Friday, December 20, 2013

I'm thinkin' she be lyin'. And she be caught.......Rep. Phil Gingrey to Sebelius: Prove You Met with President About Obamacare

Exclusive–Rep. Phil Gingrey to Sebelius: Prove You Met with President About Obamacare
In a move sure to spark consternation inside the White House, Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA) sent a letter Tuesday to embattled Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius requesting she produce a list of the one-on-one meetings she and President Barack Obama allege to have held in the over three-and-a-half years leading up to Obamacare’s calamitous rollout—meetings that do not appear on the White House's own official calendar.
....Last week during a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing, Gingrey, a medical doctor, asked a flustered Sebelius how many one-on-one meetings she had with Obama
“A lot,” replied Sebelius. Gingrey then asked whether she could verify her statement. “I, I…,” Sebelius uttered while flailing her hands. 
The committee chair then announced that Gingrey’s time for questioning had expired.

WH Won't Say Whether Anyone Will Have to Pay Obamacare Penalty in 2014

WH Won't Say Whether Anyone Will Have to Pay Obamacare Penalty in 2014 | The Weekly Standard:
""Is there going to be a single person in 2014 that's going to pay the penalty?
A single uninsured American that is going to end up paying the penalty in 2014 at this point?," asked MSNBC host Chuck Todd.

"Chuck, I can't talk to you about how many people are going to be subject to the penalty," said White House deputy senior advisor David Simas, sidestepping the question."

"Big mystery"...yeah, right.........Questionable actions cost 2 Huron Valley teachers their jobs

But, thanks to their union clout, they got paid whilst on "administrative leave".
The district " would not say if they were fired or resigned".
I guess they didn't say anything about gays, homosexual marriage or God..... we'd see it on the TV news.
Questionable actions cost 2 Huron Valley teachers their jobs | The Detroit News:
"Two middle school teachers are no longer employed by Huron Valley Schools after being accused of engaging in inappropriate behavior in an empty classroom, the district announced Thursday.

The male and a female teachers, both whom worked at White Lake Middle School were reported to administrators Dec. 13 and were immediately placed on administrative leave while the district launched an internal investigation into the allegations, said Kim Root, school district spokeswoman.

Root would not elaborate on what the teachers were doing in the room.

On Thursday, the district announced the two were no longer employed, but would not say if they were fired or resigned.

Parents have been informed via email and substitutes are filling in as replacements, Root said."

There's gotta be a way to wring some money out of this..........2013 Will Finish One Of The Ten Coldest Years In US History, With The Largest Drop In Temperature

ScreenHunter_437 Dec. 19 17.162013 Will Finish One Of The Ten Coldest Years In US History, With The Largest Drop In Temperature | Real Science:
"2013 Will Finish One Of The Ten Coldest Years In US History, With The Largest Drop In Temperature
Posted on December 20, 2013 by stevengoddard
Before NASA and NOAA start tampering with the data, 2013 is one of the ten coldest years since 1895, and has had the largest year over year decline on record."

Muskegon's most gifted columnist--Listing and Sinking

Listing and Sinking
"Our vessel will not survive this continuous assault from every direction.
Not only are the pirates launching wave after wave of unanswered attacks but the captain is drilling holes in the hull below deck.  
His crew runs around stuffing rags into the ruptures they’ve created.
They assure us that all is well.
We are told to go back to our sunbathing. 
As an extra bonus, free drinks are available at the bar, compliments of the captain."
Read it all and bookmark her blog!

Holy crapoli! What liberal's kid got this contract?......................Oregon blows one-third of Obamacare ad budget on 'acid trip' commercial

Oregon blows one-third of Obamacare ad budget on 'acid trip' commercial - Richmond Advertising |
  • At $3.2 million for air time and production, it cost just under a third of the state's $9.9 million Obamacare marketing budget.

"In an animation style that looks like a poor man's Yellow Submarine, a hippie with a guitar takes flight over the mountaintops and is joined by other 1970s-style Oregonians, who form up and magically transform into the shape of a huge bird.

The lyrics he's singing are:

We fly with our own wings,

Care 'bout the same things.

We stand strong together,

So let me hear you say:

We fly with our own wings,

Dreamin’ all the big dreams.

Long live Oregonians; we’re free to be heal-thy.

Long live Oregonians; we’re free to be heal-thy."

Don't forget. When the IRS is scheming to audit Tea Party groups (and finding NOTHING) it's not doing the job they promised us they were doing------Jane Fonda has a charitable foundation

Fire EVERYONE at the IRS!

Jane Fonda has a charitable foundation » Joe For America:
Hanoi Jane is now Charity Jane. She has her own foundation, the Jane Fonda Foundation, and she spends her time – when she’s not elbowing John Kerry out of the way for Botox – running her foundation.
Though Jane Fonda’s private foundation has nearly $800,000 in assets, the group has not made a charitable contribution during the last five years for which it has filed federal tax returns, an apparent violation of Internal Revenue Service rules.
According to the Jane Fonda Foundation’s most recent tax return–filed last year and covering calendar year 2011–the organization’s cash, stock, and bond portfolio was valued at $798,133. The filing lists the 75-year-old actress as the foundation’s president and chairman of the board, and reports that she devotes 10 hours a week to the charitable group.
The foundation hasn’t made a charitable contribution since 2006, according to IRS public records, when they donated $1,000 to the Atlanta Obstetric and Gynecology Society.
The interesting part of this is that while the IRS has plenty of time to harass conservative 501-c4 groups, and audit critics of ObamaCare, they are ignoring Hanoi Jane’s compliance problems with her foundation.

In the dark of night-----------Utter Chaos: White House Exempts Millions From Obamacare's Insurance Mandate, 'Unaffordable' Exchanges

Utter Chaos: White House Exempts Millions From Obamacare's Insurance Mandate, 'Unaffordable' Exchanges - Forbes:

It’s hard to come up with new ways to describe the Obama administration’s improvisational approach to the Affordable Care Act’s troubled health insurance exchanges. 
But last night, the White House made its most consequential announcement yet.
 The administration will grant a “hardship exemption” from the law’s individual mandate, requiring the purchase of health insurance, to anyone who has had their prior coverage canceled and who “believes” that Obamacare’s offerings “are unaffordable.” 
These exemptions will substantially alter the architecture of the law’s insurance marketplaces. 
Insurers are at their wits’ end, trying to make sense of what to do next.

Front paging the bearded guy interviewed in GQ. Sorta missed this minor annoyance------5 die from gunshot wounds in 18 hours in Chicago

Barry Hussein's home town.
Doesn't ANYONE in the liberal media care?
At all?

5 die from gunshot wounds in 18 hours in Chicago -
"Three people, including a 74-year-old man, were shot to death within three hours on the South and Southwest sides in Chicago overnight, according to authorities.
Adding to the toll are two teens who died Wednesday after being shot earlier in the week."

A tawdry tale-Read it----------- The Welfare Queen:

Instapundit » Blog Archive » JOSH LEVIN IN SLATE: The Welfare Queen
JOSH LEVIN IN SLATE: The Welfare Queen: Ronald Reagan made Linda Taylor a notorious American villain. Her other sins were far worse.
Four decades later, Reagan’s soliloquies on welfare fraud are often remembered as shameless demagoguery. Many accounts report that Reagan coined the term “welfare queen,” and that this woman in Chicago was a fictional character. In 2007, the New York Times’ Paul Krugman wrote that “the bogus story of the Cadillac-driving welfare queen [was] a gross exaggeration of a minor case of welfare fraud.” MSNBC’s Chris Matthews says the whole thing is racist malarkey—a coded reference to black indolence and criminality designed to appeal to working-class whites.
Though Reagan was known to stretch the truth, he did not invent that woman in Chicago. Her name was Linda Taylor, and it was the Chicago Tribune, not the GOP politician, who dubbed her the “welfare queen.” It was the Tribune, too, that lavished attention on Taylor’s jewelry, furs, and Cadillac—all of which were real. . . .
When I set out in search of Linda Taylor, I hoped to find the real story of the woman who played such an outsize role in American politics—who she was, where she came from, and what her life was like before and after she became the national symbol of unearned prosperity. What I found was a woman who destroyed lives, someone far more depraved than even Ronald Reagan could have imagined. In the 1970s alone, Taylor was investigated for homicide, kidnapping, and baby trafficking. The detective who tried desperately to put her away believes she’s responsible for one of Chicago’s most legendary crimes, one that remains unsolved to this day. Welfare fraud was likely the least of the welfare queen’s offenses.
Read the whole thing.
UPDATE: Hyper-Regulated Lawlessness. “The political significance of the “welfare queen” story rests on how many of them are out there. A single person scamming the welfare state does not, by herself, represent a devastating indictment of the welfare state. It matters how easy it was, and whether a large number of people participate in such activities, albeit on a less grandiose scale than ‘the haughty thief who drove her Cadillac to the public aid office’ and wore ‘expensive clothes and oversize hats’ to her trial. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of scamming going on, and the Left is not even slightly interested in cracking down on it, or even admitting it’s a problem.” For them, it’s not a problem. It’s a funding mechanism.

Choice...what a concept! -------BREAKING: Workers Dismantle Over 70 Unions in Wisconsin

Seems what the unions and their members in the MSM were tellin' us was bunk.
Who'd of thunk?

BREAKING: Workers Dismantle Over 70 Unions in Wisconsin | MacIver Institute:
"[Madison, Wisc...]
Workers rejected over 70 of 408 school district unions during annual recertification elections that ended on Thursday, according to a preliminary analysis of the results.

The elections went from November 29th until noon on December 19th and involved 408 collective bargaining units around the state associated with school districts.
Workers cast their votes using a telephone voting system."

This guy is pretending to be a republican. Dump him. Now! -----------Snyder backs higher renewable energy, efficiency goals; cautious on tackling customer choice

He buys into the whole "global warming" lie.
And will shut down our coal power plants.
He's an eco-left liberal!
Snyder backs higher renewable energy, efficiency goals; cautious on tackling customer choice | Crain's Detroit Business:
"By 2015, however, Snyder said he wants to support legislation that continues to increase the renewable energy portfolio standards beyond the 10 percent production requirement already enshrined in 2008’s energy legislative package.

...“We need to transition from coal to natural gas and renewables,” he said. “We need to move that way to help residential and industrial users and protect the environment.”

Snyder acknowledged there will be a significant reduction in coal plants in Michigan over the next 10 years."

Minimalist poetry at its best-------A Winter's Poem

Looks like Putin has taken measure of little Barry------Russia Moves Missiles Near Poland, Lithuania

Obama's shows his stuff as he directs his staff to  hit back with the big guns, "a swift rebuke".
I've always preferred a "stern rebuke"..........
That really, really makes the bad guys feel rebuked.
Russia Moves Missiles Near Poland, Lithuania | Defense Tech:
"Russia has reportedly deployed nuclear-capable missiles closer to Europe near the Baltic Sea between Poland and Lithuania.

Moscow confirmed stationing several short-range Iskander ballistic missiles, known in NATO parlance as SS-26 Stone and capable of carrying nuclear warheads, in the enclave of Kaliningrad. The seaport borders the European Union countries and is geographically separated from the rest of Russia.

The move drew a swift rebuke from the U.S. “We’ve urged Moscow to take no steps to destabilize the region,” Marie Harf, a State Department spokeswoman, told The Wall Street Journal."

Obama's plunge into National Economic Suicide------Fed's Balance Sheet Rises To Record $4.01 Trillion

Fed's Balance Sheet Rises To Record $4.01 Trillion | Zero Hedge:
"Dear Federal Reserve: happy 100th birthday!
What better way to celebrate it than with a balance sheet that just crossed above $4 trillion, or $4.01 trillion to be precise, which represents 24% of the recently upward revised US GDP, for the first (but certainly not last) time in history.
Fingers crossed that promptly after next year's Untaper, the Fed can boast a $5 trillion balance sheet this time next year, and so on, and so forth."

America's shame-Willful Blindness...............After Geneva, "The Islamic Bomb"

No shame felt in Washington.
No problem.
"Shame" easily converted to "blame" in Barry's World.
After Geneva, "The Islamic Bomb" :: Gatestone Institute
On the day when the "interim agreements" were ratified in Geneva, November 24 2013, the Iranian Foreign Affairs Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, was photographed smiling
He had good reason to be pleased; not since the Munich Agreement in 1938 have Western leaders given so much for so little. 
As Bret Stephens wrote in theWall Street Journal, Western leaders in Geneva behaved even more disgracefully than those who had come to Munich.

In Munich, only two Western politicians were present, Chamberlain and Daladier; the United States was not involved. 
In the photographs then, all the participants looked concerned.
After Munich, Winston Churchill delivered the famous phrase: "You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war". 

After Geneva, Israel's Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, was the only leader expressing disagreement.
He spoke of a "historic mistake".
Diplomatically, he could not speak of dishonor, although dishonor was plainly evident.
And he could he could use the word "betrayal."
In Munich, the big, unspoken item in the room was the persecution of the Jews in Europe. 
Although Chamberlain and Daladier knew everything about the proliferation of anti-Semitic acts and decisions since Adolf Hitler came to power, they may have thought they were in a weak position, and did not really care about the Jews. 
They practiced willful blindness. 
Hitler noticed -- and Kristallnacht soon followed less than six weeks later in Germany: a night in which over 91 Jews were murdered and 30,000 were arrested and sent to concentration camps, Jewish homes, businesses, hospitals, and schools were ransacked, and over 1,000 synagogues were burned.

In Geneva, the big, unspoken item in the room was Israel.
Laurent Fabius , Guido Westerwelle, Catherine Ashton and John Kerry knew everything about the calls for destroying Israel uttered for decades ​​by Iranian leaders. 
They were in a position of strength, but evidently did not care about Israel. 
They practiced willful blindness. 
Mohammad Javad Zarif noticed. 
Ali Khamenei in Tehran also noticed. 
No Kristallnacht has been perpetrated against Israel -- yet.

'Duck Dynasty' family: No show without Phil Robertson

'Duck Dynasty' family: No show without Phil Robertson | Detroit Free Press |
"And finally, the family says, "We have had a successful working relationship with A&E but, as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm. 
We are in discussions with A&E to see what that means for the future of ‘Duck Dynasty.’
Again, thank you for your continued support of our family.""

Quit whining and get into the next bracket!.........Where's your cut-off?

This is "Cash money" ONLY.
It doesn't count Bridge cards, rent/utilities discounts/free health insurance (Medicaid), and a big, growing everyday, list the left doesn't want you to know about.
And don't forget the free ObamaPhones!
Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data | Tax Foundation:

Table 7. Dollar Cut-Off, 1980-2011 (Minimum AGI for tax return to fall into various percentiles; thresholds not adjusted for inflation)

Top 1%
Top 5%
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%



Source: IRS

This tells us a bit about America.

Obama's america----------Now The Petty Girls In The White House Want A Slumber Party

This is what the geniuses in ObamaCentralControl think will win Americans over to nObamaCare.
Anyone remember John Wayne?
Clint Eastwood?
Bruce Willis for-gosh-sakes!
Vladimir Putin?
Now The Petty Girls In The White House Want A Slumber Party « Rat Nation

Now The Petty Girls In The White House Want A Slumber Party

Wear feety
With full apologies to The Pink Ladies from Grease
Whoever is approving the Obama White House messaging on ObamaCare seriously has not mentally left middle school.
“Wear pajamas.
Drink hot chocolate,
Talk about getting health insurance.

Panic in Needle Park......nO-Care 'fix' extends to bare-bones plans

O-Care 'fix' extends to bare-bones plans | TheHill:
"The Obama administration is planning to allow individuals whose health insurance was cancelled under ObamaCare to buy catastrophic plans once intended mainly for young people.
Under the plan, individuals who are unable to renew their current health insurance will be able to purchase bare-bones coverage, according to a source connected with the health industry.
Current rules say that to qualify for a catastrophic plan, individuals must be either under 30 or qualify for a "hardship" exemption. "

History for December 20- A small step for free men, Bigger is better, A tax even a mother would love, An old friend now banned, Probably would be a slur today

History for December 20 -
1606 - The "Susan Constant," "Godspeed" and "Discovery" set sail from London.
Their landing at Jamestown, VA, was the start of the first permanent English settlement in America.

1803 - The United States Senate ratified a treaty that included the Louisiana Territories from France for $15 million. The transfer was completed with formal ceremonies in New Orleans.

1820 - The state of Missouri enacted legislation to tax bachelors between the ages of 21-50 for being unmarried. The tax was $1 a year.

1879 - Thomas A. Edison privately demonstrated his incandescent light at Menlo Park, NJ.

1880 - New York's Broadway became known as the "Great White Way" when it was lighted by electricity.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Selective outrage-It's what cowards do.

Holy crapoli! They fought through the idiotic phone and web system. They finally reached the finish line. And Obamacare just increased the race to a marathon? ----Illinois warns thousands to reapply for Obamacare

Illinois warns thousands to reapply for Obamacare | The Daily Caller:
"Less than a week before the deadline to sign up for insurance coverage, Illinois is contacting thousands of customers announcing that they might have to redo their applications for Obamacare.

Illinois’s exchange, run in a partnership with the federal government through, has been referring applicants it deemed eligible for Medicaid coverage to the federal government instead.

But in response to growing complaints, state officials announced Wednesday they’re in the midst of calling and emailing the 30,000 exchange customers sent to Medicaid to tell them to do their applications all over again if they believe they were mistakenly pegged for the low-income program."

If Obama had an airplane-----Vought V-173: The Flying Pancake

Vought V-173: The Flying Pancake

You probably already heard and read ALL about this......didn't you? It's big news when someone discriminates.....isn't it...... Lesbian boss ‘fired me for being straight’

Lesbian boss ‘fired me for being straight’ | New York Post:
"A married, heterosexual gym teacher at a tony Upper West Side private school was fired because his lesbian supervisor disapproved of his “traditional family status,” the canned teacher claims in a new Manhattan lawsuit.
Gregory Kenney, 50, taught gym at the Trinity School on W. 91st St. for 16 years before he was let go in June 2012.
Kenney, who lives with his wife and three young children in LI, says he was a well-liked employee at the elite institution that counts Truman Capote, Ivanka Trump and Eric Schneiderman as alumni, until a gay athletic director named Pat Krieger took over in 2009.
Krieger allegedly forced him to coach three sports, even though his contract only required him to join two teams, according to his reverse discrimination suit.
When he complained that the extra responsibilities interfered with his family obligations Krieger allegedly told him, “We all make choices,” the suit says."

If we sit idly by, they will take every part of your life and use it AGAINST YOU and your family!

Amazing similarity between Obama and Costa Concordia's captain-----Four state Obamacare chiefs bolt post-launch

Four state Obamacare chiefs bolt post-launch:
 "The latest casualty came Tuesday, when Minnesota's health exchange boss, April Todd-Malmlov, resigned during an emergency session of the board that oversees that exchange, called MNsure."

OOOOH baby! This looks like FUN! ---First Look: Heizer Defense Pocket Shotgun - YouTube

▶ First Look: Heizer Defense Pocket Shotgun - YouTube: "

"Super....whatever" is scary and always means we gotta give government more power and money so they're gonna protect us. Right? 'Superbug' bacteria widespread in US chicken

'Superbug' bacteria widespread in US chicken:
"About half of the raw chicken breasts in a nationwide sampling carried antibiotic-resistant "superbug" bacteria, a U.S. consumer group said on Thursday, calling for stricter limits on use of the medicines on livestock."