Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Volokh Conspiracy » Charles Murray on Elite Ignorance of Ordinary Americans

In his new book, Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960–2010, Charles Murray argues that a new elite class has emerged that is much more ignorant about the lives of ordinary Americans than were the elites of earlier generations:

The Ruinous Reign of Race-and-Gender Historians

The Ruinous Reign of Race-and-Gender Historians
In a significant case involving history (the Montana court relied heavily upon the scholarship and words of historians to reach its conclusions), all the books cited were more than 35 years old.
And that wasn't a coincidence: the kind of U.S. history relevant to influencing legal and public policy debates increasingly has been banished from an academy obsessed with scholarship organized around the race/class/gender trinity.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Japan shutting down all nuclear plants

Japan shutting down all nuclear plants News24
Before the disaster, around 30% of Japan's electricity was nuclear generated.

'Look Ma! No cavities!' Wired report examines fluoride effort that started in Grand Rapids

'Look Ma! No cavities!' Wired report examines fluoride effort that started in Grand Rapids
Before the fluoridation began, 32,000 city school children, plus control groups of 8,000 kids in Muskegon and Aurora, Ill., were given complete dental examinations.
After eight years, the Grand Rapids kids showed reductions of 50 to 70 percent in tooth decay rates.

11 Incredible Weapons That Only America Has

11 Incredible Weapons That Only America Has

Familiar Rhetoric, Failed Record

New iPads for Fruitport school board members paid for with bond funds

New iPads for Fruitport school board members paid for with bond funds
The school district spent $3,000 for iPads for all of the seven board members, said Superintendent Bob Szymoniak.

Gimme a break!

Woman Claims Neighbor’s Energy Efficient Windows Are Melting Her Toyota Prius

Woman Claims Neighbor’s Energy Efficient Windows Are Melting Her Toyota Prius « CBS Los Angeles

2012-1-19 Muskegon county Strategic planning Community developement- Northern Machine Tool

Why the United States Will Never, Ever Build the iPhone

Why the United States Will Never, Ever Build the iPhone - Jordan Weissmann - Business - The Atlantic
Here are four basic lessons that we can learn from Apple's manufacturing:

Muskegon Mayor Steve Warmington asking citizens to be involved in their neighborhoods

Muskegon Mayor Steve Warmington asking citizens to be involved in their neighborhoods
“We need to become friendly again,” Warmington told the Nelson association members, in a message he has repeated at seven other neighborhood association meetings.
Warmington has another five neighborhood meetings, concluding March 19 with the Oakview and Sheldon Park association.

President Obama calls for raising dropout age, other reforms adopted or proposed in Michigan

President Obama calls for raising dropout age, other reforms adopted or proposed in Michigan
High school students should be forced to stay in high school until they graduate or turn 18, President Barack Obama said in his State of the Union address.

Senate Democrats propose free college tuition funded by reducing corporate tax credits

Senate Democrats propose free college tuition funded by reducing corporate tax credits

POGO's Joint Strike Fighter Resource Page

POGO's Joint Strike Fighter Resource Page
More problems threaten to exacerbate the already spiraling costs of the F-35, which has already been set back by years of delays and double digit cost growth.
The F-35 is the world’s most expensive weapons program...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

State Dependency on the Federal Government
As the following charts shows, total state spending continued to increase during the economic downturn because the federal government picked up the slack.
Note that the federal share of total state spending went from 25.7 percent in 2001 to 34.1 percent in 2011.

George Soros on the Coming U.S. Class War

George Soros on the Coming U.S. Class War - Print View - The Daily Beast
As he sees it, the world faces one of the most dangerous periods of modern history—a period of “evil.”
Europe is confronting a descent into chaos and conflict.
In America he predicts riots on the streets that will lead to a brutal clampdown that will dramatically curtail civil liberties.
The global economic system could even collapse altogether

Why the United States Will Never, Ever Build the iPhone

Why the United States Will Never, Ever Build the iPhone - Jordan Weissmann - Business - The Atlantic
The price of labor, though, is just one small piece of what makes China a better place to make an iPhone.
...........................For Mr. Cook, the focus on Asia "came down to two things," said one former high-ranking Apple executive.
Factories in Asia "can scale up and down faster" and "Asian supply chains have surpassed what's in the U.S."
The result is that "we can't compete at this point," the executive said.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Lagarde calls for bigger eurozone firewall

Lagarde calls for bigger eurozone firewall -
In a speech in Berlin, Christine Lagarde, IMF managing director, said that without a larger bail-out fund, fundamentally solvent countries like Italy and Spain could be forced into a financing crisis.

Some Chevy dealers spurn Volt allocation

Some Chevy dealers spurn Volt allocation
GM's "thinking we need six more Volts is just crazy," Hedrick says.
"We've never sold more than two in a month."
Hedrick says he usually takes just about every vehicle that GM allocates to him.

South Carolina's Attorney General detects voter fraud

South Carolina's Attorney General detects voter fraud - WTOC, Savannah, Georgia, news, weather and sports
Wilson says an analysis found 953 ballots cast by voters were people who are listed as dead.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Man Who Gave Us Newt

The Man Who Gave Us Newt - By Mark Steyn - The Corner - National Review Online
And, when Ron Paul’s going on about “fiat money” and Newt’s brimming with specifics on everything (he was great on the pipeline last night), Mitt’s generalities are awfully condescending:
The finely calibrated inoffensiveness is kind of offensive.

Give Saddam's Buttock Back, Iraq Tells British Ex-Soldier

Give Saddam's Buttock Back, Iraq Tells British Ex-Soldier

Federer rolls into 2012 Australian Open quarterfinals - ESPN

Rafael Nadal rolls into 2012 Australian Open quarterfinals - ESPN
"I thought I played a really good match," said Federer, through to his 31st straight Grand Slam quarterfinal.
"I knew I had to.
Anything else wouldn't have done the job tonight."

"consecutive grand slam quarterfinals is simply amazing.
To put that in perspective.
No other player in the history of tennis even has 31 consecutive 2nd round appearances.
Heck only 23 tennis players have 31 consecutive gland slam appearances."

NYT: Why Apple won't make iPhones in the US

NYT: Why Apple won't make iPhones in the US - Business - US business - The New York Times -
Apple’s executives believe the vast scale of overseas factories as well as the flexibility, diligence and industrial skills of foreign workers have so outpaced their American counterparts that “Made in the U.S.A.” is no longer a viable option for most Apple products.

Frontloading HQ: The 2012 Presidential Primary Calendar (Republican and Democratic)

Frontloading HQ: The 2012 Presidential Primary Calendar (Republican and Democratic)

Electric Car Parking: Perk Or Privilege?

Electric Car Parking: Perk Or Privilege? Fox News
"In fact, the mining, heavy metals, and other side effects of electric car production and operation are likely worse for the environment."

EyeOnMuskegon 1-22-2012

The Great Minnesota Pension Scam

Instapundit » Blog Archive » WALTER RUSSELL MEAD: The Great Minnesota Pension Scam.
“If you are a current or former state employee in the state of Minnesota, watch out.
Your pension depends on hot air, sketchy arithmetic, and the willingness of future taxpayers to make huge sacrifices to cover the deceit, wishful thinking and sketchy math at the heart of your pension system.”
Of course, this problem isn’t limited to Minnesota.
It’s endemic.

Plus this advice:
“Under modern conditions, for younger workers especially plans where you make contributions matched by your employer are safer bets than defined benefit plans. In defined contribution plans, they can’t touch your money to pay pensions for older workers; in other plans they can suck you dry to keep the better connected and better organized geezers happy.
Your union reps and state legislators won’t tell you about this, but it’s true: badly funded defined benefit programs will be looted to pay the oldsters in full as long as possible, and younger workers will be stiffed when the bill finally comes due.”
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 10:00 am

Saturday, January 21, 2012

MAC Legislative Update - January 20, 2012

MAC Legislative Update - January 20, 2012
Lt. Governor Calley Pushes for Autism Coverage

Lt. Governor Brian Calley (R-Ionia County) indicated that mandatory autism insurance coverage, as promoted by Governor Snyder in his State of the State, could be paid for by offering a tax credit against the new Claims Tax on paid insurance claims.
The tax, after matching federal money, is supposed to provide about $1 billion to fund Medicaid in Michigan.

There is no detail on how much money might be lost to the Medicaid budget to pay for autism insurance coverage.

Another 10 Creative Escalator Ads -

Another 10 Creative Escalator Ads -