Wednesday, May 01, 2013

NH Man Loses Life Savings On Carnival Game

NH Man Loses Life Savings On Carnival Game « CBS Boston:
"The 30-year-old from Epsom says he kept trying to win back his moneyby going double or nothing. He dropped $300 in just a few minutes, then says he went home to get $2,300 more and soon lost all of that as well.
“You just get caught up in the whole ‘I’ve got to win my money back.’
......Gribbohm says he is considering a lawsuit.
“For once in my life I happened to become that sucker,” said Gribbohm. 
“It was foolish for putting up my life savings.”

Crony Capitalism at Work

Crony Capitalism at Work - Scottie Hughes - Page 1:
"Ready for the next Solyndra? 
If you haven’t heard of GreenTech Automotive, that’s going to change. And fast.
The “green energy” company that boasts about building electric cars has recently been vaulted into the national spotlight because of its ties to top Clinton donors and Obama administration officials, and most disturbingly, because of its assault on freedom of speech by suing the Franklin Center and its independent journalism arm"

Muskegon leaders contemplate branding project; What are outsiders saying about the community?

Muskegon leaders contemplate branding project; What are outsiders saying about the community? |
"WMSRDC environmental planner Kathy Evans said Monday night’s discussions and feedback will be used to see if there is support for perception research and a full community branding project.
The Great Lakes Commission is offering a $12,000 grant for the initial research and the Muskegon Lake Watershed Partnership would contribute $1,000 to a $24,000 research effort.
Domine said that the research and its analysis that would lead to Muskegon’s “story” and the creative logos, slogans and advertising materials to support that would cost a total of about $80,000 and take a year to develop.
The community would have to find the financial resources to support the effort, Evans said."

Michigan road funding: House panel debates 20% registration fee increase, more for electric/hybrids

Michigan road funding: House panel debates 20% registration fee increase, more for electric/hybrids |
"Phil Lombard, a Ferndale resident who owns a Toyota Prius, told the panel that the proposed fees would create "a separate an unequal standard" for hybrid vehicles.
He pointed out that not all hybrids get great gas mileage while many traditional vehicles do, and he suggested that the proposed fee increase would generate more revenue than the state is currently losing as a result of hybrid technology.
"Hybrid owners aren't asking for thanks for leaving more gas at the tank for others, and we're not asking thanks for emitting less air pollution than other vehicles," he said.
"We're just looking for equitable, fair treatment. House Bill 4632 is unreasonable and punitive to hybrid vehicle owners."

Muskegon County, Michigan

Muskegon County, Michigan:
"Jail and Juvenile Transition Center Committee Meeting
When: Thursday, May 2, 2013, 2:00pm to 3:30pm
Location: 4th Floor Hall of Justice Board Room, 990 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49442

Ways & Means Committee
When: Thursday, May 2, 2013, 4:00pm
Location: 4th Floor Hall of Justice Board Room, 990 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49442
Click Here for Agenda

Jail and Juvenile Transition Center Citizens' Review Committee
When: May 7, 2013, 5:30pm
Location: South Campus Training Center Room #203, 133 East Apple Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442

Port Advisory Committee Meeting
When: Tuesday, May 28, 2013, 1:30pm to 3:00pm
Location: GVSU MAREC, 200 Viridian Drive, Muskegon, MI 49440"

Tuesday, April 30, 2013



News fromThe Associated Press:
"Tuesday's decision by the Food and Drug Administration lowers the age limit to 15 - and will allow the pill to sit on drugstore shelves next to condoms and spermicides or other women's health products. But customers must prove their age at the cash register."

This is the bad guy? Gimmeabreak!

394546_10152761512595587_420646227_n.jpg (796×939):

Shocking Video Shows Horrific U.S. Plane Crash Near Air Force Base in Afghanistan |

Shocking Video Shows Horrific U.S. Plane Crash Near Air Force Base in Afghanistan

This US soldier ‘found alive’ in Vietnam 44 years after being left behind |

This US soldier ‘found alive’ in Vietnam 44 years after being left behind
"A NEW DOCUMENTARY called Unclaimed claims to introduce the world to former Army Sergeant John Robertson, lost over Vietnam in 1968 and left behind for over four decades."

ESPN Apologizes for Commentator's Christian Worldview on Homosexuality

ESPN Apologizes for Commentator's Christian Worldview on Homosexuality:
"Broussard then seconded that motion, and gave an example of that conversation and how it could be productive:
I’d like to second what LZ said. “I’m a Christian. I don’t agree with homosexuality. I think it’s a sin, as I think all sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman is. [ESPN's] L.Z. [Granderson] knows that. He and I have played on basketball teams together for several years. We’ve gone out, had lunch together, we’ve had good conversations, good laughs together. He knows where I stand and I know where he stands. I don’t criticize him, he doesn’t criticize me, and call me a bigot, call me ignorant, call me intolerant."

Immigration Bill Gives Amnestied Residents 'Immediate' Access to Welfare

Exclusive–-Sessions: Immigration Bill Gives Amnestied Residents 'Immediate' Access to Welfare:
"The immigration bill introduced to the Senate a week and a half ago would, if passed, allow illegal immigrants to access state and local welfare benefits immediately, Breitbart News has learned.
The financial impact of allowing potentially millions of immigrants onto state and local public assistance could overwhelm these programs' budgets."

Monday, April 29, 2013

Michigan 'brain drain' bill would give tax credits to college graduates who stay in state, pay loans

Michigan 'brain drain' bill would give tax credits to college graduates who stay in state, pay loans |
"Michigan is working to keep college graduates in the state, and new legislation seeks to slow the "brain drain" with an additional incentive:
A tax credit for student loan payments.
"For me, it's kind of a first step in talent retention," said sponsoring state Rep. Andy Schor, D-Lansing,
"We have some of the best colleges and universities in the world, but people get educated here and then leave for Chicago or San Francisco or some place else.
We need to keep them in Michigan, and we need to keep them in our cities."

People Making Over $100K Received Unemployment Benefits in 2011, Media Mum

People Making Over $100K Received Unemployment Benefits in 2011, Media Mum | NewsBusters:
"The unemployment insurance program in the U.S. offers benefits to workers if they lose their jobs through no fault of their own.
In 2011, this program cost $108 billion, of which nearly $3.3 billion was spent on overpayments due to fraud."

Pinning the Tail on D.C.'s 'Assclowns'

Blog: Pinning the Tail on D.C.'s 'Assclowns':
"The media is supposed to exist to hold these people accountable. 
Instead, they choose to play dress up and throw themselves a "nerd prom" to schmooze with them. 
I thought it was pathetic, and many other ordinary Americans did as well.
Sarah Palin's tweet spoke for all of us.
The "assclowns" threw themselves a party while the people they are all supposed to be serving are feeling the consequences of their good-old-boys networking."

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Adreian Payne announces return to Michigan State for senior year

Adreian Payne announces return to Michigan State for senior year | Detroit Free Press |
"So far in Izzo’s tenure at MSU, every four-year player who fulfilled his eligibility has been to at least one Final Four.
That recruiting pitch will be at stake next season, when Appling and Payne are seniors."

1975 Newsweek: The Coming Ice Age

1975 Newsweek: The Coming Ice Age | Sweetness & Light:
\"From the now notorious April 28, 1975 issue of Newsweek (a pdf file):"

Dozens of air shows cancel without military jets

My Way News - Dozens of air shows cancel without military jets:
""The worst case is that they either cancel and go out of business, or they don't cancel and they have such poor attendance and they go out of business," he said."

After the Obama Surge: A New Rush on Gun Stores

After the Obama Surge: A New Rush on Gun Stores - Corporate Intelligence - WSJ:
"Gun buyers have long demonstrated a tendency to stock up on weapons and ammunition ahead of possible changes to gun laws, and a so-called “Obama surge” in gun sales kicked off in the lead-up to Barack Obama’s first election victory in 2008."

EyeOnMuskegon 4-28-2013

Sanford memorial dedicated for Trayvon Martin, other families

Sanford memorial dedicated for Trayvon Martin, other families:
"The new Trayvon Martin Memorial was established at the Goldsboro Welcome Center on Historic Goldsboro Boulevard in Sanford."

Tourism Study Flawed

Commentary: Tourism Study Flawed [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
My colleague Michael LaFaive pointed out the main problems with the group's analysis. For one, scholarly studies will include references to all of its sources, something Longwoods has not done in the past. More significantly, despite this overwhelming return on investment, there is no industry support to directly fund their own advertising. This means that either the government is crowding out private investment or the travel industry does not find this type of advertising worthwhile.

Disregarding the fact that government beneficiaries like Longwoods International always believe government spending is worth the investment, there is still another issue, the fact that these beneficiaries always ignore the cost side. That is, that the money to fund these campaigns has to come from somewhere.

For example, groups that support public arts funding have found that every dollar in grants returns $51. Early childhood education returns $16. Film credits apparently have a six-fold return. Even the RASCO scandal involving convicted embezzler Richard Short was supposed to bring back $45 for every dollar spent.

This raises the question for those who support government investment into these areas: What if the dollar that went into Pure Michigan tourism advertising would have been spent instead by a taxpayer on sending their child to preschool? Apparently, the state’s return would have been $16 rather than a mere $4.90. According to these beneficiary’s numbers, the government would have made us poorer.
The state should focus on select areas of public good, not entangle itself into private industry which breeds corruption and encourages “rent seeking” from groups that otherwise could not survive in a competitive economy.
One of former Mackinac Center President Larry Reed’s Seven Principles of Sound Public Policy is apt: “Nobody spends somebody else’s money as carefully as he spends his own.” Our elected officials should keep that in mind.

More links:

MISSING THE PING: So Much For The Surveillance State

Instapundit » Blog Archive » MISSING THE PING: So Much For The Surveillance State
“The standard investigation clichés apply:
It’s still early; there are many unanswered questions; it’s unwise to rush to judgment.
But the emerging picture is one of systemic failure, human error, and willful ignorance of the threats facing the country.”
The surveillance state is part of the state. 
Where surveillance is a priority — say, when political enemies are concerned — it’ll be ruthlessly efficient. 
The rest of the time, like when it involves protecting Americans from terrorists, it’s just another government job.
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 11:02 pm"

Recommended replacement options for Muskegon County Jail All | Past 6 Months -

Recommended replacement options for Muskegon County Jail All | Past 6 Months -

Muskegon Public Schools parent group calls for more funding, partnerships with officials

Muskegon Public Schools parent group calls for more funding, partnerships with officials |
"Griffin outlined partnerships that she believes need to take place to help students, including a collective effort to seek alternatives and best practices related to pepper spray use in school buildings.
The use of the chemical substance became an issue recently when police at the high school used pepper spray to subdue a March 26 fight that broke out between two girls and spread to other students in the cafeteria."
.....Bremer pleaded for additional school funding so students could have more resources, like basic school supplies. 
Churches and community groups have stepped in to pick up the slack, but that's not enough to make up for deficient funding, Bremer said.
"All those things that we have had in the past have been stripped away. 
Please let us have them back. Please fund us. 
Basic things are gone," Bremer said.
After the conference, she told MLive and The Muskegon Chronicle that funding cuts have led to a shortage of highlighters, white dry board erasers and No. 2 pencils that the schools use for MEAP testing.

MDOT to close lanes on Seaway Drive for bridge reconstruction project |

MDOT to close lanes on Seaway Drive for bridge reconstruction project |
"A Michigan Department of Transportation bridge improvement project will shut down one lane in both directions of Seaway Drive between Getty Street and Grand Haven Road starting Monday, April 29.
MDOT will resurface the deck and reconstruct the approach of the bridge over Black Creek, which flows from the east end of Mona Lake through Fruitport Township.
MDOT spokesman John Richard said the agency expects the $160,000 project to last for two to three weeks, though work crews will have until June 17 to complete the job in case of weather delays and other problems."

Bill headed to governor's desk would allow creation of local tax districts for dredging

Bill headed to governor's desk would allow creation of local tax districts for dredging |
"Most years, the U.S. government allocates close to $1.5 billion in shipping fees into a harbor maintenance fund, but spends less than $800 million on dredging, Hansen said.
"All they're dredging are the commercial ports," he said. "I think they're spending that money on other things."


TIF districts have attracted much criticism. Some question whether TIF districts actually serve their resident populations. An organization called Municipal Officials for Redevelopment Reform (MORR) holds regular conferences on redevelopment abuse.[6]
Here are further claims made by TIF opponents:
  • The process arguably leads to favoritism for politically connected developers, implementing lawyers, economic development officials and others involved in the process
  • Normal inflationary increases in property values can be captured with districts in poorly written TIFs, representing money that would have gone to the public coffers even without the financed improvements.
  • Districts can sometimes be drawn too large and capture value that would have been increased anyway for unrelated reasons.
  • Approval of districts can sometimes capture one entity's future taxes without its official input, i.e. a school districts taxes will be frozen on action of a city.
  • Capturing the full tax increment and directing it to repay the development bonds ignores the fact that the incremental increase in property value likely requires an increase in the provision of public services, which will now have to be funded from elsewhere (often from subsidies from less economically thriving areas). For example, the use of tax increment financing to create a large residential development means that public services from schools to public safety will need to be expanded, yet if the full tax increment is captured to repay the development bonds, other money will have to be used.[9]

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Gang of Eight loopholes put many illegal immigrants on fast track to citizenship

Gang of Eight loopholes put many illegal immigrants on fast track to citizenship |

The bill’s supporters point out that the Gang of Eight would limit the period of time in which illegal immigrants can apply for a blue card.  That’s true; the bill specifies that applications have to be filed in the year after the last of the rules enforcing the new immigration law have gone into effect.  But the bill also gives the Secretary of Homeland Security the discretion to extend that period by another year and a half if she or he determines that “additional time is required” for the applications.  The extension can also be granted for any other “good cause.”
The next step happens five years after the Gang of Eight bill is enacted.  At that time, the legislation requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to change the blue card holder’s status to that of permanent resident if the immigrant has worked in agriculture at least 150 days in each of three of those five years since the bill became law.  A work day is defined as 5.75 hours.  Also, the immigrant can qualify for permanent residence with less than three years, of 150 work days each, if he can show that he was disabled, ill, or had to deal with the “special needs of a child” during that time period.  He can also shorten the requirement if “severe weather conditions” prevented him for working for a long period of time, or if he was fired from his agricultural job — provided it was not for just cause — and then couldn’t find work.
So the road to permanent resident status that Rubio said would take a decade will take only five years for currently illegal immigrants who have done some work in agriculture.  How many are there?  Pro-reform congressional sources suggest the number could be 700,000 on the low end and 1.1 million on the high end. Congressional sources skeptical of reform say the number would be higher.  No one seems to know with any certainty.
Then there is the other fast track, for the Dreamers.  The Gang of Eight bill creates a special category for immigrants who came to the United States illegally before age 16.  That applies equally to illegal immigrants who today are, say, 19 years old, or those who are 49 years old, or older.  The bill gives permanent resident status to them, and to their spouses and children, after five years.  To get that, they have to have completed high school or earned an equivalency degree.  In addition, the bill says the immigrant must have “acquired a degree from an institution of higher education or has completed at least two years, in good standing for a bachelor’s degree or higher degree in the United States; or has served in the Uniformed Services for at least four years and, if discharged, received an honorable discharge.”
That requirement is often cited by Dream Act supporters to show the tough standards immigrants must meet.  But the very next section of the bill outlines a “hardship exception” which says the immigrant may be awarded permanent legal status if he or she has not completed college, or not completed two years of college, or not served in the military.  The immigrant who has done none of those things may still be fast tracked if he can “demonstrate compelling circumstances for the inability to satisfy the requirement.”  The bill does not specify what those compelling circumstances might be; the discretion for such decisions lies with the Secretary of Homeland Security.
Like agricultural workers, it is not entirely clear how many currently illegal immigrants and family members would be involved in the Dream fast track, but the total number could be in the millions — a significant portion of the estimated 11 million immigrants in the country illegally today.

Sexual assault protest cancels Dartmouth classes

Sexual assault protest cancels Dartmouth classes:

"The protest resulted largely from the fact that our efforts to speak up were boycotted during the Dimensions weekend. We felt forcibly silenced and denied voice in sharing our experiences at Dartmouth with those deciding whether they should come to Dartmouth in September," Krelinova said.
Aaron Pellowski, a sophomore at Dartmouth who is currently working as a research assistant in Berlin, speculated about a larger trend of incidents before the weekend that could have prompted the protest.
"I don't know whether we are really special in this regard, but there have been a number of incidents like this," Pellowski said.
Speaking about incidents of racism and aggression, Pellowski referred to an incidentin which racist graffiti was found on a student's whiteboard in January 2013 and to a Tumblr blog titled "Big Green Micro-Aggressions" — where students can document and discuss incidents of micro-aggression, which are brief and daily verbal and behavioral indignities which often take the form of insults against minorities.
"We, as conscious students of Dartmouth College, can no longer tolerate rampant sexual assault and acts of aggression against students of varying communities be they White, LGBTQ, Black, Asian, Native American, International, Latin/Latino, differently abled, or socioeconomically disadvantaged as part of our 'Dartmouth Experience,' " wrote the site's founders on their "About" page.
Carol Folt, Dartmouth's interim president, announced that all classes would be canceled on April 24 and replaced by alternative programming designed to foster debate in the aftermath of the protest and threats made against some of the students involved.

Milwaukee has lessons for Muskegon in developing the 'blue economy,' chamber members told

Milwaukee has lessons for Muskegon in developing the 'blue economy,' chamber members told |
"Milwaukee specifically decided to “brand” its water a decade ago. The community used a three-prong approach: Bolstering its water-based businesses, cleaning up and providing access to its urban riverfront and developing water research through its universities, Austin said.

Muskegon is headed down the road Milwaukee has blazed, Seyferth said. It began with the operation of the Muskegon County Wastewater Management System in 1973 and the decades-long redevelopment and restoration of the Muskegon Lake shoreline. Since 2001, Muskegon has been home to the GVSU water institute, which now employs more than 50, generates $3 million in direct spending locally and is expanding with a new field research station now under construction."