Robert Fulton 1765 - Engineer and inventor (steamboat), Claude Monet 1840 - French impressionist painter, Aaron Copland 1900 - Composer, writer
Fred Haise 1933 - Engineer, former NASA astronaut, P.J. O'Rourke 1947 - Political satirist, journalist, writer, Condoleezza Rice 1954 - U.S. Secretary of State
1851 - Herman Melville's novel "Moby Dick" was first published in the U.S.
1922 - The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) began domestic radio service.
1940 - During World War II, German war planes destroyed most of the English town of Coventry when about 500 Luftwaffe bombers attacked.
1951 - The first telecast of a world lightweight title fight was seen coast to coast. Jimmy Carter beat Art Aragon in Los Angeles.
1956 - The USSR crushed the Hungarian uprising.
1983 - The British government announced that U.S.-made cruise missiles had arrived at the Greenham Common air base amid protests.
1994 - U.S. experts visited North Korea's main nuclear complex for the first time under an accord that opened such sites to outside inspections.
2012 - The game Candy Crush Saga was released as a mobile app for smartphone