In case you’re wondering about what exactly is a “microaggression,” wonder no more! 
A benevolent corporate entity known as MTV has deigned to educate white people by way of illustration:

I watched it avidly, and it made me realize that I too have been the victim of microaggressions. 
While I have traveled to other countries, until now I had not realized that what I thought were compliments were actually microaggressions.

In Mexico I was repeatedly told that I spoke good Spanish.

I’ll illustrate with a popular “microaggression” meme I altered slightly.


Same thing in Argentina.

In Japan I was told that I had nice hair.

In Turkey I was told (swear to God!) that I had a nice wrist.

In Germany I was told that I looked German.

Must have been something to it, because when I was in Spain, some German tourists came up and asked me for directions in German!

Not only did I never take offense at any of these things, I was naive enough to have thought they were compliments.

And if someone were to assume that because of my appearance or race I was good at golf or an authority on NASCAR, I might be amused, but it would never occur to me to feel slighted or insulted in any way.

Failure of education, obviously.