Friday, March 30, 2012

Motorcycle helmet repeal receives opposition from Muskegon County lawmakers

Motorcycle helmet repeal receives opposition from Muskegon County lawmakers |
State Sen. Goeff Hansen, R-Hart, and state Reps. Marcia Hovey-Wright, D-Muskegon, and Holly Hughes, R-White River Township, opposed the repeal of the long-standing requirement, pointing to safety concerns and the projected increase in cost from injuries.

Violence-Plagued McDonald's Agrees to Step Up Security

Violence-Plagued McDonald's Agrees to Step Up Security | NBC New York
The restaurant will hire a paid detail and make the area safer, according to Brad Hoylman, chair of the local community board.

The "restaurant" will make the area safer?!!!

Why New CDC Numbers on Autism May Not Add Up

Why New CDC Numbers on Autism May Not Add Up - The Daily Beast
What the CDC study doesn’t necessarily show, says Milham, is an increase in actual cases of autism. Rather, it’s possible that “it’s more about our ability to detect new cases.”

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Parents of murdered British students criticise Barack Obama

Parents of murdered British students criticise Barack Obama - Telegraph
His failure to respond to three letters sent to the White House was because there was no "political value" and not worthy of a few minutes of his time.

Obama is acting as if he was a racist hypocrite.
Is he?

WaPo: This Rush Limbaugh boycott has pretty much fizzled, huh?

WaPo: This Rush Limbaugh boycott has pretty much fizzled, huh? « Hot Ai
Limbaugh’s advertising losses may have been less than media accounts suggested.
While more than 100 advertisers told Premiere that they didn’t want to be associated with “controversial” radio programs of any kind in the wake of the flap, some of these companies weren’t regular Limbaugh sponsors in the first place.
Carusone said most of the advertiser exodus over the past month appeared to be among companies whose ads aired only in regional or local markets, he said.
Fewer than five” nationwide sponsors of the program actually pulled out, he said…

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Two decades ago tonight, John Calipari and Rick Pitino had an NCAA battle in Philly few remember

Two decades ago tonight, John Calipari and Rick Pitino had an NCAA battle in Philly few remember |
Calipari, a man who's made a business of staying one step ahead of the NCAA enforcement posse while recruiting every primo sneaker camp phenom he desires.
Two teams at other schools he directed to previous Final Fours (Massachusetts, 1996; Memphis, 2008) have had their achievements stripped and stricken from the record books by the national governing board of college athletics.

Great Lakes residents clash over water levels

Great Lakes residents clash over water levels |
Now, U.S. and Canadian officials are considering an audacious and costly effort to control the freshwater seas' ups and downs in a way they never have before.

This ought to scare EVERYONE in W. Michigan!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

EV firm files for bankruptcy, lays off 50 Oak Park workers

EV firm files for bankruptcy, lays off 50 Oak Park workers | The Detroit News |
The company halted production of the Transit EV Monday and said it's not sure when it might be able to restart production — or if it will permanently end production.
The company has produced about 500 EV Ford Transit

Global Warming Models Are Wrong Again

William Happer: Global Warming Models Are Wrong Again -

What is happening to global temperatures in reality?
The answer is: almost nothing for more than 10 years.
Monthly values of the global temperature anomaly of the lower atmosphere, compiled at the University of Alabama from NASA satellite data, can be found at the website
The latest (February 2012) monthly global temperature anomaly for the lower atmosphere was minus 0.12 degrees Celsius, slightly less than the average since the satellite record of temperatures began in 1979.
The lack of any statistically significant warming for over a decade has made it more difficult for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and its supporters to demonize the atmospheric gas CO2 which is released when fossil fuels are burned.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Special incentives on top of retirement deal made pensions even sweeter for top Ficano aides

Special incentives on top of retirement deal made pensions even sweeter for top Ficano aides | Detroit Free Press |
Less than two months after cutting union workers' pay by 20%, Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano offered retirement incentives to about 200 appointees last year estimated to cost the county's cash-strapped pension fund as much as $44.6 million.
And for a small group of insiders -- all in their early 40s -- the offer was even better. Three of Ficano's closest and highest-paid aides at the time -- Azzam Elder, Turkia Awada Mullin and Matthew Schenk -- had special deals that made their pensions even sweeter. And like the other appointees, all would get lifetime medical insurance.
The three had letters promising to boost their retirements by including generous severance payments into their final pension calculation.
Schenk acknowledged that provision "looks bad,"

A123 Systems to spend $55M to replace defective battery packs from Michigan

A123 Systems to spend $55M to replace defective battery packs from Michigan |
A123 most recently made headlines for its nearly $260 million loss in 2011 and a Fisker Karma, which the company supplies the battery for, dying during testing by Consumer Reports.

Take our poll: What quality do you look for in a candidate?

Take our poll: What quality do you look for in a candidate? |
Muskegon Chronicle asks the question!

My response:
"The one major (certainly not the only) quality needed at the county level is courage to say, out loud, the truth.
Our county has grown a $100 million debt in the last 10 years, given new iPads to each commissioner(with free internet connection), crammed through a $2.35 million "loan" to Brookhaven with no public notice and made promises to employees that can NOT be fulfilled without tax increases to the taxpaying public and businesses.
Yet, when citizens and the only brave commissioner, Alan Jager, ask for time to understand big spending bills before the votes, he is outvoted by EVERYONE.
The citizens are simple dismissed with silence.
It is the spending and the lack of transparency that is sinking our county.
And few have the courage to tell the people.
We need a few brave men and women!"

President Obama Asks Medvedev for ‘Space’ on Missile Defense — ‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility’

President Obama Asks Medvedev for ‘Space’ on Missile Defense — ‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility’ - ABC News

President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.
President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.

What's more amazing?
The "president's" duplicity or the fact that ABC is airing the video?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

EyeOnMuskegon 3-25-2012

Dude, Where’s My Hate Crime?

The PJ Tatler » Dude, Where’s My Hate Crime?
Dude, Where’s My Hate Crime?
Since the country is busy condemning whites for the shooting of a black kid by a Hispanic man, you may have missed this story — admittedly a few weeks old–tucked neatly into a corner of the New York Daily News:
A 13-year-old boy who police say was doused with gasoline and lit on fire last week while walking home from school is recovering from first-degree burns to his face and head.
The boy was just two blocks from his home in Kansas City Tuesday when two teenagers began to follow him and then attacked him, his mother, Melissa Coon, said.

Police have described the suspects as black 16-year-olds, while the victim is white.
According to the report, while setting the kid on fire, the teens said, “This is what you deserve.
You get what you deserve, white boy.”

I am not exaggerating when I say that there was not a word about this story in the national press.
I searched, and the only stories I could find were the write up in the Daily News mentioned above and, oddly, a story in the Daily Mail, a British paper.
Nothing from the New York Times, AP, Reuters, UPI, etc.
If any reader can produce a story about this sadistic attack that was actually published or mentioned in a national outlet, let me know.
I’m only human; I may have missed it.
I welcome being proved wrong about this, because I’m about ready to fold up my tent, quit civilization, and go find myself a comfy cave in Borneo to live in.
This country is, like a bad calculus problem, rapidly approaching zero.

$2.3 million just poofed? EyeOnMuskegon Sunday 3-25-2012

EyeOnMuskegon: $2.3 million just poofed? EyeOnMuskegon Sunday 3-25-2012
$2.3 million just poofed?
EyeOnMuskegon Sunday 3-25-2012
We've got Muskegon Comical and ex-Muskegon Chronicle columnist Tracy Lorenz as our co-host and special guest Muskegon County commissioner Alan Jager on this Sunday morning from 8:30-10:00am on 1090AM, WKBZ.
You can also listen live at
Among other issues, we'll try to figure out why the county just had to loan Brookhaven Medical Care (nursing home) $2.3 million!
Talk to ya at 8:30am Sunday!

Is There An Imposter In The White House? An Excerpt from "Hope Is Not A Strategy"

Is There An Imposter In The White House? An Excerpt from "Hope Is Not A Strategy" - Forbes
There is something very wrong when the sitting president refuses to divulge huge pieces of information about his background.
What is he hiding?
Maybe the “birthers” were a little extreme, but is there something wrong with this “manufactured candidate,” whose history remains sealed from public view?
What is he hiding?

Tungsten-Filled 1 Kilo Gold Bar Found In The UK

Tungsten-Filled 1 Kilo Gold Bar Found In The UK | ZeroHedge
The reason the bar attracted attention is that it was 2 grams underweight.
Upon cropping it was uncovered that about 30-40% of the bar weight was tungsten.
So two documented incidents in two years: isolated?
Or indication of the same phenomonenon of precious metal debasement that marked the declining phase of the Roman empire.
Only then it was relatively public for anyone who cared to find out on their own.
Now, with the bulk of popular physical gold held in top secret, private warehouses around the world, where it allegedly backs the balance sheets of the world's central banks, yet nobody can confirm its existence, nor audit the actual gold content, it is understandable why increasingly more are wondering: just how much gold is there?

Muskegon school board approves new elementary sex ed curriculum

Muskegon school board approves new elementary sex ed curriculum |
The new curriculum expands the information provided to fourth- and fifth-graders to include sexual intercourse and homosexuality.

BREAKING NEWS: Michigan Senate Stops Home Health Care 'Dues Skim'

BREAKING NEWS: Michigan Senate Stops Home Health Care 'Dues Skim' [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
The “home health care dues skim” resulted from a union scheme perpetrated while Jennifer Granholm was governor.
The plan used a dummy employer and a stealth election to railroad 43,729 so-called home health care workers into the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).
That 43,729 has now swollen to 60,190.

Once this “forced unionization” was achieved, money started being extracted from the taxpayer-provided checks received by the so-called “home health care workers.”
This money continues to be sent to SEIU as dues.
Overall, the “skim” has netted more than $29 million for the SEIU.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Michigan ranks among worst states for political financing transparency and accountability

Michigan ranks among worst states for political financing transparency and accountability |
But on a statewide level, interest seems to have waned in the past decade, said Frank Kelley, a former Michigan attorney general who sits on the State Ethics Board.

He blames that on the shrinking capitol press corps.

Without media scrutiny and pressure for disclosure, legislators haven’t been pushed into more accessibility and accountability, he said.
“There’s nobody watching the farm,” Kelley said.
“That’s your biggest problem.”

After study ranks Michigan high for corruptibility potential, lawmakers push ethics reforms - but it gets political

After study ranks Michigan high for corruptibility potential, lawmakers push ethics reforms - but it gets political |
A Democratic-led ballot proposal to require disclosure of political spending and lobbying by corporations within 24 hours was postponed after Republicans called it hypocritical for not including unions.

Tragic death of Ravenna teens sparks new bus safety legislation called "Privacky Law"

Tragic death of Ravenna teens sparks new bus safety legislation called "Privacky Law" |
State Rep. Holly Hughes, R-Montague, has introduced House Bills 5453 and 5507, together known as "Privacky Law," which would require new buses be equipped with enhanced rear lighting and rear guards on the top and bottom of school buses

Man assaulted at gunpoint by two Oceana County brothers during grill dispute

Man assaulted at gunpoint by two Oceana County brothers during grill dispute |
The victim told authorities that he was trying to retrieve his charcoal grill from the brothers when the assault occurred.
The victim had a friend drive him over to the brothers home and that driver was threatened with a gun as well, Mast said.

Grills don't kill people, people do!

Muskegon County to seek potential sites for consolidated job-training center

Muskegon County to seek potential sites for consolidated job-training center |
Andrew Stone, director of the county’s Department of Employment and Training, described the consolidation plan to county commissioners last month during a planning session.
County officials estimate the plan would save $1.3 million that could be used for the new or existing facility and to train more workers.
.....County officials claim the consolidation plan will serve the community better by streamlining the workforce-development services and making operations more cost effective by eliminating service duplication.

No mention of how many (ANY) jobs created by these $millions.
And no questions asked by our county commissioners.
Business as usual here in Muskegon.

Clayton Hardiman: Has the 'hoodie' joined the list of 'thou shalt nots' for black youth?

Clayton Hardiman: Has the 'hoodie' joined the list of 'thou shalt nots' for black youth?
If there is any hope to be found in this tragedy, it is the power of the human voice. People have raised their voices, through petition and protest, and have made themselves heard. A federal civil rights investigation has been opened into the shooting, and it has been reported that a grand jury will be opened to consider evidence in the case.
But there’s a discouraging aspect, too, in addition to the irreplaceable loss of human life and promise -- and that’s how old and familiar all this feels. For generations, African-American parents have been passing down survival training to their sons and daughters. Whole lifetimes experienced as being a suspect have taught us to teach our children a catechism of “thou shalt nots" -- how not to dress, how not to act, how not to speak and where not to go.
And as Trayvon Martin’s parents have learned, there are still no guarantees.

Now it’s the hoodie. Is this one more thing we’ll need to include in “the talk"? Is this to be yet another chapter in the lesson plan?

S.S. Badger's quest to receive active opposition from high-ranking senator

S.S. Badger's quest to receive active opposition from high-ranking senator |
“Because of your continued, long-term refusal to clean up your dangerous operations, I will actively oppose your new permit application,” he added.

Bill Maher’s Attacks on Women

Bill Maher’s Attacks on Women - Maher’s Attacks on Women

To the Editor:
Re “Please Stop Apologizing,” by Bill Maher (Op-Ed, March 22):       
We’re both women who have worked in Democratic politics and the media for decades and find Bill Maher’s misogynist treatment of women candidates deeply disturbing.
Coincidentally we both hail from Alaska — where women are treated as equals — so perhaps our threshold for this kind of behavior is less than here in the Lower 48.
Mr. Maher has implicitly attempted to tie his own demeaning attacks on women to the unrelated issue of partisan-motivated fake outrage, which we agree is tiring.
While others have been held to account for their sexism, Mr. Maher remains unrepentant for his attacks on women in public life.
How can we expect women to run for office when they are essentially told to “lighten up about” and accept misogynist attacks?
The Women’s Media Center has found that such attacks on women candidates have a measurable negative effect on how voters view them.

Muskegon set to host open house for program-built home

Muskegon set to host open house for program-built home |
The city’s program is designed to revive areas and stimulate neighborhoods by fixing up homes and, in some cases, building a new home.
As part of the program, the home is set to be sold to a qualified buyer at a relatively low price.
The new home at 1543 Hoyt was built by Kramer Builders, based in Spring Lake.

Teachers targeted? MEA looks to restore clout after flurry of union-focused legislation

Teachers targeted? MEA looks to restore clout after flurry of union-focused legislation | That effort, “Protect Our Jobs” petition drive, is intended to add a constitutional amendment protecting collective bargaining and repealing many of the GOP reforms.
It will likely draw national attention and out-of-state resources, Ballenger said.