Friday, April 08, 2016


Limbaugh Heard The Warning Obama Admin Just Issued, Immediately Exposes What It's REALLY About...

Limbaugh Heard The Warning Obama Admin Just Issued, Immediately Exposes What It's REALLY About...:

"A new edict from the Obama administration has its roots in race-based thinking and a purpose that lurks below the surface, conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh said Tuesday.

The federal Department of Housing and Urban Development has issued guidelines saying that because there is “widespread racial and ethnic disparities” in the U.S. criminal justice system, landlords who refuse to rent to convicted criminals could “lack a legally sufficient justification” in doing so. The current Fair Housing Act does not make it illegal to refuse to rent to criminals.

“The Regime has told landlords they cannot refuse to rent to criminals,” Limbaugh said. “Wait ’til you hear why.”"

Government Will Soon Owe More Money Than Entire Economy Produces

Government Will Soon Owe More Money Than Entire Economy Produces
Report finds issues with reliability of government’s financial statements, improper payments
An auditor for the Government Accountability Office told lawmakers Wednesday that in the next few years the federal government will owe more than our entire economy produces.
Gene Dodaro, the comptroller general for the Government Accountability Office, testified at the Senate Budget Committee to provide the results of its audit on the government’s financial books.
“We’re very heavily leveraged in debt,” Dodaro said.

  • “The historical average post-World War II of how much debt we held as a percent of gross domestic product was 43 percent on average; right now we’re at 74 percent.”

Dodaro says that under current law, debt held by the public will hit a historic high.
“The highest in the United States government’s history of debt held by the public as a percent of gross domestic product was 1946, right after World War II,” he said.
“We’re on mark to hit that in the next 15 to 25 years.”
Another economic projection which assumes that cost controls for Medicare don’t hold and that healthcare costs continue to increase, shows debt rising even further.

  • “These projections go to 200, 300 percent, and even higher of debt held by the public as a percent of gross domestic product,” said Dodaro. 

“We’re going to owe more than our entire economy is producing and by definition this is not sustainable.”
Additionally, the audit found fault with the number of improper payments that should not have been made or were the incorrect amount.

  • The audit found that in fiscal year 2015 there were $136.7 billion improper payments, which was up by $12 billion from the year prior.
  • The audit also called into question the reliability of the government’s financial statements..."

Richmond, California gang members are being paid to stop shooting each other

Richmond, California gang members are being paid to stop shooting each other | Daily Mail Online
Gang members in Richmond are being paid $1,300 a month to stop shooting each other and even get to go on all expenses paid trips to New York (if they travel with a rival)
  • Part-taxpayer-funded scheme has been introduced in the Californian area
  • Gang members receive a maximum $1,300 if they refrain from gun crime
  • Paired with men from rival neighborhoods as officials try and decrease rate
  • DeVone Boggan founded scheme and said it was about 'paying attention'

Millennials Want Socialism, But Don’t Want to Foot the Bill for It

Millennials Want Socialism, But Don’t Want to Foot the Bill for It | Intellectual Takeout
"...But the Washington Post also offers another bit of telling information. 
Millennials love socialistic ideas – until it’s their turn to fork out the funds to pay for them:
“The expanded social welfare state Sanders thinks the United States should adopt requires everyday people to pay considerably more in taxes. 

Yet millennials become averse to social welfare spending if they foot the bill.
As they reach the threshold of earning $40,000 to $60,000 a year, the majority of millennials come to oppose income redistribution, including raising taxes to increase financial assistance to the poor.”
Similarly, a Reason-Rupe poll found that while millennials still on their parents’ health-insurance policies supported the idea of paying higher premiums to help cover the uninsured (57 percent), support flipped among millennials paying for their own health insurance with 59 percent opposed to higher premiums.
When tax rates are not explicit, millennials say they’d prefer larger government offering more services (54 percent) to smaller government offering fewer services (43 percent). 

However when larger government offering more services is described as requiring high taxes, support flips and 57 percent of millennials opt for smaller government with fewer services and low taxes, while 41 percent prefer large government.”...

Cruz: Look at Trump’s checkbook to see ‘New York values’ | TheHill

Cruz: Look at Trump’s checkbook to see ‘New York values’ | TheHill:

"The Texas senator ticked through a list of high-profile New York liberals and disgraced former officials from the state that he said have long been in the pocket of Trump. The billionaire businessman has admitted to donating to Republicans and Democrats alike to curry favor for his business interests.

“The people of New York know exactly what those values are — they’re the values of liberal Democrats like Andrew Cuomo, like Anthony Weiner, like Eliot Spitzer, like Charlie Rangel, all of whom Donald Trump has supported,” Cruz said.

“If you want to know what liberal democratic values are, follow Donald Trump’s checkbook,” he continued. “He has been funding these policies.”

Climate Model Predictions On Rain And Drought Wrong, Study Finds

Climate Model Predictions On Rain And Drought Wrong, Study Finds | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF):
"Predictions that a warmer ­climate will lead to more rain for some but longer droughts for others might be wrong, according to a study of 12 centuries worth of data.
The study, published today in science journal Nature, found there was no difference between 20th-century rainfall patterns and those in the pre-­industrial era. 
The findings are at odds with earlier studies suggesting climate­ change causes dry areas to become drier and wet areas to become wetter.
Fredrik Ljungqvist and colleagues at Stockholm University analysed previously published records of rain, drought, tree rings, marine sediment and ice cores, each spanning at least the past millennium across the northern hemisphere.
They found that the ninth to 11th and the 20th centuries were comparatively wet and the 12th to 19th centuries were drier, a finding that generally accords with earlier model simulations covering the years 850 to 2005.
However, their reconstruction “does not support the tendency in simulations of the 20th century for wet regions to get wetter and dry regions to get drier in a warmer climate”.
“Our reconstruction reveals that prominent seesaw patterns of alternating moisture regimes observed in instrumental data across the Mediterranean, western USA and China have operated consistently over the past 12 centuries,” the paper says.
The research also highlights the importance of using paleo­climate data to place recent and predicted rainfall-pattern changes in a millennium-long context, the report says."

AM Fruitcake

History for April 8

History for April 8 -
Guatama Buddha 563 BC - 'The Enlightened One' in the Buddhist faith, Sonja Henie 1912 - Ice skater, Elizabeth "Betty" Ford (Bloomer) 1918 - Wife of 38th U.S. President Gerald R. Ford, founder of the Betty Ford Clinic

Shecky Greene (Sheldon Greenfield) 1926 - Comedian, actor ("Laverne and Shirley", "Northern Exposure"), Seymour Hersh 1937 - Investigative reporter, Robin Wright (Robin Wright Penn) 1966 - Actress

1513 - Explorer Juan Ponce de Leon claimed Florida for Spain.

1873 - Alfred Paraf patented the first successful oleomargarine.

1913 - The Seventeenth amendment was ratified, requiring direct election of senators.

1952 - U.S. President Truman seized steel mills to prevent a nationwide strike.

1974 - Hank Aaron hits 715th home run breaking Babe Ruth's record.

1986 - Clint Eastwood was elected mayor of Carmel, CA.

1994 - Smoking was banned in the Pentagon and all U.S. military bases.

Thursday, April 07, 2016

Days of Rage: It’s NOT Just Coming From the Left | Glenn Beck

Days of Rage: It’s NOT Just Coming From the Left | Glenn Beck:

"We have the Black Panthers, we have Occupy Wall Street and we also have the Muslim Brotherhood coordinating for their own summer violence and marches on the streets of America. That’s all well documented, if anybody cares to look, but nobody in the media has looked.

On the other hand, we now have a super PAC of Donald Trump’s speaking out. (I believe that Donald Trump is wrong when he says that Ted Cruz is managing his super PACs. You can’t do that legally. I believe he’s wrong when he says, “Well, they can go around those laws and they know exactly what’s going on, and Ted Cruz can stop those super PACs when and if he wants to.” That would be illegal.) But now Donald Trump’s super PAC, headed by one of his close advisers — a guy who was in the Nixon administration, a guy who studies and adores Saul Alinsky, a guy whose nickname is the Dirty Trickster, the guy who was there at Watergate, a guy who really has no principles whatsoever — he’s now running one of Donald Trump’s super PACs. And he has started to promote the hashtag #daysofrage.

That’s what Chicago was called in 1968. I can’t believe that this is actually happening."


Luke Rosiak of the Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group strikes HUD again! 
Seems a HUD employee was able to rent two subsidized apartments by somehow leaping ahead of the hundreds of thousands of poor people waiting for public housing units to become available.
The employee lived in the Alexandria, VA., apartment and sublet the apartment in the nation’s capital to her sister who used it, among other things, to park her Lexus SUV. 
Housing authorities in both cities knew about the arrangement, yet did nothing. When the HUD Inspector General discovered the deal, HUD managers initially promised “severe discipline” for their misbehaving colleague.
Can you guess what comes next?
“But instead of being severely disciplined, Mathis was hastily promoted to a position in charge of giving out millions of tax dollars in federal grants,” Rosiak reports.
So a HUD employee steps on poor people who need places to live and gets a promotion to give away millions of tax dollars instead of being fired.
What’s wrong with this picture???"

Students Call for Police to Censor Classmates' Political Messages

Students Call for Police to Censor Classmates' Political Messages
The University of Michigan is one of our nation’s premier institutions of higher learning.
Young people from all over the country move to Ann Arbor every year to obtain an education and to have their ideas challenged by exposure to fellow students from many walks of life.
Or maybe not.
Last Thursday afternoon, a number of anonymous chalk messages appeared on campus.
But because these innocuous chalk messages read “#StopIslam” and “Trump 2016,” they elicited 911 calls and an apology from the president of the university.
...Apparently such statements constitute “hate speech.”
Nowhere in America is the urge to censor and intimidate dissenting opinion more apparent than on college campuses, where students are treated to “safe spaces” from dissenting opinion and where even mentioning controversial topics will “trigger” feelings of insecurity by the unique snowflakes that are our college students.
Apparently pro-Trump chalkings by students have occurred now on several campuses, and the overreaction by politically correct college administrations has elicited a hashtag for this phenomenon: the #Chalkening.
It started on the campus of Emory University in Georgia, when chalk messages appeared and a number of students complained that the messages constituted anti-minority targeting and made them feel “unsafe.”
The president of the university, James Wagner, vowed to investigate the messages before realizing that the messages constituted free expression..."

Mom Unleashes Fury After Spanish Teacher Sends Children Home With This ‘Privilege’ Assignment | Video |

Mom Unleashes Fury After Spanish Teacher Sends Children Home With This ‘Privilege’ Assignment | Video |

"The mother of a Tampa, Florida, seventh-grader is speaking out after finding an assignment given to her 12-year-old daughter and other students in Spanish class at Monroe Junior High.

The form asked, “How much privilege do you have? Circle the boxes that apply to you.”"

ICE: Illegal Charged With Vehicular Homicide Not a Priority for Detention

ICE: Illegal Charged With Vehicular Homicide Not a Priority for Detention –
"Illegal released due to Obama and DHS Sec. Jeh Johnson 2014 policy of deporting only those with “the most serious criminal records.”
Illegal Crime_Eswin Mejia 2Edwin Mejia (aka Eswin Mejia), 19, came to the U.S. illegally as part of the surge of unaccompanied children from Central America in May 2013.  The Border Patrol turned him over to social services, who sent him to live with his brother, already in the U.S.  
In January of this year, Mejia was street racing while drunk, in Omaha, Nebraska.  
He struck a vehicle driven by Sarah Root, 21, who later died as a result of her injuries.
Mejia was charged with vehicular homicide, and despite several requests by the Douglas County Police Department, ICE never came to pick him up for detention.   
Mejia posted a $5,000 bond and disappeared, and Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse is demanding answers.
ICE Director Sarah Saldana responded that neither the Obama administration policy nor federal law required ICE to detain Mejia. 
Ms. Saldana said being charged with vehicular homicide wasn’t enough to make Mr. Mejia a priority under standards set by Mr. Obama and Mr. Johnson in 2014.
“Even if he were convicted of the offense, motor vehicle homicide — driving under the influence, the conviction would not constitute a crime of violence under the immigration laws, and consequently, would not constitute an aggravated felony,” she wrote.
“The conviction would not render him subject to mandatory detention, nor would it significantly impact his eligibility to apply for relief or protection from removal.”
Ms. Saldana said her agency has asked Honduran officials to see if he shows up back there."

Study: 1 in 4 College Freshmen Need Remedial Education

Study: 1 in 4 College Freshmen Need Remedial Education | Intellectual Takeout
Recent high school graduates and their families overall paid an extra $3,000 for skills and content they should have learned in high school. 

In recent years, the expressed goal of the education system has been to ensure that every child is college- and career-ready. That goal has enjoyed a measure of success, particularly as college enrollment rates rose from 26% to 41% between 1980 and 2012.
But landing a spot in college doesn’t necessarily mean students are ready for college coursework, a fact highlighted by a new report from Education Reform Now. According to the report, a quarter of college freshmen need to enroll in remedial courses to catch up. The authors explain:
“Contrary to common belief, remedial education is a widespread phenomenon not at all confined to low-income students or community colleges. It affects a broad swath of students, including those from middle-, upper-middle, and high-income families, as well as a broad swath of colleges.”

Lunch video-----Number Of Sanctuary Cities In The U.S. Rise to 340 - Illegal Immigration...


How Journalists Are Bankrolling Democrats by the Millions – and Aren’t Reporting It |

How Journalists Are Bankrolling Democrats by the Millions – and Aren’t Reporting It |

"The union dues that the journalist helps to fund political contributions, 97 percent of which have gone to Democrats, according to the Politico piece that cites information from, the website of the Center for Responsive Politics, which monitors political donations.

Since 2008, the organization has contributed more than $8.7 million to federal candidates. These have included some of the most liberal members of Congress, such as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.), Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.).

Despite endorsing Sanders for president, the group actually spent more on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, $15,000, Politico reported."

SCOTUS Gets It Wrong: Noncitizens Should Not Be Counted for Voting Purposes

SCOTUS Gets It Wrong: Noncitizens Should Not Be Counted for Voting Purposes
In a loss for voters, the Supreme Court has ruled unanimously against two residents of Texas who had argued that the Texas legislature diluted their votes when it used total population to redraw state Senate districts.
In Evenwel v. Abbott, the Supreme Court allowed states to use total population in redrawing district lines, even though that this includes a large number of noncitizens (legal and illegal), felons, and others who are ineligible to vote.
Sue Evenwel and Edward Pfenninger challenged the state Senate districts drawn by the Texas legislature using total population in 2013.
They claimed that both the number of citizens of voting age and the number of registered voters in their districts deviated substantially—between 31 and 49 percent—from the “ideal” population of a Texas Senate district.
They argued that this disparity significantly diluted their votes in comparison to those of voters who live in districts with large numbers of non-voters.
According to this logic, their votes were worth roughly half those of voters in other districts. 
In other words, they claimed that their Senate districts had the same number of representatives as other districts that contained the same number of people but only half the number of eligible voters.
This is a particular problem in Texas, which has almost two million illegal aliens, about seven percent of the state’s population..."

Screaming morons of the "tolerant left"-----Liberal Woman in Starbucks Screams at Rick Scott For Being Pro-Life

Liberal Woman in Starbucks Screams at Rick Scott For Being Pro-Life » Louder With Crowder:
"Next time someone tells you about the “tolerant left,” play the video below on a loop like a morphine drip.
In this one, yet another “tolerant” leftist feminist treats a man as sub-human simply because he has an (R) next to his name (your truly has had a few run-ins like this before).
Gov. Rick Scott was just trying to get a cup of coffee.
Not today.
Not so long as the leftist, fascist, PC police are around.
Especially since this broad fancies herself the chief.
Watch, or read the transcript below.

“You cut Medicaid so I couldn’t get Obamacare!
You’re an asshole.
You don’t care about working people. Y
ou should be ashamed to show your face around here.”
Isn’t this just emblematic of today’s SJW left?
The woman doesn’t argue ideas or policy, she simply attributes motive.
How does she know that Rick Scott “doesn’t care about working people”?
She doesn’t.
Also, why isn’t Rick Scott considered a “working person”?
He has a job, doesn’t he?
Rick Scott worked his way through college, served several years in the Navy and has owned multiple businesses.
None of that counts?
Not to leftists.
Because only their feelings count (read “Bernie Sanders: Simply a Fascist for Mediocrity” here). What comes next is important.
As Gov. Rick Scott points out that he’s created a million jobs, she cuts him off…
Much, much more at link.
Read and wonder how ANYONE can communicate with these morons.

Time Is Running Out (Again) for Greece

Time Is Running Out (Again) for Greece - Bloomberg View:
"The Greek economy is still in desperate trouble, and yet another crisis is looming.
If it happens, this could set back hopes of recovery across much of Europe.
The last emergency won't soon be forgotten -- yet nothing is being done to avoid a rerun.
Greece's Financial Odyssey
The latest quarrel between Greece's government and the International Monetary Fund, one of its official creditors, only underlines this continuing dysfunction.
The impasse has to be broken.
For that to happen, the European Union must take the lead, rethink its current position, and grant Greece debt relief.
Greece's gross domestic product is still falling year over year. 
About a quarter of the population is out of work. 
Depositors pulled a further 500 million euros ($570 million) out of the country's banks in February, showing that last year's rescue plan has failed to restore confidence.
Time is running out..."

Milton Friedman Part II: Evils of Collectivism | Glenn Beck

Milton Friedman Part II: Evils of Collectivism | Glenn Beck:

"Friedman tried to reason with the collectivists who believed in socialism and wanted more of it, including more health care.

MILTON: I say to people who say we have to have government medicine in there. I say, would you mind first telling me which of the other great reforms of government have achieved their objectives? I take it you mean the federal housing program has solved the problem of housing for the low-income groups. I take it you mean that the federal welfare program has solved the problems of welfare of indigents and dependents, that federal urban renewal and housing — and reconstruction programs have solved the problem of urban life."

Common Core and its Effect on Homeschooling

Heartland Daily Podcast – Lennie Jarratt: Common Core and its Effect on Homeschooling | Somewhat Reasonable:
In today’s edition of The Heartland Daily Podcast, we listen in as Project Manager for Education Transformation Lennie Jarratt speaks in front of the Great Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio.
He discusses Common Core and its effect on homeschooling.
Jarratt talks about his personal background with homeschooling and why education choice is so important.
He also clears up some of the confusion as to what Common Core actually means. 
Jarratt explains the danger of ever-expanding government regulations and control over education and what you can do to stop the overreach."

AM Fruitcake

History for April 7

History for April 7 -
W.K. Kellogg 1860 - Industrialist in food manufacturing, most known for founding of the Kellogg Company, Billie Holiday 1915 - Jazz singer, James Garner (James Scott Bumgarner) 1928 - Actor ("Rockford Files", "Maverick") 

Francis Ford Coppola 1939 - Director, Jackie Chan 1954 - Actor ("Rush Hour", "Rush Hour 2"), Russell Crowe 1964 - Actor ("A Beautiful Mind," "Gladiator") 

1864 - The first camel race in America was held in Sacramento, California.

1922 - U.S. Secretary of Interior leased Teapot Dome naval oil reserves in Wyoming.

1933 - Prohibition ended in the United States.

1945 - The Japanese battleship Yamato, the world’s largest battleship, was sunk during the battle for Okinawa. The fleet was headed for a suicide mission.

1948 - The musical "South Pacific" by Rogers and Hammerstein debuted on Broadway.

1963 - At the age of 23, Jack Nicklaus became the youngest golfer to win the Green Jacket at the Masters Tournament.

1970 - John Wayne won his first and only Oscar for his role in "True Grit." He had been in over 200 films.

1989 - A Soviet submarine carrying nuclear weapons sank in the Norwegian Sea.

Wednesday, April 06, 2016



America Awakens

By Tammy Derouin

I had the pleasure of revisiting a memory of my youth this past weekend.   I was several months late in watching The Force Awakens.  I had my reasons, both controllable and uncontrollable.  Understanding how the forces of the dark side operate in your own life allows you to deflect and survive attacks.  A Higher Power is in control.  I’m grateful for the knowledge and the ability I’ve gained to be able to deal with such struggles and battles.

I was eight years old when I saw the first STAR WARS movie, A New Hope.  The special effects combined with the classic tale of good versus evil were captivating.  I was hooked.  Of course, back in the days of my youth, our lives seemed a lot more secure. The original trilogy came out during a time when the United States was great.  Did we ever think our government would intentionally lower our defenses, making us vulnerable to attack or undermine our foundation as a Republic?

When the next three STAR WARS movies were released, we were entertained, prequel style, as to what led to the fall of the old Republic.  We learned about events that would allow the right conditions for evil to take hold and grow.  We then watched in disbelief as freedom was handed over to an all-powerful centralized government. Freedom was ushered into darkness, escorted by thunderous applause.  It was an excellent example of how tyranny creeps its way into our lives and one which has played out many times over throughout history.

As I watched the latest struggle in a galaxy far, far, away, I noticed how the similarities to real life were undeniable.  The chilling scene, to once again, put an end to the Republic were reminiscent to scenes right out of the Third Reich.  Of course, there were many examples of the destructive power and the evil deeds of this autocracy, or the First Order.  

We identify evil on the silver screen, the television and every video game available.  We understand why evil is evil and that it must be destroyed.    So why do so many cheer when evil is identified and destroyed in the land of make-believe but miss the same signs and vote it into power in real life?

We have a real life crises taking place in our Republic......

Filmmaker Behind Planned Parenthood Videos Says Law Enforcement Raided His Home, ‘Seized All Video Footage’ |

Filmmaker Behind Planned Parenthood Videos Says Law Enforcement Raided His Home, ‘Seized All Video Footage’ |

"The filmmaker behind undercover videos of Planned Parenthood executives wrote in a social media post that California Attorney General Kamala Harris’ office seized his video footage on Tuesday evening.

The Center for Medical Progress posted on Facebook that the California Attorney General’s office was searching the apartment of its founder, David Daleiden.

“Today, the California Attorney General’s office of Kamala Harris, who was elected with tens of thousands of dollars from taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood, seized all video footage showing Planned Parenthood’s criminal trade in aborted baby parts, in addition to my personal information,” Daleiden wrote in a Facebook post."