First lady: Students shouldn't pick what they have for lunch | TheHill:
"First lady Michelle Obama on Monday blasted back at critics of her school lunch program, arguing parents should ensure their children eat healthy meals.
Obama said parents and school leaders can’t let children make the call to eat pizza and burgers for lunch every day.
“If I let my kids dictate what we have for dinner every day, it would be French fries, chips and candy, but we don’t run our households like that, and we can’t run our schools like that,” the first lady said in an interview with MSN.
“Our job as adults to make sure that our kids eat what they need, not what they want,” she added.
“What we need to do is lend a hand to the schools that are struggling, not roll back the standards and say, ‘Oh, well. The kids don’t like it so let them eat cake.’ We can’t afford to do that,” she said."
Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
White House on Missing Lerner Emails: ‘You’ve Never Heard of a Computer Crashing Before?’ |
White House on Missing Lerner Emails: ‘You’ve Never Heard of a Computer Crashing Before?’ |
"The IRS said it could not recover an untold number of emails to and from Lois Lerner, the former head of the IRS tax-exempt organizations unit, because of a hard drive crash. That time period — from January 2009 to April 2011 – included a critical time in the IRS’ extra scrutinizing of Tea Party and other conservative groups."
"The IRS said it could not recover an untold number of emails to and from Lois Lerner, the former head of the IRS tax-exempt organizations unit, because of a hard drive crash. That time period — from January 2009 to April 2011 – included a critical time in the IRS’ extra scrutinizing of Tea Party and other conservative groups."
If you have money in bond funds, be warned!-------A Horror-Show Called “Fed-Gate” May Be Coming To Your Bond Fund Soon
A Horror-Show Called “Fed-Gate” May Be Coming To Your Bond Fund Soon | David Stockman's Contra Corner:
"The Financial Times is not exactly a rumor mill—-so its recent headline amounts to a thunderbolt:
“Fed Looks At Exit Fees On Bond Funds”
And so the shoes begin to fall.
Owing to the Fed’s brutal financial repression since December 2008 (i.e. zero yield on short-term funds), there has been massive scramble for yield that has driven trillions into corporate and high yield bond funds.
What this means is that liquid funds which would have normally been parked in bank deposits or money market funds have been artificially displaced.
That is, they have been chased by the dictates of the monetary politburo into far more illiquid and risky investment vehicles owing to zero yields in their preferred financial venues.
But now it is dawning on at least some of the more market savvy occupants of the Eccles Building that they have created a monumental financial log-jam waiting to happen.
In their jargon, the migration of trillions into bond funds since the financial crisis has resulted in a sweeping “maturity transformation”.
As former governor Jeremy Stein succinctly put it,
“It may be the essence of shadow banking is … giving people a liquid claim on illiquid assets.”
What Stein means is that the traditional money markets existed for a reason—even if returns were inferior to what could be obtained in longer duration fixed income securities or investments with equity-like features such as junk bonds.
Corporations and individuals who invested in money market instruments, including bank CDs, were willing to absorb the yield penalty in return for the assurance of absolute daily liquidity that the funds in question required.
But zero return is not a market driven liquidity penalty; it is an arbitrary prohibition imposed on the market by the monetary politburo.
So now we have a giant anomaly.
Trillions of daily liquidity demanding investments are potentially stuck in bond funds which could not provide it during a crisis.
In effect, any attempt by bond funds managers to meet a surge of redemptions calls would make the crisis surrounding the Reserve Prime Fund’s “breaking the buck” in September 2008 seem like a Sunday School picnic."
"The Financial Times is not exactly a rumor mill—-so its recent headline amounts to a thunderbolt:
“Fed Looks At Exit Fees On Bond Funds”
And so the shoes begin to fall.
Owing to the Fed’s brutal financial repression since December 2008 (i.e. zero yield on short-term funds), there has been massive scramble for yield that has driven trillions into corporate and high yield bond funds.
What this means is that liquid funds which would have normally been parked in bank deposits or money market funds have been artificially displaced.
That is, they have been chased by the dictates of the monetary politburo into far more illiquid and risky investment vehicles owing to zero yields in their preferred financial venues.
But now it is dawning on at least some of the more market savvy occupants of the Eccles Building that they have created a monumental financial log-jam waiting to happen.
In their jargon, the migration of trillions into bond funds since the financial crisis has resulted in a sweeping “maturity transformation”.
As former governor Jeremy Stein succinctly put it,
“It may be the essence of shadow banking is … giving people a liquid claim on illiquid assets.”
What Stein means is that the traditional money markets existed for a reason—even if returns were inferior to what could be obtained in longer duration fixed income securities or investments with equity-like features such as junk bonds.
Corporations and individuals who invested in money market instruments, including bank CDs, were willing to absorb the yield penalty in return for the assurance of absolute daily liquidity that the funds in question required.
But zero return is not a market driven liquidity penalty; it is an arbitrary prohibition imposed on the market by the monetary politburo.
So now we have a giant anomaly.
Trillions of daily liquidity demanding investments are potentially stuck in bond funds which could not provide it during a crisis.
In effect, any attempt by bond funds managers to meet a surge of redemptions calls would make the crisis surrounding the Reserve Prime Fund’s “breaking the buck” in September 2008 seem like a Sunday School picnic."
Don't forget that politically connected, greedy unions are costing you (an your family) money every day. Every hour............Cost of School Millage Approvals Inflated Because of Prevailing Wage Law
Cost of School Millage Approvals Inflated Because of Prevailing Wage Law [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
One thing voters did not get to decide in recent school millage elections was whether they wanted to pay higher wages for the construction projects that were approved in districts across the state.
Yet that's what will happen because of the state's prevailing wage law, which mandates that union scale wages be paid on construction work funded by taxpayer dollars, regardless of the winning bidder on a contract.
Unless the law is changed before the projects get under way, $35 million of the nearly $469 million voters approved for construction this month will be spent to cover the costs of the prevailing wage, according to the Associated Builders and Contractors of Michigan, a statewide trade association representing the commercial and industrial construction industries.
"Today, the majority of construction workers in Michigan — 80 percent — choose not to belong to a union, yet the state is still basing wages for publicly funded construction on fiscally irresponsible union agreements," said Chris Fisher, president of ABC of Michigan.
"We're not trying to say there was anything wrong with the voters approving the projects.
We're pointing out that the projects would be more cost effective if this outdated law was repealed."
One thing voters did not get to decide in recent school millage elections was whether they wanted to pay higher wages for the construction projects that were approved in districts across the state.
Yet that's what will happen because of the state's prevailing wage law, which mandates that union scale wages be paid on construction work funded by taxpayer dollars, regardless of the winning bidder on a contract.
Unless the law is changed before the projects get under way, $35 million of the nearly $469 million voters approved for construction this month will be spent to cover the costs of the prevailing wage, according to the Associated Builders and Contractors of Michigan, a statewide trade association representing the commercial and industrial construction industries.
"Today, the majority of construction workers in Michigan — 80 percent — choose not to belong to a union, yet the state is still basing wages for publicly funded construction on fiscally irresponsible union agreements," said Chris Fisher, president of ABC of Michigan.
"We're not trying to say there was anything wrong with the voters approving the projects.
We're pointing out that the projects would be more cost effective if this outdated law was repealed."
Hopee? We sure got "changee"--------Optimism about the 2014 economy is fading
Optimism about the 2014 economy is fading - Jun. 16, 2014:
"A Census report released Friday shows health care spending was far weaker than expected in the first quarter.
As a result, economists are now forecasting the economy contracted at an annual rate of 1.5% to 2.4% in the first three months of the year, even weaker than the 1% contraction already reported by the Commerce Department.
(The Commerce Department will revise its GDP numbers next week).
If that's the case, achieving 3% growth for 2014 overall will be next to impossible.
The economy would have to grow at around a 4.6% annual pace for the next three quarters in a row.
The United States has not had a growth spurt that strong since late 2003 to early 2004."
"A Census report released Friday shows health care spending was far weaker than expected in the first quarter.
As a result, economists are now forecasting the economy contracted at an annual rate of 1.5% to 2.4% in the first three months of the year, even weaker than the 1% contraction already reported by the Commerce Department.
(The Commerce Department will revise its GDP numbers next week).
If that's the case, achieving 3% growth for 2014 overall will be next to impossible.
The economy would have to grow at around a 4.6% annual pace for the next three quarters in a row.
The United States has not had a growth spurt that strong since late 2003 to early 2004."
It's only black on white brutality. No worries. Nothing to see here, folks.......Knockout Game, Jr.? Black Teen Attacks White Child on Camera in Pre-Planned Ambush
Knockout Game, Jr.? Black Teen Attacks White Child on Camera in Pre-Planned Ambush | Truth Revolt:
"On Wednesday in Cleveland, Ohio, a 13-year-old black girl viciously attacked a 10-year-old white girl on a sidewalk while a guardian filmed the obvious pre-planned ambush.
The video was posted online and the police are now involved calling it a "hate crime."
The video shows the 13-year-old waiting in the front yard near the sidewalk seemingly minding her own business as the 10-year-old approaches on her scooter. Once in range, the teen girl lunges out and delivers over 20 blows to the helpless little girl's face and head. A female voice from behind the camera phone eventually yells out, "All right (attacker's name)!," calling off the beating."
‘They Keep Coming’: The ‘Rehearsed’ Answers Illegal Immigrants Are Using at the Border to Gain Entry Into the U.S. |
‘They Keep Coming’: The ‘Rehearsed’ Answers Illegal Immigrants Are Using at the Border to Gain Entry Into the U.S. |
"Border Patrol agents along the southwest border have been directed not to speak with journalists after the public became aware that more than 47,000 undocumented children have illegally entered into the country over the past eight months. Most of the undocumented children crossed through the Rio Grande Valley sector and many times, they traveled alone."
"Border Patrol agents along the southwest border have been directed not to speak with journalists after the public became aware that more than 47,000 undocumented children have illegally entered into the country over the past eight months. Most of the undocumented children crossed through the Rio Grande Valley sector and many times, they traveled alone."
Oh goody!---------------State Budget Shifts Extra Revenue Sharing Funds To Detroit
State Budget Shifts Extra Revenue Sharing Funds To Detroit [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"Fresh off the Michigan Legislature approving a $195 million bailout for Detroit, some elected state officials and the governor are looking to favor the city again, but this time with the statutory revenue sharing.
Detroit is budgeted in 2014-15 to receive $140.5 million in the money taken from sales tax revenue, a $4.2 million increase from 2013-14.
That’s what is proposed in Gov. Rick Snyder’s budget, which is in committee."
"Fresh off the Michigan Legislature approving a $195 million bailout for Detroit, some elected state officials and the governor are looking to favor the city again, but this time with the statutory revenue sharing.
Detroit is budgeted in 2014-15 to receive $140.5 million in the money taken from sales tax revenue, a $4.2 million increase from 2013-14.
That’s what is proposed in Gov. Rick Snyder’s budget, which is in committee."
Sabotage at Nogales station puts focus on threats to grid
Sabotage at Nogales station puts focus on threats to grid:
".....The Wall Street Journal publicized a detailed account of the assault in February describing how saboteurs cut telephone lines into the plant.
Then they "surgically knocked out 17 giant transformers" by shooting at them with sniper rifles for 19 minutes, the Journal reported.
It took 27 days to return the substation to normal, and the attack was described by Jon Wellinghoff, then-chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, as "the most significant incident of domestic terrorism involving the grid that has ever occurred."
In March, Arizona Corporation Commission Chairman Bob Stump and Commissioner Bob Burns sent a letter to Arizona utilities asking about security changes they were making in the wake of the San Jose attack.
"The incident in Nogales is a troubling development that highlights the pressing need to focus our state and nation's attention and resources to increasing utility security at all levels," Stump said Thursday.
"Physical attacks against critical facilities will, I fear, become a staple of domestic and foreign terrorist attacks over the coming years.
The potential of shutting down an entire city or even the entire Eastern Seaboard will be enticing to our enemies.""
".....The Wall Street Journal publicized a detailed account of the assault in February describing how saboteurs cut telephone lines into the plant.
Then they "surgically knocked out 17 giant transformers" by shooting at them with sniper rifles for 19 minutes, the Journal reported.
It took 27 days to return the substation to normal, and the attack was described by Jon Wellinghoff, then-chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, as "the most significant incident of domestic terrorism involving the grid that has ever occurred."
In March, Arizona Corporation Commission Chairman Bob Stump and Commissioner Bob Burns sent a letter to Arizona utilities asking about security changes they were making in the wake of the San Jose attack.
"The incident in Nogales is a troubling development that highlights the pressing need to focus our state and nation's attention and resources to increasing utility security at all levels," Stump said Thursday.
"Physical attacks against critical facilities will, I fear, become a staple of domestic and foreign terrorist attacks over the coming years.
The potential of shutting down an entire city or even the entire Eastern Seaboard will be enticing to our enemies.""
Nearly Every Mass Shooting In The Last 20 Years Shares One Thing In Common, And It Isn’t Weapons
Nearly Every Mass Shooting In The Last 20 Years Shares One Thing In Common, And It Isn’t Weapons | World Truth.TV:
Nearly every mass shooting incident in the last twenty years, and multiple other instances of suicide and isolated shootings all share one thing in common, and its not the weapons used.
The overwhelming evidence suggests the single largest common factor in all of these incidents is that all of the perpetrators were either actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs or had been at some point in the immediate past before they committed their crimes.
Nearly every mass shooting incident in the last twenty years, and multiple other instances of suicide and isolated shootings all share one thing in common, and its not the weapons used.
The overwhelming evidence suggests the single largest common factor in all of these incidents is that all of the perpetrators were either actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs or had been at some point in the immediate past before they committed their crimes.
1. Eric Harris age 17 (first on Zoloft then Luvox) and Dylan Klebold aged 18 (Columbine school shooting in Littleton, Colorado), killed 12 students and 1 teacher, and wounded 23 others, before killing themselves. Klebold’s medical records have never been made available to the public.
2. Jeff Weise, age 16, had been prescribed 60 mg/day of Prozac (three times the average starting dose for adults!) when he shot his grandfather, his grandfather’s girlfriend and many fellow students at Red Lake, Minnesota. He then shot himself. 10 dead, 12 wounded
3. Cory Baadsgaard, age 16, Wahluke (Washington state) High School, was on Paxil (which caused him to have hallucinations) when he took a rifle to his high school and held 23 classmates hostage. He has no memory of the event.
4. Chris Fetters, age 13, killed his favorite aunt while taking Prozac.
2. Jeff Weise, age 16, had been prescribed 60 mg/day of Prozac (three times the average starting dose for adults!) when he shot his grandfather, his grandfather’s girlfriend and many fellow students at Red Lake, Minnesota. He then shot himself. 10 dead, 12 wounded
3. Cory Baadsgaard, age 16, Wahluke (Washington state) High School, was on Paxil (which caused him to have hallucinations) when he took a rifle to his high school and held 23 classmates hostage. He has no memory of the event.
4. Chris Fetters, age 13, killed his favorite aunt while taking Prozac.
This is a LONG list of forcefully drugged young murderers. Read it.
This Proposed Amendment Would Violate Your Right to Free Speech (But Not the Media's)
This Proposed Amendment Would Violate Your Right to Free Speech (But Not the Media's):
"Imagine if Congress passed and the president signed a law making it a crime to utter “false, scandalous and malicious” statements “against the government.” Do you think that would violate your right to free speech?
Of course it would. "
"Imagine if Congress passed and the president signed a law making it a crime to utter “false, scandalous and malicious” statements “against the government.” Do you think that would violate your right to free speech?
Of course it would. "
If these people made cars, half would be recalled every year------One in Five Pittsburgh Teachers Chronically Absent, Report Says
One in Five Pittsburgh Teachers Chronically Absent, Report Says | Heartlander Magazine:
PHILADELPHIA — Teachers in Pittsburgh are absent way too often, finds a new report.
Eighteen percent of teachers were “chronically absent” in 2012-13, missing more than 18 days of work, and no obvious system of consequences exists, says a report released last week by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ), an advocacy group based in Washington, D.C.
“If the district was able to reduce the number of days chronically absent teachers miss down to the current district average of 12 days, it could realize almost half a million dollars in substitute cost savings while keeping teachers of record in the classroom with their students,” the report concludes.
Eighteen percent of teachers were “chronically absent” in 2012-13, missing more than 18 days of work, and no obvious system of consequences exists, says a report released last week by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ), an advocacy group based in Washington, D.C.
“If the district was able to reduce the number of days chronically absent teachers miss down to the current district average of 12 days, it could realize almost half a million dollars in substitute cost savings while keeping teachers of record in the classroom with their students,” the report concludes.
The unions lied. Your children's financial future died.-------A growing crisis: Public pension funds running out of money
A growing crisis: Public pension funds running out of money | Communities Digital News:
".....Roger Lowenstein, an outside director of the Sequoia Fund and author of “While America Aged,” points out that, “For years, localities and states have been skimping on what they owe.
Public pension funds are now so massively short of money to pay future claims, depending on how their liabilities are valued, the deficit ranges from $1 trillion to $3 trillion.
Pension funds subsist on three revenue streams: contributions from the employer; contributions from the employees; and investment earnings.
But public employees have often contributed less than the actuarially determined share, in effect borrowing against retirement plans to avoid having to cut budgets or raise taxes.”
Pension funds, Lowenstein notes, also assumed that they could count on high annual returns, typically 8 per cent, on their investments:
“In the past, many funds did earn that much, but not lately.
Thanks to high assumed returns, governments projected that they could afford to both ratchet up benefits and minimize contributions.
Except, of course, returns were not guaranteed.
Optimistic benchmarks actually heightened the risk because they forced fund managers to over-reach.”
".....Roger Lowenstein, an outside director of the Sequoia Fund and author of “While America Aged,” points out that, “For years, localities and states have been skimping on what they owe.
Public pension funds are now so massively short of money to pay future claims, depending on how their liabilities are valued, the deficit ranges from $1 trillion to $3 trillion.
Pension funds subsist on three revenue streams: contributions from the employer; contributions from the employees; and investment earnings.
But public employees have often contributed less than the actuarially determined share, in effect borrowing against retirement plans to avoid having to cut budgets or raise taxes.”
Pension funds, Lowenstein notes, also assumed that they could count on high annual returns, typically 8 per cent, on their investments:
“In the past, many funds did earn that much, but not lately.
Thanks to high assumed returns, governments projected that they could afford to both ratchet up benefits and minimize contributions.
Except, of course, returns were not guaranteed.
Optimistic benchmarks actually heightened the risk because they forced fund managers to over-reach.”
History for June 17
History for June 17 -
Happy Birthday! Tommy R. Franks, Newt Gingrich, Barry Manilow
1775 - The British took Bunker Hill outside of Boston.
1837 - Charles Goodyear received his first patent. The patent was for a process that made rubber easier to work with.
1856 - The Republican Party opened its first national convention in Philadelphia.
1876 - General George Crook’s command was attacked and defeated on the Rosebud River by 1,500 Sioux and Cheyenne under the leadership of Crazy Horse.
1885 - The Statue of Liberty arrived in New York City aboard the French ship Isere.
1924 - The Fascist militia marched into Rome.
1928 - Amelia Earhart began the flight that made her the first woman to successfully fly across the Atlantic Ocean.
1930 - The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Bill became law. It placed the highest tariff on imports to the U.S.
1940 - France asked Germany for terms of surrender in World War II.
1950 - Dr. Richard H. Lawler performed the first kidney transplant in a 45-minute operation in Chicago, IL.
1969 - Boris Spasky became chess champion of the world after checkmating former champion Tigran Petrosian in Moscow.
100th birth anniversary of author John Hersey (1914-93).
Birth anniversary of composer Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971).
Birth anniversary of John Wesley (1703-1791), cofounder of Methodism.
Happy Birthday! Tommy R. Franks, Newt Gingrich, Barry Manilow
1775 - The British took Bunker Hill outside of Boston.
1837 - Charles Goodyear received his first patent. The patent was for a process that made rubber easier to work with.
1856 - The Republican Party opened its first national convention in Philadelphia.
1876 - General George Crook’s command was attacked and defeated on the Rosebud River by 1,500 Sioux and Cheyenne under the leadership of Crazy Horse.
1885 - The Statue of Liberty arrived in New York City aboard the French ship Isere.
1924 - The Fascist militia marched into Rome.
1928 - Amelia Earhart began the flight that made her the first woman to successfully fly across the Atlantic Ocean.
1930 - The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Bill became law. It placed the highest tariff on imports to the U.S.
1940 - France asked Germany for terms of surrender in World War II.
1950 - Dr. Richard H. Lawler performed the first kidney transplant in a 45-minute operation in Chicago, IL.
1969 - Boris Spasky became chess champion of the world after checkmating former champion Tigran Petrosian in Moscow.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Veterans Administration Docs: If We Speak Up, We Become A Target | CNS News
Veterans Administration Docs: If We Speak Up, We Become A Target | CNS News:
"Dr. Rafael Montecino, a surgeon with the VA in eastern Kansas, complained that “when you try to make things more efficient, the system is working against you. They say that you are creating a hostile environment.”
And “when you complain, or you say like ‘You know, this is not the right thing,’ then you become a target and they gang together to get you out of there,” Dr. Montecino added."
"Dr. Rafael Montecino, a surgeon with the VA in eastern Kansas, complained that “when you try to make things more efficient, the system is working against you. They say that you are creating a hostile environment.”
And “when you complain, or you say like ‘You know, this is not the right thing,’ then you become a target and they gang together to get you out of there,” Dr. Montecino added."
A Jihadist’s Parting Words: ‘I’ll See You Guys in New York’ |
A Jihadist’s Parting Words: ‘I’ll See You Guys in New York’ |
"King said the fact that Al-Baghdadi was released is a source of personal frustration.
“We spent how many missions and how many soldiers were put at risk when we caught this guy (in 2005) and we just released him,” he said."
"King said the fact that Al-Baghdadi was released is a source of personal frustration.
“We spent how many missions and how many soldiers were put at risk when we caught this guy (in 2005) and we just released him,” he said."
The Punishment this Student Faced for Twirling a Pencil is Outrageous!
The Punishment this Student Faced for Twirling a Pencil is Outrageous!:
"Ethan Chaplin, a Glen Meadow Middle School student, told News 12 last week that while he was twirling a pencil with a pen cap on in math class, a student who bullied him earlier in the day yelled “He’s making gun motions, send him to juvie.”
He was suspended for two days and then underwent five hours of a physical and mental exam at Riverview Medical Center’s crisis unit, his father told
Maranzano told the New Jersey Herald decisions are made on a case-to-case basis on how long it takes before a student returns. Once an evaluation is done, a student could potentially return the next day, he said. "
"Ethan Chaplin, a Glen Meadow Middle School student, told News 12 last week that while he was twirling a pencil with a pen cap on in math class, a student who bullied him earlier in the day yelled “He’s making gun motions, send him to juvie.”
He was suspended for two days and then underwent five hours of a physical and mental exam at Riverview Medical Center’s crisis unit, his father told
Maranzano told the New Jersey Herald decisions are made on a case-to-case basis on how long it takes before a student returns. Once an evaluation is done, a student could potentially return the next day, he said. "
18 baby goats headed for slaughter after urban farming idea rejected in Detroit
18 baby goats headed for slaughter after urban farming idea rejected in Detroit |
DETROIT, MI -- Idyll Farms hoped to start a goat farm in Detroit but officials rejected the idea, calling it an illegal violation of zoning laws.
Eighteen goats from the company's herd in Northport arrived in Detroit June 6. They were removed the following day at the demand of city officials.
Idyll Farms planned to fatten the goats by feeding them the plentiful unmowed grass on abandoned lots in Detroit's Brightmoor neighborhood throughout the summer before butchering them and selling the meet to raise money to sustain ongoing urban farming initiatives.
Since the city rejected the idea, Idyll farms says the baby goats will meet a premature demise and be butchered earlier than planned.
"The goats are currently grazing somewhere else, and will be gradually processed," a representative for Idyll Farms told MLive Detroit in an email. "They cannot return to Idyll Farms because the goats there are in a closed herd and the herders never introduce animals from the outside (or even back into) the herd."
400 Illegal Children Sneak In Every Day, Ted Cruz Cites it as a ‘Direct Consequence of Obama’s Lawlessness’
400 Illegal Children Sneak In Every Day, Ted Cruz Cites it as a ‘Direct Consequence of Obama’s Lawlessness’: “We need a president who is willing to uphold the law,” Cruz said. “On issue after issue the Obama Administration has openly ignored, defied, and unilaterally tried to change the law. With respect to securing the border, the Obama Administration has handcuffed the courageous men and women who serve in Border Patrol. Morale in ICE is at an all-time low because the political operatives leading this Administration are preventing them from doing their job and upholding the law.”
He continued, “Just a few months before the last election the president illegally and unconstitutionally granted amnesty to some 800,000 people illegally. "
He continued, “Just a few months before the last election the president illegally and unconstitutionally granted amnesty to some 800,000 people illegally. "
If we vote it, they will spend--------Another tuition increase at Muskegon Community College, other fee hikes proposed
Another tuition increase at Muskegon Community College, other fee hikes proposed | "MUSKEGON, MI -- Tuition at Muskegon Community College would increase by 7.26 percent for local students, and by much greater amounts for non-local students, and numerous class fees would increase under budget proposals the board of trustees will discuss on Monday, June 16.
The administration is proposing a 5 percent increase in adjunct instructors' salaries, which had been increased by 5 percent this year.
A 2 percent wage increase is proposed for support employees' salaries.
...The 2014-15 tuition increase would be on top of a 5 percent increase implemented this year. Administrators say the increase is needed to offset declines in enrollment and other revenue and increases in operating costs.
The administration also is seeking a $3 per contract hour increase, to $20, in the technology fee students must pay.
That fee was increased last year from $10 to $17.
In addition, separate course fees would increase, some of them significantly."
The administration is proposing a 5 percent increase in adjunct instructors' salaries, which had been increased by 5 percent this year.
A 2 percent wage increase is proposed for support employees' salaries.
...The 2014-15 tuition increase would be on top of a 5 percent increase implemented this year. Administrators say the increase is needed to offset declines in enrollment and other revenue and increases in operating costs.
The administration also is seeking a $3 per contract hour increase, to $20, in the technology fee students must pay.
That fee was increased last year from $10 to $17.
In addition, separate course fees would increase, some of them significantly."
Detroit goats-----Grazed and Confused
Grazed and Confused [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
This shows up prominently once again in its recent treatment of a group of goats brought into the Brightmoor neighborhood to clear up weeds and unwanted vegetation.
It took only one day for officials to evict the animals with nary an explanation.
This isn't surprising.
Detroit has more rules, regulations, mandates and delays preventing people from living their lives than anywhere else in Michigan.
It isn't so much this specific ordinance that is the problem.
Detroit joins many municipalities around the state in banning farm animals within the city limits.
It is the fact that an insolvent city at the top of several national crime statistics that cannot keep the lights on is spending time and effort focusing on regulatory rules that seemingly result in no harm to anyone.
Detroit has licensing rules well beyond that of other cities.
Its permit and inspection costs make it extremely difficult to run a profitable (legal) business.
And the infamous "Operation Compliance" where the city looks to shut down 20 companies a week that don't comply with all of these specific rules.
Statements from city officials show these are largely a short-term revenue grab.
This shows up prominently once again in its recent treatment of a group of goats brought into the Brightmoor neighborhood to clear up weeds and unwanted vegetation.
It took only one day for officials to evict the animals with nary an explanation.
This isn't surprising.
Detroit has more rules, regulations, mandates and delays preventing people from living their lives than anywhere else in Michigan.
It isn't so much this specific ordinance that is the problem.
Detroit joins many municipalities around the state in banning farm animals within the city limits.
It is the fact that an insolvent city at the top of several national crime statistics that cannot keep the lights on is spending time and effort focusing on regulatory rules that seemingly result in no harm to anyone.
Detroit has licensing rules well beyond that of other cities.
Its permit and inspection costs make it extremely difficult to run a profitable (legal) business.
And the infamous "Operation Compliance" where the city looks to shut down 20 companies a week that don't comply with all of these specific rules.
Statements from city officials show these are largely a short-term revenue grab.
President Hillary? No Way! She Should Be Done
President Hillary? No Way! She Should Be Done:
"This statement alone should disqualify a Hillary Clinton presidency from ever seeing the light of day. There are only two reasons that she would make such an absurd statement; both are pretty scary coming from the possible leader of the free world."
"This statement alone should disqualify a Hillary Clinton presidency from ever seeing the light of day. There are only two reasons that she would make such an absurd statement; both are pretty scary coming from the possible leader of the free world."
First they came for our phones........Agency Aims to Regulate Map Aids in Vehicles
Agency Aims to Regulate Map Aids in Vehicles -
Getting directions on the road from Google Maps and other smartphone apps is a popular alternative to the expensive navigation aids included in some cars.
The apps are also a gray area when it comes to laws banning the use of cellphones or texting while driving.
The Transportation Department wants to enter the argument.
The department is intensifying its battle against distracted driving by seeking explicit authority from Congress to regulate navigation aids of all types, including apps on smartphones.
The measure, included in the Obama administration’s proposed transportation bill, would specify that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has the authority to set restrictions on the apps and later order changes if they are deemed dangerous, much the way it currently regulates mechanical features of cars.
The measure has the support of automakers, which already mostly comply with voluntary guidelines for built-in navigation systems, but it has run into stiff opposition from technology companies, which say that any such law would be impractical and impossible to enforce.
It’s another example, they say, of federal regulators trying vainly to keep up with a rapidly changing industry.
Getting directions on the road from Google Maps and other smartphone apps is a popular alternative to the expensive navigation aids included in some cars.
The apps are also a gray area when it comes to laws banning the use of cellphones or texting while driving.
The Transportation Department wants to enter the argument.
The department is intensifying its battle against distracted driving by seeking explicit authority from Congress to regulate navigation aids of all types, including apps on smartphones.
The measure, included in the Obama administration’s proposed transportation bill, would specify that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has the authority to set restrictions on the apps and later order changes if they are deemed dangerous, much the way it currently regulates mechanical features of cars.
The measure has the support of automakers, which already mostly comply with voluntary guidelines for built-in navigation systems, but it has run into stiff opposition from technology companies, which say that any such law would be impractical and impossible to enforce.
It’s another example, they say, of federal regulators trying vainly to keep up with a rapidly changing industry.
Ummm. Personal protection......ummmmm----------Hand cannons: The world's most powerful handguns
Hand cannons: The world's most powerful handguns - Photos - Washington Times:
"Delivering maximum velocity for handgun hunters, Smith & Wesson engineered the 460XVR Revolver to deliver the highest muzzle velocity of any production revolver on earth.
This X-treme Velocity Revolver (XVR) produces velocities over 2,300 feet per second with a gain-twist rifled barrel for superb long range accuracy past 200 yards!
Interchangeable compensators help the 460XVR fire .460 Mag"
"Delivering maximum velocity for handgun hunters, Smith & Wesson engineered the 460XVR Revolver to deliver the highest muzzle velocity of any production revolver on earth.
This X-treme Velocity Revolver (XVR) produces velocities over 2,300 feet per second with a gain-twist rifled barrel for superb long range accuracy past 200 yards!
Interchangeable compensators help the 460XVR fire .460 Mag"
Let Them Kill Each Other
Read it all.
Articles: Let Them Kill Each Other
I know, I know, the recent ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Levant) gains have everyone scared.
No doubt, the Islamophilic administration will want to step in, and save Islam from itself once again.
Let me advocate a course of action that will make sense to all sides in America; the left and right; from militarists to pacifists:
Let the Muslims kill each other.
After the administration blundered on Benghazi, on the Arab Spring, and Syria, Heaven itself has afforded it one last chance to set itself right.
It is almost impossible for the administration to screw it up.
All it has to do is nothing.
Yes, Nothing!
ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Levant) is presently a large group of thugs with guns.
They have no navy, no air force, except for a few captured helicopters, which they will soon break. The only ones they can threaten are their fellow Muslims.
If they take over Iraq, who cares?
They will soon reduce the Levant to the seventh century.
And this is a problem to us?
OK, oil prices may spike for a while, but they are going to need to sell their oil because they’ve got nothing else to produce for export and can’t produce any of the fruits of modern industry.
Meanwhile, the high prices will encourage domestic drilling and production of our nearly boundless reserves held in shale deposits, to the point where we will become a major oil exporter ourselves.
These mujahadeen are incapable of maintaining the weapons they already have.
Weapons need upkeep.
Weapons have to be oiled, cleaned, and upgraded.
Upkeep interferes with raping, pillaging, and chopping off heads.
Within two years, they will be slaughtering each other with scimitars and rusty AK-47s.
Iraq's president, Maliki has asked for US assistance.
Oh really?
Iraq insisted on setting up its country with an Islamic constitution; against our advice, and now he wants American help.
For what?
So Iraq's Shia can continue to run arms to Syria and Hezb'allah in Lebanon?
If our State Department had men and women with intelligence instead of a love of the Qur’an, they would tell Maliki that our help would be predicated on four conditions:
1) Get rid of the Islamic constitution, and set up a secular state
2) Recognize Israel
3) Naturalize the Palestinians in your state
4) Break off ties with Iran
If Maliki says no, we say “Fine, have your Islamic state.
We are not going to decide which flavor.”
He has no choice.
No matter what he decides, the West wins.
Should ISIS take over, Iran will be cut off from land routes to Syria's Assad, and Lebanon's Hezb'allah.
How does this hurt the West?
Iraq may go down.
The Sunni officers in the Iraqi army will not fight for a Shia majority Iraqi state.
In fact, many Sunni officers are already joining ISIS.
The Shia, who are mere foot soldiers, are not prepared to fight the better trained Sunni.
So what?
Read it all.
Articles: Let Them Kill Each Other
I know, I know, the recent ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Levant) gains have everyone scared.
No doubt, the Islamophilic administration will want to step in, and save Islam from itself once again.
Let me advocate a course of action that will make sense to all sides in America; the left and right; from militarists to pacifists:
Let the Muslims kill each other.
After the administration blundered on Benghazi, on the Arab Spring, and Syria, Heaven itself has afforded it one last chance to set itself right.
It is almost impossible for the administration to screw it up.
All it has to do is nothing.
Yes, Nothing!
ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Levant) is presently a large group of thugs with guns.
They have no navy, no air force, except for a few captured helicopters, which they will soon break. The only ones they can threaten are their fellow Muslims.
If they take over Iraq, who cares?
They will soon reduce the Levant to the seventh century.
And this is a problem to us?
OK, oil prices may spike for a while, but they are going to need to sell their oil because they’ve got nothing else to produce for export and can’t produce any of the fruits of modern industry.
Meanwhile, the high prices will encourage domestic drilling and production of our nearly boundless reserves held in shale deposits, to the point where we will become a major oil exporter ourselves.
These mujahadeen are incapable of maintaining the weapons they already have.
Weapons need upkeep.
Weapons have to be oiled, cleaned, and upgraded.
Upkeep interferes with raping, pillaging, and chopping off heads.
Within two years, they will be slaughtering each other with scimitars and rusty AK-47s.
Iraq's president, Maliki has asked for US assistance.
Oh really?
Iraq insisted on setting up its country with an Islamic constitution; against our advice, and now he wants American help.
For what?
So Iraq's Shia can continue to run arms to Syria and Hezb'allah in Lebanon?
If our State Department had men and women with intelligence instead of a love of the Qur’an, they would tell Maliki that our help would be predicated on four conditions:
1) Get rid of the Islamic constitution, and set up a secular state
2) Recognize Israel
3) Naturalize the Palestinians in your state
4) Break off ties with Iran
If Maliki says no, we say “Fine, have your Islamic state.
We are not going to decide which flavor.”
He has no choice.
No matter what he decides, the West wins.
Should ISIS take over, Iran will be cut off from land routes to Syria's Assad, and Lebanon's Hezb'allah.
How does this hurt the West?
Iraq may go down.
The Sunni officers in the Iraqi army will not fight for a Shia majority Iraqi state.
In fact, many Sunni officers are already joining ISIS.
The Shia, who are mere foot soldiers, are not prepared to fight the better trained Sunni.
So what?
Why Are College Tuition Costs Rising So Much?
Why Are College Tuition Costs Rising So Much?:
Quick quiz:
What two industries have seen the steepest rate of inflation in the economy over the past decade?
If you said energy or housing, you’re wrong.
The correct answer is education and health care.
The first of these isn’t too surprising to anyone with a son or daughter enrolled in college.
One of my sons goes to Northwestern University, and the cost is stratospheric: $62,000 a year.
Can the college degree he will be handed soon really be worth nearly $250,000?
Across the country, tuition costs have basically tripled in 20 years.
The same is true in public grade schools and high schools.
Per-student spending has roughly doubled in just the past 15 years.
Yet test scores have been flat or have drifted down.
Quick quiz:
What two industries have seen the steepest rate of inflation in the economy over the past decade?
If you said energy or housing, you’re wrong.
The correct answer is education and health care.
The first of these isn’t too surprising to anyone with a son or daughter enrolled in college.
One of my sons goes to Northwestern University, and the cost is stratospheric: $62,000 a year.
Can the college degree he will be handed soon really be worth nearly $250,000?
Across the country, tuition costs have basically tripled in 20 years.
The same is true in public grade schools and high schools.
Per-student spending has roughly doubled in just the past 15 years.
Yet test scores have been flat or have drifted down.
Obama ignored general's pleas to keep American forces in Iraq
Obama ignored general's pleas to keep American forces in Iraq - Washington Times
The last American commander in Iraq recommended to the Obama administration that 23,000 U.S. troops remain to cement the victory, but no deal was ever reached with Baghdad, and all combat forces went home.
That stalemate has come back to haunt the country as al Qaeda-linked extremists, who had been defeated by 2011, have returned to Iraq in a terrorist campaign to capture huge swaths of territory in northern and western areas.
...Retired ArmyGen. John M. Keane, who advised commanders in Iraq and helped devise the 2007 troop surge, remembers how the U.S. achieved victory by working hand in hand with Iraq’s military to conduct pinpoint strikes.
The effort was so effective that the enemy, al Qaeda in Iraq, stopped sending killers into Iraq because they would be exterminated quickly.
......“As we pulled out of Iraq in 2011, just think of this:
We had all our intelligence capability there.
We knew where the enemy was. We were flying drones.
We’re tracking them.
We have signals intelligence pouring in, eavesdropping on phone conversations and the rest of it.
We’re using our counterterrorism forces to bang against these guys.
We’re passing that information to the Iraqis so their commandos can do the same,” the general said.
After several years of reduced violence in Iraq, the Americans left.
The last American commander in Iraq recommended to the Obama administration that 23,000 U.S. troops remain to cement the victory, but no deal was ever reached with Baghdad, and all combat forces went home.
That stalemate has come back to haunt the country as al Qaeda-linked extremists, who had been defeated by 2011, have returned to Iraq in a terrorist campaign to capture huge swaths of territory in northern and western areas.
...Retired ArmyGen. John M. Keane, who advised commanders in Iraq and helped devise the 2007 troop surge, remembers how the U.S. achieved victory by working hand in hand with Iraq’s military to conduct pinpoint strikes.
The effort was so effective that the enemy, al Qaeda in Iraq, stopped sending killers into Iraq because they would be exterminated quickly.
......“As we pulled out of Iraq in 2011, just think of this:
We had all our intelligence capability there.
We knew where the enemy was. We were flying drones.
We’re tracking them.
We have signals intelligence pouring in, eavesdropping on phone conversations and the rest of it.
We’re using our counterterrorism forces to bang against these guys.
We’re passing that information to the Iraqis so their commandos can do the same,” the general said.
After several years of reduced violence in Iraq, the Americans left.
Texas Congressman Refuses to Be Kept Away From Border Patrol Facility and Has a Message for Obama |
Texas Congressman Refuses to Be Kept Away From Border Patrol Facility and Has a Message for Obama |
"The constant flow of human trafficking is straining law enforcement resources all across the roughly 2,000-mile southwest border and it’s not predicted to slow down: An estimated 60,000 illegal immigrant children are expected to enter the United States this year, a number that will increase to more than 130,000 by 2015, according to Border Patrol agents who spoke with TheBlaze and to administration estimates.
Many Border Patrol agents who spoke with TheBlaze also blamed the immigrant surge on failed immigration policies and on unspoken policies they said prohibit them from doing their jobs."
"The constant flow of human trafficking is straining law enforcement resources all across the roughly 2,000-mile southwest border and it’s not predicted to slow down: An estimated 60,000 illegal immigrant children are expected to enter the United States this year, a number that will increase to more than 130,000 by 2015, according to Border Patrol agents who spoke with TheBlaze and to administration estimates.
Many Border Patrol agents who spoke with TheBlaze also blamed the immigrant surge on failed immigration policies and on unspoken policies they said prohibit them from doing their jobs."
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