Sunday, August 25, 2013

Pledge of aggrievance: ‘United States of Obama’ flag waves at March on Washington

Pledge of aggrievance: ‘United States of Obama’ flag waves at March on Washington | Twitchy:

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Eric Holder fails to fight election policies that discriminate against me

Eric Holder fails to fight election policies that discriminate against me | The Barbershop: Dennis Byrne, Proprietor:
For example, Illinois' 4th Congressional district  (below) is designed to protect Democratic Cong. Luis GutiĆ©rrez.
 Does it look 4th districtcompact and contiguous to you?

ObamaCare: When Socialist Theory Meets Practice

Articles: ObamaCare: When Socialist Theory Meets Practice:
"America is lucky to have had two great social theorists:
Yogi Berra and Richard Feynman.
Had the Democrats heeded their words of wisdom when the issue of ObamaCare arose they'd not be sliding down the slippery slope they greased all by themselves.

Yogi's warning is nice and succinct:
"In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is."

Professor Feynman said much the same thing but in a few more words:
"The real question of government versus private enterprise is argued on too philosophical and abstract a basis. Theoretically, planning may be good. 
But nobody has ever figured out the cause of government stupidity and until they do (and find the cure) all ideal plans will fall into quicksand."

Whichever version you choose, it's clear that Democrat stupidity is at the heart of Obamacare, the entire juggernaut is sliding into quicksand and taking the party down with it as bits of the law become implemented, other bits have been delayed, waived for some buddies, or jettisoned as unworkable by an administration which consistently confuses executive and legislative functions. "

See how cops and crime trended in your area; search our database of Michigan police agencies

See how cops and crime trended in your area; search our database of Michigan police agencies |

Medicaid expansion: There is a better alternative

Sen. Patrick Colbeck on Medicaid expansion: There is a better alternative |
"I remain stridently opposed to this legislation because it:

1. Expands an already unsustainable Medicaid program
2. Encourages poor quality care through managed care
3. Raises the cost of healthcare for many to subsidize lower cost healthcare for some
4. Increases government spending
5. Increases the debt risk for future generations
6. Promotes uncertainty in Michigan’s healthcare market as its parent legislation, Obamacare, suffers from so many implementation delays that Democrat Senators Max Baucus and Harry Reid have referred to it as a “train wreck”
7. Discourages job growth as expenses and uncertainty increase
8. Simply converts uncompensated care in hospitals to undercompensated care
9. Promotes current third party payment model with minimal price transparency
10. Promotes expanded control over “we the people” rather than returning control of healthcare decisions to patients and their doctors

The most significant reason that I remain stridently opposed to HB 4714 is very simple, though.
We have a better option. 
That option is the Patient-Centered Care Act that I have introduced as Senate Bills 459 and 460. "

United States As Fifty States With Equal Population

Neil Freeman Redraws United States As Fifty States With Equal Population
50 States Redrawn With Equal Populations

Texas Rodeo to Feature Obama Clown

Texas Rodeo to Feature Obama Clown |

Saturday, August 24, 2013

When I was a rich kid, we were all pro-communist

Articles: When I was a rich kid, we were all pro-communist:
"Communists back then pretended, like Obama today, to defend the middle class and spitefully attack the rich.  But communism actually decimated the middle class and created a new power-class out of the communist faithful. 
It is a party built on jealousy. 
The communists, like the Occupy Wall Street crowd, are so jealous of the rich that they are willing to destroy the business structure of Wall Street without leaving themselves a viable path to success.
Imagine those unemployed rich kids and rapists setting up a new business model on Wall Street. 
Failure, thy name is inexperience and youth. "

How Responsible Is Obama for the Oklahoma Killing?

Articles: How Responsible Is Obama for the Oklahoma Killing?:
"Even if true, Obama neglected to mention the motive behind this seeming bad behavior: according to best evidence, blacks commit interracial muggings, robberies and rapes at thirty-five times the rate of whites, and everyone more or less knows it, Jesse Jackson included."

Escaping the death spiral of Blue State taxes

Examiner Editorial: Escaping the death spiral of Blue State taxes |
"Debt-ridden California needs every cent it can squeeze out of its taxpayers.
The government unions that control the state through the Democratic Party are the highest paid state government employees in the nation. 
Despite being near the bottom in student academic achievement, California is near the top on per-pupil spending.
And that $68 billion high-speed train to nowhere that the state is building in the Central Valley won't pay for itself."

A recent history of hate-crime hoaxes

A recent history of hate-crime hoaxes | Conservative Intelligence Briefing:
"Here’s a brief and partial recent history of hate-crime hoaxes, culled from various online sources including (which contains accounts of several real hate crimes as well) and"

Bert Fish Medical Center: Smokers need not apply

Bert Fish Medical Center: Smokers need not apply |
"[NEW SMYRNA BEACH — Starting Jan. 1, Bert Fish Medical Center will no longer hire tobacco users, joining two other local hospitals in telling smokers not to apply.
Applicants will be tested for a nicotine byproduct and sign an agreement to remain tobacco-free during their employment with the New Smyrna Beach public hospital. "

Friday, August 23, 2013

Unacceptable: New Study Shows Welfare Benefits Surpass Minimum Wage

Unacceptable: New Study Shows Welfare Benefits Surpass Minimum Wage |:
"In Mississippi, a welfare recipient can receive as much as $16,984 in welfare benefits.
That is more than working for minimum wage in the private sector.
However, it gets worse. 
It’s because Mississippi is dead last in handing out welfare goodies. 
It only goes up from there."

Best Cruises - Cruisers' Choice Awards

Best Cruises - Cruisers' Choice Awards:

We've sailed on 2 of the top 6 with Equinox with coming up in Mar.
Our 1st cruise was a few years ago......

There are some clever boat names out there (30 Photos)

There are some clever boat names out there (30 Photos) : theCHIVE:
clever funny boat names 20 There are some clever boat names out there (29 Photos)

Car-Ownership Costs By State

Car-Ownership Costs By State |
Estimated annual cost of car ownership
MI v IN cost 20% more to operate a car.
How much more to operate a truck?




“The Love Boat’s” Final Act Continues…

“The Love Boat’s” Final Act Continues… | MaritimeMatters | Cruise ship news and ocean liner history:
"The former “Love Boat’s” death struggle remains in a stasis per new images from Aliaga taken this morning."

Will Michigan Business Taxpayers Be Subsidizing Batteries for 'Free' Golf Carts?

Will Michigan Business Taxpayers Be Subsidizing Batteries for 'Free' Golf Carts? [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"While many Michigan taxpayers may be laughing or angry at the revelation by Fox News' John Stossel that he obtained a "free" golf cart using special tax breaks and giveaways for electric cars [video], very few may realize that Michigan's lawmakers have been altering this state's business tax code to provide special credits and giveaways for the industry that creates these cars. "

NM Supreme Court Finds Refusing to Photograph Gay Wedding Illegal

NM Supreme Court Finds Refusing to Photograph Gay Wedding Illegal | National Review Online:
"Justice Richard C. Bosson, writing in concurrence, said that the case “provokes reflection on what this nation is all about, its promise of fairness, liberty, equality of opportunity, and justice.”
In addition, the case “teaches that at some point in our lives all of us must compromise, if only a little, to accommodate the contrasting values of others. 
A multicultural, pluralistic society, one of our nation’s strengths, demands no less.”

BILLION-TONNE BELCH emitted from Sun to hit Earth this weekend

BILLION-TONNE BELCH emitted from Sun to hit Earth this weekend • The Register:
"The official US government space weather centre's latest forecast as this is written says there is a 55 per cent chance of a "severe" geomagnetic storm on the 24th, and a 25 per cent chance the storm will be only "minor". "

Hotel Sues Guest for 95K over Bad Review, Bedbugs

Hotel Sues Guest for 95K over Bad Review, Bedbugs:
"You can bet this Montreal man regrets his short stay at the the Hotel Quebec: bit by bed bugs in the night, he reviewed his negative experience the next day on Trip Advisor, and when he refused to take it down, the chain of hotels sued him for $95,000."

Wisconsin Employer Lands' End Cuts Part Time Hours Due To Obamacare

Wisconsin Employer Lands' End Cuts Part Time Hours Due To Obamacare - Right Wisconsin - Conservative politics and perspective powered by Charlie Sykes:
"According to WKOW in Madison, Lands' End is planning to cut the hours of part time employees due to Obamacare.
In an internal memo leaked to 27 News, Lands' End informed part-time employees in February that they would see a reduction to 29 hours a week or less due to the Affordable Care Act."

Franz Statement on Medicaid Expansion

Franz Statement on Medicaid Expansion

By JGillman, Section News
Posted on Wed Jun 12, 2013 at 02:46:43 PM EST
Tags: MichiganMedicaid ExpansionHB4714Ray FranzConservative (all tags)
Representative Ray Franz (Genuine R-101) issued a statement on Medicaid expansion:
I apologize in advance for the length of this piece, but this is a big and complex issue.  I find it somewhat amusing that some of the people who were worried that I would vote in lockstep with the Governor, now want me to rubberstamp his Medicaid Expansion plan.  
I cannot and here's why:
First, this subsidized health coverage (benefit) is going to include a very large portion of our population - some say as many as 600,000.  I believe it may be more.  The benefit will go to those over 133% of the Federal Poverty Line.  But that is based on adjusted gross income which takes 5% off the bottom and adjusts.  So the 133% could be 140% of actual earnings - or more.  When you consider that ObamaCare is forcing many in the service and retail industry to cut employee hours to under 29 - this has the potential of including far more than 600,000 people.

Next, I don't think for one moment that once this large population is on a "benefit" that there will ever be the political will or ability to take them off.  Heck, we cannot even muster the will to fix a broken "no-fault" system after the parade of wheelchairs.

This bill gives the first six months free - then starts to charge individuals.  That's going to be a surprise that won't go over very well. 
To think that we can impose a 48 month limit, or reduce benefits at a later time because a waiver is not granted is fool-hardy. I can envision a waiver to start - than the waiver rescinded - and us stuck with pulling the benefit - it's just not going to happen.

What happens to our health care system with the influx of 600,000+ new covered individuals?  It can only be overwhelmed.  One of the worries we currently have is uncompensated care at hospitals and cost shifts. However, this will shift costs to doctors who are already seeing reimbursement for Medicare and Medicaid at 47% of billables.  What happens when we put this huge new demand on a depleting resource?  The medical community will be stretched and stressed beyond its limits.  You will see fewer doctors willing to work for ever less and the quality of services to individuals will decline.  The hospital cost shift will be spread thinner and wider - but not lessened.  Quite the contrary - it will worsen.

Let's also look at the unintentional consequences to peoples' lives as a result of this new benefit.  We see it in unemployment, current Medicaid and food stamps.  When people get to the point of losing this benefit due to their earnings; they will back away so as not to hurt their eligibility.  This new "benefit" also will put a ceiling on peoples' upward mobility and prosperity.

When someone's earnings rise to 131% or 132% of FPL - they will ask themselves - "is it worth crossing that line and losing the subsidy?"  Is the overtime worth losing my affordable insurance? Inevitably that answer would be no - this destroying the will and ability to improve one's lice.  On top of that, this would also negatively impact businesses large and small.  It stifles productivity and limits the availability of employees and thus limits their ability to adjust schedules and hours.

Next, I would like to address the costs to the State.  While the bill states that it will stop benefits if the Fed's don't pay 100%, as stated before, I don't believe for a moment that the benefit could be stopped and I don't believe for a moment that the Feds will pay 100% forever.
There simply isn't the money for it.  If, as the Feds previously stated, they will fund three years and then reduce to 90% (or less) - the cost to the State, according to the Keiser Foundation and Heritage Foundation reports, will skyrocket.  In six or seven years, they report our share will rise to $300 - $400 Million.  Given the history of health care estimates, (LBJ said Medicaid would never exceed $5 Billion, the Federal Office of Management and Budget says ObamaCare costs have already doubled) - I believe it will cost our State more than half a Billion dollars a year.  Where is that revenue going to come from -   schools, roads or new taxes? While it would be an easy vote and be a very politically advantageous position, I will not leave that bill to my successors in this seat or to future generations.

Some say that we should respond with an alternative - a "better", "lighter", "more effective and efficient" way.  I respectfully disagree.  Sometimes we must say "no".  Advancing a bad idea only "better" or "less" is still advancing a bad idea - and bad public policy.  There are alternatives in a true free market that I have espoused for nearly six years, but it is obvious that the time is not right for that.

In closing, let me summarize.  This legislation will hurt and entrap people over the long haul; hurt our doctors and health system; cost millions and billions we don't have; and leave future generations with bills and responsibilities that will be difficult if not impossible to handle.

HB 4714 offers short term gains for, what I believe, are long term pains of the highest order.  Fool's Gold - if you will.

Thank you for remaining strong and looking at the big picture representative Franz. || Franz Statement on Medicaid Expansion

Police seek 2 young suspects after World War II veteran dies following parking lot beating

Police seek 2 young suspects after World War II veteran dies following parking lot beating | Fox News: "Authorities on Thursday released surveillance photos of the two suspects, who they describe as African-American males between the ages of 16 and 19.

Friends identified the victim as 88-year-old Delbert Belton, and say he was sitting outside a lodge for the Fraternal Order of the Eagles when he was attacked."

New Medicaid Study: ‘Waivers Are Temporary, Expansion Is Forever’

New Medicaid Study: ‘Waivers Are Temporary, Expansion Is Forever’ [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"Just as it would be imprudent for anyone to enter into a legally enforceable written contract with the expectation that the he can later persuade the other party to waive parts that are no longer preferable, likewise agreeing to expand Medicaid ... based upon the hopes of procuring future waiver concessions is ill-advised," the study says.

"Any decision to accept the Medicaid expansion today should not be based on the illusory promise of a federal waiver tomorrow," the study concludes."

Delta Air Lines: Next Year, Our Health Care Costs Will Increase By 'Nearly $100 Million'

Delta Air Lines: Next Year, Our Health Care Costs Will Increase By 'Nearly $100 Million' - Forbes:
"A recently-leaked letter from Delta Air Lines to the Obama administration states that the “cost of providing health care to our employees will increase by nearly $100,000,000 next year,” much of it due to Obamacare."

NM Supreme Court Finds Refusing to Photograph Gay Wedding Illegal

NM Supreme Court Finds Refusing to Photograph Gay Wedding Illegal | National Review Online:
 "The New Mexico Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that, by refusing to photograph a gay wedding, a photography studio violated the New Mexico Human Rights Act (NMHRA).

The court found that Elane Photography’s refusal to serve Vanessa Willock violated the act, which “prohibits a public accommodation from refusing to offer its services to a person based on that person’s sexual orientation,” according to the ruling."

Wednesday Cable Ratings: ‘Duck Dynasty’ Dominates

Wednesday Cable Ratings: ‘Duck Dynasty’ Dominates + ‘Modern Dads’, ‘Deal With It’, ‘Here Comes Honey Boo Boo’ & More - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers:
"Duck Dynasty was Wednesday's top cable program, with a 4.5 adults 18-49 rating, down from last week's  5.0 adults 18-49 premiere rating. 
Modern Dads came in second with a 1.9 adults 18-49 rating."

Taxpayer cost of housing NYC prisoners last year: $167,000 per inmate

Taxpayer cost of housing NYC prisoners last year: $167,000 per inmate -
"Crime doesn’t pay — but it costs a fortune.
The city spent about $167,000 per inmate last year and had 12,287 prisoners on an average day, according to the Independent Budget Office’s first-ever study of the Big Apple’s jails."

Farmers market fundraising campaign reaches 80 percent of $3.8 million goal

Farmers market fundraising campaign reaches 80 percent of $3.8 million goal |
"The goal is to raise the entire $3.8 million farmers market campaign goal by the end of the year and have the market open in its new location in May 2014.....
The community has sought a $700,000 economic development grant from the Michigan Economic Development Corp., which has provided a letter of intent but not a final grant award.
“The state understands that a new farmers market like the one being built in Muskegon is catalyst for economic development,”