Friday, November 22, 2013

This is gonna suck----Loud cellphone talkers next bane of air travelers?

My Way News - Loud cellphone talkers next bane of air travelers?:
"Airline passengers have already been stripped of their legroom, hot meals and personal space.
Now, they might also lose their silence.
The Federal Communications Commission is considering lifting its longtime prohibition on making cellphone calls on airplanes, saying it is time "to review our outdated and restrictive rules."
But for many passengers, that would mean the elimination of one of the last sanctuaries from our hyper-connected world.
Everybody wants the ability to stay connected while traveling, but nobody wants to be trapped next to some guy yapping away during the entire trip from New York to Las Vegas.

We deserve the scumbags we elect---------------'Cornhusker kickback' senator meets with Obama to talk Obamacare

'Cornhusker kickback' senator meets with Obama to talk Obamacare | The Daily Caller:
"Former Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson, who voted for Obamacare after securing the “Cornhusker kickback” for his state, met with President Barack Obama Wednesday to talk about how to fix the law.

Nelson retired from the Senate in January and almost immediately boosted his salary over five times by becoming the CEO of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)."

EcoCzars are killing our cars----▶ Warning Not to Use E15 Gas in Your Car

▶ Warning Not to Use E15 Gas in Your Car: FOX Business - YouTube: ""

'via Blog this'

He's the bull in our fiscal china shop! -----Under Obama: Disability Trust Fund Runs Record 5 Straight Yrs of Deficits

Under Obama: Disability Trust Fund Runs Record 5 Straight Yrs of Deficits | CNS News:
"The Disability Insurance Trust Fund has never before run five straight years of deficits.
....From fiscal 1995 through fiscal 2008, the Disability Insurance Trust Fund ran surpluses, as receipts from the disability insurance taxes paid by people who were working exceeded the value of the benefits paid to those claiming disability.
Congress created the federal disability insurance program by adding an amendment to the Social Security Act in 1956. The government paid the first disability benefits in fiscal 1957."

How Trayvon's Knockout Game Went Bad

Articles: How Trayvon's Knockout Game Went Bad:
"If no one else, WND, the New York Post, and now Fox News have started paying serious attention to an urban pastime known as "the knockout game" or occasionally as "polar bear hunting," a phenomenon that has caused at least seven deaths and countless serious injuries.
The "polar bear" refers to the invariably white or at least non-black victim of a hunt by a young black male, usually one of a pack of the same.
The hunters tend to prey on those who seem vulnerable.
This includes old people, women, children, and, most often, clueless male liberals-- like the Pittsburgh teacher seen in this video -- who have trained themselves not to "profile" young black men even when they approach with malice in their eyes.
...In sum, Martin saw Zimmerman not as the hulking vigilante the media did but as a vulnerable, possibly gay white man nearly half-a-foot smaller than he. 
As for Martin, although the media chose not to let the public know, he was an aspiring mixed martial artist who had recently been disciplined both at home and at school for starting fights.
.....By the time of this incident, the knockout game was a well established phenomenon among young black males, especially troubled ones like Martin, the product of a broken home and a broken culture.
Martin's assault on Zimmerman fit an obvious pattern.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Union job destroyers "win" another one-Boeing to Partly Move Production Out of Washington State Following Union Vote

Boeing to Partly Move Production Out of Washington State Following Union Vote | Washington Free Beacon:
"Boeing will move portions of its airplane construction out of Washington after a local union rejected a contract offer that would have saved the company $8 billion.

A company spokesman told the Washington Free Beacon that the company had no choice but to move construction of some of its largest planes out of the Evergreen State after International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Local 751 rejected changes to wage and retirement plans."
Embedded image permalink

Qatar whips covers off giant footballing vagina

Qatar whips covers off giant footballing vagina • The Register
Artist's impression of the Al Wakrah stadium. Pic: Zaha Hadid Architects

Hold on folks. They're still conjurin' ways to spend the moolah they don't have...yet---------Crisis in America: a crumbling infrastructure

vision_pic1Crisis in America: a crumbling infrastructure:
"Even though his health-care website is still in need of dire repair, President Obama was in the port of New Orleans earlier this month talking about repairing a much bigger problem: the nation's aging highways, bridges and ports. 
Saying that 1 in 9 bridges are structurally deficient and more than 40 percent of major highways are congested, Obama repeated his call for major infrastructure investment, but it's unclear how or if that will happen.

Announced during his State of the Union speech in February, Obama's Fix-It-First program calls for $40 billion in spending on a backlog of urgent repairs and upgrades. That would follow $31 billion that went into infrastructure as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
But those sums are dwarfed by the $3.6 trillion in investment the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) says is needed by 2020."

Time assures us it's only about Barry's legacy----Obama's Race for the Cure

Obama's Race for the Cure - TIME:
"....but this is a critical moment for a President whose agenda for a second term amounted to little more than being not as lame as the other guy.
The website may or may not get fixed on deadline, the senior staff may be booted and rebooted, but it is already too late to avoid a pageant of media scrutiny, Republican merriment, a rebuke even from Bill Clinton and a host of existential questions:
Can this policy be saved?
What is left of Obama's second term if it is consumed by fixing an unpopular policy from the first?
How could a White House appear so confident and incompetent at the same time?"

20 Pictures that Prove You Have a Dirty Mind

20 Pictures that Prove You Have a Dirty Mind: "

The "religion of peace"--"Saying Merry Christmas is worst than fornication or killing someone" Islamic scholar

Learn the truth (the eco-morons don't want you to know) about "fracking"----Bakken operator releases fracking documentary: ‘Down Deep: Unearthing the Truth About Hydraulic Fracturing’

Bakken operator releases fracking documentary: ‘Down Deep: Unearthing the Truth About Hydraulic Fracturing’ | AEIdeas:
"From The Bakken Magazine:
WSX, a Tulsa-based energy company specializing in the production of natural gas, has launched a website to help clear up controversy and misinformation surrounding hydraulic fracturing and the process of exploring for, drilling and producing oil and natural gas.

The site Downdeep serves as a platform for delivering a 30-minute video titled, “Down Deep: Unearthing the Truth About Hydraulic Fracturing” and features conversations with experts, landowners, neighbors and WPX executives.

Using genuine facts and interviews with third parties, Down Deep takes on the dishonest politicking and misguided environmentalism that has become entangled with the public’s image of “fracking.”
WPX Energy believes U.S. citizens all have the right to be informed of the facts surrounding any vital issue—and the right to be involved in the decisions that shape America’s energy future.

You can watch the documentary Down Deep at link"

Oh crap. Another union bust on the horizon?----Chrysler fights to stay on course

Chrysler fights to stay on course | The Detroit News
But there is a growing sense among some analysts that Chrysler and Fiat may have overreached in their effort to create a globally competitive car company out of two troubled also-rans.

“..... But he believes that at least some of Chrysler’s recent issues are tied to trouble overseas.

When Fiat took over a bankrupt Chrysler in 2009, many analysts worried that the Auburn Hills automaker would drag down the resurgent Italian carmaker. 
Instead, the European automobile market collapsed. 
Sales in Italy fell to levels not seen since the early 1980s. 

And Chrysler became a lifeline — the only source of profits on an otherwise dismal balance sheet.
But labor disputes and the market weakness back home have forced Fiat to re-evaluate some of the product plans it had for Chrysler.

It's really quite simple. If you disagree with us you are a racist. What could be easier to understand? ---NY Times Plays Race Card On Obamacare Opponents, Says “Critical Mass of White Voters” Are Racist For Opposing Law’s Wealth Redistribution To Minorities…

NY Times Plays Race Card On Obamacare Opponents, Says “Critical Mass of White Voters” Are Racist For Opposing Law’s Wealth Redistribution To Minorities… | Weasel Zippers:
"In addition, the Affordable Care Act can be construed as a transfer of benefits from Medicare, which serves an overwhelmingly white population of the elderly – 77 percent of recipients are white — to Obamacare, which will serve a population that is 54.7 percent minority.  
Over 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office, the Affordable Care Act cuts $455 billion from the Medicare budget in order to help pay for Obamacare.

Those who think that a critical mass of white voters has moved past its resistance to programs shifting tax dollars and other resources from the middle class to poorer minorities merely need to look at the election of 2010,"

MUST READ-Obamacare - The Neutron Bomb That Will Decimate The U.S. Economy

Guest Post: Obamacare - The Neutron Bomb That Will Decimate The U.S. Economy | Zero Hedge:
"Sickcare is unsustainable for a number of interlocking reasons: 
-defensive medicine in response to a broken malpractice system;
-opaque pricing;
-systemic disconnect of health from food, diet and fitness;
-fraud and paperwork consume at least 40% of all sickcare funds;
-fee-for-service in a cartel system;
-employers being responsible for healthcare,
-a fundamental absence of competition and transparency.

Please glance at these charts to see how the U.S. healthcare costs are double those of competing nations on a per capita basis.
Japan provides care for a mere 36% per person of what the U.S. spends--yet millions of Americans remain uninsured or underinsured.
If you set out to design a corrupt, inefficient, wasteful, unfair, deranged and unreformable system, you would arrive at U.S. healthcare/ObamaCare."

Obese residents (and hyperventilating liberal media) continue to caterwall about $1/day cut in cupcake freebee---Families in need find empty shelves at area food pantries

Families in need find empty shelves at area food pantries | Detroit Free Press |
"On Nov. 1, temporary SNAP benefits — which got a boost during the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 — were cut by $5 billion, said Ross Fraser, spokesman with Feeding America.
In Michigan, more than $180 million was cut, and in Wayne County alone, reductions are nearly $55 million, Gold said.
That translates into a loss of $36 a month for a family of four, which could be a week’s worth of meals. (or half of one Nike shoe!)
“We are deeply, deeply concerned about this,” Fraser said. “We just can’t meet this need.”"

Don't forget. It wasn't only GM and Fiat/Chrysler that got your moolah--Ally Financial makes $5.9 billion payment to U.S. Treasury

Ally Financial makes $5.9 billion payment to U.S. Treasury | Crain's Detroit Business:
"Ally, formerly known as GMAC Financial Services and owned by General Motors Corp. until 2006, received $17.2 billion from the U.S. in a bailout that began four years ago under the Trouble Asset Relief Program."

A tough, principled American! Palin kills Matt Lauer interview over Martin Bashir slur

Palin kills Matt Lauer interview over Martin Bashir slur | Fox News:
"It's no secret that Sarah Palin is mighty steamed at MSNBC and Martin Bashir over his despicable remarks about the abusive treatment he imagines for her. 
And now she's doing something about it.
The former Alaska governor and Fox News contributor was scheduled to sit down with Matt Lauer for a Christmas season interview.
That's now toast.
Palin has now canceled Lauer's scheduled trip to Wasilla, a source close to her tells me.
It's not because Palin is upset with Lauer or the "Today" show, but as a protest against NBC for not taking action against Bashir. 
In fact, Palin once sat in as a "Today"co-host. "

WATCH Kathleen Sebelius As Obamacare Website Crashes In Front Of Her: 'Uh Oh!'

WATCH Kathleen Sebelius As Obamacare Website Crashes In Front Of Her: 'Uh Oh!' | Independent Journal Review:
"The perpetually annoyed Health and Human Services overlord Secretary Kathleen Sebelius had an embarrassing moment in Florida yesterday as she was touring Miami.
She was meeting with Obamacare Navigators when the HealthCare.Gov website crashed right in front of her. This must happen a lot because she took it in stride, saying cheerfully, “Uh oh!” while her host said, “Oh, that happens every day!”
Yeah, that’s helpful.
Even worse, as the local news reports, all the time Kathleen was there, only two people signed up. 
Two. (Here’s more of the video.) 
What a completely embarrassing disaster."

UN climate talks fall apart as 132 countries storm out

UN climate talks fall apart as 132 countries storm out | The Daily Caller:
"Poor countries pulled out of the United Nations climate talks during a fight over transferring wealth from richer countries to fight global warming.

The G77 and China bloc led 132 poor countries in a walk out during talks about “loss and damage” compensation for the consequences of global warming that countries cannot adapt to, like Typhoon Haiyan. The countries that left claim to have the support of other coalitions of poor nations, including the Least Developed Countries, the Alliance of Small Island States and the Africa Group.

Poor countries have demanded that the developed world give them $100 billion annually by 2020 to prepare for the impacts of global warming, such as heat waves and droughts.
Brazil even put forward a proposal last week that would have made rich countries pay for historical greenhouse gas emissions."

They gonna fire fat school bus drivers too? Too fat to fly

Too fat to fly | Fox News Video:
"The FAA may start grounding pilots who exceed certain weight limits."

The "Obamacare Shock" - One California Employer's Terrifying True Story | Zero Hedge

The "Obamacare Shock" - One California Employer's Terrifying True Story | Zero Hedge: "
"Our employees share of the premium goes from $7/week for the cheapest plan to $30/week.
95% of my employees were on that plan.
Remember, we used to pay 50% now we pay 91.5% and the premiums still go up that much!!
The  cheapest plan now has a deductible of $6350! 
Before it was $150.
Employees making $9 to $10/hr, have to pay $30/wk and have a $6350 deductible!!!
They can't afford that to be sure.
Obamacare will kill their propensity to seek medical care. 
More money for less care?
How does that help them? "

Homeless Grand Rapids veteran in viral makeover finds trouble again

Homeless Grand Rapids veteran in viral makeover finds trouble again |
"GRAND RAPIDS, MI – The homeless Grand Rapids veteran whose time-lapsed, videotaped makeover became a viral hit has been locked up again, for trespassing and creating a disturbance at a Burger King restaurant.
Vet before.JPG

Photos of U.S. Army veteran Jim Wolf before and after a makeover from Rob Bliss and Degage Ministries.
While the video says Wolf, 54, has “taken control of his life,” he has struggled with alcoholism and poverty and lived on the street for years."

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Boeing Sees Record Orders for Its Slick Folding-Wing Airliner

Boeing Sees Record Orders for Its Slick Folding-Wing Airliner | Autopia |
The graceful curve of the wing during cruise is part of its efficient design. But such a long wingspan poses problems at airports. Most of the largest commercial airports can handle wingspans of no more than 214 feet (65 meters as defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization), which has been a problem for the massive Airbus A380. Due to its massive 262-foot wingspan, Airbus’ biggest airliner can fly to just 30 airports worldwide, six of them in the United States.
Boeing wants to avoid that problem, so it employed folding wingtips. Just as Navy jets fold their wings to save room on aircraft carriers, the 777X will fold more than 10 feet on each wing tip before pulling up to the gate.

Biggest in America! -----2013 Best Overall: Big Sky Resort - OnTheSnow

2013 Best Overall: Big Sky Resort - OnTheSnow:
"The Big Sky Resort-Moonlight Basin interconnect makes it "the Biggest Skiing in America," as the Lone Peak Ticket provides skiers and riders seamless access to 5,512 skiable acres."

Another City Spending Its Way to Bankruptcy

» Another City Spending Its Way to Bankruptcy - Blogger News Network:
Desert Hot Springs , a resort town of 26,000 warned that it will run out of money by March due to burdensome salary and pension costs.
That would make it the third California city along with San Bernardino and Stockton to succumb to that.
Amy Aguer, the interim director of finance, said nearly 70 percent of the city’s budget was consumed by police costs, most of which were spent on salaries and pension payments."


A bit outdated but largely true. 
A wonderful state with zero Republicans ...The State of Illinois.
Some interesting data on the 'state' of Illinois:

There are more people on welfare in Illinois than there are people working.

Chicago pays the highest wages to teachers than anywhere else in the U.S. averaging $110,000/year.Their pensions average 80-90% of their income.

Wow, are Illinois and Chicago great or what?

Be sure to read till the end. I've never heard it explained better.

Perhaps the U.S. should pull out of Chicago ?
Body count: In the last six months, 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago. 221 killed in Iraq AND Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws in the entire US.
Here's the Chicago chain of command:
President: Barack Hussein Obama
Senator: Dick Durbin
House Representative: Jesse Jackson Jr.
Governor: Pat Quinn
House leader: Mike Madigan
Atty. Gen.: Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike)
Mayor: Rohm Emanuel
The leadership in Illinois - all Democrats.
Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago.
Of course, they're all blaming each other.

Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!

Chicago school system rated one of the worst in the country. 

From CNN report: 
Nearly 80% of eighth-graders in Chicago public schools are not proficient in reading or math, according to the U.S. Department of Education. 
The Chicago school system was a failure. 
Half of Chicago's 64 public high schools scored in the bottom 1% of schools on the ACT, an old metric used by many colleges for admissions. 
''Forty-six percent of Chicago teachers send their children to private schools,'' I noted then, too. 
''The people who know the product best send their children elsewhere.''

Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!

State pension fund $78 Billion in debt, worst in country.
Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!

Cook County ( Chicago ) sales tax 10.25% highest in country.

Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!

This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois. 

And he is going to 'fix' Washington politics for us?
George Ryan is no longer Governor, he is in prison.
He was replaced by Rob Blajegovitch who is that's right, also in the prison.
And Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. resigned a couple of weeks ago, because he is fighting to not be sent to...that's right, prison.
The Land of Lincoln, where our governors make our license plates.

Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!

But you know what?
As long as they keep providing entitlements to the population of Chicago, nothing is going to change, except the state will go broke before the country does.

"Anybody who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian." 

"Public-private partnerships" Ummm, so fascist but without the unfashionable fascist aftertaste-------Sweetheart deal for health insurers!

Sweetheart deal for health insurers! (Video)
What's better than a business where you take on increased exposure yet have little in the way of a downside from losses that come from taking those increased risks?

If it sounds like I'm talking about Wall Street traders who loaded up the wagon with risky bets because their bonuses were based on profits yet they faced no personal liability for losses, you would be correct.

However in this case I speak of the health insurers who stand to benefit from another one of the buried provisions in the Affordable Care Act that no Democrat bothered to read before ramming it through Congress.

Where will all of the deceit and lies end? Who actually knows as every day another one surfaces that is often worse and more unbelievable than the one from the day before.

Obamacare goodies for the health insurers!
“Marco Rubio has been out highlighting the fact that there is this ‘risk corridor’ where written into this law that nobody read is this idea that is insurance companies have 3% higher costs than they estimated as a result of who’s in these pools, they can recoup 50% of that money from the government, from you and me. 8% higher than what they estimated, they can recoup 80%! …
This bailout of the insurance companies is the next big thing we’ll all be talking about.”