Friday, June 19, 2015

Oregon school district spends $100k per year to teach 'white privilege'

Oregon school district spends $100k per year to teach 'white privilege' - The College Fix
Every year, teachers and administrators in the Gresham-Barlow School District in Gresham, Oregon, attend a week-long “Coaching for Educational Equity” conference.
Run by the Oregon Center for Educational Equity (OCEE) at a cost of about $100,000, school personnel are treated to the all-too common progressive concept that “all white people are racists, whether they realize it or not, and that racism permeates American society and the nation’s education system.”
The theory says that school curricula, instructional methods and disciplinary policies are hopelessly based on the norms of white culture, for the exclusive benefit of white students. It teaches that black students cannot possibly succeed unless K-12 education is modified and customized to their supposed culture.
The “white privilege” crowd claims that fundamental ideals of American society, like hard work for personal gain and personal ownership of property, are products of white culture and completely foreign to black students.
That means schools that try to prepare black children for success in the American free market economy are spinning their wheels, because black culture is collectivist in nature. The obvious political message is that black kids will only thrive in a socialist economy.
One section of the conference manual – titled “What is CFEE?” – offers the following summary statement:
“… Many white people in Oregon have no idea that our schools and state are immersed in white culture and are uncomfortable and harmful to our students of color, while also reinforcing the dominant nature of white culture in our white students and families.”
Another section suggests that academic and behavioral standards (presumably for minority students) should be adjusted, because the failure is in the expectation, not in the outcome.
For example, schools should be “examining their own beliefs and practices when students don’t meet standards,” the conference manual says.
Instead of “controlling or teaching discipline to students,” schools should be “changing school practices that alienate students and lead to disruptions,” the manual says.
Translation: If minority kids act badly or flunk a test, it must be the fault of the school and its policies.

SO I WENT TO THE NEW YORK TIMES SCIENCE PAGE, and it was all about the Pope.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » SO I WENT TO THE NEW YORK TIMES SCIENCE PAGE, and it was all about the Pope. They told me if …
SO I WENT TO THE NEW YORK TIMES SCIENCE PAGE, and it was all about the Pope.
Screen Shot 2015-06-18 at 11.12.37 AM
"They told me if I voted Republican, America would wind up taking scientific dictation from religious leaders. And they were right!"

‘Alliance in Tatters’: Shocking Accusations From Former Israeli Ambassador About His Treatment by Obama Admin |

‘Alliance in Tatters’: Shocking Accusations From Former Israeli Ambassador About His Treatment by Obama Admin |

"Among the revelations by former Ambassador Michael Oren, according to accounts by those who read the book: how he initially got the cold-shoulder from then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after asking to meet her; how State Department staffers cheered as they secretly listened in on a meeting during which the deputy secretary excoriated him over the building of Israeli homes in the West Bank and Jerusalem; and hearing a comment from President Barack Obama to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu suggesting he had no problem with the then pro-Hamas Islamist Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan."

Captain Fred Bertsch shares his experience with government "protection".

From Facebook:
"Here is a little lesson/experience from me which young people may benefit from:
I have been retired from the Military for 12 years and last worked for the government 7 years ago.
My personal information was compromised in this latest OPM hacking.
This is the third time my information has been compromised by the government in the last 7 years.
I have a nice letter from them providing me with a 18 months of identity protection "for my convenience" and am told that the letter should not be construed as the government confessing to any wrong doing.
If you think government is the answer to any of your issues, I suggest strongly that you think again.
From my experience government does little well and is only useful for those things the public cannot do on their own such as defense of the nation.
Everything else is done half-assed.
I am not anti-government, just anti-government-in-my-business.
Don't be fooled by the politicians that promise you rose gardens.
Government is a fire that is useful but must be contained or it is dangerous."

Revolving door on cells has violent consequences for Flint, analysis shows

Revolving door on cells has violent consequences for Flint, analysis shows |
FLINT, MI – Reeling from the panicked phone call telling him that his son had been shot, James Melton sped toward Flint wondering if his son would live or die.
There had been a fight at a house party.
Shots had been fired and now doctors were frantically trying to keep Nigel Melton from becoming the city's 69th homicide of 2012.
The weeks and months that followed would be filled with questions, including this:
Why were twin brothers free to shoot his son when they had already shown a history of violence? 
In fact, the twins were just two of the people who passed through a revolving door on prisons and jails that has had violent consequences for the city of Flint.
A Flint Journal analysis of homicide cases filed in 2012 -- the deadliest year in Flint history with 68 slayings – found nearly 70 percent of those charged had previous felony convictions..."

Racism. It's not just for white people!-----8-Year-Old Boy 'Hates F-ing White People' (VERY GRAPHIC LANGUAGE)

8-Year-Old Boy 'Hates F-ing White People' (VERY GRAPHIC LANGUAGE) | Michael Berry on KTRH:

Obama’s Controversial Charleston Comments | Video |

Obama’s Controversial Charleston Comments | Video |

“But let’s be clear: At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency. And it is in our power to do something about it.”

And it's in my power to fight for my rights!!

There are risks you take when you live in a free society.  Not knowing every detail about the person next to you is one.  Do you want to live free or do you want to live in a controlled environment where everything is provided for you?  That's called a prison! 

Everyone is perfectly safe in prison, right?  No one ever gets killed or hurt.  There are cameras and guards and only the elite (guards) have guns.  With so much protection, no one could possibly get hurt or die in prison.  

America, we have to decide, are we going to continue to give up our rights for magic beans?  Which by the way, can't and won't protect you. But they will dazzle and amaze you as your rights disappear.  Once your protection is gone, you will be at the mercy of one, super powerful guard.

Marijuana Growers Face 90 Percent Federal Tax Rate, As Deductions for Expenses Not Allowed by IRS

Marijuana Growers Face 90 Percent Federal Tax Rate, As Deductions for Expenses Not Allowed by IRS | Somewhat Reasonable:
At a briefing last week in Washington for conservative activists, marijuana entrepreneurs reported that per the federal tax code, any business that sells a Schedule I or Schedule II drug — narcotics under federal law — cannot deduct their business expenses from their taxes.

That increases costs dramatically for the erstwhile, legal (in some states) pot growers. 

“Because marijuana businesses are not allowed to deduct their expenses, in certain circumstances, legal marijuana businesses can pay federal income tax rates of nearly 90 percent, while the Small Business Administration estimates that many small businesses pay an effective rate of 20 percent,” a grower said during the background briefing last week.

Transforming the Political Landscape: Unions Join Conservatives in Fighting Obamatrade

Transforming the Political Landscape: Unions Join Conservatives in Fighting Obamatrade:

"Today, the majority of all union members (51 percent) work in government. More than twice as many union members now work in the U.S. Postal Service as in the domestic auto industry. This represents a historical reversal, given that President Roosevelt had reservations about public sector labor unions representing government employees, and in particular, opposed collective bargaining by public workers.

According to Breitbart, polls show that despite unions providing the foot-soldiers and cash to get many Democrats elected, over 60 percent of Democrats support job killing trade deals, compared to about 50 percent of Republicans. This explains why each of the last four job killing trade deals was negotiated by a Democrat President:"

These four charts reveal just how bad the government's budget outlook is

These four charts reveal just how bad the government's budget outlook is |

LIAR! Racist LIAR!

History for June 19

History for June 19 -
Blaise Pascal 1623, Moe Howard 1897, Lou Gehrig 1903 

Pat Buttram 1917, Spanky McFarlane 1942 - Musician (Spanky and Our Gang), Salman Rushdie 1947 - Author 

Ann Wilson 1950 - Musician (Heart), Kathleen Turner 1954 - Actress, Paula Abdul (Paula Julie Abdul) 1962 - Singer, dancer, judge on "American Idol" 

1862 - U.S. President Abraham Lincoln outlined his Emancipation Proclamation, which outlawed slavery in U.S. territories. 

1865 - The emancipation of slaves was proclaimed in Texas. 

1910 - The first Father's Day was celebrated in Spokane, Washington

1934 - The U.S. Congress established the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The commission was to regulate radio and TV broadcasting (later). 

1944 - The U.S. won the battle of the Philippine Sea against the Imperial Japanese fleet. 

1964 - The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was approved after surviving an 83-day filibuster in the U.S. Senate. 

1968 - 50,000 people marched on Washington, DC. to support the Poor People's Campaign. 

1989 - The movie "Batman" premiered. 

1998 - Gateway was fined more than $400,000 for illegally shipping personal computers to 16 countries subject to U.S. export controls. 

1998 - A study released said that smoking more than doubles risks of developing dementia and Alzheimer's. 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Trey Gowdy Reveals Info Lawmakers Learned After Nearly Nine Hours of Benghazi Testimony From Clinton Confidant | Video |

Trey Gowdy Reveals Info Lawmakers Learned After Nearly Nine Hours of Benghazi Testimony From Clinton Confidant | Video |

"Blumenthal and Gowdy declined to name the author of the memos, but emails released last month show at least one memo written by former CIA official Tyler Drumheller.

The evening after the September 2012 Benghazi attack, Blumenthal forwarded to Clinton an analysis of the situation from Drumheller which purported to contain information from “sources with direct access to the Libyan National Transitional Council as well as the highest levels of European governments as well as Western intelligence and security services.”

Settled science-----Columbia biologists "deeply regret" Nature retraction, after postdoc faked 74 panels in 3 papers

Columbia biologists "deeply regret" Nature retraction, after postdoc faked 74 panels in 3 papers - Retraction Watch at Retraction Watch:
"A team of Columbia University biologists has retracted a 2013 Nature paper on the molecular pathways underlying Alzheimer’s disease, the second retraction from the group after a postdoc faked data.
An April report from the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) found the a first author, former Columbia postdoc Ryousuke Fujita, responsible for “knowingly and intentionally fabricating and falsifying research in seventy-four (74) panels” in three papers: a 2011 Cell paper retracted in 2014, an unpublished manuscript, and this now-retracted Nature paper, “Integrative genomics identifies APOE e4 effectors in Alzheimer’s disease.”
The paper was touted in a Columbia University Medical Center press release as identifying “key molecular pathways” leading to late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. The paper fingered two potential molecular drug targets, as well."
...The Cell paper had been cited 150 times, according to Thomson Scientific’s Web of Knowledge. This Naturepaper has been cited 48 times, and has been designated as “highly cited.”

Feds back defaulted loans for luxury businesses like Lamborghini dealers

Feds back defaulted loans for luxury businesses like Lamborghini dealers -
"The Small Business Administration recently got into the Lamborghini business not once, but twice –– just two of more than $8.7  billion worth of failed loan guarantees that potentially left taxpayers on the hook for nearly $1 billion,  a investigation found.
Since 2009, SBA lenders charged off  loans backed partly by taxpayer dollars, including
$139 million for liquor stores  and bars, 
$56 million for car dealerships, 
$25 million for country clubs, about 
$21 million for boat dealers,  and 
$4.5 million for wineries, an SBA database obtained through the Freedom of Information Act shows..."

After Radical Muslim Cleric Confronts Cop on Camera, Listen to the Insult He Utters Behind His Back | Video |

After Radical Muslim Cleric Confronts Cop on Camera, Listen to the Insult He Utters Behind His Back | Video |

"Radical Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary isn’t an unfamiliar figure to readers of TheBlaze.

He recently came close to saying that activist Pamela Geller should face the death penalty for her draw-Muhammad event in Garland, Texas. He also predicted Shariah law would be implemented in America, invited the wrath of Brad Thor following the Charlie Hebdo massacre when he declared no one has the right to insult Muhammad and claimed Jesus would be a Muslim if he were walking the earth today.

Here’s another resume bullet point for Choudary: He’s seen on video confronting a British cop as to why he’s wearing a wristband from Help for Heroes, a charity for British soldiers or vets injured as a result of their service."


Trigger-unhappy | The Economist
FOR an hour or two on a foggy morning last December, some students at the University of Iowa (UI) mistook one of their professors, Serhat Tanyolacar, for a fan of the Ku Klux Klan.
MrTanyolacar had placed a canvas effigy based on Klan robes, screen-printed with news cuttings about racial violence, on the Pentacrest, the university’s historic heart.
The effigy had a camera in its hood to record public reactions.
The reaction among some black students was to fear for their safety, and that is not surprising.
What is more of a puzzle—for anyone outside American academia, at least—is that students and UI bosses continued denouncing Mr Tanyolacar for threatening campus safety even after the misunderstanding was cleared up.
In vain did the Turkish-born academic explain that he is a “social-political artist”, using Klan imagery to provoke debate about racism.
Under pressure from angry students, university chiefs issued two separate apologies.

Calling America 'Land of Opportunity' offensive, University of California warns professors

Calling America 'Land of Opportunity' offensive, University of California warns professors | Fox News
Phrases such as “America is the land of opportunity” and “America is a melting pot" are "micro-aggressions" that could leave some students feeling discriminated against, according to a new faculty training guide put out by the University of California that one former professor in the system says shows "how crazy it's become."
The guide, which says those phrases and others can be interpreted by minorities as “denying the significance of a person of color’s racial/ethnic experience and history,” or that they “assimilate to the dominant culture,” is used across the vast, 200,000-student  University of California system. Specifically, it is for training professors in “faculty leadership seminars” that aim to “enhance department and campus climate toward inclusive excellence...”

The guide, first exposed by the student-run The College Fix, uses the same argument to condemn a number of seemingly innocuous statements, such as:

  • “I believe the most qualified person should get the job.”
  • “Affirmative action is racist.”
  • “Everyone can succeed in this society, if they work hard enough.”
  • “When I look at you, I don’t see color.”
  • “I don’t believe in race.”
  • “Gender plays no part in who we hire.”

Here’s Why You’re About to See Pro-Muhammad Billboards All Across America |

Here’s Why You’re About to See Pro-Muhammad Billboards All Across America |

"A new pro-Muhammad billboard campaign is being funded by a Muslim group in an effort to counter negative narratives surrounding Islam, while simultaneously evangelizing.

Organized by the Islamic Circle of North America, a Muslim education group, the billboards have already been posted in cities in California, New Jersey and Florida, among other locations, in an effort to present Islam as a faith that embraces love, Reuters reported.

The giant placards, which are slated to appear in cities across america, include messages like: “Looking for the answers in Life? Discover Muhammad,” “Kindness is a mark of faith” and “Muhammad believed in peace, social justice, women’s rights.”

Freedom of speech is a wonderful right.  American's have the right to speak their mind and to voice concern.  Why are American's the target of hate when they express a pro-Christian, pro-American sign expressing their beliefs and rights?

Why are American's targeted when they display the symbol which expresses all of their rights and freedoms, the American flag.  Let's think about this, people claim our flag is offensive, yet it's the symbol which allows even those who wish to destroy us, the freedom to openly state they wish to destroy us on our own soil.

American's need to use their rights, while they still have them, to express their thoughts.  We need to stand up for ourselves because the executive shows no sign of preserving our great country.  

Radical thoughts and ideas need to be challenged.  I'd love to see every billboard with a pro-American sign.

Why Mass Transit Isn't Efficient

Why Mass Transit Isn't Efficient | PJ Media
"A few days ago, I needed to go into downtown Denver for a meeting.
This was somewhat complicated because I don’t currently have a working car, something that’s possible because I work at home, and Walmart delivers groceries.
(It’s called Walmart To Go, and I really do like the service.)
The People Who Know Better About Everything have been developing a massive mass-transit system for the Denver area for, I don’t know, maybe 30 years, and with a massive construction program with light rail that is supposed to make everything wonderful.
So, I investigated using the system.
Well, it’s about a half hour drive from my home to my meeting.
By “efficient, cheap, comfortable, and environmentally friendly” mass transit, the trip is nearly 3 hours: first I’d walk about 2 miles to catch a feeder bus into Boulder, then I’d catch the express bus to Denver, then I’d catch the 16th Street Mall bus to about 4 blocks from my destination and walk the rest of the way.
...“Efficient” is right out, not with a three hour commute one way.
“Comfortable,” well, have you ridden a bus recently?
And I’ve very very suspicious about the “environmentally friendly” part, because in order to have even faintly adequate service, most buses run nearly empty most of the time. 
It would be interesting to compute just what the actual carbon release is per passenger mile..."

Florida Parents Charged with Felony 'Neglect' After 11-Year-Old Son Plays in Backyard for 90 Minutes

Florida Parents Charged with Felony 'Neglect' After 11-Year-Old Son Plays in Backyard for 90 Minutes | Fox News Insider:
"Two Florida parents were hit with felony neglect charges after their 11-year-old son was reportedly playing alone in the backyard for an hour and a half.
According to his mother, the boy arrived home before his parents and was locked out of the house, so he shot some hoops in the yard until they arrived.
A neighbor saw the child outside alone and called the local police.
When his mother and father arrived home, they were met by a police officer, who arrested them for child negligence..."

The Next Great European Financial Crisis Has Begun

The Next Great European Financial Crisis Has Begun
The Greek financial system is in the process of totally imploding, and the rest of Europe will soon follow.  
Neither the Greeks nor the Germans are willing to give in, and that means that there is very little chance that a debt deal is going to happen by the end of June.  
So that means that we will likely see a major Greek debt default and potentially even a Greek exit from the eurozone.  
...This is what a financial collapse looks like, and if Greece does leave the euro, we are going to see this kind of carnage happen all over Europe.
Officials over in Europe are now openly speaking of the need to prepare for a “state of emergency” now that negotiations have totally collapsed.  
At one time, it would have been unthinkable for Greece to leave the euro, but now it appears  that this is precisely what will happen unless a miracle happens…
Greece is heading for a state of emergency and an exit from the euro following the collapse of talks to agree a bailout deal, senior EU officials warned last night.
Europe must be prepared to step in otherwise Greek society would face an unprecedented crisis with power blackouts, medicine shortages and no money to pay for police, they said.
In the past, the Greeks have always buckled under pressure.  But this new Greek government was elected with a mandate to end austerity, and so far they have shown a remarkable amount of resolve.  In order for a debt deal to happen, one side is going to have to blink, and at this point it does not look like it will be the Greeks

"The world’s financial markets are facing up to the possibility that Greece could soon become the first country to crash out of Europe’s single currency."

What Was Just Revealed About Hillary's 'Missing' Benghazi Emails Gives Gowdy New Ammo

What Was Just Revealed About Hillary's 'Missing' Benghazi Emails Gives Gowdy New Ammo:

"Remember all those times that Hillary Clinton, as well as the State Department she once ran, claimed that all of the former secretary’s relevant emails about Benghazi had been identified and provided, or would be provided, to the House Select Committee investigating the deadly attack? Remember how Clinton assured everyone that she was being transparent and forthcoming and had deleted from her private email server only those communications deemed “personal” — that all official, business-related communications had been turned over to State for review?

Well, as The Daily Caller notes of a new batch of previously undisclosed emails about Benghazi,"

Gap Inc. Will Close 140 U.S. Stores This Year — Just As Its Obama-Praised $10 Minimum Wage Takes Effect

Gap Inc. Will Close 140 U.S. Stores This Year — Just As Its Obama-Praised $10 Minimum Wage Takes Effect:
In February of last year, Gap Inc., which operates Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic and Athleta stores, announced that it would raise its minimum hourly rate of pay for all U.S. employees to $9 in June 2014 and $10 in June 2015. 
As a result, it won "praise from President Obama who is pushing to raise the nation's minimum wage by a similar amount." 
The company said that the move would affect 65,000 employees who were making less.
The linked CNN Money report quoted an apparently confident Lynn Albright, a vice president at Old Navy, as follows: 
"We're coming from place where we can afford to make this investment." 
Maybe the company could afford it then, but based on today's store closure announcement, that's not so much the case now:
Gap closing 175 stores to be more 'vibrant'
Gap announced Monday it will close a quarter of its stores and cut 250 corporate jobs as it tries to chart the clothing brand back toward growth.
The company will close 175 stores across North America, not including outlets or factory stores, based on store performance. There will be additional store closures at European locations. About 140 stores will close this year. Gap will continue to operate about 500 Gap stores, plus 300 outlet stores.
Gap has been struggling to entice customers amid competition from fast fashion brands. Same-store sales fell 10% in the first quarter, compared with a 5% drop in the year-ago quarter.
... Gap declined to say how many employees will be affected by the store closures.
...At the time of the company's minimum-wage announcement, President Obama issued a statement, which said in part:
Today, I applaud Gap Inc. for announcing that they intend to raise wages for their employees beginning this year. But only action from Congress can make a difference nationwide....

Meteorologists Dismantle Bill Nye’s Alarmist Global Warming Claims

Meteorologists Dismantle Bill Nye’s Alarmist Global Warming Claims | The Daily Caller
Bill Nye the “Science Guy” is once again trying to blame global warming for a series of weather events happening around the U.S., but this time meteorologists aren’t having it.
Meteorologists criticized Nye’s claim that warm temperatures in Alaska and flooding in Texas are a product of man-made global warming.
As Tropical Storm Bill (no relation to Nye) was projected to make landfall in Texas, Nye tweeted:
Nye has been been relentless in trying to connect such extreme weather events to man-made global warming in recent months, to the point where actual meteorologists who study weather patterns are fed up with him.