Sunday, June 22, 2014

History for June 22

History for June 22 - 
Carpenter Ant Awareness Week (June 22-28)

Birth anniversaries of Bill Blass (1922-2002), Anne Morrow Lindbergh (1906-2001), Billy Wilder (1906-2002).

Happy Birthday! Klaus Maria Brandauer, Todd Rundgren, Lindsay Wagner

1772 - Slavery was outlawed in England. 

1832 - J.I. Howe patented the pin machine. 

1874 - Dr. Andrew Taylor Still began the first known practice of osteopathy. 

1933 - Germany became a one political party country when Hitler banned parties other than the Nazis. 

1941 - Under the codename Barbarossa, Germany invaded the Soviet Union. 

1942 - A Japanese submarine shelled Fort Stevens at the mouth of the Columbia River. 

1944 - U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt signed the "GI Bill of Rights" to provide broad benefits for veterans of the war. 

1964 - The U.S. Supreme Court voted that Henry Miller's book, "Tropic of Cancer", could not be banned. 

1970 - U.S. President Richard Nixon signed an extension of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. It required that the voting age in the United States to be 18. 

1992 - The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that hate-crime laws that ban cross-burning and similar expressions of racial bias violated free-speech rights. 

1999 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that persons with remediable handicaps cannot claim discrimination in employment under the Americans with Disability Act.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton – You Are Not Allowed to Support Gun Rights; If You Do, You’re a Terrorist

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton – You Are Not Allowed to Support Gun Rights; If You Do, You’re a Terrorist:
"During this town hall, a questioner asks Hillary if she thinks that reinstating the assault weapons ban and banning high capacity magazines would help in regards to school shootings. Before the woman can finish asking her question, Hillary answers, “Yes. Yes, I do.”

EXCLUSIVE: Congressman Lays Out Strategy to IMPEACH ERIC HOLDER!

EXCLUSIVE: Congressman Lays Out Strategy to IMPEACH ERIC HOLDER!:
"Congressman Gosar is one of 27 congressman who have already signed Articles of Impeachment against Holder.
“I give you, an unelected bureaucrat who is violating the Constitution, and that is Eric Holder,” Gosar told Tim while stating that both parties are guilty of building a government bureaucracy that “answers to no one.”

Supremes could change America with one single ruling!-------------Unionization Ruling Before The Supreme Court Could Be 'Huge'

Unionization Ruling Before The Supreme Court Could Be 'Huge' [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"As the current term of the United States Supreme Court nears its end, a ruling remains to be announced that could fundamentally change the way government unions are organized.
Harris v. Quinn, which involves personal care providers in Illinois who contested a forced unionization they were subjected to, is largely equivalent to the home health care "dues skim" that took place in Michigan.
In both unionization schemes, workers who take care of the elderly and disabled were forced into a union.
In Michigan, an affiliate of the Service Employees International union took more than $34 million from the Medicaid checks of people who were being cared for mostly by friends and family. 
The U.S. Supreme Court held oral arguments in the Harris v. Quinn case in January and a final ruling is expected by the end of June. 
There are reasons to believe the court’s decision in the case might be to reverse the 1977 Abood v. Detroit Board of Education ruling.
If that's what happens it would have the effect of making all public employees nationwide subject to right-to-work.
Ramifications of such a ruling by the high court would be far-reaching."

Remember "policy changes" ALWAYS means "more money from you to hire more government workers"------Policy changes needed to tackle obesity

Sooooo, giving free (totally unproven to work!) drugs to folks who lack the ability to make "correct" choices about food intake and exercise will enable them to live longer.
Without changing their inability to make "correct" choices about food intake and exercise.
And this will save us money?!!!!
Guest column: Policy changes needed to tackle obesity |
"Nearly a year after the American Medical Association declared obesity to be a disease, we still are not using all of the tools available to help reduce this costly – and deadly – condition.
....In Michigan, more than 31 percent of residents are obese – and the problem is only growing.
Obesity is more than an appearance or lifestyle issue.
Our growing obesity problem causes more chronic diseases, which are killing more of our family members and putting a massive strain on the health system.
...Medicare must begin covering medicines to treat obesity because chronic diseases are a primary driver of higher costs in the Medicare system – and obesity is a primary cause of chronic disease.
....The federal government already recognizes the need to cover these medicines.
The Office of Personnel Management – the human resources department for government – recently said federal health plans should pay for weight loss medicines, under appropriate circumstances."

Will Harry Reid Tell This 100% Navajo Indian High School Their ‘Redskins’ Mascot is Racist?

Will Harry Reid Tell This 100% Navajo Indian High School Their ‘Redskins’ Mascot is Racist?:
"Why would a 100% Native American school name use as their own mascot a “racist” term?
Maybe Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid should be asked this important question of the day.
Harry Greed and other white elitist communists latest distraction/obsession is with forcing the Washington Redskins to change their name because they’ve  determined, after decades of being silent on the word, that the term “Redskins,” a term that was chosen to HONOR Native Americans, must now be banned. "

Details Leak On How Secret Global Treaty Will Force Countries To Further Deregulate Financial Sector

Details Leak On How Secret Global Treaty Will Force Countries To Further Deregulate Financial Sector | Techdirt:
Here's how WikiLeaks describes its latest release:

Today, WikiLeaks released the secret draft text for the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) Financial Services Annex, which covers 50 countries and 68.2%1 of world trade in services. 

The US and the EU are the main proponents of the agreement, and the authors of most joint changes, which also covers cross-border data flow.
In a significant anti-transparency manoeuvre by the parties, the draft has been classified to keep it secret not just during the negotiations but for five years after the TISA enters into force.
Despite the failures in financial regulation evident during the 2007-2008 Global Financial Crisis and calls for improvement of relevant regulatory structures, proponents of TISA aim to further deregulate global financial services markets. 

The draft Financial Services Annex sets rules which would assist the expansion of financial multi-nationals -- mainly headquartered in New York, London, Paris and Frankfurt -- into other nations by preventing regulatory barriers. 

The leaked draft also shows that the US is particularly keen on boosting cross-border data flow, which would allow uninhibited exchange of personal and financial data.
...The TISA is being promoted by the same governments that installed the failed model of financial (de)regulation in the WTO and which has been blamed for helping to fuel the Global Financial Crisis (GFC).
The same states shut down moves by other WTO Members to critically debate these rules following the GFC with a view to reform.

... Here, it means that restrictions on the financial industry can only be reduced, never increased, no matter how badly they screw up the global economy (again).

Like the NAZIs, they will never quit their quest to disarm the honest citizen--------Chicago Passes Law Requiring All Legal Gun Sales to Be Taped and Bans Gun Shops in 95% of City

Chicago Passes Law Requiring All Legal Gun Sales to Be Taped and Bans Gun Shops in 95% of City:
"The Chicago City Council this week passed one of the strictest sets of regulations for gun shops in the country.
The measures will all but insure that gun dealers are not able to operate within the city and will likely continue to amount to a complete ban on legal gun sales within city limits.
...It would largely limit shops to the fringes of the city by banning gun shops within 500 feet of a school or park.
It calls for criminal background checks for store owners and employees, requires a safety plan and surveillance cameras and calls for all sales to be videotaped.
Due to the wording of the law, gun shops would be banned from utilizing nearly 95% of the land within city limits. 
...Under this new law Chicago is technically allowing gun shops, although in practice they really aren’t."

Obama’s EPA: A Criminal Enterprise

Obama’s EPA: A Criminal Enterprise:
“Under this plan, there’d be no body of water in America—including mud puddles and canals—that wouldn’t be at risk from job-destroying federal regulation,” said Rep, Doc Hastings (R-Wash), chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee. “This dramatic expansion of federal government control will directly impact the livelihoods and viability of farmers and small businesses in rural America.”

Patrick Colbeck: Increasing taxes is not the way to fix Michigan roads

Patrick Colbeck: Increasing taxes is not the way to fix Michigan roads | Detroit Free Press | "Those pushing for a tax hike promote statistics such as, “Michigan ranks last among the 50 states in per capita road expenditures.”
Funny thing about the per capita road spending statistic: 
Only the mafia prices out pavement contracts based on the number of bodies. 

Road construction projects are typically priced out according to the number of miles to be paved.
Michigan ranks 13th when it comes to how many dollars per mile we spend on our roads — 53% more per mile than the national average, according to the Reason Foundation.
Indiana spends roughly the same amount per mile on its roads as Michigan, and it is ranked No. 1 in pavement condition.
Michigan is ranked 43rd. 
Clearly, the solution to our transportation infrastructure woes needs to look at more than tax revenue."

Pot AND porn makes you brain-dead?!!!! Bad news for Obama voters!---------Is It Really True That Watching Porn Will Shrink Your Brain?

Is It Really True That Watching Porn Will Shrink Your Brain? | Science Blogs | WIRED:
"A hundred years ago they said that masturbating would make you go blind.
We’ve progressed.
Today, we’re told that watching moderate amounts of pornography will shrink your brain. 
The claim arrives courtesy of a brain imaging paper published last month in JAMA Psychiatry, a respected medical journal."

The Stench Of Crony Capitalist Corruption At GM

The Stench Of Crony Capitalist Corruption At GM | David Stockman's Contra Corner
But this episode is not about culpability for one failed part—especially since it now appears that GM is close to achieving the recall of every single car it has ever made in the last several decades.
The real issue is the corruption of crony capitalism.

An out-of-control, dysfunctional, dangerous, red-ink bleeding industrial dinosaur like GM should have been put out of its misery in Chapter 11 in 2008.
After all, folks, GM did manage to loose the stunning sum of $85 billion during the five years leading up to 2008, and it did so after selling 35 million vehicles at total revenues of nearly $1 trillion. 
No industrial managers have ever—before or since—managed to accomplish such an economic fiasco.
So instead of being resuscitated with $50 billion of taxpayer money, there should have been a giant house-cleaning at the top. 
The entire corpus of management should have been unceremoniously fired, stripped of their perks, pensions and  other retirements and pursued relentlessly by the creditors for their insuperable incompetence. 

10 Worst Business Decisions Ever Made

Fox Wants Profits Now; We Don't Care About The Future

We are sure that the senior board members at 20th Century Fox still can't get to sleep properly. When George Lucas decided to take a pay cut of $20,000 in exchange for all the merchandisingrights for the Star Wars franchise (and the rights to the sequels as well) Fox jumped at the offer to save some bucks. Since then, the Star Wars movies have grossed over $4 billion in DVD and VHS sales, and the merchandise has raked in $12 billion in revenue. To be fair to Fox,merchandising wasn't very lucrative at that time. Their decision cost them dearly though.

Nancy Pelosi Believes the IRS Story About Computer Crashes and Lost Emails |

Nancy Pelosi Believes the IRS Story About Computer Crashes and Lost Emails | "Asked about the lost emails, Pelosi said her recommendation is not to investigate the IRS further, but to buy the IRS a new computer system. Along the way, she indicated she buys the IRS story about the computer crash, one that many Republicans immediately dismissed as a lie."

It's officially Muskegon Summer!

History for June 21

History for June 21 -
Summer begins in the Northern Hemisphere at 6:51 AM EDT.
Winter begins in the Southern Hemisphere.

375th birth anniversary of Puritan minister Increase Mather (1639-1723).

Birth anniversary of French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-80).

Birth anniversary of novelist and critic Mary McCarthy (1912-89).

Happy Birthday! Meredith Baxter, Mariette Hartley,  Juliette Lewis

1859 - Andrew Lanergan received the first rocket patent. 

1893 - The Ferris Wheel was introduced at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, IL. 

1940 - Richard M. Nixon and Thelma Catherine ‘Pat’ Ryan were married. 

1954 - The American Cancer Society reported significantly higher death rates among cigarette smokers than among non-smokers. 

1963 - France announced that they were withdrawing from the North Atlantic NATO fleet. 

1972 - Hurricane Agnes wreaked havoc on the eastern seaboard of the US, killing 118 people and leaving more than 200,000 people homeless.

1973 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states may ban materials found to be obscene according to local standards. 

1974 - The U.S. Supreme Court decided that pregnant teachers could no longer be forced to take long leaves of absence. 

1989 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that burning the American flag as a form of political protest was protected by the First Amendment.

Friday, June 20, 2014

This One Word on a Syrian Mural Says All You Need to Know About ISIS Insurgents’ Ultimate Goal |

This One Word on a Syrian Mural Says All You Need to Know About ISIS Insurgents’ Ultimate Goal |
"If a picture tells a thousand words, this one speaks volumes.
A widely followed Syria watcher shared on Twitter a photo said to have been taken in Syria that shows a mural which in one large word declares the aspiration of the Sunni jihadist group the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria."

Watch How Democrat-Invited Witnesses React When Asked to Raise Their Hands If They Agree With Obama’s Big Global Warming Claim | Video |

Watch How Democrat-Invited Witnesses React When Asked to Raise Their Hands If They Agree With Obama’s Big Global Warming Claim | Video |
"When Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) on Wednesday asked four former Environmental Protection Agency chiefs to raise their hands if they believe, as President Barack Obama recently claimed, that the temperature around the world is “increasing faster than was predicted,   ”none of them raised their hand."

There was no Fukushima nuclear disaster

Physicist: There was no Fukushima nuclear disaster:
Firstly let us get something clear. There was no Fukushima nuclear disaster. Total number of people killed by nuclear radiation at Fukushima was zero. Total injured by radiation was zero. Total private property damaged by radiation….zero. There was no nuclear disaster. What there was, was a major media feeding frenzy fuelled by the rather remote possibility that there may have been a major radiation leak.
At the time, there was media frenzy that “reactors at Fukushima may suffer a core meltdown.” Dire warnings were issued. Well the reactors did suffer a core meltdown. What happened? Nothing.
Certainly from the ‘disaster’ perspective there was a financial disaster for the owners of the Fukushima planJapan Tsunami pushes carst. The plant overheated, suffered a core meltdown, and is now out of commission for ever. A financial disaster, but no nuclear disaster.
Amazingly the thousands of people killed by the tsunami in the neighbouring areas who were in shops, offices, schools, at the airport, in the harbour and elsewhere are essentially ignored while there is this strange continuing phobia about warning people of ‘the dangers of Fukushima.’ 
We need to ask the more general question: did anybody die because of Fukushima? Yes they did. Why? The Japanese governJapan tsunami boatment introduced a forced evacuation of thousands of people living up to a couple of dozen kilometres from the power station. The stress of moving to collection areas induced heart attacks and other medical problems in many people. So people died because of Fukushima hysteria not because of Fukushima radiation.
Recently some water leaked out of the Fukushima plant. It contained a very small amount of radioactive dust. The news media quoted the radiation activity in the physics measure of miliSieverts. The public don’t know what a Sievert or a milliSievert is. As it happens a milliSievert is a very small measure.
Doubling a very small amount is still inconsequential. It is like saying: “Yesterday there was a matchstick on the football field; today there are two matchsticks on the football field. Matchstick pollution has increased by a massive 100% in only 24 hours.”
The statement is mathematically correct but silly and misleading.
At Fukushima a couple of weeks ago, some mildly radioactive water leaked into the sea. The volume of water was about equal to a dozen home swimming pools. In the ocean this really is a ‘drop in the ocean.’