was guilty of religious bias.
Nor could it have come as any surprise that the Board of Education, Berkeley School District 87 Cook Country Illinois, was finally forced to settle the case brought against it by the DOJ.
Still, even Americans accustomed to the relentless -- more precisely the relentlessly selective -- political correctness of the Obama Justice Department had to have been startled at the facts of this case and the deranged notions of equity that had impelled Eric Holder's DOJ to go rushing into battle against the school district.

Biden 2016? VP Says "I'll Make Up My Mind On That Later"

Biden 2016? VP Says "I'll Make Up My Mind On That Later" RealClearPolitics
"I'll make up my mind on that later," Vice President Joe Biden said in an interview with CNN's Candy Crowley.
"I'm in one of the, probably the best shape I've been in in my life"

Friday, October 21, 2011

Punishment on Loan from Rush

Punishment on Loan from Rush Heartlander Magazine
A Texas woman says she was subjected to cruel and unusual punishment after her arrest by being forced to listen to talk-show host Rush Limbaugh in the squad car.

What a strange country we live in.

Jimmy O'Bama

Thursday, October 20, 2011

THE FISKER KARMA: Solyndra On Wheels?

Instapundit » Blog Archive

THE FISKER KARMA: Solyndra On Wheels?
“Our tax dollars at work… a half-billion dollar loan (actually $529 million) from the U.S. Department of Energy to develop a hybrid toy for the wealthy and/or celebri-licious (like Leonardo DiCaprio, one of the first customers) that, in real world driving, won’t get much better mileage than your average crossover utility vehicle.
Not only that, but the cars are manufactured in Finland — that’s right, Finland – and shipped here for sale, where their purchasers will then receive a $7,500 tax credit for buying one . . . .
Oh, and by the way, it just so happens that several major investors in the company are also major donors to the Democratic Party.
Can you say, ‘crony capitalism?’”

At least it’s really good looking

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

SF plan would offer tax break for hiring felons

SF plan would offer tax break for hiring felons
San Francisco businesses that hire people with felony convictions would get a tax break, under legislation expected to be introduced today.

Toby Keith is never one to mince words in songs

Toby Keith is never one to mince words in songs Reuters
"When I decided to go out on my own in 2004 with Show Dog/Universal, people asked me 'What makes you think you can run a label?'
I told them, 'Because I've seen the people who do it and I'd put a bullet in my mug if I couldn't do as good a job as they do!
And here we are, six years later, still kicking and rocking."

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Should Illinois taxpayers care that state pension funds face imminent bankruptcy?

Should Illinois taxpayers care that state pension funds face imminent bankruptcy? - chicagotribune.com
Illinois' biggest problem is the state budget; the budget's biggest problem is the plush pensions for public employees; lavish pensions are a problem because of a constitutional clause that bans the "diminishment or impairment" of their benefits.
How did we get into this mess?

Articles: Obama: 1, Informed Public: 0

Articles: Obama: 1, Informed Public: 0
I've been worried about this for some time: the government would start either manipulating the data or hiding it altogether.
Eliminating the Abstract is not just a matter of crimping the mirth of data hobbyists like me; it is ominous.

It is hiding the truth.
It is Soviet-like.
It is a short step from airbrushing people out of photos.
The Abstract has been around for 133 years, or about a century longer than the Department of Education has.

Publishing: Amazon Signs Up Authors, Writing Publishers Out of Deal

Publishing: Amazon Signs Up Authors, Writing Publishers Out of Deal - CNBC
Several large publishers declined to speak on the record about Amazon’s efforts.
“Publishers are terrified and don’t know what to do,”

I must admit, after reading a few books on my Kindle, I just don't like the size, weight and hassle of "books".

Monday, October 17, 2011

BREAKING: An IPCC backchannel ‘cloud’ was apparently established to hide IPCC deliberations from FOIA.

BREAKING: An IPCC backchannel ‘cloud’ was apparently established to hide IPCC deliberations from FOIA. Watts Up With That?: UPDATE: (9:20 PST 10-17) the FOI request has been released, a copy of which is now linked below.

CEI has learned of a UN plan recently put in place to hide official correspondence on non-governmental accounts, which correspondence a federal inspector general has already confirmed are subject to FOIA.
This ‘cloud’ serves as a dead-drop of sorts for discussions by U.S. government employees over the next report being produced by the scandal-plagued IPCC, which is funded with millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars.

By Christopher Horner, CEI.org for WUWT
Although this is seedy and unlawful at any time, it also goes in the ‘bad timing’ file.
Or it’s good timing, depending on one’s perspective.
Just as a brand new book further exposes the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)(which scam I dissected here, and in more disturbing detail here), and on the heels of the weekend surprise of a 2005 memo showing President Obama’s cooling/warming/population zealot of a ‘science czar’ John Holdren is the kind of guy Mitt Romney turns to to develop his ‘environmental’ policies, we’ve exposed the Obama administration and IPCC have cooperated to subvert U.S. transparency laws, run domestically out of Holdren’s White House office.

More on the info-lies of the global warmists.

What if they gave an election and nobody came?

Letters: What if they gave an election and nobody came? MLive.com
Elections matter, right?
What if we had an election scheduled and there was a way, an easy and almost free way, for an interested citizen to run for office, but no one knew about it?

Nazis and Communists Throw Their Support Behind Occupy Wall Street Movements

Nazis and Communists Throw Their Support Behind Occupy Wall Street Movements (Updated) The Gateway Pundit

The Austerity Myth: Federal Spending Up 5% This Year

The Austerity Myth: Federal Spending Up 5% This Year - Investors.com
In fact, in the first nine months of this year, federal spending was $120 billion higher than in the same period in 2010, the data show.
That's an increase of almost 5%. And deficits during this time were $23.5 billion higher.
These spending hikes haven't stopped many analysts from claiming that the country is in an age of budget austerity, one that's hurting economic growth.
A July article in USA Today, for example, claimed that "Already in 2011, softer government spending has sapped growth."

Is the liberal media just dumb?
I doubt it.

NUGENT: Nobody needs Michael Moore's hypocritical advice

NUGENT: Nobody needs Michael Moore's hypocritical advice - Washington Times
Of course, the uninspired, uneducated, unskilled and stoned have been conditioned for generations to expect something for nothing.
They will always be in the tank of the left-wing movement - and they will always be unmotivated and poor and will continue to blame others for their condition.
Instead of busting their humps working two or three jobs, they have time to protest on Wall Street.

[HD] IndyCar 2011 - Dan Wheldon Fatal Crash (Multi Camera Replay)

Will Teacher Right-to-Work Die With The Recall Election of Rep. Paul Scott?

Will Teacher Right-to-Work Die With The Recall Election of Rep. Paul Scott? [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
On Thursday, Ingham County Circuit Court Judge Clinton Canady ordered a halt to the recall election against Michigan House Education Committee Chair Paul Scott.

More proof the "power" of unions in our state is melting away!