Despite $10B ‘Fix,’ Veterans Are Waiting Even Longer To See Doctors.
This part is instructive:
Congress and the VA came up with a fix: Veterans Choice, a $10 billion program that was supposed to give veterans a card that would let them see a non-VA doctor if they were more than 40 miles away from a VA facility or they were going to have to wait longer than 30 days for a VA provider to see them.
There was a problem, though. Congress gave the VA only 90 days to set up the system. Facing that extremely tight time frame, the VA turned to two private companies to administer the program and help veterans get an appointment with a doctor and then work with the VA to pay that doctor.Although the idea sounds simple enough, the fix hasn’t worked out as planned. Wait times have gotten worse — not better.
"You don’t fix a broken program by putting it in charge of a new program"