Friday, January 08, 2016

Washington Post admits that, no: electric cars were NOT worth it.

Washington Post admits that, no: electric cars were NOT worth it. | RedState:
At least, if you use the rule of thumb that any time you ask a question in a headline then the answer is always going to be ‘no:’ “The government has spent a lot on electric cars, but was it worth it?”  
And the answer to the question is no in this case, too. 
There are three ways that the Washington Post... could have worked that out ahead of time, in fact; all it had to do was look more closely at the title.
  • “The government.”  That’s your first clue that something went wrong here.  I’m not a hard-shelled libertarian; I actually think that there are things that we need a government for, like killing our enemies and making sure that a pound in Bangor weighs the same as a pound in San Diego (standardized weights and measures are things that you don’t miss until they’re gone). But when you’re going into the economic sphere, well, duplicating the success of the free market is something that is far outside of the comfort zone, or basic competency level, of your average government bureaucrat.
  • “Spent a lot.”  It’s a common mistake to think that putting X dollars into a government program will consistently produce Y results. Sometimes you get Y. Sometimes you get Y/3. Sometimes you get nothing.  And, unfortunately, sometimes after you get nothing you try to fix the problem by dumping another X’s worth of money into the mix.  Do this enough times and people start saying that you’ve “spent a lot.”
  • “Electric cars.” This one is noteworthy for what it doesn’t say.  Basically, it was never exactly spelled out by the government why it wanted electric cars. Or, rather, the real reason why the government wanted electric cars: I mean, we all understand that there was going to be no reduction in pollution, yes?  The energy that would be needed to run these things has to come from somewhere, and it almost certainly would be gotten by burning other things.  But I suppose that the government couldn’t just come out and say A lot of people who were useful to us during the election wanted some of that sweet, sweet taxpayer money. If for no other reason than we would have ripped into them for it.
But, hey. At least the Washington Post is letting explanations surface now. Admittedly, it’s far too late to save taxpayers any significant amounts of money, but what can you expect from a crony media?

S.O.S. for a Declining American Navy

S.O.S. for a Declining American Navy - WSJ
Late last week China confirmed that it is building its first aircraft carrier from scratch, adding to a fleet that includes a Russian-made carrier.
The news cast U.S. military policy in a particularly unsettling light:
While China’s naval power expands, America has deliberately reduced its presence on the seas. 
The Navy—after nearly $1 trillion of Defense Department cuts, in part mandated by the 2011 budget-sequestration deal between Congress and the Obama administration—is already down to 272 ships. That means the U.S. fleet is less than half its size at the close of the Reagan administration nearly 30 years ago (and down by 13 ships since 2009).
...Secretary Carter’s plan implies that the deterrent effect of a constant U.S. presence in the world is less important than the Navy’s ability to fight and win wars with the advanced weapons he favors.
That assumption is mistaken.
We need both the ability to be present, which demands more ships than we have, and the related power to win a war if deterrence doesn’t work.
Even the Navy’s now-endangered plan for 308 new ships was far below the approximately 350 combat ships needed to achieve this aim.
With danger rising around the world, from the Persian Gulf to the South China Sea, the increasing military and economic threats cannot be ignored.
Here is what an expansion of the Navy to the 350 ships needed to safeguard national security would look like:
• Aircraft carriersApplying power requires the anti-submarine, anti-surface warfare, surveillance and strike ability of aircraft carriers.
It requires an increase from the congressionally legislated level of 11 aircraft carriers to 16, enough so that we could maintain at least one carrier strike group in the West Pacific, the Persian Gulf, and return powerful U.S. naval forces to the Mediterranean.
Read on!

Inspector General: Clinton State Department Gave ‘Inaccurate and Incomplete’ Response to Email Inquiry Two Years Before Revelation of Private Server |

Inspector General: Clinton State Department Gave ‘Inaccurate and Incomplete’ Response to Email Inquiry Two Years Before Revelation of Private Server |

"A new report has found that the State Department gave an “inaccurate and incomplete” response to a 2012 records request regarding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email practices."

The Victims of Minimum Wage Hikes

The Victims of Minimum Wage Hikes | Economics21
"Hiking the minimum wage killed almost as many low-end jobs as did the economic collapse.
This is University of California-San Diego Professor Jeffrey Clemens’ conclusion from his just published supplement to his landmark 2014 study.
He says that federal minimum wage hikes from 2006 to 2009 accounted for 43 percent of the decline in employment among young, low-skilled workers during the Great Recession.
Young, low-skilled workers— defined as individuals between 16 and 30 without a high school degree— are the most likely to be hurt by minimum wage hikes because they are the least likely to have skills that employers consider valuable.
Businesses might be willing to take on these individuals at low wages in order to train them before moving them up to higher-paying work.
But when the government sets a high minimum wage, that first step on the career path might disappear.
Clemens’ new study confirms this longstanding theory.
Young, low-skilled workers were hit hard by the minimum wage, while most other groups were relatively unaffected.
Several strengths set the Clemens study and its predecessor (coauthored by Michael Wither) apart from a large body of research on the minimum wage.
Not least among them is its time frame.
The paper covers a seven-year period from 2006 to 2012, unlike other studies such as the oft-cited 1994 paper by David Card and Alan Krueger.
That paper, which found no negative effect of the minimum wage, only looked at a period of eleven months.
The time frame is critical because the damaging effects of minimum wage increases are often delayed. 
Immediately after a wage hike, businesses usually do not wish to significantly alter their business plans.
Instead of laying off workers, they might raise prices or cut back on fringe benefits.
But after one or two years, fewer businesses will open, existing businesses will close faster, and fewer jobs will be available.
Clemens’ study is unique in that it separates out workers by both age and skill level, to isolate where the worst effects of the minimum wage occur.
The finding that young people without a high school degree are hurt the most does not bode well for minority communities: high school graduation rates are lower for black (68 percent) and Hispanic (76 percent) students than for white (85 percent) and Asian (93 percent) students.
 This may be one of the reasons that the white teen unemployment rate, at 14 percent, is so much lower than the black teen unemployment rate of 24 percent.

‘The Force Awakens’ isn’t really the box office champ

‘The Force Awakens’ isn’t really the box office champ | New York Post:
“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” will pass “Avatar” as the top-grossing film ever in North America on Wednesday as Tuesday’s $8 million take puts it just $2 million short of the previous record of $760.5 million.
...If you factor in inflation, “The Force Awakens” currently ranks in 21st place among all films in terms of actual tickets sold, just behind “Raiders of the Lost Ark” but far, far behind the two chart-toppers: “Gone With the Wind” ($1.7 billion) and the original “Star Wars” ($1.5 billion).
(Various factors make it impossible to adjust international grosses, an increasingly important source of Hollywood revenue, for inflation.)


OBAMA’S “STREISAND EFFECT” PRESIDENCY, as diagnosed by Mark Hemingway of the Weekly Standard.

OBAMA’S “STREISAND EFFECT” PRESIDENCY, as diagnosed by Mark Hemingway of the Weekly Standard. “When you say there’s peace and security in Syria, you’re not convincing anyone that’s the case…Recall that Obama told Bill O’Reilly in his Super Bowl interview a few years back that there was ‘not a smidgen of corruption’ at the IRS…What about ‘Obamacare is working’?”
Unless you’re already on Team Obama, this kind of denial is polarizing at best and infuriating at worst. So why do they do it? Well, the general rule in Washington is never assume malice when incompetence and arrogance will suffice. It’s more than possible that Obama and those in his administration are in a bubble. Indeed, that was heavily suggested by the recent fracas when The New York Times reported—then memory-holed—a report where Obama said he underestimated how much the recent ISIS attack in San Bernardino had spooked Americans because he didn’t watch cable news.

The more sinister reading would be that this is the Obama administration brazenly lying because that’s how theirtheory of “stray voltage” works:
Read the whole thing, which helps to explain, as Bill Whittle noted in one of his Firewall videos in 2014, why it often feels to Americans as if they’re being gaslighted by the Obama administration:


BREAKING: Benghazi Survivors Drop Bombshell About How They Defied Hillary's Orders, Then Saved Lives

BREAKING: Benghazi Survivors Drop Bombshell About How They Defied Hillary's Orders, Then Saved Lives:

"In light of the upcoming movie “13 Hours,” which depicts the account of what happened on Sept. 11, 2012, during the terror attack in Benghazi, Lybia, Fox News anchor Megan Kelly interviewed three men who lived through the horrific ordeal. Their story is one that should make former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hide in shame."

Mayor of Cologne says women should have code of conduct to prevent future assault

Mayor of Cologne says women should have code of conduct to prevent future assault | Europe | News | The Independent:
The Mayor of Cologne said today that women should adopt a “code of conduct” to prevent future assault at a crisis meeting following the sexual attack of women by 1000 men on New Year’s eve.
Mayor Henriette Reker attended an emergency meeting with Chief of Police Wolfgang Albers and Wolfgang Wurm to discuss how to deal with the attack, where dozens of women were repeatedly touched and groped, with one case of alleged rape in the center of town.
“It is important to prevent such incidents from ever happening again,” said Mayor Reker, as reported in German by RP Online.
“We have heard by now that they [the attacks] have occurred in other cities. This of course is not comforting to us.”
The suggested code of conduct includes maintaining an arm’s length distance from strangers, to stick within your own group, to ask bystanders for help or to intervene as a witness, or to inform the police if you are the victim of such an assault..."

Justin Amash: Let’s Close Loophole That Lets U.S. Sell Guns to Syrian Rebels

Justin Amash: Let’s Close Loophole That Lets U.S. Sell Guns to Syrian Rebels - Hit & Run :
"While numerous skeptics of the idea that stronger gun control would meaningfully curb mass shootings or reduce murders have assailed President Obama's proposed executive action on guns as foolhardy, Rep. Justin Amash formulated a different criticism of the plan. He tweeted:
So, the guy who sells guns from our government to radical Syrian rebels lectures law-abiding Americans about selling guns to each other.
— Justin Amash (@justinamash) January 5, 2016
Perhaps an overlooked loophole in the gun debate is the one that permits the federal government to sell weapons to Syrian rebels without an up-to-date declaration of war against the opposing forces of ISIS and Bashar al-Assad.
As for violence in the U.S., Amash wrote that the government should focus on "conditions that lead to violence: mental health issues, lack of economic opportunity, unfair criminal justice system," rather than gun control.
Read Brian Doherty's February 2016 cover story on gun control and statistics here."

1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption and Cronyism

1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption and Cronyism - Eagle Rising:
Editor's Note: Our friend, Dan from Squirrel Hill, has updated his list to 1,063 documented examples of Barack Obama's lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.
He began with 252 examples, then quickly grew to 504 and later to 694.
In November 2014, he added more than 200 more examples of the usurper-in-chief's unlawful acts. Today, that number has grown to 1,063.
Every President, every politician, and every human being tells lies and engages in acts of hypocrisy. But Barack Obama does these things to a far greater degree than anyone else that I have ever known of.
His campaign promises were so much better sounding than anyone else's – no lobbyists in his administration, waiting five days before signing all non-emergency bills so people would have time to read them, putting health care negotiations on C-SPAN, reading every bill line by line to make sure money isn't being wasted, prosecution of Wall St. criminals, ending raids against medical marijuana in states where it's legal, high levels of transparency. 
Obama's promises of these wonderful things sounded inspiring and sincere.
They sounded so much better than the promises of any other President.
So when Obama broke these promises, it felt so much worse than when other Presidents broke their promises.
Some of the things on this list are major events that should scare the daylights out of any true liberal who cares about civil liberties.
Other things on this list are medium things that some Obama supporters may dislike, but would be willing to overlook in light of the things that Obama has done which they like.
And some of the things on this list may seem trivial, but I still think they are an interesting reflection of the kinds of policies that Obama supports.
Every claim that I make in this list is sourced.
Click on the blue text to see the sources. I have cited a wide variety of sources, from right wing, to left wing, to middle of the road.
Obama facepalm2I welcome any comments and criticisms that you may have.
If you say my list is wrong, please back up your claim by citing specific examples.
And now, on with the list:
1) Carried out military interventionism in Libya without Congressional approval
In June 2011, U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) said that Obama had violated the Constitution when he launched military operations in Libya without Congressional approval.
In April 2014, Ralph Nader said that Obama should be impeached for his actions in Libya.
2) Gave a no-bid contract to Halliburton cronies – just like Bush did
In May 2010, it was reported that the Obama administration had selected KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, for a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through 2011, just hours after the Justice Department had said it would pursue a lawsuit accusing the Houston-based company of using kickbacks to get foreign contracts.
Don't be fooled by the words "former subsidiary." These are the same Halliburton cronies that Bush gave a no-bid contract to.
3) Has an administration full of lobbyists, after promising he wouldn't have any
Read on

Reminder: Hillary Wants Fee to Become a Firearms Dealer Raised to $2500 - Katie Pavlich

Reminder: Hillary Wants Fee to Become a Firearms Dealer Raised to $2500 - Katie Pavlich:

"The Associated Press and NBC News both reported Clinton's remarks at the time, proving once again how the gun control left exposes its true agenda. Obama's recent executive actions on gun control, which Hillary not only supports but would do more of, isn't about expanding background checks or making sure individuals selling firearms are properly engaged in the business. Instead, it's about keeping people out of the legal firearms dealing industry altogether.

"Obama plans to require you to get a license to sell one gun," President of ATR Grover Norquist said in a statement. "Hillary has already announced that the price of a license should be $2,500. This will make it prohibitively expensive for individuals to sell their own guns."

Satellite Data 2015 Wasn’t Hottest Year On Record

Satellite Data 2015 Wasn’t Hottest Year On Record | The Daily Caller:
 "Satellite temperature data measuring Earth’s lower atmosphere shows that 2015 only ranks as the third-warmest year on record, and not the warmest year as predicted by scientists relying on weather station data.
Climate scientists with the University of Alabama, Huntsville reported Tuesday the temperature anomaly for December 2015 was 0.44 degrees Celsius above the 1981 to 2010 average, fueled by an El Nino warming event. UAH scientist Dr. Roy Spencer posted on his blog that this “makes 2015 the third warmest year globally (+0.27 deg C) in the satellite record (since 1979).”

History for January 8

History for January 8 -
James Longstreet 1821 - U.S. Civil War general, Soupy Sales (Milton Hines) 1926 - Comedian (Host: The Soupy Sales Show), Elvis Presley 1935 - Musician, known as "the King of rock 'n' roll" 

Bob Eubanks 1938 - Game show host ("The Newlywed Game"), Stephen Hawking 1942 - Theoretical physicist, writer ("A Brief History of Time"), David Bowie (David Robert Jones) 1947 Singer, movies ("The Man Who Fell to Earth", "Labyrinth", "Basquiat"), Broadway ("The Elephant Man") 

1675 - The first corporation was chartered in the United States. The company was the New York Fishing Company. 

1815 - The Battle of New Orleans began. The War of 1812 had officially ended on December 24, 1814, with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent. The news of the signing had not reached British troops in time to prevent their attack on New Orleans. 

1856 - Borax (hydrated sodium borate) was discovered by Dr. John Veatch. 

1889 - The tabulating machine was patented by Dr. Herman Hollerith. His firm, Tabulating Machine Company, later became International Business Machines Corporation (IBM). 

1900 - In South Africa, General White turned back the Boers attack of Ladysmith. 

1958 - Bobby Fisher, at the age of 14, won the United States Chess Championship for the first time. 

1964 - U.S. President Lyndon Johnson declared a "War on Poverty." 

1994 - Tonya Harding won the ladies' U.S. Figure Skating Championship in Detroit, MI, a day after Nancy Kerrigan dropped out because of a clubbing attack that injured her right knee. The U.S. Figure Skating Association later took the title from Harding because of her involvement in the attack. 

Thursday, January 07, 2016

City Councilman Suddenly Flees After Being Pulled Over by Border Patrol — Agents Soon Find Out Why | Video |

City Councilman Suddenly Flees After Being Pulled Over by Border Patrol — Agents Soon Find Out Why | Video |

"Crystal City Council member Marco Rodriguez was allegedly transporting three illegal immigrants from the border to San Antonio when he was stopped by authorities. Rodriguez reportedly talked with the officer for a short time, but then took off again, KENS-TV reported."

Hillary Can't Explain The Difference Between A Democrat And A Socialist

Hillary Can't Explain The Difference Between A Democrat And A Socialist | The Daily Caller
In a softball interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, Democratic Party frontrunner Hillary Clinton vehemently denied she’s a socialist, but found herself unable to answer what the difference is between a Democrat and a socialist.
Clinton’s main rival for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination is Vermont senator and self-proclaimed democratic socialist Bernie Sanders.
Matthews asked Clinton, “What’s the difference between a socialist and a Democrat? Is that a question you want to answer, or would you rather not?”
“You’d have to ask [Sanders],” Clinton said before being interrupted by Matthews.
“You see, I’m asking you. You’re a Democrat, he’s a socialist. Would you like someone to call you a socialist?” Matthews asked.
“I am not one,” Hillary responded without answering the question.
“OK, well what’s the difference between a socialist and a Democrat?” Matthews asked again.
“I can tell you what I am, I am a progressive Democrat,” Clinton responded.
“How is that different than a socialist?” Matthews asked a third time.
“I am a progressive Democrat who likes to get things done,” Clinton continued.
“And who believes we’re better off in this country when we’re trying to solve problems together. Getting people to work together.
There will always be strong feelings and I respect that, from, you know, the far right, the far left, libertarians, whoever it might be, but we need to get people working together.
We’ve got to get the economy fixed, get all of our problems, you know, really tackled and that’s what I want to do.”

First power station knocked offline by hackers is harbinger of cyber-warfare future

First power station knocked offline by hackers is harbinger of cyber-warfare future | HITBSecNews: "A power outage in western Ukraine on 23 December 2015 was the result of a cyberattack, the country's energy ministry has confirmed.
Cybersecurity researchers at ESET believe it to be the first-known instance of power stations being disabled by hackers.
The incident left homes in the Ivano-Frankivsk region of Ukraine without electricity for several hours in December 2015.
The malware used to carry out the attacks is believed to be the BlackEnergy Trojan, first developed in 2007 to carry out distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.
It has since been upgraded to carry out more sophisticated tasks, such as cyber-espionage.
"We found out that the attackers have been using a malware family on which we have had our eye for quite some time now: BlackEnergy,"...

Watch U.S. Veteran’s Response When Anti-Gun British Reporter Asks Him If He’s Actually ‘Proud’ to Live in His Country | Video |

Watch U.S. Veteran’s Response When Anti-Gun British Reporter Asks Him If He’s Actually ‘Proud’ to Live in His Country | Video |

"When asked if he was “proud” of the number of Americans who die by gunshot wounds every year, a U.S. veteran said he didn’t know how to answer due to the phrasing of the question.

Instead, during an appearance on Britain’s Channel 4 News, Armed American Radio reporter Neil McCabe argued that Americans, including himself, do not have an obligation to be a victim of an attack.

The exchange between McCabe and Channel 4 reporter John Snow began when the British journalist "

"Somebody's Lying. Who Is It?"

"Somebody's Lying. Who Is It?" :: SteynOnline
On December 29th Hillary Clinton sat down for an interview with the editorial board of The Conway Daily Sun.
...Just by way of background, three months ago, the latest crop of email releases from Hillary's secret server reveals that she knew even as the Benghazi attack was unfolding that it was terrorism and not, as I put it back in September 2012, a spontaneous class-action movie review. As I said to Hugh Hewitt in October:
She chose to politicize it from the moment it was happening, even as it was underway. In other words, in the afternoon of September 11th, when it was 9:00 in the evening in Benghazi, she was already politicizing it. And I think it was damaging that on September 12th, she told not only the President of Libya and the Prime Minister of Egypt, but also her own family members that it was a terrorist attack. And yet, there she was on September 14th at Andrews Air Force Base over the coffins of the dead lying to Tyrone Woods' family when she told them we're going to get that guy who made the video, and we're going to have him arrested and prosecuted... She tells the truth to the Government of Libya. She tells the truth to the Government of Egypt. But she lies to the people to whom she is meant to be a public servant, the American people...
At a critical moment on a critical date in American history, she opened her mouth and vomited forth a sewer of lies that everybody else is supposed to just try and swim their way through to find out the reality of what went on. And if you're a foreign government leader, you know the truth. If you're the American people, you get lied to.
Once you know the timeline of her communications with the Libyans, the Egyptians and with Chelsea Clinton, it becomes harder and harder to accept that the video distraction was anything other than a consciously constructed official lie.
Now listen to Tom McLaughlin at the Conway editorial meeting. He has the facts, and she has a lot of generalized evasions about the "fog of war":
Here's the transcript:
Turning to Hillary, I said, "You mentioned the families of the Benghazi victims and the discrepancy Mark brought up about your email — or conversation maybe — with your daughter..."
"Um-hmm," said Hillary.
"...about it being an al Qaida-like group, Ansar al Sharia. Then you told an Egyptian diplomat in a phone conversation that it was a planned attack and not a protest. Umm, but then, when the bodies were brought back, you spoke to the family members and you told them, they say that you told them, this was a spontaneous demonstration. And then George Stephanopolous asked on This Week: "Did you tell them it was about the film?"
"Um-hmm," she said. "And you said, 'No.' Now, somebody's lying..."
"Well first let me say," she interjected, but I pressed on.
"...Who is it?"
"Well, not me. That's all I can tell you," she continued. "But, you know, people were incredibly emotionally distraught...
That's one way of putting it. As Mr McLaughlin notes, three of the grieving families were so "incredibly emotionally distraught" they have specific recollections of Hillary telling them it was all about the video:
Tyrone Woods' father said — about you — that you said, 'We're going to have those people arrested who were responsible for the death of your son.' Sean Smith's mother reported, 'She [Hillary] said that it was because of the video.' And then Glenn Doherty's sister said that, "You chose to, in that moment, to basically perpetuate what you knew was untrue.' So, all three of them say you told them that."
"Well," she said.
I ignored her and continued, "And you say you didn't tell them that..."
"I did not tell them that, but, I can't recite for you everything that was in a conversation where people were sobbing..."
Hillary Clinton is now telling lies about her lies. Lies about why Americans died halfway round the planet. This would be crippling to any other presidential campaign, and yet it takes The Conway Daily Sun even to put the matter to her..."

Juanita Broadderick Takes to Twitter: "Bill Clinton Raped Me..."

Juanita Broadderick Takes to Twitter: "Bill Clinton Raped Me..." » Louder With Crowder

Here I was thinking today was going to be all about the gun control and how Obama is taking the wheel, driving us off the cliff. Then along comes Juanita Broderick with a simple little statement. In under 140 characters, she lobbed a giant bomb.
I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73….it never goes away.
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) January 6, 2016

It’s a bomb for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, it is not in any way news to those of us who are familiar with Mrs. Clinton’s committee of skeletons in her closet. If you can’t see them, move the pantsuits. Yeah, there they are.
For the stray Clinton supporters here, after you’ve crushed skulls and shoved those skeletons back behind the parachute pants, yes, that is the REAL Juanita Brodderick, as verified by a journalist over at Vox. Okay? So keep your pants on.
Just got off the phone with Juanita Broaddrick, who confirms that @atensnut is her real Twitter account.
— Dylan Matthews (@dylanmatt) January 6, 2016

Here’s a quick history to my fellow Millennials who may not have been paying attention to the Clinton presidency, what with us being more interested in My Little Ponies, Ninja Turtles, or whatever the “hottest” band was at the time. Juanita Broderick is one of several women Bill Clinton (obligatory “allegedly”) sexually assaulted. Others include Gennifer Flowers, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones and the infamous Monica Lewinsky (who allegedly consented).
In other words, if ever there was a real “rape culture” it was around Bill Clinton. Here’s what Broderick said in a 1999 NBC interview:
Then he [Bill Clinton] tries to kiss me again. And the second time he tries to kiss me he starts biting my lip … He starts to, um, bite on my top lip and I tried to pull away from him. And then he forces me down on the bed. And I just was very frightened, and I tried to get away from him and I told him ‘No,’ that I didn’t want this to happen but he wouldn’t listen to me. … It was a real panicky, panicky situation. I was even to the point where I was getting very noisy, you know, yelling to ‘Please stop.’ And that’s when he pressed down on my right shoulder and he would bite my lip. … When everything was over with, he got up and straightened himself, and I was crying at the moment and he walks to the door, and calmly puts on his sunglasses. And before he goes out the door he says ‘You better get some ice on that.’ And he turned and went out the door.”
Rape. Real rape. Not “I regretted it the next day so that’s, like, totally rape right?” kind of rape, but actual forced, abusive rape. It’s something Broadderick cannot stop thinking about. But Bill Clinton?
So fast forward to now, 2016, where feminists scream RAPE when a man looks at them funny. Broadderick is saying Bill Clinton raped her and Hillary covered it up. Let’s also remember that Hillary recently said all women who alleged rape should be heard…
Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 23, 2015
Which doesn’t really jive if you spend any kind of time thinking about anything. Hillary Clinton covered up her Bill Clinton’s rapes. She’s running for the highest office in the land.
Again: Hillary covered up rape. She’s running for the highest office in the land.

Lunch video-Amazing!!-----Future Unmanned Russian Solar Powered Tank Which Is Invisible To Drones.


GOP Rep. Drops Terrifying Revelation After Two Pakistani Men Are Apprehended at U.S. Southern Border |

GOP Rep. Drops Terrifying Revelation After Two Pakistani Men Are Apprehended at U.S. Southern Border |

"With evidence that at least two Pakistani nationals listed on various terrorist watch lists were apprehended while entering the U.S. illegally, Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) is warning Americans that the southern border is vulnerable to intrusion by terrorists.

According to records reviewed by TheBlaze, two Pakistani men, Mukhtar Ahmad, 25, and Muhammad Azeem, 20, surrendered to a U.S. Border Patrol agent Sept. 20, 2015, near Otay Mesa, California. A Terrorist Screening Database records check of Ahmad revealed that he is on a terror watch list as he’s an associate of a known or suspected terrorist. A records check of Azeem revealed that he had been flagged as a positive match for derogatory information — it is unclear from the records what that “derogatory information” is."

The Corn-Fed Albatross Called Ethanol

The Corn-Fed Albatross Called Ethanol - WSJ:
The renewable fuel has cost drivers an extra $83 billion to fill their tanks since 2007, and it does little or no good for the climate.
In the past two presidential-primary seasons, candidates crisscrossing Iowa before the caucuses would pay obeisance to corn ethanol and its compulsory use in gasoline.
Yet in the current campaign, Sen. Ted Cruz reliably sits atop the Iowa polls even though he scoffs at the Renewable Fuel Standard passed by Congress in 2005 and expanded in 2007.
Maybe even Iowans are having second thoughts about a law that has been a boon to corn growers but hardly anyone else.
Before long, it may be politically safe to take a wise step and eliminate the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).
...Today, ethanol’s downsides have become clear.
First, it increases the cost of driving. Current ethanol blends provide fewer miles per gallon, so drivers pay more to travel the same distance...
Second, ethanol adds more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere than it eliminates by replacing fossil fuels.
The Environmental Working Group says that “corn ethanol is an environmental disaster.”
The group explains: “The mandate to blend ethanol into gasoline has driven farmers to plow up land to plant corn—40 percent of the corn now grown in the U.S. is used to make ethanol.
When farmers plow up grasslands and wetlands to grow corn, they release the carbon stored in the soil, contributing to climate-warming carbon emissions.”
And then there is the carbon emitted in harvesting, transporting and processing the corn into ethanol.
...Finally, the U.S. no longer needs renewable fuels to reduce its dependence on energy from foreign sources.
Thanks to expansion in the oil and gas industry, the U.S. has outdistanced Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s top oil and natural-gas producer.
The U.S. could become energy independent in five years, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, but only if crude oil prices are high enough to keep American producers operating..."

2/3rds of Obama's Gun Death Stats Are Suicides

2/3rds of Obama's Gun Death Stats Are Suicides:
"During his January 5 speech explaining “the fierce urgency of now” and the need for executive gun control to save the day, President Obama also admitted that two thirds of his scary gun death statistics are suicides.
Early in his speech–published by The Washington Post–Obama said, “Every single year, more than 30,000 Americans have their lives cut short by guns — 30,000.”
He said this was a combination of “suicides, domestic violence, gang shootouts, [and] accidents,” but he did not elaborate on which of these reasons for death made up the lion’s share.
Rather, he built on the number “30,000,” saying:
"Hundreds of thousands of Americans have lost brothers and sisters or buried their own children. Many have had to learn to live with a disability or learn to live without the love of their life. 
A number of those people are here today. 
They can tell you some stories. 
In this room right here, there are a lot of stories. 
There’s a lot of heartache. 
There’s a lot of resilience, there’s a lot of strength, but there’s also a lot of pain. 
And this is just a small sample."
Well over halfway through his speech, Obama admitted that “high-profile mass shootings” draw attention to the “few mentally unstable people who inflict harm on others, but the truth is that nearly two in three gun deaths are from suicides.”
Hillary Clinton’s campaign ran an ad that swelled gun death numbers in this same way.
The ad opened with Clinton saying, “This epidemic of gun violence knows no boundaries. Between 88 and 92 people a day are killed by guns. We’re better than this.”
Breitbart News pointed out that two thirds of those gun deaths were suicides, not deaths from “gun violence.”"

Ah, the details...-----Greenland Aiming to Opt Out of Paris Climate Accord

Greenland Aiming to Opt Out of Paris Climate Accord | Heartlander Magazine:
"Even before the ink dried on the UN climate agreement developed in Paris, Greenland is angling to opt out of its commitments under the accord due to its impacts on the territory's energy sector. 
“We still have the option of making a territorial opt-out to COP21," Kim Kielsen, the prime minister of Greenland, said during a visit to Copenhagen in mid-December.
"We have an emissions quota of 650,000 tons of CO2, which is the same as a single coal-fired power plant in Denmark, or a minor Danish city."
Travel an Issue
Greenland, a self-governing territory within the Kingdom of Denmark, is geographically roughly the size of Mexico while the population is smaller than the Cayman Islands’ making Greenland the least densely populated country in the world.
With its population so widely dispersed, the commonest mode of transportation for locals is light planes which emit a great deal of carbon dioxide during their operation..."

Cruz: Obama Targets Law-Abiding Citizens Instead of Criminals

Cruz: Obama Targets Law-Abiding Citizens Instead of Criminals:

"Cruz, who is currently on a six-day bus tour through Iowa, spoke to reporters about Obama’s announcement of new gun control executive actions.

“This has been the most anti-gun administration in the history of our country” Cruz said. “This has been an administration that has targeted law abiding citizens in particular, rather than targeting criminals, rather than targeting terrorists.”

Don't Cry for Me, Gun Controller

Nate Jackson: Don't Cry for Me, Gun Controller — The Patriot Post:
"During his Tuesday press conference rolling out his over-hyped executive actions on guns, Barack Obama even shed a “tear” for the children. “Every time I think about those kids [killed at Sandy Hook Elementary], it gets me mad,” he said, wiping away a tear. (And he says he’s not good at the theater of the presidency.)
...He then proceeded to introduce measures that would do absolutely nothing to reduce crime or so-called “gun violence.”
He’ll target only the law-abiding, and he will likely continue the lax enforcement for which his administration has grown so infamous.
Every American should be incensed when lives are taken senselessly, but also when craven politicians stand on the coffins of innocent victims to trumpet their preferred gun control policy.
If Obama really wanted to save lives, he’d work with Congress to push for things like fewer “gun free zones,” which just happen to be where nearly every mass shooting takes place.
Instead, he lectures: “I believe in the Second Amendment. It’s there written on the paper.
It guarantees a right to bear arms. No matter how many times people try to twist my words around, I taught constitutional law, [so] I know a little bit about this. I get it. But I also believe that we can find ways to reduce gun violence consistent with the Second Amendment.”
 He’s just not interested in those ways."