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Saturday, December 21, 2013
Lots of depressing stuff here------Straight talk about Detroit and Illinois pensions
But it will take strong, articulate, honest leaders.
.....we're doomed.....
Straight talk about Detroit and Illinois pensions - Encore - MarketWatch:
"The financial problems facing Illinois and Detroit are among the worst in the country, and have few implications for the nation as a whole.
Illinois has systematically not funded its pensions – nor paid any other bills, to my understanding!
Detroit’s financial crisis reflects the large outmigration of people and industry, as well as fiscal mismanagement.
It does not make sense to extrapolate from the nation’s most dire situations to the rest of the country.
Pensions play a major role in the Illinois situation, but are less important in Detroit.
Although one can always argue about the appropriate interest rate to use in discounting future benefits, Illinois state plans (with the exception of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund) vie for last place in terms of funded status.
Both of Detroit’s pensions, in contrast, are funded at roughly the national average.
The funded status does reflect the transfer of proceeds from pension obligation bonds issued in 2005 and 2006, which increased the city’s non-pension debt.
But pensions are not driving Detroit’s problems."
Megyn Kelly Responds to Santa Claus Critics: Get a Sense of Humor
Megyn Kelly Responds to Santa Claus Critics: Get a Sense of Humor | NewsBusters:
After playing several clips of various television shows reacting to her remarks, Kelly commented further on the response: “This would be funny if it were not so telling about our society. In particular, the knee-jerk instinct by so many to race bait and to assume the worst in people, especially people employed by the very powerful Fox News channel.”
Indeed. As we noted yesterday, it seems that many leftists in this country seem to be psychologically disturbed that there is one television channel which is not controlled by Democratic partisans and therefore they seek to turn even the tiniest molehills into mountains when it comes to Fox News. The entire segment was a joke and for people to pretend otherwise speaks negatively of their intelligence or their honesty.
Kelly summarized the kerfuffle well when she added at the end: “The fact that an offhand jest that I made during a segment about whether Santa should be replaced by a penguin has now become a national firestorm says two things: race is still an incredibly volatile issue in this country and Fox News and yours truly are big targets for many people.”
A complete transcript of the segment which appeared on the December 13, 2013 edition of “The Kelly File” follows.
We are subsidizing our own destruction-The Year the Monarch Didn’t Appear
"“There’s no question that the loss of habitat is huge,” said Douglas Tallamy, a professor of entomology at the University of Delaware, who has long warned of the perils of disappearing insects.
“We notice the monarch and bees because they are iconic insects,” he said.
A big part of it is the way the United States farms.
As the price of corn has soared in recent years, driven by federal subsidies for biofuels, farmers have expanded their fields.
That has meant plowing every scrap of earth that can grow a corn plant, including millions of acres of land once reserved in a federal program for conservation purposes."
It's the culture, stupid-----Woman, Just Out Of Prison, Arrested For 397th Time
Woman, Just Out Of Prison, Arrested For 397th Time « CBS Chicago:
"Last month on the train ride home from prison, Shermaine Miles said she was done with booze — done with the old life of petty crime, the Chicago Sun-Times is reporting.
Old habits apparently die hard.
The woman who has racked up a near-record 396 arrests picked up one more this week when she was hauled off an Edgewater street for a host of alleged offenses, including misdemeanor battery, theft, reckless conduct and drinking in public."
Even with the press, it's ALWAYS how it affects "Dear Leader"------Weary Obama seeks Hawaii sun's waking touch
"He ended it with a ponderous press conference, deflecting dire assessments of his prospects and gingerly testing an optimistic message for 2014: "We are poised to do really good things."
Second term presidencies are always tough, as exhaustion, unmet promises and fading political zeal humble exhausted administrations.
But Obama's prospects look especially cloudy."
The problem with suicide bombers is when they blow themselves up in your home--------- Obamacare Initiates Self-Destruction Sequence
Arnold Kling put it more pithily: “Obama Repeals Obamacare.”
I’d ask this:
What do you do for an encore?
Will the administration force these folks to buy insurance next year?
Or will they keep allowing special exceptions rather than take the political heat for changing health insurance that people liked?
I’m not sure the administration is thinking that far ahead.
The White House is focused on winning the news cycle, day by day, not the kind of detached technocratic policymaking that they, and the law’s other supporters, hoped this law would embody.
Does your fix create problems later, cause costs to spiral or people to drop out of the insurance market, or lead to political pressure to expand the fixes in ways that critically undermine the law?
Well, that’s preferable to sudden death right now.
9 Crazy Stories about People Being Unfriended on Facebook

"The Transgender Woman Who Attacked Her Boyfriend Because He Unfriended Her and Changed His Status to "Single"
In February 2012, a transgender woman attacked her boyfriend with a knife, a pair of scissors, and a fork after he "unfriended" her on Facebook and changed his status to "single." William Hanz De Veyra Arriesgado, a 25-year-old Filipino who had a sex change but could not change her name under her country's laws, was then sentenced to two years in jail for causing her Australian lover grievous harm."
Hug the one you love-----Unique Story of Love and Loss is Told Through Cute Couple's Photos
"The saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” for a reason.
Explaining how we feel is one way of getting a message across.
Another is simply showing each other how we feel.
During each season, this couple took a photo together in front of their house.
In the resulting series of images below, without saying anything at all, a love story is being told.
It’s full of hope, joy, fear and loss, but it’s told in the most unique way.
You’ll see what we mean – and then you’ll be moved by it."
Throwing off the chains of thuggery------100,000 Government Workers Choose Freedom from Unions in Wisconsin
"Less than 3 years after Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed his collective bargaining reforms (Act 10), more than 100,000 union members have left Big Labor.
The Left has fought these reforms at every step, but when workers are given the choice, they have overwhelmingly voted to leave government unions. "
Perhaps the best LTE written in 2013-MUST READ-Letter to the Editor: Rome
And understand this patriot lost his Muskegon county commission seat in the last election.
I suspect EVERY currently elected commissioner disagrees with Mr. Jager's thoughts.
At least none have publicly commented in support of ANY of these observations.
We have choices in life.
And elections DO matter!
Letter to the Editor: Rome:
"So I go back to the Romans.
How do we change this?
I don't know that it is possible.
Yesterday at a local store a person bought $115.00 worth of Monster Energy drinks on food stamps.
Why give money in donations when our government does it for us?
Why own a business when the government hates us?
Why work when the government takes the money away, why save when the rich wall street fat cats take it away.
It pays so much better to be a taker.
You can grow $20,000.00 dollars worth of marijuana tax free and get government aid.
Like the Roman Empire it may be inevitable.
So many of my friends think we are headed for war from within.
People are buying guns and ammunition, which is getting scarcer.
The amount of people prepping with food and shelter is astounding and you wonder why the government thru NSA is spying on all of us?"
Santa don't do bonds-Don't buy mom Illinois bonds for Christmas
Our towns, cities, counties and country are all broke.
Oh God, help us!
Don't buy mom Illinois bonds for Christmas:
"Would you invest your mother’s money in municipal bonds?
In a recent interview on Fox Business News, host Gerri Willis asked me that very question.
It didn’t take me long to say I’d certainly do my homework first.
Based on the growing number of city bankruptcies from Alabama to Rhode Island to California, it’s clear to me I’d keep my mother’s retirement money, and mine, far from those governments running the risk of bankruptcy.
Many cities are collapsing due to out-of-control pension costs, but it’s only the demise of Detroit that’s awoken retail investors like my mom to those risks."
Look out taxpayers, they're comin' again! National consultants sought to study feasibility of downtown Muskegon convention center
Soooo, the "search" will be for a consultant?
And the one they hire will get $25,000?
And what do they want the $25,000 "consultant" to report back to them?
Anyone wanna bet what the candidates for the consultant job will tell the guys with the extra $25,000?
National consultants sought to study feasibility of downtown Muskegon convention center |
A special ATAC working group has helped county Community Development Director Bob Lukens prepare a “request for proposals” looking at the feasibility of a downtown Muskegon convention center and other issues related to a series of downtown facilities.
And the one they hire will get $25,000?
And what do they want the $25,000 "consultant" to report back to them?
Anyone wanna bet what the candidates for the consultant job will tell the guys with the extra $25,000?
National consultants sought to study feasibility of downtown Muskegon convention center |
MUSKEGON, MI – The Muskegon County Accommodation Tax Committee is preparing to ask the county board of commissioners to support a study of a downtown convention center.
The nationwide search for consultants includes the county’s wish to look at the potential renovation or expansion of the L.C. Walker Arena, pedestrian connections to downtown facilities and the potential for using those facilities for expanded meetings and events.
The county outline for potential consultants points to the L.C. Walker Arena, Frauenthal Center for the Performing Arts and the two downtown hotels – the Holiday Inn Muskegon Harbor and the Shoreline Inn and Conference Center.
As the potential for a downtown convention center is explored, the consultant will be asked to evaluate specific downtown sites, most likely in close proximity to the Holiday Inn, L.C. Walker Arena and Frauenthal Center which are all close enough to be easily linked by enclosed walkways.
They've been doing this for DECADES? ----Bill Would Prohibit Asset Forfeiture In Michigan Without Criminal Conviction
And we're paying for THEIR army!
Bill Would Prohibit Asset Forfeiture In Michigan Without Criminal Conviction [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"Jacque Sutton didn’t commit any crime but police impounded his 1989 Mustang GT and charged him $900 to get it back.
His offense was attending a party in 2009 at an art gallery in Detroit which didn't have a permit to hold an event with dancing and DJs.
Police raided the place and gave everyone tickets for illegal occupation, which were later waived.
But Sutton's car was seized and he couldn't get his property back until he paid the money as a result of Michigan's asset forfeiture law.
He's not alone.
Since 2001, Michigan agencies have seized at least $250 million worth of property and money from citizens. While much of what's seized comes from criminals, a significant amount of assets and a number of cases involve people like Sutton."
Pretty cool as they add some background on the video-WSJ's 2013 Photos of the Year
"WSJ's 2013 Photos of the Year
From the floodwaters of the Ganges to the gravity defying bubbles inside the International Space Station, WSJ photo director Jack Van Antwerp looks back at some of the best images of 2013."
Wonderful news for the world that totally bums out the MSM------Seven global warming alarmist setbacks in 2013
As whiny, overpaid/underworked university professors prepare their lawsuits for "income insecurity".
Seven global warming alarmist setbacks in 2013 | The Daily Caller:
"Hold your champagne glasses high this holiday season, because the end of 2013 marks the 17th year without global warming."
...7) The Senate testimony of Dr. Roger Pielke of the University of Colorado completely undercut environmentalists and Democrats trying to claim that global warming was causing “extreme weather.”
“It is misleading and just plain incorrect to claim that disasters associated with hurricanes, tornadoes, floods or droughts have increased on climate timescales either in the United States or globally,” Pielke said. “It is further incorrect to associate the increasing costs of disasters with the emission of greenhouse gases.”
The other witnesses on the panel did not refute Pielke’s data.
We're selling gold. China is buying gold. Gulp..... "The Chinese Don't Want Dollars Anymore, They Want Gold"
"Today gold slid under $1200 per ounce, dropping to a level not seen in three years.
Judging by the price action one would think that gold is not only overflowing from precious metal vaults everywhere, but can be found thrown away on the street, where nobody even bothers to pick it up.
One would be wrong.
In fact, as Bloomberg's Ken Goldman reports, "you could walk into a vault in London and they were packed to the rafter with gold, and the gold would trade from me to you to somebody else.
You could walk into these vaults today and they are virtually empty.
All that gold has been transferred out of London, 26 million ounces...."
To find out where it has gone and why it is never coming back, watch the clip below
(spoiler alert: listen for the line: "the Chinese don't want US dollars anymore, they want gold")."
Caption This-Yes, it is a contest!
PJ Media » Caption This:
"As Nancy Pelosi would say, embrace the suck; click to enlarge to full size.
Obamacare’s Footie Pajamas Boy is self-mocking even without additional Photoshopping, but that didn’t stop one of our in-house artists from PJM’s Millennials-oriented Next Generation TV from adding his own special touch to an already special, special image.

However, it’s up to you to provide the best caption, in the contest. (The one above is just temporary.)
Some ideas that immediately come to mind beyond it are:
1. Obamacare: Babying our Millenials.
2. Do Millenials think that Obamacare sucks?
3. It sucks to be Obamacare Millenial Pajamas Boy.
But we’re sure you’ll think of something even better.
Have at it in the comments below."
More about "Pajama Boy":
"As Nancy Pelosi would say, embrace the suck; click to enlarge to full size.
Obamacare’s Footie Pajamas Boy is self-mocking even without additional Photoshopping, but that didn’t stop one of our in-house artists from PJM’s Millennials-oriented Next Generation TV from adding his own special touch to an already special, special image.
However, it’s up to you to provide the best caption, in the contest. (The one above is just temporary.)
Some ideas that immediately come to mind beyond it are:
1. Obamacare: Babying our Millenials.
2. Do Millenials think that Obamacare sucks?
3. It sucks to be Obamacare Millenial Pajamas Boy.
But we’re sure you’ll think of something even better.
Have at it in the comments below."
More about "Pajama Boy":
History for December 21-Brrrr, Brits and Blast
Chase's Calendar of Events:
Winter begins in the Northern Hemisphere at 12:11 PM, EST.
In 1620, Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower reached what is now Plymouth, MA.
25 years ago, in 1988, Pam Am Flight 103 exploded in midair and crashed at Lockerbie , Scotland , as a result of a terrorist bombing. The death toll was 270 people.

Friday, December 20, 2013
More of the president's promised "smart diplomacy"....................Angry India Pulls Back US Embassy Security
"Angry India Pulls Back US Embassy Security
In response to the alleged mistreatment of an Indian diplomat by American law enforcement officials, Indian authorities have taken a series of unprecedented steps to show their displeasure, including the removal of security barriers around the American embassy in New Delhi. The New York Times reports:
The diplomat, Devyani Khobragade, the deputy consul general in New York, was arrested last Thursday and accused of submitting false documents to obtain a work visa for her housekeeper and paying the housekeeper far less than the minimum legal wage. Indian officials said that Ms. Khobragade was arrested and handcuffed on the street as she was leaving her daughter at school, and that she was kept in a holding cell with drug addicts before she was released on $250,000 bail.
More infuriating for Indians was the allegation that Khobragade was strip-searched as well, later confirmed by American state officials."
""? The top 10 domain sales of 2013

The top 10 domain sales of 2013:
"Today, Sedo announces the top 10 domain sales of 2013. -- $450,000 USD -- $380,000 USD -- $300,000 USD -- $300,000 USD -- $252,000 USD -- $165,000 EUR -- $150,000 USD -- $140,000 USD -- $137,500 USD -- $125,000 USD"
Three versions of "Time To Say Goodbye"
Tough call.
Click this link to see the 3 videos:
MuskegonPundit: Search results for time to say goodbye:
Wear body armor------Woodward Avenue to be scene of Detroit block party tonight
"The Rock Ventures Family of Companies and retailers in the 1200 block of Woodward Avenue are hosting a holiday block party tonight.
Holiday DLight @nite will feature live musical performances by local artists such as Stereo Jane and the Rapt Collective, street performers and shopping, according to a news release.
Many of the 1200 block retailers will have free food and drinks including Faygo Beverages Inc. pop at The Detroit Shoppe, hot chocolate at Spielhaus Toys and crepes at the Somerset Collection’s CityLoft, according to the release.
Rachel Lachover, retail development manager for Bedrock Real Estate Services, said the first-time event is designed to “activate the streets of Detroit.”
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