Tuesday, May 17, 2016

HOPENCHANGE: Despite $10B ‘Fix,’ Veterans Are Waiting Even Longer To See Doctors.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » HOPENCHANGE: Despite $10B ‘Fix,’ Veterans Are Waiting Even Longer To See Doctors. This part is in…:
Despite $10B ‘Fix,’ Veterans Are Waiting Even Longer To See Doctors.
This part is instructive:
Congress and the VA came up with a fix: Veterans Choice, a $10 billion program that was supposed to give veterans a card that would let them see a non-VA doctor if they were more than 40 miles away from a VA facility or they were going to have to wait longer than 30 days for a VA provider to see them.

There was a problem, though. Congress gave the VA only 90 days to set up the system. Facing that extremely tight time frame, the VA turned to two private companies to administer the program and help veterans get an appointment with a doctor and then work with the VA to pay that doctor.

Although the idea sounds simple enough, the fix hasn’t worked out as planned. Wait times have gotten worse — not better.
"You don’t fix a broken program by putting it in charge of a new program"

Uh-Oh: Putin Has Something UNBELIEVABLE That Belongs To Hillary, May Doom Her Campaign

Uh-Oh: Putin Has Something UNBELIEVABLE That Belongs To Hillary, May Doom Her Campaign:

"The scandal keeps getting hotter for Hillary Clinton regarding her email pratices, as a new revelation shows the critical level to which the presumptive Democrat nominee may well have put national security at risk during her tenure as secretary of state.

Despite Clinton’s assertion that none of the official emails managed through her home-brew server — which she used exclusively while head of the State Department — were classified or hacked into, it is now being reported that Russian security services have 20,000 of those digital communications in their possession."

AM Fruitcake

History for May 17

History for May 17 - On-This-Day.com
Edward Jenner 1749, Joseph Norman Lockyer 1836, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini 1900

Dennis Hopper 1936 - Actor, Bill Paxton 1955 - Actor, Enya 1961 - Musician

1756 - Britain declared war on France, beginning the French and Indian War.

1792 - The New York Stock Exchange was founded at 70 Wall Street by 24 brokers.

1814 - Denmark ceded Norway to Sweden. Norway's constitution, which provided a limited monarchy, was signed.

1875 - The first Kentucky Derby was run at Louisville, KY.

1940 - Germany occupied Brussels, Belgium and began the invasion of France.

1985 - Bobby Ewing died on the season finale of "Dallas" on CBS-TV. He returned the following season.

1990 - Kelsey Grammer was sentenced to 30 days in jail for DWI.

1996 - U.S. President Clinton signed a measure requiring neighborhood notification when sex offenders move in. Megan's Law was named for 7-year-old Megan Kanka, who was raped and killed in 1994.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Blog: DNC leaders flee Nevada State Dem Convention, call in sheriff’s deputies and hotel security as dispute over delegates escalates into violence

Blog: DNC leaders flee Nevada State Dem Convention, call in sheriff’s deputies and hotel security as dispute over delegates escalates into violence:

"Bitterness and violence erupted yesterday at the Democrats’ Nevada State Convention in Las Vegas, as 64 Sanders delegates were disqualified, allowing Clinton to take 7 of the 12 delegates up for grabs.  Party officials there ignored a motion from the floor and rammed through a vote according to the wishes of the Clinton campaign.  It’s almost as if the Hillary faction genuinely fears for the nomination it supposedly has sewn up."

Canada: Muslim Imam admits refugee resettlement is caliphate-building!

Canada: Muslim Imam admits refugee resettlement is caliphate-building! « Refugee Resettlement Watch
Syrian refugees are an important part of the plan!
What a find by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch (hat tip: Chris):
You can learn more shocking information about Imam Mazin Abdul-Adhim’s caliphate ideas (sounds like he would like to be the Caliph himself!) here:  http://en.cijnews.com/?p=30769
This Toronto Sun story dates from January, and the video from November; we don’t usually post archival material, but this is important enough to make an exception. Mazin Abdul-Adhim says: “The problem is that we don’t understand our own system — the Khilafa (caliphate). And therefore, how do we support the people of Syria? We must send money and help the refugees that are coming here in every way that we can.” The Toronto Sun reports: “Helping Syrian refugees coming to Canada and building an Islamic caliphate are part of the same cause, according to a pro-Shariah speaker at an Islamic conference in Hamilton.”
How can they possibly be part of the same cause? How does helping the refugees who are coming to Canada aid the cause of the caliphate? The obvious answer is that they’re coming as emigrants in the way of Allah, to whom Allah promises a reward for Islamizing a new land (see, for example, Qur’an 4:100). Abdul-Adhim, speaking in Hamilton, Ontario, says: “We’ve been sitting and not really doing very much for the application of Islam in society … We’re required to call for something — the full implementation of Islam — we’re not allowed to call for anything else or compromise in any other way.” The refugee increases Muslims’ political and societal clout and strengthens these calls for “the full implementation of Islam.”
Continue reading at Jihad Watch and watch the video!
Go here to see our archive on Syrian refugees going to Canada thanks to the boy (Trudeau) and his silly campaign pledge. He is playing right into their hands and you can bet that behind closed doors Abdul-Adhim is having a good laugh!

The Clinton sleaze never ends

The Clinton sleaze never ends | New York Post:
"In most cases, news that a major presidential candidate’s family charity doled out millions to a for-profit company controlled by the candidate’s longtime friends would be raising lots of eyebrows.
But this is Bill and Hillary we’re talking about.
So it’s just the latest in a long list of disclosures about the slush fund that operates publicly as the Clinton Foundation.
The foundation is deeply intertwined with the massive wealth they’ve accumulated in the past 15 years — even as its donors have themselves reaped enormous benefits.
The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that the foundation in 2010 committed $2 billion to Energy Pioneer Solutions, despite IRS rules that say a charity is not “supposed to act in anyone’s private interests.”
The ex-president even personally arranged a US Energy Department grant to the company.
Among the firm’s owners are several longtime Clinton friends — including a wealthy blond divorcĂ©e from Chappaqua whose relationship with Bill has long been the subject of speculation.
The Journal reports that the foundation even removed the fiscal link from its Web site to avoid calling attention to Bill’s “friendship.”
So we’re back to that again.
Smirking aside, though, the Clinton Foundation has been embroiled in one financial scandal after another.
Last fall, it had to amend four years of tax filings to come clean about $20 million in foreign donations it received while Hillary served as secretary of state.
Of course, the Clintons and dubious dealings go shamelessly hand in hand.
Always have, always will.
Which is just one more reason to keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House."

Benghazi Panel and State Department Spar Over Documents - WSJ

Benghazi Panel and State Department Spar Over Documents - WSJ:

"WASHINGTON—The House Benghazi Committee and the State Department are at an impasse over a number of documents the panel is seeking in its investigation into the 2012 terrorist attack that killed four Americans in Libya.

Citing “institutional interests” and “confidentiality,” the State Department has on four occasions chosen to withhold some documents from committee investigators, according to letters from the department to Congress reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

The documents in question were subpoenaed last year by the Republican-led committee as part of its investigation into the 2012 terrorist attack on a U.S. diplomatic facility that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens."

"Blue-Eyed Soul" Singer Daryl Hall To Critics of Cultural Appropriation: "STFU"

"Blue-Eyed Soul" Singer Daryl Hall To Critics of Cultural Appropriation: "STFU" - Hit & Run : Reason.com:
In a new interview, Salon asked Daryl Hall how he, the great "blue-eyed soul" master, would respond to charges of "cultural appopriation" in terms of his music. The answer is...interesting (Salon questions in bold):
One of the current debates is over “cultural appropriation” – The idea that white people should not appropriate the culture of ethnic and racial minorities. I know that you don’t like the term “blue eyed soul.” Have you followed this conversation? 
Are you trying to say that I don’t own the style of music that I grew up with and sing? I grew up with this music. It is not about being black or white. That is the most naĂŻve attitude I’ve ever heard in my life. That is so far in the past, I hope, for everyone’s sake. It isn’t even an issue to discuss. The music that you listened to when you grew up is your music. It has nothing to do with “cultural appropriation.” 
I agree with you entirely, because… 
I’m glad that you do, because anyone who says that should shut the fuck up. 
Well, this entire critique is coming back…
I’m sorry to hear it. Who is making these critiques? Who do they write for? What are their credentials to give an opinion like that? Who are they? 
Much of it is academic. 
Well, then they should go back to school. Academia? Now, there’s a hotbed of idiocy. 
Anyone who knows about music, about culture in general, understands that everything is much more natural. Everything is a mixture. 
We live in America. That’s our entire culture. Our culture is a blend. It isn’t split up into groups. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool – worse than a fool – a dangerous fool. Whole thing here.

Maduro threatens to seize idle Venezuela plants, jail owners

Maduro threatens to seize idle Venezuela plants, jail owners:
"CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — President Nicolas Maduro threatened Saturday to take over idle factories and jail their owners following a decree granting him expanded powers to act in the face of a deep economic crisis.
...Speaking to supporters in the capital, Caracas, the president ordered "all actions to recover the production apparatus, which is being paralyzed by the bourgeoisie."
He also said that business people who "sabotage the country" by halting production at their plants risk being "put in handcuffs."
Last month the country's largest food and beverage distributor, Empresas Polar, shut down its last operating beer plant. 
It says it has been unable to access hard currency to buy raw materials..."

Lunch video-----US Military Size Comparison


Cruz Slams Obama for Transgender Bathroom Directive: ‘Dangerous Departure’ From ‘Common Sense’ | TheBlaze.com

Cruz Slams Obama for Transgender Bathroom Directive: ‘Dangerous Departure’ From ‘Common Sense’ | TheBlaze.com:

"Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) skewered President Barack Obama for his administration’s transgender bathroom directive, saying in a statement that it represented a “dangerous departure” from “common sense” that “must not stand.”

“America has woken up to yet another example of President Barack Obama doing through executive fiat what he cannot get done through our democratic process,” said Cruz, a former candidate for the Republican nomination. "

The NSA’s stunning 9/11 failure: How big-money contractors made us more vulnerable to attack

The NSA’s stunning 9/11 failure: How big-money contractors made us more vulnerable to attack - Salon.com:
"Bill Binney developed a system that might have prevented 9/11.
But it was canceled in the weeks before
...A top NSA mathematician, Binney had rolled out a sophisticated metadata analysis system called ThinThread, only to have it canceled less than a month before 9/11.
Top executives at the agency had decided a clunky program called Trailblazer, contracted out to the intelligence contractor giant SAIC, would be NSA’s future, not the cheaper, more effective and privacy-protective ThinThread.
...“While I was in there trying to look at the material on my computer, the president of the contracting group that I had working on ThinThread came over to me and said that he’d just been in a contractor meeting” with a former top SAIC official who moved back to NSA, supporting Trailblazer.
The contractors, it turns out, were warned not to embarrass companies like SAIC, which (the implication is) had just failed to warn about the biggest attack on the United States since Pearl Harbor.
“Do not embarrass large companies,” the former SAIC manager, according to Binney, said to the other contractor.
“You do your part, you’ll get your share, there’s plenty for everybody.”
Stay quiet about the failures that led to 9/11, and you’ll be financially rewarded..."
Read on and get ANGRY!

The 47 Clinton Friends Who Mysteriously Turned Up Dead (Pt.1)

The 47 Clinton Friends Who Mysteriously Turned Up Dead (Pt.1)
"Funny things always happen to Bill and Hillary Clinton, friends have this nasty habit of turning up dead. 
We all gotta go sometimes, but the Clinton’s buddies seem to go under weird circumstances (and many by suicide).
My friend Tami Jackson has compiled a list and description of 47 Clinton friends whose deaths seemed a bit odd.
We will share them over the next few days.
Below are the first ten.
Holi crapoli, this is a BIG list!

Clinton Foundation is a “charity fraud” that allows foreign interests to legally bribe Hillary Clinton

Clinton Foundation is a “charity fraud” that allows foreign interests to legally bribe Hillary Clinton:
"...Ortel’s reports note that contributor disclosures from the Clinton Foundation don’t match with individual donors’ records, the WFB noted, while he further argued that the foundation is out of compliance with some state laws pertaining to fundraising registration, auditing rules and disclosure requirements.
In recent days Ortel began releasing his findings in the first of a planned 40 reports on his website. Of the foundation, Ortel alleges, “this is a charity fraud.”
“Starting almost 20 years ago in 1997, the Clinton Foundation spread its activities from Little Rock, Arkansas, to all U.S. states and to numerous foreign countries without taking legally required steps to function and solicit as a duly constituted public charity,” wrote Ortel, in a letter posted on his website.
...“The agents are investigating the possible intersection of Clinton Foundation donations, the dispensation of State Department contracts and whether regular processes were followed,” one source said.
In other words, besides examining whether Clinton violated laws governing the handling of classified materials, FBI investigators are analyzing whether she used her office as the top U.S. diplomat as a fundraising vehicle for her and her family’s foundation..."

The State Dept. Still Has No Idea Why Portion of Iran Deal Briefing Video Mysteriously Vanished | TheBlaze.com

The State Dept. Still Has No Idea Why Portion of Iran Deal Briefing Video Mysteriously Vanished | TheBlaze.com:

"The State Department continued to remain unsure Friday why video of a reporter grilling an agency spokesperson was edited out of a 2013 briefing video.

“Have you guys come to a determination of how exactly this happened?” Associated Press reporter Matt Lee asked at the daily briefing.

“No, we haven’t, Matt,” spokesman John Kirby said."

U.S. debt dump deepens in 2016

U.S. debt dump deepens in 2016 - May. 16, 2016:
"Central banks are dumping America's debt at a record pace.
China, Russia and Brazil sold off U.S. Treasury bonds as they tried to soften the blow of the global economic slowdown.
They each sold off at least $1 billion in U.S. Treasury bonds in March.
In all, central banks sold a net $17 billion.
us debt dumpSales had hit a record $57 billion in January.
So far this year, the global bank debt dump has reached $123 billion.
It's the fastest pace for a U.S. debt selloff by global central banks since at least 1978, according to Treasury Department data published Monday afternoon.
Treasuries are considered one of the safest assets in the world, but some experts say a sense of panic about the global economy drove the selloff.
"It's more of global fear than anything," says Ihab Salib, head of international fixed income at Federated Investors.
"There's still this fear of 'everything is going to fall apart.'"

Socialism Is Dying Everywhere from Europe to South America - Except in the US

Socialism Is Dying Everywhere from Europe to South America - Except in the US
In Socialist Venezuela they’re now eating pigeons, cats and street dogs for sustenance.
venezuela food line
The food lines start at 5 AM in Venezuela.
So leave it to American leftists to push this failed, evil doctrine in the United States.
Investor’s Business Daily reported:
Socialism: Around the world, nations that have been foolish enough to adopt socialist policies either collapsed or are well on their way to doing so. Why, then, are so many in the U.S. enthralled with the idea?
A quick look at the world’s countries in direst economic shape reveals that many, if not most, have one thing in common: They rely on top-down socialist control, rather than free markets, to run their economies. The former, history amply shows, are doomed to fail. There are no long-term socialist success stories. None.

AM Fruitcake

History for May 16

History for May 16 - On-This-Day.com
William Seward (William Henry Seward, Sr.) 1801 - Governor of New York, U.S. Secretary of State under Abraham Lincoln, Henry Fonda 1905 - Actor, father of Jane Fonda and Peter Fonda, Studs Terkel (Louis "Studs" Terkel) 1912 - Author, historian, actor, broadcaster

Liberace (Wladziu Valentino Liberace) 1919 - Musician, Billy Martin (Alfred Manuel "Billy" Martin, Jr.) 1928 - Baseball player and manager, Debra Winger 1955 - Actress

1770 - Marie Antoinette, at age 14, married the future King Louis XVI of France, who was 15.

1879 - The Treaty of Gandamak between Russia and England set up the Afghan state.

1929 - The first Academy Awards were held in Hollywood.

1960 - Theodore Maiman, at Hughes Research Laboratory in California, demonstrated the first working laser.

1965 - Spaghetti-O's were sold for the first time.

1969 - Venus 5, a Russian spacecraft, landed on the planet Venus.

1985 - Michael Jordan was named Rookie of the Year in the NBA.

1987 - The Bobro 400 set sail from New York Harbor with 3,200 tons of garbage. The barge travelled 6,000 miles in search of a place to dump its load. It returned to New York Harbor after 8 weeks with the same load.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

CNN’s Jake Tapper Brutally Fact Checks Clinton’s Email Claims — See What He Found Out | Video | TheBlaze.com

CNN’s Jake Tapper Brutally Fact Checks Clinton’s Email Claims — See What He Found Out | Video | TheBlaze.com:

"CNN anchor Jake Tapper teamed up with FaceCheck.org to examine Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton’s claims about her private email server — and the results weren’t pretty.

Tapper first checked on the validity of Clinton’s claim that she was “absolutely permitted” to use a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state."

Mystery train: Climate activists in Albany fight environmental racism by blocking unseen locomotive

Mystery train: Climate activists in Albany fight environmental racism by blocking unseen locomotive – twitchy.com:
At the first Democratic presidential debate, CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked the candidates to name the greatest national security threat to the United States. Bernie Sanders’ answer was climate change, and if you’re willing to investigate his website, you’ll find it addressed everywhere, including under “Racial Justice,” where he decries “environmental violence being inflicted on people of color.”
Sanders certainly isn’t the only progressive to argue that racism and climate change are intertwined. 
You might not have known that climate activists are currently observing Break Free, a “two-week global wave of escalated action to keep coal, oil and gas in the ground.”
On Saturday, protesters in Albany, N.Y., united to stop the bomb train, “the presence of which is an act of environmental racism, class prejudice, and an illegal breach of the public trust.” 
What’s a “bomb train”? 
It’s a train carrying explosive crude oil, often through residential areas.

More than 1,000 pose for mass photo prior to oil train March