"The IRS Scandal, Day 214
By Paul Caron Share
Bloomberg Video: Will IRS Scandal Lead to GOP Retaking the Senate?
Breitbart: Treasury IG Office: Audits of ObamaCare Critics Just a Coincidence
Conservative Happenings: Obama Dismisses IRS Targeting of Conservatives: ‘They’ve Got a List, and Suddenly Everybody’s Outraged’
The Other News: Obama: There Was No IRS Scandal – It Was Just Made Up By the Media
Mike Price: IRS: The Evolution of a Scandal in the President’s Mind
Reason: Obama Dismisses IRS Targeting of Conservative Groups as Non-Issue, Complains About "So-Called Progressives" Who Thought It Was
Washington Times editorial: IRS Doubles Down: Tax Man Prepares Another Crackdown on Free Speech"