Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Best-Selling Author Brad Meltzer Reveals President Ronald Reagan’s ‘Biggest Secret’ | TheBlaze.com

Best-Selling Author Brad Meltzer Reveals President Ronald Reagan’s ‘Biggest Secret’ | TheBlaze.com:

"And yet.

“Whatever you think of Reagan, you have to admit, he had a black belt in badassery,” Meltzer continued."

Could This Be What Happened to Vladimir Putin When He Vanished for 10 Days? | Video | TheBlaze.com

Could This Be What Happened to Vladimir Putin When He Vanished for 10 Days? | Video | TheBlaze.com:

"Beck said a man like Putin doesn’t just “vanish” for 10 days, especially amid the wild speculation that there had been a coup.

“The more likely scenario now is that Putin was being held somewhere against his will,” Beck concluded. “It was a show of force by the FSB, Alexander Dugin or perhaps another influential fascist radical. They wanted to make sure that Putin got back into the business of taking more land and restoring Russia to her previous glory.”

Francis & Political Illusion

Francis & Political Illusion | Maureen Mullarkey | First Things:
"It comes as no surprise.
Handwriting has been on the wall along the Viale Vaticano from the get-go.
At the beginning of his pontificate, Francis revealed himself to be fastidiously attuned to image.
He refused to give communion in public ceremonies lest he be photographed giving the sacrament to the wrong kind of sinner.
So, when he agreed to pose between two well-known environmental activists and brandish an anti-fracking T-shirt, we believed what we saw.
It was a portentous image.
Press toads hopped to their keyboards to correct the evidence of our lying eyes. 
Francis was neither for nor against fracking, you see. 
Nothing of the sort. 
He was simply using a photo-op to assert blameless solidarity with the victims of ecological injustice. 
(Both a decisive definition of such injustice and its particular victims went unspecified.)
If that restyling were true, then the more fool Francis.
But Francis is not a fool. 
He is an ideologue and a meddlesome egoist..."

The Federal Reserve's worst nightmare: The 'ghost of 1937'

The Federal Reserve's worst nightmare: The 'ghost of 1937':
"In trying to steer the economy of 2015, the Federal Reserve is fighting the foreboding spirit of 1937.
Wall Street strategists, in fact, are worried that the U.S. central bank is so cautious over not making the mistakes of a long-ago ancestor that it may miss a solid opportunity to normalize monetary policy after seven years of decidedly abnormal times.
"Many policymakers and market observers assert that the risk of the Fed raising rates too early exceeds that of moving too late.
This is the specter of 1937, when the Fed raised rates prematurely and exacerbated the Great Depression..." 
What's causing much of the consternation is fear that, like 1937, a desire to avoid bubbles and normalize rates will come too soon and plunge the economy back into a slump. 
The Fed took its short-term rates target down to zero amid the financial crisis and the Great Recession, and has been there since late 2008.
However, that recession officially ended in 2009, yet the central bank has not moved on policy.
In addition to zero rates, it has boosted up its balance sheet to $4.5 trillion in a liquidity program whose effect has been to pump up the stock market by 220 percent.
...The best investors likely can hope for is that it's not as bad as other times in the past..."

Legendary Gunmaker Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy | TheBlaze.com

Legendary Gunmaker Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy | TheBlaze.com:

"Colt Defense LLC announced Sunday night that the 179-year-old company is filing for bankruptcy.

The firearms company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Del., and Colt officials say they plan to restructure financially during this time. This process, according to a press release on Colt’s website, will allow for the “accelerated sale” of  the company’s business operations in the U.S. and Canada."

The New Liberal Know Nothings

The New Liberal Know Nothings - WSJ
...Try naming three prominent liberals or Democratic heavyweights who support the president on trade.
Such is the state of a party in which Barack Obama is the extreme-right flank.
...It’s not that Democrats don’t have thoughts or position papers on Iraq, ISIS, the Mideast.
It’s just that they don’t particularly care about any of it.
Mentally, they’ve checked out of the great-power game.
...Oh, but there’s Iran. 
As details of the pending agreement become clearer—no snap inspections of Iran’s military sites; no snapback sanctions; no credible U.S. military options on the table; no restrictions on Iran’s missiles; no answers about its past nuclear weapons work; no promises to release Americans held by Iran; no moderating of Iran’s regional behavior; an upfront $150 billion bribe in the form of sanctions relief—so too does the scale of the administration’s capitulation.
Negotiations with Iran now amount to a diplomatic strip tease, the only difference being that Washington both takes it off and doles out the dollars.
...It’s worth noting that the original name for the Know Nothings was the Native American Party, though somebody must have thought better of that one.
Later it was renamed the American Party.
“Americanism” has usually been the cause of people who imagine that they can keep the world at bay, either by shutting our doors or closing our eyes. 
It never works. 
Boorishness is a bad basis for policy, and so is blindness.

Russia warns of 'new military confrontation' in Europe

Russia warns of 'new military confrontation' in Europe:
"Relations between Russia and the West took another downturn this week when Russia warned that any stationing of military equipment along the border with eastern Europe could have "dangerous consequences."
The warning came as Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Tuesday that Russia would add more than 40 new intercontinental ballistic missiles to its nuclear arsenal this year, Reuters reported.
The Russian Foreign Ministry issued the warning on Monday after the New York Times and other media organizations reported that the U.S. had offered to store military equipment for up to 5,000 troops – including battle tanks and heavy weapons -- in allied eastern European countries.
"The emergence of such information confirms that the U.S., in cooperation with its allies, apparently has serious sights on ultimately undermining key provisions in the 'NATO Russia Founding Act' of 1997, in which the alliance pledged not to deploy substantial combat forces on the territory of the countries mentioned in the permanent basis," the ministry said in a statement on its website.

The city has an entire "area" where there is an abundance of buttocks?-----Female shot in 'buttock area' at Muskegon house party: police chief

Female shot in 'buttock area' at Muskegon house party: police chief | MLive.com:
"MUSKEGON, MI -- A female suffered a gunshot wound to her buttock area on Saturday, June 13, during what police say was a house party at a Muskegon home.
The shooting allegedly occurred around 1 a.m. in the backyard of a home in the 1000 block of Oakgrove in the city of Muskegon, said Director of Public Safety Jeffrey Lewis.
Lewis said a female was "shot in the buttock area" while outside at a home at that address.
A house party was taking place at the address and some participants of the party were in the backyard prior to the reported shooting, Lewis said.
At some point, someone "got mad" and the victim was shot, Lewis said. 
The injury is not considered serious, he said."

Maine Legislators Announce – the 2nd Amendment is Your Gun Permit! - Eagle Rising

Maine Legislators Announce – the 2nd Amendment is Your Gun Permit! - Eagle Rising:

"In an amazing and perhaps a bit surprising win for freedom, the legislators in the deeply purple state of Maine have just passed a bill that would abolish the need for concealed carry permits and allow residents (over the age of 21) to carry firearms freely."

The Intellectual Weakness of The Fourth Estate

The Intellectual Weakness of The Fourth Estate [CBD]:
The Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect is a recurrent theme around these parts, and we all have examples we can trot out to expose the stupidity of the media.
This one might be my favorite though
 .....Imagine a large industrial corporation that produces hundreds of thousands of relatively expensive products with just 14,000 workers. 
The market for their products is quite literally the entire United States, and the math --really just arithmetic -- says that those 14,000 workers are a tiny part of the market. 
Yet the brilliant media accepts unquestioningly the weak-minded analysis that Henry Ford raised his workers' wages so that they could become consumers of his products.

"Henry Ford understood this when he paid his workers high enough wages to buy his cars. Today's titans of the economy appear to have forgotten the lesson."

Math doesn't lie. 
This is a moronic supposition that should have been rejected after 10 seconds of doodling on a scratch pad.
After thousands of examples of the intellectual flaccidity and inferiority of the journalists in our midst, we have to accept the fact that they are not the best and the brightest. 
They are, overwhelmingly, college students who couldn't handle college math, couldn't manage to do the work to pass Biology 101 and Chemistry 101, and were daunted by the prospect of reading a bunch of long books with lots of facts in them, so history was not an option either.
So what was left? (fill in the blank)_____ Studies or Journalism."

They are lying!!-----90 Days: Treasury Says Debt Has Been Frozen at $18,112,975,000,000

90 Days: Treasury Says Debt Has Been Frozen at $18,112,975,000,000 | CNS News:
"The portion of the federal debt that is subject to a legal limit set by Congress closed Thursday, June 11, at $18,112,975,000,000, according to the latest Daily Treasury Statement, which was published at 4:00 p.m. on Friday.
That, according to the Treasury's statements, makes 90 straight days the debt subject to the limit has been frozen at $18,112,975,000,000.
$18,112,975,000,000 is about $25 million below the current legal debt limit of $18,113,000,080,959.35.

The average American woman now weighs as much as the average 1960s man

The average American woman now weighs as much as the average 1960s man - The Washington Post:
"The average American woman weighs 166.2 pounds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
As reddit recently pointed out, that's almost exactly as much as the average American man weighed in the early 1960s.
Men, you're not looking too hot in this scenario either.
Over the same time period you gained nearly 30 pounds, from 166.3 in the 60s to 195.5 today. 
Doing the same comparison as above, today's American man weighs almost as much as 1.5 American women from the 1960s. "

BREAKING: The State of Alabama Just Officially Sent This Document to Barack Obama in Historic Move

BREAKING: The State of Alabama Just Officially Sent This Document to Barack Obama in Historic Move:

"Members of the Alabama House and Senate who supported the Convention of the States believed the federal government has not only created an enormous national debt that continues to hobble the American economy but has also “invaded the legitimate roles of the states through the manipulative power of federal mandates.”

Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill wanted to make sure President Obama got the message. Not only did he send the application to the speaker of the U.S. Senate and the speaker and secretary of the U.S. House of Representatives but also directly to President Obama"

McDonald's hires 7,000 touch-screen cashiers

McDonald's hires 7,000 touch-screen cashiers - CNET:
""Welcome to McDonald's .
My name is HAL 9000. May I take your order?"
McDonalds recently went on a hiring binge in the U.S., adding 62,000 employees to its roster.
The hiring picture doesn't look quite so rosy for Europe, where the fast food chain is drafting 7,000 touch-screen kiosks to handle cashiering duties...."

History for June 16

History for June 16 - On-This-Day.com
Stan Laurel 1890, Erich Segal 1937, Billy 'Crash' Craddock 1939 - Country singer 

Roberto Duran 1951 - Boxer, Phil Mickelson 1970 - Golf player, Tupac Shakur 1971 - Rapper 

0455 - Rome was sacked by the Vandal army. 

1858 - In a speech in Springfield, ILU.S. Senate candidate Abraham Lincoln said the slavery issue had to be resolved. He declared, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." 

1884 - At Coney Island, in Brooklyn, NY, the first roller coaster in America opened. 

1903 - Ford Motor Company was incorporated. 

1952 - "My Little Margie" debuted on CBS-TV. 

1961 - Rudolf Nureyev defected from the Soviet Union while in Paris, traveling with the Leningrad Kirov Ballet. 

1963 - 26-year-old Valentina Tereshkova went into orbit aboard the Vostok 6 spacecraft for three days. She was the first female space traveler. 

1980 - The movie "The Blues Brothers" opened in Chicago, IL

1996 - Russian voters had their first independent presidential election. Boris Yeltsin was the winner after a run-off. 

2000 - U.S. federal regulators approved the merger of Bell Atlantic and GTE Corp. The merger created the nation's largest local phone company.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Pentagon Official Throws Obama Under The Bus With R-Rated 2-Sentence Smackdown

Pentagon Official Throws Obama Under The Bus With R-Rated 2-Sentence Smackdown:

"One military official reacted to Obama’s statement by saying: “What the f–k was that? We have given him lots of options, he just has not acted on them.” The official was upset over Obama blaming the Pentagon for failing to provide his administration with a plan. Clearly, the representative did not agree with what Obama had to say."

Pension tidal wave is about to crash down on taxpayers

Pension tidal wave is about to crash down on taxpayers | WashingtonExaminer.com
...Over time, elected officials came to promise workers politically popular new benefits without setting aside the money to pay for them, declared "holidays" from contributions into pension systems and changed their own accounting systems midstream to make the systems seem better funded — all just ways of passing obligations on to future taxpayers.
In the process, government pension systems became one of the chief vehicles that state and local politicians used to massage their budgets.
Now we face the consequences.
Our elected representatives played a deceptive game of chicken with pension funds.
And now the chickens have come home to roost.
Years of gimmicks and politically motivated benefit increases for government workers have left America's states and municipalities with pension funds that are short at least $1.5 trillion — and possibly as much as $4 trillion if the investment returns of these funds don't live up to expectations in coming years.
Just so the word "trillion" does not pass by too quickly, let's put it another way: 
That shortfall may be $4,000,000,000,000...."

What about 'excessive dentist pay' or the obscene 'orthodontist-to-average worker pay' ratio?

What about 'excessive dentist pay' or the obscene 'orthodontist-to-average worker pay' ratio? - AEI | Carpe Diem Blog » AEIdeas:
"...Bottom Line:
These are pretty easy questions to answer, but let me pose them anyway:
Why don’t we ever hear about “excessive” or “obscene” dentist/family practice MD/internist/psychiatrist wages?
Or about objectionable “Dentist-to-Average Worker Pay” ratios?

Of course, there are some CEOs who earn multimillion dollar pay packages, while there are probably no dentists making millions of dollars per year, so it’s the “excessive” pay of a few hundred outlier CEOs that gets all of the media and union attention.
But it’s an important point that gets completely lost in the discussion of “obscene” CEO pay – the average CEO earns just slightly more than the average dentist and less on average than nine medical occupations that are listed above."


Why a Famous Constitutional Law Scholar Says the Supreme Court’s Jerusalem Passport Decision Gives the President ‘Too Much Power Over Foreign Policy’ | TheBlaze.com

Why a Famous Constitutional Law Scholar Says the Supreme Court’s Jerusalem Passport Decision Gives the President ‘Too Much Power Over Foreign Policy’ | TheBlaze.com:

“This is ignorance of the founding of America. The United States was founded as a legislative government, a government in which the House of Representatives, not so much the Senate, but the House of Representatives were central to every aspect of American policy,” Dershowitz explained.

“The Constitution says ambassadors must be confirmed by the Senate, treaties must be confirmed by the Senate, all monetary legislation must be initiated by the House, in other words, all sanctions’ legislation has to come from the House of Representatives,” he said. “The Constitution did not envision a strong president, did not envision a president that had sole authority over foreign policy and can make a deal with Iran that is really a treaty but pretends to be something else.”

15 percent of retirees have student loan debt

STUDY: 15 percent of retirees have student loan debt:
"Student loan debt isn’t just a problem for young people, it’s also a growing concern for retirement savings, a new study shows.
LIMRA has found that retirees aged 65 to 74 are carrying what the insurance and financial services trade association calls “unprecedented” amounts of student loan debt.
“Among retirees, education loans made up less than 1 percent in 1989 but grew to 15 percent by 2013,” according to the recently released LIMRA study.
“The data suggests that parents and grandparents have acquired more student loan debt to help their children and grandchildren,” the association notes.
The association added that “with college costs increasing every year, adults under-35 have seen their education debt more than triple since 1989 when it averaged $3,000.
Since then the average education debt has increased to over $19,000.”"

Port insecurity: Is it going to be terminal this time?

Port insecurity: Is it going to be terminal this time? - Members - Mobile Adv:
"One of the many times I deservedly poked a stick in the eye of President George W. Bush (yeah the Republican one) was when his administration tried to put the United Arab Emirates in charge of major shipping operations in New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia.
You remember that?
It was 2006, just five years after the 9/11 terror attacks and in the midst of two wars being waged by the United States against two Islamic fundamentalist terror groups — al-Qaida and the Taliban.
Yet President Bush thought it was no problem to put Dubai Ports World of the United Arab Emirates in charge of our major East Coast ports.
Fortunately, Congress said NO in thunder back in the days when Congress still hadn’t ceded all or most of its constitutional authority over to the presidential branch.
That, you would hope, would be the end of it, but Mideastern potentates are apparently as persistent as Midwestern liberals.
Just as health-care reform kept re-surfacing until it finally passed in President Obama’s first term, so too did the United Arab Emirates keep pressure on to gain control of a U.S. port.
And they did it.
A 35-year contract was quietly signed last year allowing United Arab Emirates-based Gulftainer to run an intermodal container terminal in Port Canaveral. Yeah, that Port Canaveral, the high security port that houses nuclear submarines, various military installations, defense contractors, and is within a figurative stone’s throw from Kennedy Space Center. 
Oh yes, and did I mention that it is also a favorite location for cruise ships to dock?
...it’s already a done deal.
Apparently, U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, a former Obama chief of staff, approved the Gulftainer deal without seeking approval of the Interagency Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.
...whether you own the terminal or you lease it, you still have a massive stake in the security interests of the United States..."

Brad Thor’s message for Pamela Geller’s critics: You are pansies | TheBlaze.com

Brad Thor’s message for Pamela Geller’s critics: You are pansies | TheBlaze.com:

"The First Amendment exists to protect speech you don’t agree with. It actually is there — if all that was worthy of protection was speech everybody agreed with, we wouldn’t need the First Amendment. OK.

So you don’t have to agree with what Pamela Geller is doing, but my G-d, Pamela Geller is doing more to help reform Islam than any pansy on the left or right who is criticizing her.

And I don’t care who criticized her. I don’t care who it is: You are weak, and you’re a pansy for not standing behind her.

It makes no sense to me that you would not support someone who is trying to bring about reform in one of the most dangerous ideologies since Nazism. And it actually predates Nazism, so I can’t say it’s since Nazism."

Too broke to fix roads but lots of moolah to "partner" with the "free-foodies"-----Statewide fund to provide loans, grants to food entrepreneurs

Statewide fund to provide loans, grants to food entrepreneurs - Crain's Detroit Business:
"LANSING  — Organizers are scheduled to announce a loan and grant fund today to address the lack of access to healthy food in underserved communities across the state.
The Michigan Good Food Fund will provide financing and business assistance to entrepreneurs involved in food production, distribution, processing, marketing and retail projects.
An event to grow awareness among potential borrowers, investors and other organizations is scheduled Monday afternoon at Allen Market Place in Lansing.
Other community events will be held Thursday in Grand Rapids, June 22 in Detroit and June 29 in Traverse City.
In addition to increasing access to healthy food, the program is expected to drive economic development and job creation.
Partners include the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Fair Food Network, Michigan State University's Center for Regional Food Systems, and Capital Impact Partners."

Bottom 3?-----2015 Best Towns to Raise a Family in Michigan

2015 Best Towns to Raise a Family in Michigan - Niche:
"Explore the best towns to raise a family.
Niche ranks US towns based on school ratings, crime rates, age demographics, and access to affordable housing and childcare.

A high ranking indicates that a town attracts young families with good schools and a safe community. 
 Note: "Towns" exclude suburbs and cities with over 100,000 residents. View Best Cities or Best Suburbs for families."

Uncle Sam’s Assault on the Suburbs

Uncle Sam’s Assault on the Suburbs | Economics21
"...Advocates of the AFFH praise the rule as an extension of the Fair Housing Act of 1968.
Like much of the Civil Rights Act, the Fair Housing Act (Title VIII of the CRA) prohibits the discrimination of buyers or renters of housing based upon race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability...
The AFFH rule would go a step further.
Rather than simply prohibiting discrimination, this rule would mandate integration of minorities into suburban communities in an attempt to overcome so-called historic patterns of segregation.
The rule could force all communities, even those with no record of discrimination, to build public housing targeted to ethnic and racial minorities.

VIDEO: Teen Goes Viral After Showing What Happens When You Follow Michelle Obama's Advice

VIDEO: Teen Goes Viral After Showing What Happens When You Follow Michelle Obama's Advice:

"Michelle and Barack Obama have propogated some very questionable ideas since they stepped foot into the White House, some of which have had catastrophic results.

One teen, however, pushed back by releasing a video that put Michelle Obama’s latest idea to the test."

Is Climate Change Hysteria the New ‘Population Bomb’?

Is Climate Change Hysteria the New ‘Population Bomb’? - Breitbart:
“...As early as 2100, there will be a non-negligible probability of irreversible and catastrophic climate impacts that may last over thousands of years, raising the existential question of whether civilization as we know it can be extended beyond this century,” the workshop concluded in its joint declaration.
The population has in fact doubled from when “The Population Bomb” was written, and yet here we are, including England and even India.
People do still die of starvation in 2015, but as the Times rightly notes, shortages are often “more a function of government incompetence, corruption or civil strife than of an absolute lack of food.”
Chillingly, in his call for radical population control, Ehrlich said he would prefer “voluntary methods” but if people were unwilling to cooperate, he was ready to endorse “various forms of coercion.” 
To allow women have as many children as they wanted, he said, is like letting people “throw as much of their garbage into their neighbor’s backyard as they want.”
The simple fact is that the world figured out how to feed itself despite its rising numbers, and food production actually outpaced population growth.
Could Ehrlich have predicted that Norman E. Borlaug, an American plant scientist, would have discovered how to breed high-yielding, disease-resistant crops that would significantly increase agricultural efficiency?
Of course he couldn’t.
But this may be an important lesson for today.
Science, while quite good at documenting current natural phenomena, has proved completely incompetent when it comes to predicting the future—both of nature and of human ingenuity.
What would have happened had the world at large completely bought into Ehrlich’s hypothesis and altered its behavior accordingly?
...Fortunately, The Times observes, some brave souls resisted the urge to jump on the population explosion bandwagon.
...Another population expert, Fred Pearce, has said that birthrates are now below long-term replacement levels nearly everywhere, a trend he analyzed in his 2010 book, “The Coming Population Crash and Our Planet’s Surprising Future.”
The New York Times observes that, as a consequence, “worrying about an overcrowded planet has fallen off the international agenda” and has now been replaced “by climate change and related concerns.”
What the Times fails to observe is the irony of its own reporting.
By juxtaposing the thoroughly discredited population explosion theories of the 1970s with the (equally panicky) global warming predictions of our day, the article cannot help but make readers wonder whether a certain measure of caution is due before significantly altering human behavior to accommodate these forecasts.