Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Uncovering the Hidden Truths of 9/11

Uncovering the Hidden Truths of 9/11 | Observer
For nearly 15 years, ever since jihadists took down the Twin Towers and killed nearly 3,000 Americans, many have wondered how a bunch of novice terrorists—several of whom could barely fly an airplane, much less a big jetliner—could pull off such complex and audacious attack.
What al-Qa’ida termed their ‘Planes Operation’ was meticulously planned prior to execution—but by whom, exactly?
That key question remains partly open, and the American public has never received the full explanation from our government that they deserve.
I know what they have not been allowed to see: 
When 9/11 happened I was a counterintelligence officer with the National Security Agency and part of my purview was looking into state connections to international terrorism.
I was one of the few officials in our Intelligence Community seriously looking into al-Qa’ida’s links to foreign intelligence before the Twin Towers fell.
In the months after the attacks, a complex intelligence picture emerged of who secretly aided al-Qa’ida in the run-up to 9/11—large portions of which were kept highly classified.
Why they remain classified still is a good question that needs to be asked.
Regrettably, the 9/11 Commission, which was established to get to the bottom of that national tragedy, dodged certain key questions—though in fairness to its members the Commission was not allowed to see some important evidence.
Read on!

Ted Cruz Gives Perfect Response to Gay Marriage Question (VIDEO) | RedState

Ted Cruz Gives Perfect Response to Gay Marriage Question (VIDEO) | RedState:

"Senator Ted Cruz was on Good Morning America Monday morning for a live town hall event.  When asked about his feelings on gay marriage, here is what he had to say:"

Watch: College Kids Can't Explain Why a Short White Man Isn't a Tall Asian Woman

Watch: College Kids Can't Explain Why a Short White Man Isn't a Tall Asian Woman:
"...Watch as the students struggle to explain why an adult male shouldn’t enroll in a first-grade class, why he’s not a woman, why he’s not substantially taller, or why he’s not Asian. 
...And we’ve barely dipped our toe in the water of the brave new world, where it’s totally cool if men believe they’re female dragons.
But there’s no trace of regret or humility in the cultural revolutionaries — the people who’ve so profoundly influenced the young people on the video above.
Just keep doing what you want.
If you get hurt, it’s probably some Christian’s fault.
Only intolerance can stop utopia now."

AM Fruitcake

Pitiful Deal NRD 600

History for April 20

History for April 20 -
Daniel Chester French 1850 - Sculptor, created Minute Man statue in Concord, MA, Abraham Lincoln seated in the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC, Adolf Hitler 1889 - German leader during World War II, Lionel Hampton 1908 - Singer, songwriter, jazz musician, bandleader

George Takei 1937 - Actor ("Star Trek", "Star Trek" movie series), Clint Howard 1959 - Actor ("Backdraft", "Cocoon"), Carmen Electra 1972 - Actress ("Baywatch"), singer/rapper 

1534 - Jacques Cartier, a French explorer, set sail from St. Malo to explore the North American coastline.

1769 - Ottawa Chief Pontiac was murdered by an Illinois Indian in Cahokia.

1902 - Scientists Marie and Pierre Curie isolated the radioactive element radium.

1912 - Fenway Park opened as the home of the Boston Red Sox.

1916 - Chicago's Wrigley Field held its first Cubs game with the first National League game at the ballpark. The Cubs beat the Cincinnati Reds 7-6 in 11 innings.

1942 - Pierre Laval, the premier of Vichy France, in a radio broadcast, establishes a policy of "true reconciliation with Germany."

1971 - The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the use of busing to achieve racial desegregation in schools.

1988 - The U.S. Air Forces' Stealth (B-2 bomber) was officially unveiled.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Obama Talked to Putin Monday — but One Major Issue Was Left Out of the Conversation |

Obama Talked to Putin Monday — but One Major Issue Was Left Out of the Conversation |

"President Barack Obama spoke to Russian President Vladimir Putin Monday, but the leaders did not discuss the issue of Russian attack planes buzzing a U.S. Navy destroyer in the Baltic Sea last week, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said.

Earnest told reporters that the incident “did not necessitate a presidential-level conversation.”"

What Percent Of The Population Is Transgender? The Results May Surprise You

What Percent Of The Population Is Transgender? The Results May Surprise You - Chicks On The Right
"...The way the media talks about it, you’d think that at least a quarter of society identified as LGBT. Seriously.
The propaganda is EVERYWHERE.
Now, almost all of my T.V. shows feature at least one gay romance.
When I was in D.C. last summer, I noticed that the gay hotel ads practically outnumbered the straight.
And look.
 I don’t deny that the LGBT community exists.
That would be silly.
But I don't believe that they’re as big as MSM would like us to think.
The NY Times took some time off from digging into Marco Rubio’s traffic violation history and did a little research on the population of the LGBT community.
I’m sure it was painful for them to publish.
As it turns out, the LGBT community only makes up about 3.5 percent of the population, according to an estimate from the Williams Institute.
Of that, 0.3 percent of the population identifies as transgender. 
That’s less than one half of one percent.
Shocking, isn’t it?
...0.3 percent of society shouldn’t get to determine what the "new normal" is."

Important!-----Where the Streets Have No Jokes (cont)

Where the Streets Have No Jokes (cont) :: SteynOnline:
"...But a few years ago, when Maclean's and I had our triple-jeopardy difficulties with the Canadian "Human Rights" Commission, the Ontario "Human Rights" Commission and the British Columbia "Human Rights" Tribunal, the response of many of my fellow Canadians to the eventual outcome was along the lines of: "Well, I don't know what Steyn was making such a fuss about. The process played itself out and he was acquitted. So the system worked."
Some of these people were genuine innocents who've never been caught up in a time-consuming seven-figure legal battle before. But many others were making the argument cynically. They know that, if you can tie up a book or a magazine article in court, then there will be fewer books and magazine articles. As I wrote in my introduction to Geert Wilders' memoir, Marked For Death:
After I saw off the Islamic enforcers in my own country, their frontman crowed to The Canadian Arab News that, even though the Canadian Islamic Congress had struck out in three different jurisdictions in their attempt to criminalize my writing about Islam, the lawsuits had cost my magazine (he boasted) two million bucks, and thereby "attained our strategic objective — to increase the cost of publishing anti-Islamic material."
Just to confirm that, here's my friend Barbara Amiel writing in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo bloodbath:
When in 2011 I had the one and only column of my 37 years of writing for Maclean's spiked, it was on Dutch anti-Muslim immigration politician Geert Wilders. I thought it was pretty milquetoast writing since I was automatically self-censoring and pulling my punches but I really couldn't blame Maclean's. They were suffering from battle fatigue: nothing is more enervating and time-consuming than filling out the endless details and forms that human-rights complaints require. Not to mention the legal fees. "You'd win," said one of my editors. "We know that. But we just can't go there again."
And they never have.
As I said, people who say, well, we have a "strong justice system" so let's let the process play out are either innocents who've never been tied up in court or cold cynics. The German Chancellor can hardly be an innocent in these matters. Like the Canadian Islamic Congress, she has a "strategic objective" and regardless of the verdict this trial will help her achieve it: There will be fewer poems, fewer satirical sketches, fewer jokes - not just about Erdogan, but about Islam in general. To reprise my old line: The process is the punishment.
Don't believe that? First of all, the broadcaster has already deep-sixed the offending joke:
ZDF removed the video clip of Boehmermann from its website two days after it aired.
So the anti-Erdogan gag is history. Even if in Merkel's weaselly evasion "the courts will have the final word", the joke will not be coming back. Will Herr Boehmermann?
The public TV channel has decided not to broadcast his weekly satire programme this week because of the furore surrounding Boehmermann.
Ah. So the poem has vanished, and so has its creator. And, given the backbone ZDF are showing, what are the chances of them or any other German media outlet broadcasting any further provocations to Erdogan in the future?
At this stage, Ankara's strongman doesn't really need to win in court, does he? He's already nuked the gag, and damaged the guy's career. He has, in effect, imposed Islamic concepts of free speech on a major western power. Get used to it, because they've only just begun.
Frau Merkel has also achieved her "strategic objective". As noted earlier this week:
Chancellor Angela Merkel was caught on an open microphone asking Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg to curtail speech critical of "the wave of Syrian refugees entering Germany."
So Jan Boehmermann will be put on trial pour encourager les autres. As Barbara Amiel well understood, for every protracted expensive court battle that ends in a free-speech victory there are thousands and thousands of other publishers, editors, writers, comedians, film-makers, playwrights, directors, producers, cartoonists, artists who get the message that discretion is the better part of valour. In my book Lights Out: Free Speech, Islam and the Twilight of the West, I put it this way:
These are the books we will never read, the plays we will never see, the movies that will never be made...
The lamps are going out all over the world - one distributor, one publisher, one silenced novelist, one cartoonist in hiding, one sued radio host, one murdered film director at a time.
Add to that daily lengthening list a German satirist on trial for mocking an authoritarian thug.
In a paradoxically witless suggestion to Congress this week, Bono proposed that we should fight ISIS with jokes - by dispatching Amy Schumer, Chris Rock and Sacha Baron Cohen to Syria. If introducing to comedy to Raqqa sounds a bit of a long shot, maybe Bono could try Germany first..."

White Privilege Activist at White Privilege Conference: Everything Bad Comes from Christianity |

White Privilege Activist at White Privilege Conference: Everything Bad Comes from Christianity |

"Everything bad in the world comes from or is tied to Christianity, alleged one speaker at this weekend’s White Privilege conference in Philadelphia, according to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Activist and author Paul Kivel told the conference that everything from racism and sexism to weakening economies and global warming stem from the ideology of “Christian hegemony.” Essentially, Kivel said all things that are bad in the world evolved from Christian ideals."

Charge: FEC Dems would ban Drudge, NYT, free media on election eve

Charge: FEC Dems would ban Drudge, NYT, free media on election eve | Washington Examiner: "The war between Republicans and Democrats on the politically splintered Federal Election Commission flared late Monday when a Republican commissioner and former chairman charged that the panel's Democrats want to regulate the press and end free election media.
The moves by Democrats "signal an active regulatory effort within the agency, caution press organizations to look over their shoulders, and chill the free exercise of press activity," said Republican Lee E. Goodman in a statement on a recent FEC split vote.
On that vote, the Democrats voted as a block to punish the maker of an anti-Obama movie distributed free before the 2012 election.
The Republicans argued that he should receive the standard media exemption, as Democrats on the FEC have granted liberal moviemakers in the past. 
The split voted blocked any action against Joel Gilbert and Highway 61 films for his Dreams of My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception.
Goodman, who has been warning of efforts by Democrats on the FEC to regulate and even block conservative news sites like the Drudge Report, said that a split vote on the anti-Obama movie proves the motives of the Democrats...
..."There is no ambiguity in the point of this curt statement: all otherwise bona fide press entities are subject to investigation by the federal government through either the Commission (or the Department of Justice) based on nothing more than the means they pursue to market and exhibit their otherwise fully protected content," he wrote..."

Heavy Marijuana Use Has Same Effect On Dopamine System Like Cocaine, Heroin

Heavy Marijuana Use Has Same Effect On Dopamine System Like Cocaine, Heroin : News : Nature World News
A recent study has proven that heavy use of cannabis can lead to a compromised dopamine system. Decreased release was found in the striatum, which is the part of the brain that helps in paying attention and memory.
Earlier research has proven that drugs like cocaine and heroin have a major effect on the dopamine release in the brain. However, it is for the first time research proved similar effects on marijuana. Unfortunately, unlike heroin and cocaine, marijuana has been widely accepted in many parts of the world especially among the youth.
Anissa Abi-Dargham, M.D., of Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC), said that it's important to look into this issue because of widespread use of weed, especially among youngsters.
Decrease in an individual's dopamine level can result in many problems. 

  • First, it leads to an addiction. 
  • Deficient dopamine release can also result to Parkinson'a disease. 
  • Since dopamine is what controls the brain's pleasure centers, it can also affect an individual's emotional response to things. 
  • Heavy use of marijuana can change one's learning ability and behavior.

The study was done on a group of 11 adults aged 21 and 40 years old. All the 11 were matched with heavy controls. It was understood that the group started taking the drug at the age of 16 and became addicted to it by 20. They have been addicted to it since then for the past 20 years. Positron emission tomography (PET) was used by the researchers to scan and identify a radiotracing molecule that is connected to the brain's dopamine receptors.
The marijuana users stayed in the hospital for seven days during this study and did not use the drug. Through this way, the scanning did not measure the effects of the drug.

Lunch video-The Silent Service-----USS Tang 'The Loss of the Tang'


'Castro Caught Red-Handed' as Cuban Ship Busted Transporting Massive Cocaine Shipment

'Castro Caught Red-Handed' as Cuban Ship Busted Transporting Massive Cocaine Shipment:

"Nearly 900 pounds of cocaine was found Thursday on a Cuban ship in Panama that was headed for Belgium. A U.S. Representative from Florida says the Castro regime has been caught drug trafficking red-handed.

Cuban-American Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) is directly blaming the Cuban government for being involved in the drug shipment, according to Fox News Latino. The claim comes despite any concrete evidence from Panamanian government.

“The Castro regime has once again been caught red-handed violating international law and norms,” Diaz-Balart, a Cuban-American, said."

Obama-boat-----5 dead as historic, 20-inch rain swamps Houston area

5 dead as historic, 20-inch rain swamps Houston area:
"Many areas reported over a foot of rain.
One spot near Houston unofficially recorded as much as 20 inches."

More photos:

Sir Ian Botham backs Brexit slamming European Union as a 'corrupt racket'

Sir Ian Botham backs Brexit slamming European Union as a 'corrupt racket' - Mirror Online
Sir Ian Botham has gone to bat for Brexit today, slamming the European Union as "corrupt" and a "racket".
Beefy says it's "insane" that Britain doesn't have the freedom to to reach agreements to trade freely with natural allies in the Commonwealth.
And he said the £350m a week Britain pays the Union in membership fees "staggering".
He used a cricket metaphor to back up his argument.
Writing in the Sunday Times he said: "Cricket is a game where you achieve the greatest success when you are confident in your own ability to go out and stand proud.
Britain has that spirit"
Philip Brown via GettyHe says Britain, like every good cricketer, has the spirit to stand proud on its own
It comes after Work and Pensions Secretary Stephen Crabb warned quitting the EU would cause an "economic rupture" with "disastrous consequences for families..."

The Haters!-----Hundreds of anti-Rick Snyder messages chalked outside of governor's downtown Ann Arbor condo

Hundreds of anti-Rick Snyder messages chalked outside of governor's downtown Ann Arbor condo |
"ANN ARBOR, MI -- Hundreds of messages written in chalk littered the sidewalks in downtown Ann Arbor surrounding Gov. Rick Snyder's condo as residents continue to express their anger over the Flint Water Crisis.
Messages ranged from calling for Snyder's resignation to demands that he release emails to claims that he knew of the issue and failed to react properly.
...Susan Fecteau has been leaving chalk messages outside of Snyder's residence since the beginning of January. 
However, Sunday night she had some company.
Approximately 30 people joined her at 11:30 p.m. Sunday to begin leaving messages surrounding the residence. 
The group finished up around 3 a.m. Fecteau said.
"We've been trying to do it the last five Sunday's.
But we've been rained out or snowed out for the last five Sundays," Fecteau said.
"We would have had two to three times the number folks if we did it at a more convenient time."
The messages were written on both sides Main Street from East Washington to East William and down portions of East Liberty. 
In the alley behind Snyder's condo, dozens of quotes from the works of William Shakespeare were chalked as well.
...Although some people may see the chalk as a nuisance, Fecteau said the response has been overwhelmingly positive since she started leaving the messages..."

‘We Have to Have More Dialogue — Not Threats’: N.C. Governor Defends Transgender Bathroom Bill | Video |

‘We Have to Have More Dialogue — Not Threats’: N.C. Governor Defends Transgender Bathroom Bill | Video |

"North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday to defend the state’s controversial LGBT bathroom law that has led many businesses to boycott the state for its “discrimination” against transgendered individuals.

McCrory, 59, spoke with host Chuck Todd about the issues concerning House Bill 2 (HB2), which has created significant backlash since it was passed into law last month. This new law creates a statewide policy that excludes gender identity and sexual orientation as protected classes under the law, as the News & Observer noted. The law also requires people to use the public bathrooms that correspond with their biological birth gender — not the gender with which they may personally identify."

Another Meijer store is no longer open 24 hours a day

Another Meijer store is no longer open 24 hours a day |
WALKER, MI -- Meijer scaled back the hours of a newly opened Wisconsin store this week.
But the Michigan-based Midwest retailer isn't saying why the Wauwatosa store near Milwaukee city limits will be open from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m., and closed through the night.
A Wisconsin news station suggests an uptick in retail thefts may be the culprit, noting that Meijer representatives met with local police before making the decision.
Police have been called to the store frequently since it opened Aug. 4, reports WISN 12 News
Police have increased patrols in the area and said the calls have declined in recent months but continue. There have been 13 retail theft calls there in the past six weeks.
Joe Hirschmugl, a Meijer spokesman, would only say "the change is based on a variety of business factors."
He added the other three newly opened Wisconsin stores will remain open 24 hours a day, 364 days a year. The chain closes on Christmas.
Only a handful of retailer's 223 locations across six states aren't open 24 hours. Those stores, located in Detroit, Columbus and Chicagoland, are also open from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.

AM Fruitcake

History for April 19

History for April 19 -
David Ricardo 1772 - Economist, author, Ole Evinrude 1877, Eliot Ness 1903

Hugh O'Brian 1930 - Actor ("The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp"), Jayne Mansfield (Vera Jane Palmer) 1932 - Actress ("It Takes a Thief"), Dick Sargent 1933 - Actor ("Bewitched", "Fantasy Island")

1775 - The American Revolution began as fighting broke out at Lexington, MA.

1892 - The Duryea gasoline buggy was introduced in the U.S. by Charles and Frank Duryea.

1943 - The Warsaw Ghetto uprising against Nazi rule began. The Jews were able to fight off the Germans for 28 days.

1951 - General Douglas MacArthur gave his "Old Soldiers" speech before the U.S. Congress after being relieved by U.S. President Truman. In the address General MacArthur said that "Old soldiers never die, they just fade away."

1956 - Actress Grace Kelly became Princess Grace of Monaco when she married Prince Rainier III of Monaco. The civil ceremony took place on April 18.

1989 - A gun turret exploded aboard the USS Iowa. 47 sailors were killed.

1993 - The Branch-Davidian’s compound in Waco, TX, burned to the ground. It was the end of a 51-day standoff between the cult and U.S. federal agents. 86 people were killed including 17 children. Nine of the Branch Davidians escaped the fire.

1995 - The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK, was destroyed by a bomb. It was the worst bombing on U.S. territory. 168 people were killed including 19 children, and 500 were injured. Timothy McVeigh was found guilty of the bombing on June 2, 1997.

Monday, April 18, 2016

A Big Week for Immigration | Congressman Trey Gowdy

A Big Week for Immigration | Congressman Trey Gowdy:

"Today, the Supreme Court will allow the House of Representatives 15 minutes of oral argument as the Court examines whether President Obama’s executive actions on immigration should be held unconstitutional.

The Constitution is clear – the President does not make law, Congress makes law. In fact, the role of the President is to enforce the law. Attempts by the Executive Branch to undermine the law, regardless of motivation, are detrimental to our country and the separation of powers created under the Constitution. Once we decide some laws are worth enforcing and some are not, we have weakened the law forever."

Ted Cruz Is Still A Senator: Cruz and Lee Introduce Bill to Roll Back ‘Choke Point’ | The Resurgent

Ted Cruz Is Still A Senator: Cruz and Lee Introduce Bill to Roll Back ‘Choke Point’ | The Resurgent:

"Choke Point allowed the Justice Department to target banks who process payments for the FDIC’s list of 30 high-risk merchant categories, which was determined by pulling the list out of thin liberal air.

The list includes such illegal activities as ammunition sales, coin dealers, firearms sales, surveillance equipment, payday loans–wait a second, those are all legal, well-regulated businesses."

Yes. We... YOU are paying for this!-----Multiculti education guru denounces showing up on time, hard work, and clear language as part of white oppression

Blog: Multiculti education guru denounces showing up on time, hard work, and clear language as part of white oppression:
Heather Hackman of the Hackman Consulting Group apparently is a big deal in educational circles concerned with denouncing “white privilege.” 
School districts all over the country spend big bucks sending teachers and administrators for indoctrination into White Privilege Theory.
The St. Paul public schools, for instance, have spent millions of dollars on this mission.
...A professional education consultant and teacher trainer argued at the White Privilege Conference (WPC) in Philadelphia that great teachers must also be liberal activists, and described in detail her goal for destroying the “white supremacist” nature of modern education. (snip)
On Friday, Hackman was given a platform at WPC to deliver a workshop with the lengthy title “No Freedom Unless We Call Out the Wizard Behind The Curtain: Critically Addressing the Corrosive Effects of Whiteness in Teacher Education and Professional Development.”
The long title masked a simple thesis on Hackman’s part:
Modern education is hopelessly tainted by white supremacy and the “white imperial gaze,” and the solution is to train prospective teachers in college to be activists as well as pedagogues.
In fact, Hackman argued teachers shouldn’t even bother teaching if they aren’t committed to promoting social justice in school.
Translation: Sign on the far left ideology or get out!
Remember that this woman receives larges sums of money from educational administrators, who do the hiring. 
And grant tenure.
Hackman went on the outline an explicitly racist policy that at it base contends that black people are not capable of, and should not be asked to master the same essential skills and knowledge as white poeple.
[V]irtually everything associated with being a good student in modern education is actually just a tool of racist white supremacy.
“The racial narrative of White tends to be like this: Rugged individual, honest, hard-working, disciplined, rigorous, successful,” she said. 
“And so then, the narrative of U.S. public education: Individual assessments, competition, outcome over process (I care more about your grades than how you’re doing), ‘discipline’ where we care more about your attendance and making sure you’re not tardy than we care about your relationships  … proper English must be spoken (which is just assimilation into standard U.S. dialect), hierarchical power structure, and heavy goal orientation.”
While the traits listed may simply be regarded as positive traits for success in the modern world, Hackman described them as specific cultural traits chosen and emphasized to favor whites to the detriment of non-white groups, who are forced to assimilate white traits such as good discipline and goal orientation or else be left behind.
Hackman’s natural solution, then, is to train teachers to move away from all these aspects of white privilege in education. She routinely touted the benefits of collective assessments (measuring student learning at the class level instead of determining whether each student knows the material), as well as eliminating all school grades entirely.
East and Southeast Asia are full of students who believe that mastering the skills of showing up on time, staying to the end of the task, testing well on skills of math and written and verbal expression (including in English!), are not matters of white supremacy but rather of getting ahead in a competitive world that cares about results more than theory.
Hackman had better get to work on a theory of Asian Privilege.
Hackman would deny black students access to these skills.
And she is openly and deeply committed to subverting the possibility of them acquiring them from other teachers who do not share her delusions.
...Hackman acknowledged in the current white supremacist system, there is some expectation that teachers will know conventional English and possess other basic knowledge.
As a result, she admitted modern activist teachers should try to learn those things sufficiently to get a job, but only for the purpose of infiltrating schools to change them from within.
“My long game was, get you in, get you tenured, get you in that system and change that system,” she said.
Spot the racist.

Are we creating Men without Chests?

Are we creating Men without Chests? | Intellectual Takeout:
"Such is the tragi-comedy of our situation – we continue to clamor for those very qualities we are rendering impossible.
Much can be said and has been said about modern education.
The catchphrase that seems to capture it best is ‘college and career ready’.
But what does that even mean?
What does it mean to be prepared?
As we watch college students now requiring safe spaces and therapy due to partiers wearing sombreros or a “Trump 2016” chalked on a sidewalk, as we watch the SAT standards lowered with shocking frequency, as we learn that many college graduates know little about the Constitution and our own system of law and justice, we should seriously question whether parents and the public education system are actually preparing students for college.
As we watch one political or business leader after another felled due to corruption and greed, as we watch the out-of-wedlock birthrate continue to rise, as we watch a blood bath unfold in Chicago, we should seriously question whether parents and the public education system are actually preparing students for life.
In The Abolition of Man, C.S. Lewis warned about such possibilities when those in charge of educating no longer see value in true character education, in aiding students in the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty.
We want these things, but we fail to teach children how to actually govern themselves:
In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. 
We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. 
We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst."
That was actually the conclusion of his point. 
The build up to it, is worth considering as well:… The operation of [much modern education and curricula] is to produce what may be called Men without Chests. 
It is an outrage that they should be commonly spoken of as Intellectuals. 
This gives them the chance to say that he who attacks them attacks Intelligence. 
It is not so. 
They are not distinguished from other men by any unusual skill in finding truth nor any virginal ardor to pursue her. 
Indeed it would be strange if they were: a persevering devotion to truth, a nice sense of intellectual honor, cannot be long maintained without the aid of a sentiment which [many modern students] could debunk as easily as any other. 
It is not excess of thought but defect of fertile and generous emotion that marks them out. 
Their heads are no bigger than the ordinary: it is the atrophy of the chest beneath that makes them seem so.
And all the time – such is the tragi-comedy of our situation – we continue to clamor for those very qualities we are rendering impossible. 
You can hardly open a periodical without coming across the statement that what our civilization needs is more ‘drive’, or dynamism, or self-sacrifice, or ‘creativity’. 
In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. 
We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. 
We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. 
We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful."
Truly, if you want men of virtue, you must teach virtue. 
But to do so, you must also believe that there is such a thing as virtue."