Saturday, November 28, 2015

History for November 28

History for November 28 -
John Bunyan 1628, William Stanley, Jr. 1858 - Physicist, Berry Gordy, Jr. 1929 - Founder of Mowtown Records 

Gary Hart (Hartpence) 1936, Randy Newman 1943 - Singer, songwriter, Anna Nicole Smith 1967 - Model, actress 

1520 - Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan reached the Pacific Ocean after passing through the South American strait. The strait was named after him. He was the first European to sail the Pacific from the east.

1942 - In Boston, MA, 491 people died in a fire that destroyed the Coconut Grove.

1943 - U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet Leader Joseph Stalin met in Tehran to map out strategy concerning World War II.

1953 - New York City began 11 days without newspapers due to a strike of photoengravers.

1963 - U.S. President Johnson announced that Cape Canaveral would be renamed Cape Kennedy in honor of his assassinated predecessor. The name was changed back to Cape Canaveral in 1973 by a vote of residents.

1978 - The Iranian government banned religious marches.

1979 - An Air New Zealand DC-10 flying to the South Pole crashed in Antarctica killing all 257 people aboard.

1995 - U.S. President Clinton signed a $6 billion road bill that ended the federal 55 mph speed limit.

Friday, November 27, 2015

WOW: Putin Just Accused The U.S. Of Something Sinister...Tensions Are Escalating -

WOW: Putin Just Accused The U.S. Of Something Sinister...Tensions Are Escalating -:

"Repercussions over Turkey’s downing of a Russian warplane are still being felt and now amplified, as Russian strongman Vladimir Putin is making a shocking accusation against the U.S. that is causing tensions to flare to new heights.

Putin is accusing the U.S. of aiding Turkey in its act of shooting down the Russian fighter earlier this week even, as both the Obama and Erdogan governments deny that there was any coordination at all behind the incendiary incident."

French President Pledges to ‘Destroy the Army of Fanatics’ Responsible for Paris Terror Attack |

French President Pledges to ‘Destroy the Army of Fanatics’ Responsible for Paris Terror Attack |

"PARIS (TheBlaze/AP) — Intoning the names of 130 dead, a subdued France paid homage Friday to those killed two weeks ago in the attacks that gripped Paris in fear and mourning, with President Francois Hollande making a defiant vow.

“We will not give in either to fear or to hate,” he said during a ceremony at the Invalides, a 17th-century complex that is home to Napoleon’s tomb, according to AFP. ”To all of you, I solemnly promise that France will do everything to destroy the army of fanatics that committed these crimes.”

Windows were draped with French flags in an uncharacteristic display of patriotism,"

Ex Muslim Author: 'Sharia is With Us, and it's the Women Who Suffer'

Ex Muslim Author: 'Sharia is With Us, and it's the Women Who Suffer':

“Sharia is now finally with us,” she said. “And the victims are primarily women. A parallel justice system is being practiced, one which maintains the mantra: either women submit to systematic violence, or they will be liquidated.

“In the midst of Europe we’re talking about thousands of women living under a death sentence. Even within my family.”

She continued: “The religion that causes the most bloodshed is being protected the most. I find that totally paradoxical. And sometimes by those who carry the banner of gender equality, multiculturalism and the right to sexual self-determination. But if Islamists set the tone, freedom of expression, homosexuality and women’s rights will soon be finished.

“I wonder what makes these people tick. Total naivety? Or are they afraid of the truth?”

Make no mistake. These democrat thugs want America to look like Detroit-----Chicago Protesters Caught on Video Vandalizing City Holiday Display: ‘F*** Your Christmas Tree!’

Chicago Protesters Caught on Video Vandalizing City Holiday Display: ‘F*** Your Christmas Tree!’ | Video |
Chicago protesters pulled down barricades and tore light strands off the city Christmas tree Wednesday night in Millennium Park, WGN-TV reported.
It was the second night of protests over the death of Laquan McDonald, a black 17-year-old who was fatally shot by a white police officer.
Here’s a clip of the lights being torn down as one apparent protester yelled, “F*** your Christmas tree!” (Content warning: strong language):(click link for lots of thuggery video and photo proof)

University Students Comforted With 'Counseling' After Seeing Confederate Flag on Laptop

University Students Comforted With 'Counseling' After Seeing Confederate Flag on Laptop:

"University students in Massachusetts who were upset by an image of a Confederate flag sticker on another student’s laptop were offered counseling services at Framingham State University.

The offer came after the university’s “chief diversity and inclusion officer,” Sean Huddleston, described the display of the small Confederate flag sticker as a “bias incident.”

It's a cry baby world!

Descent into madness-----U-M president asks Facebook to shut down 'White Student Union' page

U-M president asks Facebook to shut down 'White Student Union' page |
University of Michigan President Mark Schlissel and Provost Martha Pollack reached out to Facebook Wednesday to have a page called "University of Michigan White Student Union" shut down due to unauthorized use of the school's seal and the website's terms of service.
The page had fewer than two dozen followers as of 3 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 25.
In a joint letter, Schlissel and Pollack said that Facebook confirmed that it is working to address this issue for U-M and roughly 30 other institutions, which have also seen similar pages pop up using their likeness.
"We affirm the importance of the First Amendment and the rights of all people to express their views, even when those opinions may offend others. 
Our view is that this posting does not contribute to a thoughtful dialogue," Schlissel and Pollack wrote in the letter.
"The University of Michigan is striving to create a climate of inclusion, where all our students, faculty, and staff feel they belong. We want to take this moment to reaffirm our deep and abiding commitment to this goal, and to working diligently, with the entire university community, to achieve it."
The pages are believed to be a push against the call from several colleges around the nation to increase enrollment of underrepresented minorities.
...Michigan's 2015 freshman class had the biggest percentage of underrepresented minorities in a decade."

Thanksgiving, Collectivism and Christianity

Thanksgiving, Collectivism and Christianity:

"The first Thanksgiving was not about collectivism. The original Mayflower Compact embraced a socialist plan for the Plymouth Colony, but after two years of utter failure and near-starvation, the colony's leaders wrote a new charter that protected private property and encouraged capitalism. It's that capitalist experiment that led to the bounty of the first Thanksgiving.

We used to know this as a country, but leftist education has steadily erased the details of our history and denied its lessons."

Long, but well worth your time. This is going on all over our country-----Understanding The Jamar Clark Police Shooting: What You Need To Know

Understanding The Jamar Clark Police Shooting: What You Need To Know |
"The fast food workers at a Plymouth, Minnesota Arby’s were getting nervous.
Derek Wolfsteller, who had just notified authorities himself that he was going through a “mental crisis,” was clearly becoming a threat in the restaurant—and workers quickly called 911.
Police responded.
Workers were in the process of trying to subdue Wolfstellar, who had already grown dangerous.
The police’s commands fell on deaf ears; the Taser didn’t work—and the man grabbed the officer’s gun.
She quickly regained control and was forced to shoot.
Wolfstellar took a hit in the head, and died.
With few exceptions, there was virtually no outcry.
And rightfully so.
The man was dangerous, he refused to obey the officer, could not be subdued by any other measure, and tried to grab the officer’s gun.
Derek Wolfstellar made a choice, and he paid for it.
Fast forward a few months, and a few miles to the east in the same metro area—and it’s a totally different story.
Never mind that Jamal Clark had added to an already extensive rap sheet by assaulting his girlfriend. Never mind that Clark returned to the scene after paramedics were called, and harassed and intimidated paramedics to the point where THEY felt compelled to call 911.
Never mind that Clark refused to cooperate with police.
Never mind that Clark engaged in a physical confrontation with the officers.
Never mind that he eventually gained physical control of the handle of one of their guns.
Never mind all that, because we live in one of the most racially polarized periods in recent history.
You see, Derek Wolfstellar was white, and Jamal Clark was black. 
And somehow when race is made a part of the debate (whether it played a factor or not), personal responsibility suddenly only applies to the officers, and not to the perpetrator.
So how does it all break down? And what, if anything does this have to do with Thanksgiving?
Bear with me—I’ll get there.
Let’s take a closer look at the components that don’t always make the news and opinion reels:
Mary Ramirez
Mary Ramirez
Read it all. We need to be informed!!!

Standing tall!-----Be thankful for the vigorous, uncomfortable, invaluable clash of ideas this Thanksgiving

Be thankful for the vigorous, uncomfortable, invaluable clash of ideas this Thanksgiving - The College Fix:
Arthur Brooks, the president of the American Enterprise Institute, wrote a great column in The New York Times on Sunday explaining the practical benefits of thankfulness in action.
In that spirit, here are a few people I’m thankful for in the zany college world:

The brave students at Princeton who not only spoke up against the rise of “intimidation and abuse” against people with certain viewpoints, but practically guaranteed they will suffer intimidation and abuse by signing their names to it

Their letter to President Christopher Eisgruber:
"Academic discourse consists of reasoned arguments. We simply wish to present our own reasoned arguments and engage you and other senior administrators in dialogue. We will not occupy your office, and, though we respectfully request a minimum of an hour of your time, we will only stay for as long as you wish. We will conduct ourselves in the civil manner that it is our hope to maintain and reinforce as the norm at Princeton."
Let’s hope Eisgruber treats their petition with the same good faith that he attributed to the protesters who crashed his office and refused to leave

I’m not holding my breath, though.

Black journalist Keli Goff, also a television writer, who shared her own experience with racial incidents with grace and wisdom.
...Goff warns that the protests sweeping college campuses are “already having a devastating impact on the efforts of minorities to advance in fields in which we are underrepresented—and in which our presence is needed now more than ever.”
You think TV wr
iting is hard for minorities to break into now? 
Goff writes:
"I know there are rooms of opportunity and power—including some writers rooms—that people like me are increasingly excluded from simply because the people in them are petrified of saying the wrong thing in front of me or another person of color or another woman and ending up vilified in social media or on a blog or in a protest. So instead they surround themselves with fellow white guys."

Read on


Leaked Emails Reveal Suspended CNN Reporter Worked With Clinton Aide to Target Rand Paul in 2013 |

Leaked Emails Reveal Suspended CNN Reporter Worked With Clinton Aide to Target Rand Paul in 2013 |

"A CNN reporter worked with a senior aide to Hillary Clinton to go after Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) over his tough questions for the then-secretary of state during a 2013 Benghazi hearing, a trove of new emails published by Gawker reveals.

Emails show that CNN global affairs correspondent Elise Labott collaborated with senior Clinton advisor Philippe Reines in an attempt to discredit the Kentucky senator during the Jan. 23 Senate testimony."

Must read! Chilling!-----The Yale Problem Begins in High School

The Yale Problem Begins in High School |
"A month before the Yale Halloween meltdown, I had a bizarre and illuminating experience at an elite private high school on the West Coast.
I’ll call it Centerville High. I gave a version of a talk that you can see here, on Coddle U. vs. Strengthen U. (In an amazing coincidence, I first gave that talk at Yale a few weeks earlier).
The entire student body — around 450 students, from grades 9-12 — were in the auditorium.
There was plenty of laughter at all the right spots, and a lot of applause at the end, so I thought the talk was well received.
But then the discussion began, and it was the most unremittingly hostile questioning I’ve ever had.
I don’t mind when people ask hard or critical questions, but I was surprised that I had misread the audience so thoroughly.
My talk had little to do with gender, but the second question was “So you think rape is OK?”
Like most of the questions, it was backed up by a sea of finger snaps — the sort you can hear in the infamous Yale video, where a student screams at Prof. Christakis to “be quiet” and tells him that he is “disgusting.”
I had never heard the snapping before. 
When it happens in a large auditorium it is disconcerting.
It makes you feel that you are facing an angry and unified mob — a feeling I have never had in 25 years of teaching and public speaking.
After the first dozen questions I noticed that not a single questioner was male. 
I began to search the sea of hands asking to be called on and I did find one boy, who asked a question that indicated that he too was critical of my talk.
But other than him, the 200 or so boys in the audience sat silently.
After the Q&A, I got a half-standing ovation: almost all of the boys in the room stood up to cheer.
And after the crowd broke up, a line of boys came up to me to thank me and shake my hand.
 Not a single girl came up to me afterward.
...And then… they go off to college and learn new ways to gain status by expressing collective anger at those who disagree. 
They curse professors and spit on visiting speakers at Yale. 
They shut down newspapers at Wesleyan. They torment a dean who was trying to help them at Claremont McKenna. 
They threaten and torment fellow students at Dartmouth. 
And in all cases, they demand that adults in power DO SOMETHING to punish those whose words and views offend them. 
Their high schools have thoroughly socialized them into what sociologists call victimhood culture, which weakens students by turning them into “moral dependents” who cannot deal with problems on their own. 
They must get adult authorities to validate their victim status..."
VERY scary! Read it all!

Yes! Americans standing tall!-----Sheriff Pays Out of Own Pocket for 'Politically Incorrect' Sign

Sheriff Pays Out of Own Pocket for 'Politically Incorrect' Sign:
Harris County Sign WLTZ ..."Sheriff Jolley also told the media that since he put up the sign he has gotten plenty of support on social media.
 He also said several local residents have donated money to him to help defray the money he spent creating the sign.
The owners of the sign shop that created the sign also noted that they are surprised by the wide notice their creation got in the media.
“We never thought it would get so much attention,” said sign shop manager Genny.
“There has been plenty of heated debate on our Facebook page and we were surprised at all of the attention it is getting”..."

Undercover British TV Show Reports U.K. Muslim Moms Recruiting Girls for Islamic State: ‘We Do Not Submit to the Law of Any Country’ |

Undercover British TV Show Reports U.K. Muslim Moms Recruiting Girls for Islamic State: ‘We Do Not Submit to the Law of Any Country’ |

"The reporter, who presented herself as a woman named “Aisha,” said she is a Muslim who grew up in London and was willing to undertake personal risk in order to discover what has motivated an estimated 700 British Muslims to travel to Syria to fight for the jihadist group — among them 100 girls.

“Aisha” attended secret lectures in London, during which women preached the evils of the U.K. and democracy and described Jews as “filthy,” often with teenage and younger girls present.

The women pushed the notion that man-made laws are not to be followed, only the laws of Islam; therefore, democracy should be rejected."

Save your turkey leftovers!-----Report Calls For Meat Tax To Be High Priority At Paris Climate Change Conference

Report Calls For Meat Tax To Be High Priority At Paris Climate Change Conference
Slashing meat eating should be one of the central pillars of the global warming agenda when world leaders meet in Paris to discuss climate change Nov. 30, according to a new report.
The London-based Chatham House think tank says cutting down on meat consumption is essential to prevent warming by two degrees by the end of the century.
...“As governments look for strategies to close the Paris emissions gap quickly and cheaply, dietary change should be high on the list,” says report author Laura Wellesley.
So dangerous is the alleged threat posed by climate change the think tank recommends a slew of government interventions and globally co-ordinated responses to make meat eating less attractive to consumers.
...The more draconian part of Chatham House’s recommendations centers around using taxes to discourage meat eating. “Interventions to change the relative prices of foods are likely to be among the most effective in changing consumption patterns,” says the report..."

History for November 27

History for November 27 -
"Buffalo" Bob Smith 1917, Bruce Lee 1940, Eddie Rabbit 1941 

Jimi Hendrix 1942 - Musician, Caroline Kennedy 1957, Jaleel White 1976 

1701 - Anders Celsius was born in Sweden. He was the inventor of the Celsius thermometer. 

1779 - The College of Pennsylvania became the University of Pennsylvania. It was the first legally recognized university in America. 

1889 - Curtis P. Brady was issued the first permit to drive an automobile through Central Park in New York City. 

1901 - The Army War College was established in Washington, DC

1934 - The U.S. bank robber George "Baby Face" Nelson was killed by FBI agents near Barrington, IL

1973 - The U.S. Senate voted to confirm Gerald R. Ford as vice president after the resignation of Spiro T. Agnew. 

1991 - The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution that led the way for the establishment of a UN peacekeeping operation in Yugoslavia. 

2008 - The ocean liner Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2) was taken out of service after more than 30 years. The ship was launched on September 20, 1967.