Saturday, December 19, 2015

U.S. not so ‘stupid’ as to ‘welcome terrorists to kill us’

U.S. not so ‘stupid’ as to ‘welcome terrorists to kill us’:

“We took an oath. We’re supposed to protect this country, the Constitution. We’re supposed to provide for the common defense. We’ve got to take a stand here. It’s worth taking a stand to save American lives,” said Gohmert, a former judge and a current member of the House Judiciary Committee.

Of greatest concern to Gohmert is what he sees as Congress continuing to fund the refugee program without meaningful changes or taking a pause to re-evaluate how best to keep Islamic radicals away from America’s shores."

Where Speech Is Least Free In America

Where Speech Is Least Free In America - Forbes:
A good argument can be made nowhere in America is free speech less safe than on private college and university campuses.

...But the First Amendment does not apply to private colleges and universities because they don’t involve governmental action.
Oddly, while all colleges that accept federal student aid money must abide by a vast host of regulations, the Supreme Court ruled in Rendell-Baker v. Kohn that acceptance of such money does not bring them under the umbrella of the First Amendment.
...Not only is there scant legal protection for free speech on private campuses, it is under vigorous attack from zealous students (and sometimes administrators) who regard it as their right and duty to assail anyone whose speech “offends” them.
Saying or doing almost anything these days can conceivably land a student in trouble because someone has whined that it’s a “microaggression” or “harassment” or merely “insensitive.”
With that in mind, consider a recent case at Colorado College.
If Franz Kafka or George Orwell had toyed with a similar plot, they’d probably have rejected it as too far-fetched. 
Here is what happened.
Back in November, a student, Thaddeus Pryor, wrote the following reply to a comment (#blackwomenmatter) on the social media site Yik Yak: 
“They matter, they’re just not hot.” 
A student, offended that someone was not taking things seriously, complained to college officials. After ascertaining that the comment had been written by Pryor, the Dean of Students summoned him to a meeting.
Pryor said that he was just joking.
What he did not realize is that there are now many things that must not be joked about on college campuses.
...For having joked in a way that offended the wrong people,
Pryor was told that he was suspended from Colorado College until June, 2017.
Moreover, he is banned from setting foot on campus during that time.
And in the final “pound of flesh” retribution, the school intends to prohibit him from taking any college credits elsewhere..."

Cornell’s Decorating Rules: You Can Put Up Anything You Want As Long As It’s a Snowflake

Cornell’s Decorating Rules: You Can Put Up Anything You Want As Long As It’s a Snowflake - FIRE
Cornell University’s Department of Environmental Health & Safety recently issued fire safety guidance for holiday decorations with sensible prohibitions against hazards such as “combustible decorations” and burning candles. 
...restrictions on free expression can pop up in the strangest places. 
Sure enough, the final section of the guidance veers off from physical safety into rules apparently designed to ensure some kind of ephemeral, emotional safety.
...Cornell’s commitment to diversity and the University Assembly guidelines:
Winter Holiday Displays/Decorations that are Consistent with Cornell’s Commitment to Diversity and the University Assembly Guidelines:  
  • Snowflakes  
  • Trees (in accordance with Fire Safety Guidelines) decorated with snowflakes and other non-religious symbols
Winter Holiday Displays/Decorations that are Consistent with University Assembly Guidelines But Should be Basis of Dialogue Within Unit or Living Area  
  • Trees decorated with bows, garland and lights (in accordance with Fire Safety Guidelines)  
  • Wreaths with bows (in accordance with Fire Safety Guidelines)  
  • Combination of snowflakes, (in accordance with Fire Safety Guidelines), Santa Claus figure, and dreidel  
  • Holly
Winter Holiday Displays/Decorations that are NOT Consistent with Either University Assembly Guidelines or the University’s Commitment to Diversity and Inclusiveness
  • Nativity scene  
  • Menorah  
  • Angels  
  • Mistletoe  
  • Stars at the top of trees  
  • Crosses  
  • Star of David
Cornell is a private and land-grant university, but it professes a deep commitment to academic freedom and a belief that such freedom is essential to creativity and innovation.”...

Lunch video-----The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Demographics

By the Numbers is an honest and open discussion about Muslim opinions and demographics. Narrated by Raheel Raza, president of Muslims Facing Tomorrow, this short film is about the acceptance that radical Islam is a bigger problem than most politically correct governments and individuals are ready to admit.
Is ISIS, the Islamic State, trying to penetrate the U.S. with the refugee influx? 
Are Muslims radicalized on U.S. soil? 
Are organizations such as CAIR, who purport to represent American Muslims accepting and liberal or radicalized with links to terror organizations?


TRUMP WAS RIGHT: Look What Britain Just Discovered Inside Muslim "Refugee" Camps

TRUMP WAS RIGHT: Look What Britain Just Discovered Inside Muslim "Refugee" Camps:

"A new report shows that British authorities, including Prime Minister David Cameron, knew that they were taking in tens of thousands of Syrians from refugee camps controlled by the Islamic State group, according to the U.K. Express.

According to the report from the Barnabas Fund, a group that aids persecuted Christians around the world, Prime Minister Cameron knew as early as September, when he visited the camps for displaced Syrians in Lebanon, that the Islamic State group was in control of them."

The war against citizens-----Government accused of cover-up as data suggests million EU migrants unaccounted for in Britain

Government accused of cover-up as data suggests million EU migrants unaccounted for in Britain - Telegraph:
"HMRC fails to release data which could show true number of EU migrants coming to Britain because it would be 'unhelpful' to renegotiation.
David Cameron has been accused of a "migration cover-up" after it emerged that more than a million migrants who have come to the UK in recent years are unaccounted for.
Ministers have failed to release data which experts believe could show the true number of EU migrants coming to the UK, claiming that it would be “unhelpful” to Mr Cameron’s current renegotiation with Brussels ahead of the in-out referendum.
There were accusations that the figures are being suppressed amid fears that releasing the data could lead to Britain leaving the EU.
Experts warned that it could mean the number of migrants coming to Britain from the EU is actually hundreds of thousands higher than previously thought..."

GOPers empower their tormentors------Agency that promotes campus-rape witch hunts gets budget increase from GOP Congress

Agency that promotes campus-rape witch hunts gets budget increase from GOP Congress - The College Fix:
The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is deeply unpopular among backers of due process in campus rape proceedings, First Amendment advocates and promoters of race-neutral discipline in schools – but not in Congress.
The Education Department component gets $107 million in the 2016 omnibus bill (page 977) set to go before the full House tomorrow.
That’s up from $100 million in last year’s omnibus bill – an increase of 7 percent.
Retired attorney Paul Mirengoff at Powerline explains why this is so troubling, especially coming from Republican lawmakers:
"This outfit [OCR] does all it can to impose the left’s agenda at the K-12 and college levels.
...By increasing OCR’s budget, Congress rewards its misconduct.
The budget should be slashed, not increased."
He says
  • OCR puts K-12 schools in “legal jeopardy if they discipline black students more often in percentage terms” than whites, by applying a “disparate impact” standard with no basis in law 
  • contradicts Supreme Court precedent on the threshold at which bullying becomes “a federal case” 
  • forces colleges to lower their burden of proof in rape cases, “strongly discourages” cross-examination of accusers, and turns “dirty jokes” and even truthful claims about sexual history into sexual harassment for federal purposes
Mirengoff concludes: “Why is a Republican Congress about to reward OCR for abridging constitutional rights[?]”...

Another new weapon-"Culturally Inappropriate"----- Students at Lena Dunham’s college offended by lack of fried chicken

Students at Lena Dunham’s college offended by lack of fried chicken | New York Post:
"Students at an ultra-liberal Ohio college are in an uproar over the fried chicken, sushi and Vietnamese sandwiches served in the school cafeterias, complaining the dishes are “insensitive” and “culturally inappropriate.”
Gastronomically correct students at Oberlin College — alma mater of Lena Dunham — are filling the school newspaper with complaints and demanding meetings with campus dining officials and even the college president.
General Tso’s chicken was made with steamed chicken instead of fried — which is not authentically Chinese, and simply “weird,” one student bellyached in the Oberlin Review.
Others were up in arms over banh mi Vietnamese sandwiches served with coleslaw instead of pickled vegetables, and on ciabatta bread, rather than the traditional French baguette.
“It was ridiculous,” gripes Diep Nguyen, a freshman who is a Vietnam native.
Worse, the sushi rice was undercooked in a way that was, according to one student, “disrespectful” of her culture. 
Tomoyo Joshi, a junior from Japan, was highly offended by this flagrant violation of her rice. 
“If people not from that heritage take food, modify it and serve it as ‘authentic,’ it is appropriative,” she said.
Oberlin’s black student union joined in the fray this month by staging a protest outside Afrikan Heritage House, an on-campus dorm.
The cafeteria there wasn’t serving enough vegan and vegetarian options and had failed to make fried chicken a permanent feature on the Sunday night menu, the school newspaper reported.
Those students started a petition that also recommends the reduction of cream used in dishes, because “black American food doesn’t have much cream in it,” according to the Review.
The Nevada-based Universal Society of Hinduism joined the food fight last week after students discovered that the traditional Indian dish, tandoori, contained beef.
“Consuming beef was considered sacrilegious among Hindus,” blasted society president Rajan Zed, the Chronical-Telegram reported.
Campus dietitian Michele Gross told the Review this week the first meeting between college officials and dyspeptic students went well, and changes are being implemented to address all concerns."

GOP Senator Warns: Omnibus Bill Makes Part of Obama Stimulus Permanent, Including Tax Credits for Non-Taxpayers |

GOP Senator Warns: Omnibus Bill Makes Part of Obama Stimulus Permanent, Including Tax Credits for Non-Taxpayers |

"Child tax credits for people who don’t pay taxes, including illegal immigrants, will be made permanent under the $1.1 trillion spending bill to be voted on this week, said Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.).

“A tax credit to a person who doesn’t pay taxes is a check from the government,” Sessions, the chairman of the Judiciary subcommittee on immigration and national interest. “It’s not a tax deduction, it’s a direct payment. It scores as a welfare benefit by the Congressional Budget Office. So this means more illegal aliens will continue to get the tax credits. It should be stopped.”

THE answer to THE question that keeps you up at night!-----A hairdresser explains why Donald Trump’s hair looks like that

A hairdresser explains why Donald Trump’s hair looks like that - Quartz:
"Donald Trump makes a lot of polarizing statements.
Yet for a lot of American voters, the matter of the Republican presidential candidate’s hair remains the biggest subject of debate.
As a licensed cosmetologist and active hairdresser, I’m here to take a stab at what is actually going on with Trump’s crispy crown. 
I’ve thought about this a lot..."

History for December 19

History for December 19 -
Leonid Brezhnev (Russia) 1906, Edith Piaf 1915, David Susskind 1920 

Cicely Tyson 1933, Al Kaline 1934, Robert Urich 1946 

1732 - Benjamin Franklin began publishing "Poor Richard's Almanac." 

1843 - Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" was first published in England. 

1871 - Corrugated paper was patented by Albert L. Jones. 

1903 - The Williamsburg Bridge opened in New York City. It opened as the largest suspension bridge on Earth and remained the largest until 1924. It was also the first major suspension bridge to use steel towers to support the main cable. 

1973 - Johnny Carson started a fake toilet-paper scare on the "Tonight Show." 

1989 - U.S. troops invaded Panama to overthrow the regime of General Noriega. 

1996 - The school board of Oakland, CA, voted to recognize Black English, also known as "ebonics." The board later reversed its stance. 

1998 - U.S. President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges of perjury and obstruction of justice by the U.S. House of Representatives. 

Friday, December 18, 2015

Read TV Host’s Uncensored Rant Against Obama for Making ‘Tone Deaf’ Terrorism Remark — and the New York Times for Scrubbing It |

Read TV Host’s Uncensored Rant Against Obama for Making ‘Tone Deaf’ Terrorism Remark — and the New York Times for Scrubbing It |

"After the New York Times reported — then deleted — comments made by President Barack Obama about being unable to “fully appreciate the anxiety after the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino” due to a lack of cable television watching, Fox News host Greta Van Susteren penned a furious Facebook post questioning the president and the Times’ journalistic integrity.

“Does President Obama give a damn? really?” Van Susteren asked in the post. What is his problem???!!!! "

ALERT: Obama Tells Governors to Issue Executive Orders Implementing His TERRIFYING Agenda

ALERT: Obama Tells Governors to Issue Executive Orders Implementing His TERRIFYING Agenda:

"These executive orders could include funding researching into the causes of gun violence, increasing the use of gun-tracing technology and forcing gun manufacturers to prove that they’re selling firearms in a responsible manner.

It appears that President Obama wants to implement his grand vision of gun control by bypassing the traditional constitutional process, which requires going through either Congress or state legislatures, and instead relying on the power of executive fiat, much like he did when he chose to modify the decades-old Fair Housing Act."

She Just Admitted Something Stunning... It May Be Best Argument for the 2nd Amendment Ever

She Just Admitted Something Stunning... It May Be Best Argument for the 2nd Amendment Ever:

"Twenty-four years ago, an angry and withdrawn Texas resident named George Hennard crashed his pickup truck through the front door of Luby’s Cafeteria in Killeen and went on a shooting spree that left 23 dead and 27 wounded.

One year later, shooting survivor Dr. Suzanna Gratia-Hupp, who saw both her parents die that day, made a bombshell statement at a U.S. Senate committee hearing that seems more relevant than ever now, given the left’s recent push to impose more gun control laws on us.

“The Second Amendment is not about duck hunting, and I know I’m not going to make very many friends saying this, but it’s about our right, all of our right to be able to protect ourselves from all of you guys (politicians) up there,” she said."

Why we should leave Europe (The European Union) according to Suzanne Evans (UKIP) - BBC News

BREAKING: Secret Provision Added Last Minute to "Omnibus" Bill... This Should Have America on High Alert

BREAKING: Secret Provision Added Last Minute to "Omnibus" Bill... This Should Have America on High Alert:

"A provision regarding guest worker visas quietly added to the omnibus spending bill released this morning by the Senate is something lawmakers hope blue-collar workers won’t notice.

The provision would quadruple the number of H-2B visas for foreign “guest workers.” That means it would allow more than a quarter of a million foreign workers to enter the United States each year and work in industries including construction, hotel-motel services, truck driving, food processing, forestry and other fields that do not require a college education."

Sorry IPCC, Global Warming Not Causing Unusual Precipitation

Sorry IPCC, Global Warming Not Causing Unusual Precipitation | Somewhat Reasonable:
"A comprehensive new study in the Journal of Hydrology finds the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is likely wrong by a factor of 10 or more in its claim precipitation increased in some regions by as much as 1 percent in each decade of the twentieth century.
Using more than 1.5 million monthly precipitation totals from 1,000 measuring stations in 114 countries, the researchers determined there has been “No significant global precipitation change from 1850 to present.” 
While data for some stations extend back to the 1700s, most of the data come from stations that have existed since 1850, with all stations providing data for more than 100 years.
The researchers plotted the percentage of annual precipitation change relative to the years 1961 to 1990 for six continents, as well as for stations at different latitudes and those experiencing low, moderate, and high annual precipitation totals.
They found no substantial differences for stations located in northern, tropical, or southern latitudes. From 1850 to 2000 the percentage rate of precipitation change was –1.2 ± 1.7 per century, or less than 0.09 mm per decade – far less than the 1 percent per decade change claimed by IPCC..."

Must read!---And the world is silent?!!---------To Strike or Not to Strike, That is the Question

To Strike or Not to Strike, That is the Question :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism
Israeli estimates of the number of missiles terrorist powerhouse Hizballah has in Lebanon increased last summer from 100,000 to 150,000. 
The Shi'ite army continues to gain strength, unhindered by the token presence of United Nations troops in what was supposed to be a de-militarized zone following the 2006 Second Lebanon War.
Hizballah's promises of capturing the Galilee – that have inspired a feature-length Lebanese movie on the subject – are oft-repeated.
The imminent release (as a result of the P5+1 nuclear deal) of billions of dollars to its guardian angel and guiding hand, the Islamic Republic of Iran, promise more money and materiel will be placed at the disposal of an organization that has already fought two vicious wars against the Jewish state, a state whose existence it refuses to recognize.Hizballah's growing strength, and its acquisition of advanced weapons, (undoubtedly aided of late by Russian air strikes in support of the Syrian army), has Israeli leaders thinking hard about how long they can allow such a build-up to go unchecked, and whether there is a growing case for something more than sporadic cross-border interventions to temporarily stem Hizballah's growing firepower.
...Two days later, Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon again highlighted the increasing danger posed by Iran's overt support of the Hizballah, telling members of the U.S. Congress, "We are very worried about Iran's presence in Syria...
This regime generates terrorism and undermines many of the regimes in the Middle East, and this is not good news for the region, not only Israel."
Reports last week of Iran completing a second medium-range ballistic missile test in contravention of U.N. Security Council resolutions did little to ease Israeli fears. On Dec. 10, in another indication of the urgency with which it views the Iran-Hizballah threat, Israel successfully tested its Arrow 3 missile defense system, an extra layer of defense on top of the Iron Dome, David's Sling, and the Arrow 2 system that may well prove critical in defending against the Iranian-made Shihab 3 longer ranger missiles.
In an exclusive interview with the Investigative Project on Terrorism, a senior IDF official – who for security reason must remain anonymous – spelled out the likely scenario should Hizballah live up to its promises and attack Israel from the north. He did not discuss the likelihood of an Israeli pre-emptive strike against Hizballah, but painted a sometimes grim assessment of what the Israeli public can expect.
"The next war will be different. As an Israeli citizen, father to two boys in the army, I really hope we will find a solution to peace in the area... but we have to deal with this," the IDF official explained. "I believe that in the next war we will see that Hizballah and Hamas will both launch missiles. They have the same interest here."
Earlier this month, subsequent to this interview taking place, Israel's Channel 2 news reported that Shadi el-Meni, the Islamic State leader in the Sinai Peninsula, met with Hamas leaders to discuss increased weapons supplies to the Gaza-based terrorists.
The ideological differences between the two sides seemingly set aside in the pursuit of preparing an enhanced assault on Israel.
The IDF officer suggested that during the 2014 Gaza War more than 70 percent of the Israeli population was covered by the Iron Dome as it intercepted missiles coming from the Hamas-controlled enclave.
But with rockets raining down from Israel's north and south, Iron Dome's use would be limited.
There will be occasions when civilians will not be protected when defending strategic installations take priority.
"We understand that Iron Dome next time will not do the same work," he said, "because you will not always put it on populations; you will put it in strategic locations that we need to defend like chemical factories, and gas [installations], of course."Israel's third largest metropolitan area, Haifa, is home to a huge Mediterranean port and a major Israeli naval base. Defending such a massive target will be "very hard" he said.
 "We have Iron Dome, the Arrow and the Patriot as well, but when you have 150,000 missiles from Lebanon, you cannot assume that every missile they will launch will [be intercepted]. 
..."One can conclude that Israel may see an auspicious opportunity to make a preemptive attack to destroy Hezbollah's massive ordnance in southern Lebanon, stockpiled since the 33-day Israel-Hezbollah war in 2006," Iranian-Canadian political analyst Shair Shahidsaless wrote at the Huffington Post in June.
That was before the game-changing Russian entry into the conflict that has seen the balance of power sway back towards Assad and Hizballah. 
But could there still be a window of opportunity, unpalatable as much of the international community might find it, of Israel launching a pre-emptive strike against what is widely perceived as a massive and increasing threat to its security?

A GREAT TWEET FROM ACE: This is the story he’s talking about. …

Instapundit » Blog Archive » A GREAT TWEET FROM ACE: This is the story he’s talking about.
Screen Shot 2015-12-17 at 7.54.15 AM
 This is the story he’s talking about.


ALERT: Congress Launches 3 Separate Investigations Of Obama For Helping ISIS ⋆ US Herald

ALERT: Congress Launches 3 Separate Investigations Of Obama For Helping ISIS ⋆ US Herald:

"Anyone that actually follows events on “the war on terrorism” has known for at least the last 5-years of Obama’s presidency that he has been purposely giving “aid and comfort” to the enemy, everyone that is, except those on  the Armed Services Committee."

Why bother voting "republican" when they act and vote like democrats?-----Congressional Bills and Votes

Congressional Bills and Votes -

162 Republicans
213 needed to pass
139 Democrats
67 Republicans
Didn't vote10
Result:Passed by a margin of 6 votes
Date of Vote:December 11, 2014
Time of Vote:9:37 p.m.
Roll Call Number:563

"Arab Spring"? Hmmm. Obama doesn't use that word any more-----The End of the Arab Spring Dream - WSJ

The End of the Arab Spring Dream - WSJ:
Thursday marks a bitter anniversary in the Arab world. On Dec. 17, 2010, a Tunisian fruit vendor named Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire after the authorities confiscated his goods and beat him.
The incident sparked an uprising that within weeks would topple Tunisia’s venal autocracy.
Protests spread to Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Syria.
Despots from Morocco to Mesopotamia felt the heat of popular anger. Many couldn’t withstand it.
Yet today the Middle East is less stable, and less hopeful, than it was before the Arab Spring.
Five years ago, the denim-clad, smartphone-wielding Arab liberal became the region’s avatar.
Now the knife-wielding jihadist and the refugee have risen to prominence instead.
...How did dreams turn into nightmares? 
The standard account has it that by crushing or co-opting opponents, secular autocrats like Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak empowered Islamist outfits that were the only remaining channel for dissent.
Once the dictators fell, the liberals were quickly sidelined as Islamists and remnants of the old order battled for dominance.
...The biggest Western misstep was to treat the quest for freedom as somehow separate from the contest for geopolitical mastery.
In Egypt, the Obama administration was likely powerless to prevent the pro-Western Mr. Mubarak’s downfall, but the White House in the subsequent months did little to shape the outcome of the revolution. 
Washington favored all actors equally, as though Egypt were Luxembourg and the Muslim Brotherhood just another center-right party.
In Libya, the U.S. removed Moammar Gadhafi under a legal abstraction—the responsibility to protect—then swiftly abandoned a country with few viable institutions to its tribal furies.
In Syria, President Obama declared that Bashar Assad “must go,” and then watched impassively as the Iran-backed tyrant continued to kill and gas his own people, triggering a refugee crisis that has overwhelmed Europe.
The slaughter has continued for nearly five years. 
In the long term, the most perilous consequence isn’t the birth of a terror state stretching across Syria and spilling into Iraq but the destruction of U.S. credibility..."

EPA Gave $542M But Watchdogs Ignored It

EPA Gave $542M But Watchdogs Ignored It | The Daily Caller:
"Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials gave $542 million to colleges and universities in grants to study everything from pollution caused by backyard grilling to hotel shower use, but those funds have never been audited by a government watchdog.
EPA awarded the funds to 341 schools in more than 3,100 grants from 2009 to 2014, according a Daily Caller News Foundation analysis of more than 100,000 agency awards compiled by Open The Books.
The last audit by EPA’s inspector general of any of those grants, however, was 10 years ago, and then was only conducted in response to a specific complaint.
“The last time that the OIG did a review … was in December 2005 on a hotline complaint for the University of Nevada,” EPA IG spokesman Jeffrey Lagda told TheDCNF.
“In the past 10 years, the OIG has not conducted any reviews of grants awarded to colleges and universities.”"

ALERT: Governor Comes Forward, Drops BOMBSHELL About What Obama Is Doing With "Refugees"

ALERT: Governor Comes Forward, Drops BOMBSHELL About What Obama Is Doing With "Refugees":

"This is simply frightening, as it shows that the Obama administration doesn’t trust or even inform America’s governors about things that are certainly in their purview as the duly elected leaders of their state, such as potential jihadists being brought into their states by the federal government.

We already knew that the federal vetting process for refugees and immigrants is sorely lacking. Now the administration is making it difficult, if not impossible, for the states to pick up the slack and close the information gap left by the inadequate half-measures of the feds."

Yale University students happily sign 'petition' to repeal First Amendment

Yale University students happily sign 'petition' to repeal First Amendment - The College Fix:
Be afraid. 
Be very afraid.
It took political satirist Ami Horowitz less than one hour to get 60 signatures from Yale University students signing a “petition” that calls for the repeal of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
You know, the one that guarantees freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom to assemble. No biggie.
“I think it’s really awesome that you’re out here,” one student told Horowitz. 
Said another: “I think this is fantastic, I absolutely agree …” 
Others chimed in with “love it” and similar expressions of support.
Horowitz told Fox News even he was shocked by the results be obtained.
“I decided to take this campus free speech debate to its logical conclusion,” he said. 
“The result was this unbelievable display of total stupidity.”

Rush Limbaugh: ‘Disband the Republican Party’ |

Rush Limbaugh: ‘Disband the Republican Party’ |

"Blasting the Republican-led Congress over a $1.1 trillion omnibus bill that, among other things, fully funds Planned Parenthood and has the White House declaring victory yet again on fiscal fronts, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh said Thursday that the GOP should be disbanded.

“There is no Republican Party!” Limbaugh said. “You know, we don’t even need a Republican Party if they’re gonna do this. You know, just elect Democrats, disband the Republican Party, and let the Democrats run it, because that’s what’s happening anyway.”"