Thursday, December 19, 2013

Using "safety" as a ruse to cheat the public----Perfect enforcement: On the ground in the red light camera wars

Perfect enforcement: On the ground in the red light camera wars | Ars Technica:
MODESTO, CA—Speaking in his downtown office, Mayor Garrad Marsh told Ars that he has lots of questions for Redflex, one of the largest red light camera (RLC) operators in the United States.
....But he was still troubled by the focus on turn lanes and continued to look into the implementation details of the Redflex setup. 
Marsh found that "most of the tickets [we issue from red light cameras] are right-hand turn. 
It's illegal, it's dangerous, but it's not the 'fatal accident' type of turn.”
This was a pattern.
The cameras in Modesto are mounted across four intersections, but they are only set up to capture six precise situations.
As the Modesto Bee noted in October 2013, the cameras watch drivers who are:
• Turning left from eastbound Standiford Avenue onto northbound Sisk Road
• Turning left from eastbound Briggsmore Avenue onto northbound Prescott Road
• Traveling north on Coffee Road through Sylvan Avenue or turning east onto Sylvan from northbound Coffee
• Traveling north on Oakdale Road through Briggsmore or turning east onto Briggsmore from northbound Oakdale
In short, just two out of the six deployments are even designed to capture the most dangerous scenario worrying citizens and city officials alike: cars blasting straight through a red light at high speed.
“We're collecting $1 million from our residents and sending most of it to Arizona,” Marsh said, referring to Redflex’s American subsidiary located in the Grand Canyon State.
“I'm going: are we really making our intersections safer?
If it was $1 million and it all stayed in Modesto, I might not be so pessimistic or cynical.
And if it proves to truly produce safer intersections without having to utilize personnel to be there that aren't out there catching bad guys or patrolling.
I'm not guaranteeing that I'll vote against it or change, but I am quite concerned that it's not what we bought, and it doesn't do good for our local economy.”

Seems all the new government guidelines tell us we need less health care. No reason to question their objectivity. Right? New Blood Pressure Guidelines for Seniors: 149/89 Is OK

New Blood Pressure Guidelines for Seniors: 149/89 Is OK:
"New guidelines are out that say many older adults with high blood pressure can be treated less aggressively. That could mean taking fewer pills to get high blood pressure under control.
The recommendations come from a government-appointed panel that reviewed rigorous research. 
But government officials have not endorsed them and the American Heart Association is coming out with other guidelines next year.
Panel members stressed that they are not changing the definition of high blood pressure: 140 over 90.
But they say adults aged 60 and older don't need to take blood pressure drugs unless their levels reach 150 over 90 or higher."

I'm thinkin' Moochelle's not quite gettin' the Christmas thing......Michelle Obama: 'Make It a Christmas Treat' to Talk About Health Insurance

Michelle Obama: 'Make It a Christmas Treat' to Talk About Health Insurance | CNS News:
""And we urge people to reach out.
And if they signed up their child, then signed up -- sign up their friends," Mrs. Obama said.
"You know, if you've got grandkids, make it a Christmas treat around the table to talk about a little health care. 
You know, ring in the new year with a -- new coverage." "

It's always been about personal power. And the money that flows from power. Theirs. Not yours. Scientists, economists attack EPA ‘massive seizure of power’

Scientists, economists attack EPA ‘massive seizure of power’ | The Daily Caller:
"A group of climate scientists and economists are challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and other stationary sources.
These critics see a “massive seizure of power” by the agency.
The scientists and economists, including the former chair of the EPA’s Science Advisory Committee, filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court, arguing that the agency does not have the authority to permit greenhouse gases from stationary sources.
According to the group, such a permitting scheme is a “naked power grab of the most cynical sort.”"

Obama's education camps--------Some Parents Upset After L.I. School Removes Religious References From ‘Silent Night’

Some Parents Upset After L.I. School Removes Religious References From ‘Silent Night’ « CBS New York:
"KINGS PARK, N.Y. (CBSNewYork) – The song“Silent Night” is at the heart of a concert controversy on Long Island.
Kings Park school officials removed several religious references, including “Holy infant” and “Christ the Savior,” from the popular Christmas carol before a student concert last week, WCBS 880′s Mike Xirinachs reported.
The intent was to avoid offending non-Christians, but the change left others upset."

So. Just giving the same folks who destroyed the city more free stuff isn't the answer? Who'd of guessed------Detroit EMS rigs donated to city still sitting unused

Detroit EMS rigs donated to city still sitting unused | News - Home
About two weeks ago, 13 new ambulances were handed to Detroit.

Where are they now?
They’re not in use, not on the street and not in service.
On Tuesday morning, on the city's east side, a man was hurt in a fire on Ashley Street. 
Firefighters had to wait 20 minutes for an ambulance to arrive. Instead, they told 911 dispatchers they would take the man to the hospital themselves.

Detroit EMS Response time is supposed to greatly improve with the addition of 23 brand new, high tech ambulances donated to the city. 
However, only nine EMS units -- some of them old and unreliable ambulances -- were on the street Tuesday night.

There was quite a lot of fanfare when the final 13 ambulances were delivered to the city 13 days ago. 
So why were there only nine ambulances on duty? 
Where are the 13 news ambulances donated by corporations such as Penske Corp., Blue Cross Blue Shield, Chrysler, Ford, GM, Quicken Loans, The Kresge Foundation, Platinum Equity and Shinola?

Local 4 found them parked behind the city’s 911 dispatch center. 
They were collecting snow and were plowed in.

EMS drivers are furious.
 They said they have the staffing to get the rigs on the street saving lives.

Coal Must Embrace All-Out Battle with Eco-Bullies

PJ Media » Coal Must Embrace All-Out Battle with Eco-Bullies
Imagine you have been wrongfully arrested, charged with murdering a child. 
Although the evidence against you is sketchy, the police have no other suspects, and with the government anxious to appease those demanding justice, your case is rushed to trial.
Your lawyer decides that with public sentiment strongly against you, the best course of action is to plead guilty and to throw yourself at the mercy of the court.

But then, police find eyewitnesses who place you miles from the scene of the crime when it occurred.
Your lawyer even discovers that the victim’s body has yet to be found — and there is now some question as to whether the child ever existed.
With a sense of relief you head to court, confident this new information will lead to the case being dismissed.

But to your astonishment, your lawyer does not even bring up evidence of your innocence.
Instead he pleads for leniency, which gives the court moral authority to punish you for a crime you never committed and perhaps never even happened.

This insane scenario is analogous to what is happening to one of America’s most important industries and the source of 40% of the nation’s electricity: coal. 
Accused of causing dangerous climate change due to its carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, coal-fired electric power is in the crosshairs of a president anxious to be seen as taking action to stop global warming and extreme weather.

That global warming stopped 17 years ago, and extreme weather has not increased despite an 8% rise in CO2? 

This is never referenced by President Barack Obama or his Environmental Protection Agency.

Another liberal lie that will continue. Cuz liberal lies NEVER die. Just the truth dies.......Passive smoking – another of the Nanny State's big lies

Passive smoking – another of the Nanny State's big lies – Telegraph Blogs:
"Passive smoking doesn't give you lung cancer.
So says a new report publicised by the American Cancer Institute which will come as no surprise whatsoever to anyone with a shred of integrity who has looked into the origins of the great "environmental tobacco smoke" meme."

Can't we all just get along-----Record High in U.S. Say Big Government Greatest Threat

Record High in U.S. Say Big Government Greatest Threat:
"Seventy-two percent of Americans say big government is a greater threat to the U.S. in the future than is big business or big labor, a record high in the nearly 50-year history of this question.
The prior high for big government was 65% in 1999 and 2000.
Big government has always topped big business and big labor, including in the initial asking in 1965, but just 35% named it at that time."

I'm thinkin' Mooch would go along with this........Actress Jennifer Lawrence: 'It Should Be Illegal to Call Somebody Fat on TV'

Actress Jennifer Lawrence: 'It Should Be Illegal to Call Somebody Fat on TV' | CNS News
In an ABC interview with Barbara "Wa-Wa" Walters scheduled to air tonight, the Oscar-winning actress says, "It should be illegal to call somebody fat on TV." 
"I mean if we're regulating cigarettes and sex and cuss words because of the effect it has on the younger generation, why aren't we regulating things, like calling people fat," Lawrence added.

Obama's two americas---Black Student ‘Lynches’ Two White Guys, Calls It Art

Really, really weird!
The national media seems to have missed this.......NOT!

Black Student ‘Lynches’ Two White Guys, Calls It Art:
An African-American student at Sacramento State University is under fire for her recent work of art – which consisted of “lynching” two white men from a tree on the northern California campus.
The men were reportedly actors and were in no real danger during the project, which took place during the day in early December while students were on campus. The men were hung from a tree with a thick rope.
The senior responsible for the performance art, Christina Edwards, defended her project to Fox 40 News.
“The purpose of this performance was to bring to light social injustices and the issue of inequality that impacts me and my community as a whole,” Edwards said.
Edwards says she chose to illustrate this time in history by using race reversal, in an effort to shine new light on an old but standing matter. And says she followed all campus procedures.
The university doesn’t see it that way, however. University President Alexander Gonzalez released this statement saying, in part: “The university did not approve the display, and I want to assure everyone that I am working to address the multiple issues raised by this incident.”

Obama's new world odor----Pajama Boy is the New Julia

Pajama Boy is the New Julia - The Rush Limbaugh Show:
"It's some metrosexual (I mean, that's even dubious) in his pajamas, holding a cup of hot chocolate in two hands, and the tweet is, 
"How do you plan to spend the cold days of December?  
Wear pajamas, 
drink hot chocolate, 
and talk about getting health insurance."

There's a hashtag, #GetTalking, and you're supposed to spread this around, and this is how Obama's trying to organize his troops: 
Spend the month of December thinking about, talking about getting health insurance. 
The guy they're using here could be Rachel Maddow.
It could be Fred Slobodnik.
Really, we could be looking at a eunuch here.
It's unreal. 
It's incredible. 
It's a sexless individual."

Heck, the guy thought ALL electricity was free------Electric car owner charged with stealing 5 cents worth of juice

Electric car owner charged with stealing 5 cents worth of juice |
"Sgt. Ford says the officer should have arrested Kamooneh on the spot.
But he didn't.
Instead, the officer filed a police report.
Then 11 days passed, and two deputies showed up at his house in Decatur.

"They arrested me here at about eight o'clock at night," Kamooneh said.

Ford said he sought the arrest warrant after determining that school officials hadn't given Kamooneh permission to plug in his car.
Ford said Chamblee Police did so without asking school officials if they wanted to prosecute the alleged theft of electricity. A DeKalb Schools spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

Records show Kamooneh spent more than 15 hours in the DeKalb County Jail for plugging his car into a school's electrical outlet.

Kamooneh acknowledges he hadn't asked permission first. 
"When I got there, there was nobody there. It was a Saturday morning," he said.

"A theft is a theft," Sgt. Ford said. When asked if he'd make the arrest again, he answered: "Absolutely.""

No hypocrisy here-----They just don't like guys with beards who kill ducks-Pope Francis named ‘Person of the Year’ by leading gay rights magazine

Pope Francis named ‘Person of the Year’ by leading gay rights magazine - Times Of India:
"Happy birthday to Pope Francis, who has once again been named 'Person of the Year', this time by a leading lifestyle magazine that actively promotes gay rights.

The religious leader is the December coverstar of The Advocate magazine..."

No hypocrisy here----------- 'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson on Indefinite Hiatus Following Anti-Gay Remarks

'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson on Indefinite Hiatus Following Anti-Gay Remarks:
"“It seems like, to me, a vagina -- as a man -- would be more desirable than a man’s anus," Robertson says in the January issue of the men's magazine.
"That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”"

Soooo, one of Mooch's friends makes LESS than $350,000/yr? TSA Wants to Hire ‘Economically Disadvantaged Woman Owned Small Business’

TSA Wants to Hire ‘Economically Disadvantaged Woman Owned Small Business’ | Washington Free Beacon
 "The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is looking exclusively for an “economically disadvantaged woman owned small business” when it awards its next $30 million contract for security training.
The agency announced a solicitation for a company to conduct training for its Inter-Modal Security and Training Exercise Program (I-Step) last week."
"The Small Business Administration defines an Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business (EDWOSB) as a company that is “at least 51 percent directly and unconditionally owned and controlled by one or more women who are citizens (born or naturalized) of the United States and who are economically disadvantaged.”
An economically disadvantaged woman is one who earns less than $350,000 a year, with a net worth not greater than $750,000."

History for December 19 - Bunk, sunk and skunk

History for December 19 -
1996 - The school board of Oakland, CA, voted to recognize Black English, also known as "ebonics."                                                            

1997 - "Titanic" opened in American movie theaters.

1998 - U.S. President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges of perjury and obstruction of justice by the U.S. House of Representatives.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

It wasn't just the democrat "messiah" who lied repeatedly on video------WaPo: 'Every Democrat Should Be Scared' of this Obamacare Ad

30 seconds of video Hell for democrats.
Facts are dangerous things.
Video lies even more so.
WaPo: 'Every Democrat Should Be Scared' of this Obamacare Ad | National Review Online:
"Chris Cillizza, the Washington Post’s top political blogger, says “Obamacare’s growing unpopularity makes the ad’s message dangerous for any Democrat.” 
The latest ABC News poll shows 70 percent of independents oppose Obama on health care.
Nearly half of all voters think Obamacare is making the health-care system worse versus only 19 percent who think it will improve matters.
Cillizza’s conclusion: “You have a very scary situation for Shaheen — and any other Democrat, which is almost all of them, on the record supporting the ACA. 
Get used to this ad.
You are going to see it thousands of times — in various forms — before 2014 is over.”"

Hope and Change? ....Michigan report shows a 7-year, 53% hike in child food assistance

Michigan report shows a 7-year, 53% hike in child food assistance | The Detroit News:
"Lansing— Michigan experienced a 53 percent increase in the rate of young children who qualified for federal food assistance between 2005 and 2012, according to a study on child health released today.

The annual Kids Count in Michigan report found more than 1 in every 3 children (37 percent) qualified for nutritional help because their families were living on less than $31,000 a year for a two-parent, two-child family."

Good idea to demolish. Bad idea it's 100% federally funded-----Second phase of Brewster Projects demolition slated for this afternoon

The tsunami of federal "free" money into Detroit continues.

Second phase of Brewster Projects demolition slated for this afternoon | The Detroit News:
"Detroit — The rumble of heavy machinery will fill the air Wednesday afternoon when Phase II of the demolition of the Frederick Douglas Homes begins.

Also known as the Brewster Projects, the demolition of 154 mid-level units will begin at 2:30 p.m. This phase of the demolition is expected to be completed in February.

Phase I of the sprawling complex took place on Sept. 4 when 96 low-rise units were torn down.

“The demolition of the Frederick Douglass Homes will mark the end of an era, but more importantly, the beginning of a major redevelopment and revitalization opportunity for our City" Mayor Dave Bing said in a statement. “This demolition is a culmination of my four-year plan to demolish 10,000 dangerous and vacant structures in our city.”

Wednesday’s Phase II demolition is the result of coordinated efforts between the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Detroit Housing Commission (DHC) and Bing’s office."

More Than 75% Don't Find Reporters Honest, Ethical

More Than 75% Don't Find Reporters Honest, Ethical

Gallup did a poll that ranks the ethical and honesty ratings of various professions, ranging from clergy to politicians to newspaper and television reporters.
Gallup took the angle of looking at the results from a political point of view – the difference in how Republicans, Democrats, and Independents view the credibility of various professions. Regardless, the highest newspaper and television reporters were able to score was with Democrats, but it was still no higher than 25%.

Only 15% and 16% of Republicans found TV and newspaper reporters honest and ethical, respectively.

How The Media Will Report The Apocalypse

Read 'em all
How The Media Will Report The Apocalypse:

The government spends money on what? A list of the most absurd things taxpayers paid for last year

The government spends money on what? A list of the most absurd things taxpayers paid for last year | Rare
“The Department of Interior was counting sheep with high-tech unmanned aerial drones after delaying the opening of some national landmarks and closing others early,” the report said on its opening page.
Coburn tallied up nearly $30 billion in possible savings.

“When it comes to spending your money, those in Washington tend to see no waste, speak no waste, and cut no waste,” he added.

Other examples in the report:
+ More than 100,000 non-essential federal employees being paid a salary of at least $100,000 were furloughed as non-essential.

+ The Army National Guard spent $10 million on Superman movie tie-ins while plans were being made to cut the strength of the Guard by 8,000 soldiers.

+ NASA spent $3 million on an annual “Congressional Operations Seminar on Capitol Hill.”

+ The Agriculture Department spent over $415,000 to market U.S. wines in China.

+ The State Department spent $704,198 on “gardening and landscaping services” at the home of the NATO Ambassador in Brussels, Belgium.

+ The State Department spent $630,000 to generate Facebook “likes.”

These Two Brothers Have Had Their Photo Taken with Santa for 30 Years Running

These Two Brothers Have Had Their Photo Taken with Santa for 30 Years Running:
"Yes, ever since 1980, the Gray brothers Mike and Martin have had their picture taken with Santa; although, to be fair, Martin didn’t join the fray until 1984.
Still, from 1984 on, both brothers have gotten their picture taken together with good ol’ Saint Nick — starting when they were kids and now with their own children in tow."

One marvels at how this could happen.......Firefighters mistakenly pump jet fuel on fire instead of water

Firefighters mistakenly pump jet fuel on fire instead of water | Seattle:
"The Washington State Patrol is investigating a serious mishap that occurred Oct. 25th at its fire training academy in North Bend.
During a training exercise, firefighters mistakenly pumped jet fuel instead of water onto a flaming mock-up of an airplane crash.
KING 5 obtained video that shows an enormous fireball erupted when the fuel hit the flames at the training site.
“When the firefighters put water on a fire that had been deliberately developed for training the fire got bigger instead of smaller,” said Bob Calkins of the State Patrol, which is investigating the incident."

Our civilization is loaded with folks like this----Woman doesn’t understand how light refraction works, conspiracy theory ensues

deadstate rainbow conspiracyWoman doesn’t understand how light refraction works, conspiracy theory ensues:
"If it was possible to actually laugh yourself to death, it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to watch this woman’s video.

Aside from the hilarity, the video is a perfect example of how ignorance of science goes hand-in-hand with conspiracy-mongering. It’s also noteworthy how “chemtrail” alarmists express nearly identical concerns about the prismatic nature of certain contrails.

This video is a few years old and not much is known about the woman who uploaded it. But let’s hope someone sat her down and put her mind at ease with a little scientific knowledge, dispelling her confusion of light refraction in water droplets with a secret government water-poisoning campaign.

Danger! Liberals with guns-----The highly inconvenient Arapahoe High School shooter

The highly inconvenient Arapahoe High School shooter | Human Events
All of a sudden, the left-wing media doesn’t think the political views of a crazed gunman are worth discussing.  
Under the media rules of engagement set forth after the Tucson shooting in 2011, we should be having a huge national conversation about the Left-Wing Climate of Hate right now, and asking how the bitter personal attacks favored by leftists – who are currently fond of asserting that anyone who disagrees with President Barack Obama is a subhuman racist monster – drove student Karl Pierson, 18, of Colorado to attack the Arapahoe High School, critically injuring a fellow student before killing himself.  Every American should be asking how Pierson’s devotion to socialism and communism led him to violence.  MSNBC hosts should be flogging themselves live on the air for their role in creating the Climate of Hate that led to this outburst of youthful violence, citing their own words from 2011 to explain why they must be held to account.
Of course, instead of putting Pierson’s outspoken political views in the headlines – as they most assuredly would, if it was even remotely possible to link him to conservative causes or the Tea Party – the media is burying this aspect of the story, and rather swiftly losing interest in talking about Pierson at all.  The Denver Post actually stealth-edited their story to quietly remove the word “socialist,” changing this sentence:
Thomas Conrad, who had an economics class with the gunman, described him as a very opinionated Socialist.
… to read as follows:
Thomas Conrad, who had an economics class with Pierson, described him asvery opinionated.
The headline to the Denver Post article declares, “Arapaho High Gunman Held Strong Political Beliefs, Classmates Said.”  Not until the end of the story do you get any idea as to what those beliefs might have been:
In one Facebook post, Pierson attacks the philosophies of economist Adam Smith, who through his invisible-hand theory pushed the notion that the free market was self-regulating. In another post, he describes himself as “Keynesian.”
“I was wondering to all the neoclassicals and neoliberals, why isn’t the market correcting itself?” he wrote. “If the invisible hand is so strong, shouldn’t it be able to overpower regulations?”
Wow, that’s some scintillating, hard-hitting logic right there.  The Invisible Hand can’t “overpower regulations,” because the regulators have guns, kid.  But the Invisible Hand most certainly can play merry hell with the big plans of regulators, as anyone following the collapse of ObamaCare should understand by now.
Pierson also appears to mock Republicans on another Facebook post, writing “you republicans are so cute” and posting an image that reads: “The Republican Party: Health Care: Let ‘em Die, Climate Change: Let ‘em Die, Gun Violence: Let ‘em Die, Women’s Rights: Let ‘em Die, More War: Let ‘em Die. Is this really the side you want to be on?”
The Wall Street Journal adds a fellow student’s recollection that Pierson “once wore a shirt emblazoned with the letters U.S.S.R. and described himself as a communist.”  I wonder if we’ll learn which faculty members took Pierson under their wings and nourished his dreary closed-minded liberal views.  We’ve heard quite a few stories lately from across the nation about left-wing teachers using their classrooms as captive audiences for political diatribes that sounded quite a bit like young Mr. Pierson’s views.

Obama's attack on small business----Next Obamacare crisis: Small-business costs?

Next Obamacare crisis: Small-business costs? - David Nather -
Here’s why: Next year, small-business health plans — generally those that cover fewer than 100 workers — will have to comply with a wide range of new rules, particularly the ones that say employees can’t be charged more if they have health problems. 
Their premiums will vary based only on their age, whether they have individual or family coverage, what part of the country they live in, and whether they use tobacco — and older workers won’t be able to be charged more than three times as much as younger ones.

Those changes will be helpful to small businesses with older workers and employees with health problems, but they also mean that small firms with younger, healthier workers will have to pay more than they used to.
The new small-business plans will also have to cover the same set of minimum benefits that individual health plans will have to provide, including pediatric care and mental health and substance abuse services.
“If you can’t use health [to set premiums] anymore, some people will move down and other people will move up,” said Gary Claxton, director of the Health Care Marketplace Project at the Kaiser Family Foundation. “If you’re a group of three 21-year-old men, you’ll pay more, because a group of three 64-year-olds somewhere else will be paying less.”

Would you want one piloting your airliner? "Every major city which is a poverty center is run by Democrats."

Gingrich: "Every major city which is a poverty center is run by Democrats." | Human Events
Gingrich hits back hard against Reich’s assertion that Republican stonewalling of the Obama agenda is the only reason we haven’t drawn closer to utopia over the past five years, calling it “baloney.”  Gingrich shot back: “Every major city which is a center of poverty is run by Democrats.  Every major city.  Their policies have failed, they’re not willing to admit it, and the fact is, it’s the poor who suffer from bad government.”

In the exchange, Reich argues that the War on Poverty was going great until tight-fisted Republicans started interfering with Democrat plans to redistribute even more wealth, and claims “income inequality” has gotten worse under Obama because of Republican resistance to his agenda.  This is, quite possibly, the dumbest thing anyone has ever said.  
Just for starters, it projects staggering ignorance about the War on Poverty.
To agree with Reich, you have to be just about completely ignorant of actual history, not only from decades past but from the explosion of wealth redistribution and social welfare spending under the past few Presidents, particularly Obama.
But of course, it’s tedious leftist cant to insist that the only reason their policies fail is that they weren’t given another couple trillion dollars to pursue them more vigorously.  Every failure of State control is caused by insufficient State control.  The Daily Caller offers a look at how the War on Poverty was going when Reich was on the front lines under Clinton, and his history of deliberately misrepresenting that history:
One thing Reich isn’t taking responsibility for is his own contribution to inequality during his widely regretted  stint in the White House. Working as the Clinton Administration’s Labor Secretary from 1993 to 1997, Reich oversaw a substantial hike in the federal minimum wage and implementation of the Family Leave Act. Despite these apparent War-On-Poverty victories, according to‘s chart of after-tax income by income group, U.S. inequality during his tenure grew at the fastest rate ever seen up until that time.
Reich left office prior to the late-Clinton-era boom that lifted all wage groups and saw the last balanced budgets in American history. He later slammed his former colleagues in the memoir “Locked In the Cabinet,” which was universally criticized and had to be substantially re-edited in later editions due to Reich’s multiple distortions and outright falsehoods.
Reich is a hardcore socialist, and socialists lie.  It’s what they do.  It’s baked into the very essence of their being, because their philosophy assumes the absolute primacy of a wise Ruling Class elite that knows how best to arrange society in a “fair” and “just” manner.  This involves the use of compulsive force to seize assets and income from their rightful owners, plus a good deal of forcing average citizens to live as the Ruling Class desires.

Barbara Walters is even dumber than we first thought---------- on Obama: ‘We Thought He Was Going To Be The Next Messiah’

And, so it seems, are all her friends.
Why are such morons so well paid?
Barbara Walters on Obama: ‘We Thought He Was Going To Be The Next Messiah’ | NewsBusters
PIERS MORGAN, HOST: You have interviewed every president of my lifetime. Why is Obama facing so much opposition now? Why is he struggling so much to really fulfill the great flame of ambition and excitement that he was elected on originally in 2009?
BARBARA WALTERS: Well, you've touched on it to a degree. He made so many promises. We thought that he was going to be - I shouldn't say this at Christmastime, but - the next messiah. And the whole ObamaCare, or whatever you want to call it, the Affordable Health Act, it just hasn't worked for him, and he’s stumbled around on it, and people feel very disappointed because they expected more.
It's very difficult when the expectations for you are very high. You're almost better off when they are low and then they rise and rise. His were very high and they’ve dropped. But you know, he still has several years to go. What does he have, three years, Piers? And, you know, there will be a lot of changes, one thinks in that time.