Thursday, November 14, 2013

Foreign country's ownership of US bonds

BigUnion supporters of Obamacare not so happy to be treated like the little people.----Unionized state employees protest proposed labor contract as negotiations go to impasse panel

The possible "$5000 per year in out of pocket costs" that seems so onerous to da union guy includes monthly insurance premium AND possible insurance deductible. Something we little people have lived with for years. Something central to Obamacare
Unionized state employees protest proposed labor contract as negotiations go to impasse panel |
""They're asking for concessionary bargaining, they're asking for drastic cutbacks in health insurance, they're asking for things that aren't necessary at this time," said Ray Holman, spokesman for UAW Local 6000, which represents 17,000 state workers. "We're not talking about something extravagant. We're talking about a fair contract, meaning decent pay and quality benefits."

The proposed state health insurance plans "will literally bankrupt some people who have big medical bills" and could cost some people up to $5,000 per year in out-of-pocket costs, according to Local 6000's website.

Rising compensation costs remain a focus for the state, as it spends an additional $160 million this fiscal year to maintain existing health insurance and retirement plans, said Kurt Weiss, a spokesman for the Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget."

We're buying Russian helicopters and GIVING them to the Syrians AND Afghanis??!!!!!! ---Pentagon ending buys of Russian-made helicopters

Pentagon ending buys of Russian-made helicopters - Yahoo News:
"The Defense Department said Wednesday it is canceling plans to buy additional cargo helicopters from the Russian arms export agency that has supplied Syrian President Bashar Assad's military forces with arms and ammunition.
The additional 15 Russian-built Mi-17 helicopters were to be purchased next year at a cost of $345 million and then delivered to Afghanistan's national security forces."

The rich get richer under BarryO-----Art could be drawing a disturbing economic picture

Art could be drawing a disturbing economic picture:
"Some argue that the sale is giving us a message about inflation that investors aren't getting from the action in gold, the Dollar Index, or the government's official consumer price index data.
"Asset inflation took another leg higher last night," wrote Peter Boockvar in a Wednesday morning note. "Thank you Federal Reserve, and thank you Bureau of Labor Statistics for not including art in the consumer price index.""

Pandemic in W. Michigan!!!!! Ravenna sisters charged with trying to hire hit man to kill one woman's husband

Only the rich can afford lawyers in Obama's america. Now, if only the poor had access to free divorce lawyers........If it saves one life.......
Ravenna sisters charged with trying to hire hit man to kill one woman's husband |
 " MUSKEGON, MI – Two Ravenna sisters were arrested Wednesday, Nov. 13, for allegedly trying to hire a hit man to kill the husband of one of women, according to the Michigan State Police.
The women, ages 50 and 45, were lodged in the Muskegon County Jail awaiting arraignment on charges of solicitation to commit murder."

Obama's madrassa-books Common Core textbooks arrive late, filled with errors

Common Core textbooks arrive late, filled with errors | The Daily Caller:
"“They are loaded with errors,” said Rebecca Murphy a third-grade teacher in Queens, in a statement to the New York Daily News.
The mistakes are numerous.
A third-grade workbook contains a set of questions accompanying a mismatched reading selection; one of the pages in another workbook is printed upside down; and some teacher’s manuals don’t line up with student versions.
Teachers also complained that textbook lessons are lengthy and poorly conceived.
On top of everything else, the textbooks arrived late: a month after school had already begun."

But it's FREE! --------1,300 Michigan residents choose insurance from website in first month

1,300 Michigan residents choose insurance from website in first month | Crain's Detroit Business:
"LANSING — Slightly more than 1,300 Michigan residents chose a health insurance plan in the first month of enrollment in a federal marketplace created under the health care overhaul.
The number released Wednesday by the Obama administration confirms the problems people are having enrolling in private plans offered on a federal website. Michigan is among 36 states to let the federal government run the insurance exchange instead of having its own.
In Michigan, roughly 34,000 residents who applied for coverage were deemed eligible for the exchange. Of those, about 12,500 are eligible for tax credits to offset some of their premiums.
Separately, about 5,000 were ruled eligible for government-provided health care through Medicaid."

Obama's union dominated america---Another U.S. city mulls bankruptcy due to soaring wages and pensions

Another U.S. city mulls bankruptcy due to soaring wages and pensions - Yahoo News Canada:
"DESERT HOT SPRINGS, California (Reuters) - A resort town in California warned on Tuesday that it will run out of money by March due to burdensome salary and pension costs and could join other U.S. cities that have recently filed for bankruptcy protection.
A bankruptcy filing by Desert Hot Springs, a city of 26,000 about 110 miles east of Los Angeles, would make it the third California city along with San Bernardino and Stockton to seek court protection from creditors."

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Obamacare propagandists even lying about this poor woman-----Adriana, Obamacare face, cyberbullied after health care rollout

Adriana, Obamacare face, cyberbullied after health care rollout - Washington Times:
"A spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services told ABC that Adriana’s photo was removed because “ is a dynamic website,” not because she requested it."

A Test Drive of the Most Advanced Driverless Cars

A Test Drive of the Most Advanced Driverless Cars | MIT Technology Review
The relationship between human and robot driver could be surprisingly fraught. The problem, as I discovered during my BMW test drive, is that it’s all too easy to lose focus, and difficult to get it back. The difficulty of reëngaging distracted drivers is an issue that Bryan Reimer, a research scientist in MIT’s Age Lab, has well documented (see “Proceed with Caution toward the Self-Driving Car,” May/June 2013). Perhaps the “most inhibiting factors” in the development of driverless cars, he suggests, “will be factors related to the human experience.”
In an effort to address this issue, carmakers are thinking about ways to prevent drivers from becoming too distracted, and ways to bring them back to the driving task as smoothly as possible. This may mean monitoring drivers’ attention and alerting them if they’re becoming too disengaged. “The first generations [of autonomous cars] are going to require a driver to intervene at certain points,”Clifford Nass, codirector of Stanford University’s Center for Automotive Research, told me. “It turns out that may be the most dangerous moment for autonomous vehicles. We may have this terrible irony that when the car is driving autonomously it is much safer, but because of the inability of humans to get back in the loop it may ultimately be less safe.”                               
An important challenge with a system that drives all by itself, but only some of the time, is that it must be able to predict when it may be about to fail, to give the driver enough time to take over. This ability is limited by the range of a car’s sensors and by the inherent difficulty of predicting the outcome of a complex situation. “Maybe the driver is completely distracted,” Werner Huber said. “He takes five, six, seven seconds to come back to the driving task—that means the car has to know [in advance] when its limitation is reached. The challenge is very big.”

Who the heck is this Bacon guy? ----Francis Bacon artwork sets auction record -- $142,405,000

Francis Bacon artwork sets auction record -- $142,405,000 | Detroit Free Press |
"NEW YORK (AP) - A 1969 painting by Francis Bacon set a world record for most expensive artwork ever sold at auction.

Three Studies of Lucian Freud was purchased for $142,405,000 at Christie's postwar and contemporary art sale on Tuesday night.
The triptych depicts Bacon's artist friend."

Union thugs will continue their thuggery until we support the victims of this outrage------Disrespect, Bullying Convinces Paraeducator That Union Not Interested in its Members

Disrespect, Bullying Convinces Paraeducator That Union Not Interested in its Members [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"In September, Breza said she was in her classroom with an 11-year-old, non-verbal special needs student when her union president, Jackie Ellsworth, came into her class to demand she pay her $388 in annual dues.
Breza, who makes $11.83 an hour at Sashabaw Middle School, said she was so angry with what transpired she went to her desk and wrote down exactly what Ellsworth said to her in front of the student.
"I am only trying to help keep your job and not get you in trouble with the MEA," Breza quoted Ellsworth as saying."

What a monster!!!! Ex-Oakland Women's Basketball Coach Beckie Francis Abused Players, Pushed Church

The wussification of women's sports?!!!!!

Ex-Oakland Women's Basketball Coach Beckie Francis Abused Players, Pushed Church: University:
 "AUBURN HILLS, Mich. (AP) — Oakland University alleges that former women's basketball coach Beckie Francis physically and emotionally abused her players, was obsessed about their weight and pushed her Christian beliefs on them before she was fired."

White Men Can't... Work?

White Men Can't... Work? | Zero Hedge:
"White men may not have jobs, but at least they will have more time to enjoy sports actvities such as basketball, and finally learn to jump.
As for any associated sport injuries: there's always Obamacare."

Renewable energy sources received 25 times more in taxpayer subsidies per energy unit produced than fossil fuels in 2010

Renewable energy sources received 25 times more in taxpayer subsidies per energy unit produced than fossil fuels in 2010 | AEIdeas:
"In 2010, renewable energy received $14 billion of government taxpayer subsidies, while fossil fuels energy sources received only $4 billion of taxpayer handouts that year, according to estimates by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) and reported in today’s WSJ by Bjorn Lomborg in an op-ed.
According to energy production data from the EIA, the US produced 8.12 quadrillion BTUs of renewable energy in 2010 from geothermal, solar, wind and biomass sources, while the energy produced from fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) totaled 58.2 quadrillion BTUs."

Libs: "President Obama, please don't tell the truth!"------NBC Omits Obama's Liberal-Angering Lament About 'Bureaucratic and Cumbersome' Government I.T.

NBC Omits Obama's Liberal-Angering Lament About 'Bureaucratic and Cumbersome' Government I.T. | NewsBusters:
"Here’s part of Chuck Todd’s interview with President Obama that never made it to air on an NBC News program. 
Obama said “When we buy I.T. services generally, it is so bureaucratic and so cumbersome that a whole bunch of it doesn't work or it ends up being way over cost.
And yeah, in some ways, I should have anticipated that just because this was important and I was saying this was my top priority.”"
Lefty Obama supporters respond:
Reporter James Rosen at noticed that Obama was scolded for this statement at the far-left website
Mr. President, could you please avoid throwing the RWNJ’s [right-wing nut-jobs] any more red meat about government incompetence and being too big and inefficient?”

Well, this explains why we lose in the cities ------RNC hires Michigan director for African-American outreach

RNC hires Michigan director for African-American outreach | The Detroit News:
"Detroit— The Republican National Committee chairman said Tuesday the group is stepping up voter engagement efforts in Michigan and its presence in Detroit.
To spearhead the effort, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus announced the hiring of Wayne Bradley as state director of African-American engagement and unveiled a 13-member Michigan Black Advisory Council.
The team will build relationships throughout Michigan, he said.
“It’s long overdue,” said Priebus, adding a permanent office will soon open in Detroit.
“It’s based on the fundamental principle, if you want to get the sale, you’ve got to show up and ask for the order.”"

Tell me again, why we are sending $$Billions to the scumbags at the UN? ------United Nations Elects Human Rights Violators to Human Rights Council

United Nations Elects Human Rights Violators to Human Rights Council | Washington Free Beacon:
"The United Nations elected China, Cuba, Russia, and Saudi Arabia to seats on its Human Rights Council Tuesday, all countries that have been widely condemned by international groups for gross human rights violations."

Antarctica Not Melting: Ice Levels At Record High

Antarctica Not Melting: Ice Levels At Record High | Media Research Center:
"Climate change alarmists struggle to understand how ice can increase with global warming."
Far from disappearing, Antarctic ice levels reached a record high on Sept. 22. Climate alarmists are now being forced to reconcile this evidence with their unquestioning belief in global warming.
The Washington Post’s Jason Samenow reported the National Snow and Ice Data Center’s findings that Antarctic ice had reached record levels. The previous record was set in 2012.
In the same article, Jinlun Zhang, a University of Washington climate scientist, simply could not understand how this was possible: “Why would sea ice be increasing?” 
Despite this, Zhang contended that “[t]he overwhelming evidence is that the Southern Ocean is warming.”

CNN source: If White House doesn’t have solution to canceled plans by Friday, Dems may vote for GOP’s “Keep Your Plan Act”

CNN source: If White House doesn’t have solution to canceled plans by Friday, Dems may vote for GOP’s “Keep Your Plan Act” « Hot Air:

And we allow these morons to control hundreds of $Millions? ----Wayne County misses its own deadline on jail site deal

Wayne County misses its own deadline on jail site deal | Detroit Free Press |
"Wayne County officials missed their own deadline to get commissioners to sign off on an option agreement that would begin the process of possibly selling the failed Wayne County Jail site to Dan Gilbert’s Rock Ventures operation."

Why Has Nobody Gone To Jail For The Financial Crisis? Judge Rakoff Says: "Blame The Government"

Why Has Nobody Gone To Jail For The Financial Crisis? Judge Rakoff Says: "Blame The Government" | Zero Hedge:
"Why Have No High Level Executives Been Prosecuted In Connection With The Financial Crisis?

Five years have passed since the onset of what is sometimes called the Great Recession.
While the economy has slowly improved, there are still millions of Americans  leading lives of quiet desperation: without jobs, without resources, without hope.
Who was to blame?
Was it simply a result of negligence, of the kind of inordinate risk-taking commonly called a “bubble,” of an imprudent but innocent failure to maintain adequate reserves for a rainy day?
Or was it the result, at least in part, of fraudulent practices, of dubious mortgages portrayed as sound risks and packaged into ever-more-esoteric financial instruments, the fundamental weaknesses of which were intentionally obscured?"

WebMD's healthy deal with Obamacare: Kind words for law, millions from feds

WebMD's healthy deal with Obamacare: Kind words for law, millions from feds - Washington Times:
• As much as $126,826 for a single 5,000-word review article on scientific advances in a clinical topic.
• Up to $68,916 for a four-minute video from an opinion specialist.
• More than $140,000 for an eight-question online quiz."WebMD says it doesn’t believe it had an obligation to disclose to its broad consumer base its $4.8 million contract with the government. The company says the contract, while awarded to WebMD, "

Is the Left taking over sports, too?

Is the Left taking over sports, too? | The Daily Caller:
 "“It’s funny to listen to sports commentators on the radio who have clearly been brought up through public schools and state university journalism programs talk about class and race and gender like a sociology major from Smith or Dennison,” says R.J. Moeller, a conservative who also writes about sports and culture.
“They hate any strong male coaches.
They hate any sort of patriotism associated with the sport.
They’re treating sports and holding what goes on in locker rooms to the same standard they would a diversity and social justice mediation seminar on Google’s campus.”"

A great way to start your day!: Backflip Over 72ft Canyon

GoPro: Backflip Over 72ft Canyon - Kelly McGarry Red Bull Rampage 2013 - YouTube: ""

'via Blog this'

And how're ya doin' under "your guy" Barry? ----Many Black New Yorkers Are Seeing de Blasio’s Victory as Their Own

Many Black New Yorkers Are Seeing de Blasio’s Victory as Their Own -
"Of all the records shattered by Mr. de Blasio’s landslide victory, perhaps the most remarkable is that virtually every vote cast by black New Yorkers — 96 percent — went his way.
He captured a bigger portion of the black vote than David N. Dinkins in 1989 when he was elected New York City’s first black mayor with 91 percent of the black vote, according to exit polls."

The Titanic was ridiculously tiny compared to modern cruise ships

The Titanic was ridiculously tiny compared to modern cruise ships

Environmentalist Hugs Tree, Then Marries It

man marries a tree argentinaEnvironmentalist Hugs Tree, Then Marries It | FrontPage Magazine:
"Marriage equality is truly transforming the world.
First men marrying men.
Then women marrying bridges.
And men marrying trees.
The sky is the limit… no wait, you can marry the sky too."