Wednesday, May 18, 2016



Toilet Gate

By Tammy Derouin

We have created a dictatorial king.  I’m not sure which title the executive prefers, dictator or king, but either way, he wears his usurped title proudly and unapologetically. We have allowed an individual and his agenda to fundamentally transform our country.  The United States of America is no longer a pillar of strength or a haven of freedom. 

We, the people, witnessed the transformation from freedom to enslavement, which was promised.  No, he didn’t promote enslavement as he campaigned.  Who would vote for someone who promised to take away all of their freedom?  Instead, he played up the perceived benefits of enslavement; the upside of living in prison, while carefully omitting the pain and suffering.

The current executive and his regime have done everything in their power to destroy our country.  They have embraced every opportunity to weaken our defenses, strengthen our enemies, target the citizens and undermine or simply disregard the U.S. Constitution.  They are destroying the balance of power which was put into place to prevent the rise of tyranny in the United States. 

The scandalous behavior of this administration continues.  The quest to create unrest is endless.  If an opportunity doesn’t present itself, one must be created.  The latest attempt is Toilet Gate....

They gave 'em $80 million by MISTAKE?!-----Auto insurers could lose tax break after Michigan revenue estimates drop

Auto insurers could lose tax break after Michigan revenue estimates drop |
LANSING, MI -- Declining revenue estimates could prompt lawmakers to eliminate an $80 million tax credit they accidentally awarded to auto insurers.
...With the state looking at a slightly smaller pot as lawmakers from the FY 2017 budget, House Appropriations Chairman Al Pscholka, R-Stevensville, said one thing to do is cut the unintentional tax break.
"I think this creates a real incentive for folks to understand we just can't have a corporate $80 million handout giveaway.
And that needs to get fixed.
So I think it puts a little more urgency to that," Pscholka said.
A tax break the legislature inadvertently gave to auto insurance companies in 2012 is on the chopping block this budget cycle, something auto insurers claim will cause prices to customers to spike by $40 per car..."

Good golly, this is just a simple lawn service company and look at all the rules!-----Lawn, plow service to pay $38K back wages, damages for overtime violations

Lawn, plow service to pay $38K back wages, damages for overtime violations |
"...Under a court-supervised consent judgment, H & H Lawn Service and Snowplowing and its owner, Darrell Hinken, must pay 11 employees $38,000 in back wages and damages, according to a news release from the Department of Labor.
"...H&H understands its legal obligations under the FLSA and only reached an agreement with the DOL after being charged excessive legal fees by another law firm...he disputed the government's complaint and fought it as long as he could afford to. "I spent $160,000 fighting this, then ran out of money," Hinken said.
"I work hard for my employees," he said.
An investigation by the department's Wage and Hour Division found Hinken and his company violated the Fair Labor Standards Act's overtime and recordkeeping provisions in these way, according to the government:
  • Misclassified some employees as independent contractors, then failed to pay them overtime when they worked more than 40 hours in a week.
  • Paid some employees a flat salary without regard to how many hours they worked. This led to overtime violations when they worked more than 40 hours per week.
  • Banked overtime hours for some employees to be paid out in future work weeks at straight time, rather than paying overtime in the pay period during which the hours were worked.
  • Failed to keep required payroll records.
...The company has agreed to abide by the Fair Labor Standards Act in the future and specificially to:
  • Notify employees in writing if they are claiming an overtime exemption for them, and why.
  • Provide Wage and Hour Division fact sheets to all employees,  describing the definition of an employee as opposed to an independent contractor, among other topics.
  • Retain a certified public accounting firm to do an annual payroll audit to  determine compliance with the law..."

Dr. Keith Ablow: Transgender Extremism Is the Biggest Issue in America |

Dr. Keith Ablow: Transgender Extremism Is the Biggest Issue in America |

"Why is this happening? It is happening because many Americans are now seeing clearly for the first time that the assertions of a tiny percentage of the population that they are locked in the wrong bodies could end up dictating that all female Americans must accept using bathrooms alongside people with male anatomy (and vice-versa). This includes our children.

The assertions of transgender Americans that they are locked in the wrong bodies is in no way, in my opinion, proven scientifically. No researcher has ever demonstrated convincingly—not one time—that a single transgender individual shows any irrefutable physiological evidence, whatsoever, of being the gender opposite to their DNA and anatomy."

Don Surber: The Electoral College likely won't matter

Don Surber: The Electoral College likely won't matter:
"...The points made by Harry Enten:
1. The chance of an Electoral College and popular vote split is small.
2. Without looking at all the states, we don’t know how to interpret state polls.
3. We don’t have a lot of state polls.
His bottom line?
You’re going to hear a lot about the Electoral College this cycle. At various points, one state or another will be declared pivotal. But stay calm, especially with so long to go until Election Day. It’s too early to take any poll too seriously. We’ll have plenty of time to get into the weeds of different Electoral College scenarios in the months to come. For now, if you’re interested in whether Trump or Clinton is likely to be our next president, I’d pay attention to the average of national polls...
With this information, what should a candidate do?
First throw away the old playbook of campaigning only in the purple states. 
That playbook was based on a false assumption, which Harry Enten skewered.
Which means you now campaign in all 50 states. 
Why not?.."

Inside Venezuela's crisis-hit hospitals where 7 babies die a day

Inside Venezuela's crisis-hit hospitals where 7 babies die a day | Daily Mail Online:
No electricity, no antibiotics, no beds, no soap: 
A devastating look inside Venezuela's crisis-hit hospitals where 7 babies die a day, bleeding patients lie strewn on the floor, and doctors try to operate without tools
  • President Nicolas Maduro claims Venezuela has the best healthcare in the world after Cuba 
  • But death rates are soaring and hospitals are filthy as supplies run low and electricity is shut off 
  • The nation is in economic crisis after price of oil - their main monetary reserve - plummeted 
  • Images taken by the New York Times show patients lying on the floor covered in blood and babies dying

Lunch video-----The Blue Angels-F4 Phantom


Little Sisters Win: Supreme Court Tells Lower Courts to Protect Them From HHS Mandate |

Little Sisters Win: Supreme Court Tells Lower Courts to Protect Them From HHS Mandate |

"The Supreme Court issued a unanimous opinion today in the case involving the Little Sisters of the Poor, which have been fighting to not be forced to pay for abortion-causing drugs for their employees."

Millennials Embrace Socialism, But Do They Know What It Is?

Millennials Embrace Socialism, But Do They Know What It Is? - Jonah Goldberg:
"Socialism is having a moment.
...Various polls show that millennials have a more favorable view of socialism than of capitalism.
And millennials generally are the only age group that views socialism more favorably than unfavorably.
Some conservatives aren't surprised.
Schools have been force-feeding left-wing propaganda to kids like it was feed for geese at a foie gras factory.
...Writing in The Federalist, Emily Ekins and Joy Pullmann note that many of these young people think socialism is federally mandated niceness.
A 2014 Reason-Rupe survey asked millennials to define socialism.
They had in mind a more generous safety net, more kindness and, as one put it, more "being together."
...Given a choice between a government-managed economy and a free-market economy, millennials overwhelmingly chose the latter.
It seems young people realize that putting bureaucrats in charge of Uber wouldn't work too well.
Still, it boggles the mind that anyone can see the folly of having the government take over Amazon or Facebook but be blind to the problems of having the government run health care..."

Employers Struggle To Find Workers Who Can Pass A Drug Test

Employers Struggle To Find Workers Who Can Pass A Drug Test - Slashdot writes:
Jackie Calmes writes in the NYT that all over the country, employers say they see a disturbing downside of tighter labor markets as they try to rebuild from the worst recession since the Depression: the struggle to find workers who can pass a pre-employment drug test
The hurdle partly stems from the growing ubiquity of drug testing, at corporations with big human resources departments, in industries like trucking where testing is mandated by federal law for safety reasons, and increasingly at smaller companies. But data suggests employers' difficulties also reflect an increase in the use of drugs, especially marijuana -- employers' main gripe -- and also heroin and other opioid drugs much in the news. Data on the scope of the problem is sketchy because figures on job applicants who test positive for drugs miss the many people who simply skip tests they cannot pass. But Quest Diagnostics, which has compiled employer-testing data since 1988, documented a 10% increase in one year in the percentage of American workers who tested positive for illicit drugs -- up to 4.7 percent in 2014 from 4.3 percent in 2013..."

Prof making $121,563 demands tuition increase: ‘Why are prices so low?’

Prof making $121,563 demands tuition increase: ‘Why are prices so low?’ | "MADISON, Wis. – While families across Wisconsin work and struggle to fund their children’s college education, one professor at the University of Wisconsin says tuition far is too low.
UW-Madison English Professor Caroline Levine made $121,563 in 2014-15, and presumably takes in even more now.
And she’s clearly not happy with that salary.
She announced in an op-ed recently published in the Madison Capital Times that she will be leaving the university for a job at another school, where she will be making 50 percent more.
Levine objects to Gov. Scott Walker’s tuition freeze, which has prohibited UW leaders from passing on the exorbitant cost of administrative and faculty compensation to struggling students and their families.
“Businesses charge market rates for their products and services,” Levine wrote, according to
 “Top-tier private colleges and universities right now are charging $44,000 or more in tuition each year, more than three times the rate of in-state tuition for an education at the UW-Madison, ranked in the top 50 universities around the world.
“Why are prices so low? 
Because politicians have put a cap on tuition.”
How interesting to hear a UW professor suggest that the university system should operate like a business. 
Not long ago UW faculty members screamed just the opposite when the Board of Regents made changes to job-protecting tenure rights, giving chancellors more power to move tenured professors out the door if the subjects they teach are no long part of the curriculum..."
Read on!

‘Who Does President Barack Obama Think He Is?’: Evangelist Franklin Graham Issues Blistering Reaction to Transgender Bathroom Directive |

‘Who Does President Barack Obama Think He Is?’: Evangelist Franklin Graham Issues Blistering Reaction to Transgender Bathroom Directive |

"Evangelist Franklin Graham issued a strong rebuke of the Obama administration’s recent decision to direct public schools to permit transgender students to use the bathroom that corresponds their gender identity, asking whether Obama believes he’s “the sultan of Washington.”

“Who does President Barack Obama think he is? The sultan of Washington?” Graham wrote on his Facebook page. “Does he think he can just make a ‘decree’ and we will bow down and simply obey?”

Gender pronoun insanity: New York City promises to FINE people for not using 'ze' or 'hir'

Gender pronoun insanity: New York City promises to FINE people for not using 'ze' or 'hir' - The College Fix:
"...a brazen and flagrantly unconstitutional attack on free speech by New York City’s social engineers.
Almost certainly unbeknownst to the average New Yorker – a demographic not known for overweening politeness (I know, I married one) – the New York City Commission on Human Rights is demanding that employers, landlords, professionals and “all businesses” (in Volokh’s reading) ask people their preferred gender pronoun from their first interaction..."

AM Fruitcake

History for May 18

History for May 18 -
Frank Capra 1897 - Film director ("It's a Wonderful Life"), Perry Como 1912 - Singer, television personality, Pope John Paul II (Karol Józef Wojtyla) 1920

Dwayne Hickman 1934 - Actor, Reggie Jackson 1946 - Baseball player, Tina Fey 1970 - Actress, comedian ("30 Rock," "Saturday Night Live")

1642 - Montreal, Canada, was founded.

1804 - Napoleon Bonaparte was proclaimed emperor by the French Senate.

1917 - The U.S. Congress passed the Selective Service act, which called up soldiers to fight in World War I.

1934 - The U.S. Congress approved an act, known as the "Lindberg Act," that called for the death penalty in interstate kidnapping cases.

1951 - The United Nations moved its headquarters to New York City.

1953 - The first woman to fly faster than the speed of sound, Jacqueline Cochran, piloted an F-86 Sabrejet over California at an average speed of 652.337 miles-per-hour.

1980 - Mt. Saint Helens erupted in Washington state. 57 people were killed and 3 billion in damage was done.

1983 - The U.S. Senate revised immigration laws and gave millions of illegal aliens legal status under an amnesty program.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

White House Refuses to Let Obama Adviser Ben Rhodes Testify After His Stunningly Candid Remarks on Iran Deal |

White House Refuses to Let Obama Adviser Ben Rhodes Testify After His Stunningly Candid Remarks on Iran Deal |

"Controversially candid Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes will not have to testify before Congress regarding the Iran nuclear deal, the White House announced Monday.

Rhodes was initially called to testify at a Tuesday hearing on “White House Narratives on the Iran Nuclear Deal” by House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) after Rhodes gave a remarkably blunt interview to the New York Times Magazine on the Iran deal. However, Fox News reported that Chaffetz received a letter from White House counsel W. Neil Eggleston Monday, which explicitly said the Obama advisor would not attend."

High School Bans Flags, Including Old Glory, in Effort to Not Offend Students — but Officials Were in for Quite a Surprise | Video |

High School Bans Flags, Including Old Glory, in Effort to Not Offend Students — but Officials Were in for Quite a Surprise | Video |

"I don’t see how you can pull someone’s right to walk in graduation because they were being patriotic,” Bogart said.

One veteran even showed up at the high school to stand in solidarity with the students. “We’re all proud of this flag,” he told KKCO. “Thousands of people have died for this flag. I think we should be behind the kids.”"

Millennial Students Feel ‘Pressure’ to Support Clinton, Even Though They Don’t Trust Her | Video |

Millennial Students Feel ‘Pressure’ to Support Clinton, Even Though They Don’t Trust Her | Video |

"Millennial students at George Washington University are feeling “pressure” to support Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton because she’s a woman, but when asked if they trust her, they simply say, “Next question.”

“I just think that, yeah, there’s a lot of feminist pressure to vote for Hillary,” one woman told Campus Reform, a conservative news site focused on higher-education. Another added, “It’s a pretty good conspiracy.”

Senate Passes Legislation Allowing Families of 9/11 Victims to Sue Saudi Arabia |

Senate Passes Legislation Allowing Families of 9/11 Victims to Sue Saudi Arabia |

"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate passed legislation Tuesday that would allow families of Sept. 11 victims to sue the government of Saudi Arabia, rejecting the fierce objections of a U.S. ally and setting Congress on a collision course with the Obama administration.

The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, approved by voice vote, had triggered a threat from Riyadh to pull billions of dollars from the U.S. economy, if the bill is enacted."

How Bernie Sanders’ Wife Destroyed Burlington College

Bernie Sanders | Jane Sanders | Burlington College | Closing

How Bernie Sanders’ Wife Destroyed Burlington College

A major pillar of the Bernie Sanders 2016 campaign is free college. 
In perhaps the most tragically ironic political metaphor of this election, Burlington College, a small privately owned school in Vermont is now going out of business, largely due to decisions made by Bernie Sanders’ wife, Jane, who served as the college’s president for seven years.
When Jane Sanders was hired by Burlington College in 2004, the school was already facing financial problems but was able to maintain day to day operations for several years.
Things began to change in 2010, when Jane Sanders led the school to a financial decision which would forever alter the school’s destiny.
Under her leadership, Burlington College purchased a lakefront property from the Catholic Diocese of Burlington for $10 million dollars with the goal of expanding the school’s campus.
The decision was considered risky at the time because the school made the purchase by going into debt.
...Sanders resigned in the fall of 2011 and left the school with a golden parachute of $200,000.
...Coupled with the continuing bad financial news for Burlington College, came allegations from the Catholic Diocese of Burlington, which in April of this year announced they wanted Jane Sanders investigated for fraud.
Heat Street reported:
Catholic Parishioners: Investigate Bernie Sanders’ Wife for Fraud
The diocese did not respond to a request for an interview. But a source with direct knowledge of the diocese’s involvement in the land acquisition says Burlington College almost immediately struggled to meet its obligations.
“It was within a relatively short time after closing [the deal], they were experiencing financial problems that made it impossible to pay the diocese,” the source says, adding that Burlington soon went into default mode on its loan.
Parishioners now say that to secure loans to buy the land, Ms. Sanders misrepresented the amount that had been pledged to the college in its fundraising push.
Additionally, the Washington Free Beacon reported in January of this year that under Jane Sanders’ tenure, Burlington College steered funds to her daughter and a family friend who had been an adviser to Bernie Sanders while he was mayor of Burlington...
...The Sanders campaign and their allies in media may try to spin this unfortunate situation but the bottom line in undeniable. 
Burlington College is a victim of poor decisions and crony politics on the behalf of Jane Sanders.
The fact that her husband wants to transform the way higher education is paid for nationwide should give every American voter pause.

Hope? Maybe. Change? You betcha!-----AGE OF MISINFORMATION: Meet Your New Media Overlords.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » AGE OF MISINFORMATION: Meet Your New Media Overlords. The standard history of the media revoluti…:
AGE OF MISINFORMATION: Meet Your New Media Overlords.
The standard history of the media revolution goes something like this: At midcentury, the national media landscape was monopolized by three major television networks and two major magazines. A handful of centrist media executives has tremendous power over the flow of information; it took effort to access news and commentary too far to either side of the political spectrum. Then came cable, which put pressure on the old monopolies and facilitated the rise of some insurgent political outlets. In the 1990s, thanks to the creation of the internet and the rise of blogging, subversive political materials became easier to access, and legacy media gatekeepers lost still more control over what stories were newsworthy and what opinions were acceptable. Finally, social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook completed the democratization of media—giving ordinary people a platform, disrupting the press establishment, and transferring power for regulating the flow of information from media elites to the masses.
But has it really worked out that way? A new report from Gizmodo alleges that Facebook’s “trending” function (a list of popular news items featured prominently on hundreds of millions of users’ home pages) is not generated by an impartial algorithm, but by a handful of young Facebook employees—and, moreover, that those employees systematically manipulated the results to exclude right-leaning news. . . .

Facebook is sure to take issue with the story (it declined to comment for Gizmodo). But even if certain details are credibly called into question, the report highlights the tremendous power that internet and social media companies have achieved over the distribution of information—more than the television networks of yore could have ever dreamed of—and the ways they could tilt public opinion if they chose to do so. It may be that instead of dethroning the information gatekeepers, new media has simply transferred power from middle-aged WASPs in stuffy New York City network newsrooms to a more diverse, and younger, set of elites in posh Silicon Valley open offices. These new elites have their own set of interests and priorities—for the most part, socially liberal and meritocratic, rather than centrist and institutionalist. But they are not, by any means, “impartial,” or equally open to all viewpoints...
Should we expect antitrust and consumer-fraud investigations (since Facebook apparently lied about its activity) from Republican state attorneys general?

After ‘Classified’ Briefing, GOP Rep. Claims Obama Admin. Is Withholding Details of Iran Naval Incident That Will Shock Nation |

After ‘Classified’ Briefing, GOP Rep. Claims Obama Admin. Is Withholding Details of Iran Naval Incident That Will Shock Nation |

"Rep. Randy Forbes (R., Virginia) told the outlet the Obama administration is keeping certain details of the incident secret but that he’s had “a full classified briefing” from military officials — and a full report to the public may not come to light for a year.

“I think that when the details actually come out, most Americans are going to be kind of taken aback by the entire incident, both how Iran handled it and how we handled it,” Forbes told the outlet. “I think that’s going to be huge cause for concern for most Americans. That’s why I’ve encouraged members of Congress to get that briefing so they do know exactly what did take place.”

Bison becomes official national mammal of U.S.

Bison becomes official national mammal of U.S. - Baltimore Sun:
"The bison has become the official national mammal of the United States under legislation signed into law by President Barack Obama on Monday.
Lawmakers spearheading the effort say the once nearly extinct icon deserves the elevated stature because of its economic and cultural significance in the nation's history.
...About 30,000 wild bison roam the country, with the largest population in Yellowstone National Park.
Supporters of the legislation say they believe the recognition will elevate the stature of the bison to that of the bald eagle, long the national emblem.."

CBO: Nearly 1 in 6 Young Men in U.S. Jobless or Incarcerated

CBO: Nearly 1 in 6 Young Men in U.S. Jobless or Incarcerated - Breitbart:
Nearly one in six young men (between the ages of 18-34) in the U.S. were either jobless or incarcerated in 2014, according to a new government report.
It details a striking amount of male alienation that has been on the rise since the 1980s.
According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), out of the 38 million young men in the U.S. in 2014, 16 percent were jobless (5 million or 13 percent) or incarcerated (1 million or 3 percent).
The share of young men without a job or in prison has increased substantially since 1980, when just 11 percent of young men fit into either category..."



Meme Depicts REAL Problem With Transgender Bathroom Laws | The Federalist Papers

Meme Depicts REAL Problem With Transgender Bathroom Laws | The Federalist Papers:

"Now that the federal government is once again suing one of it’s own states for passing laws it does not like. Add to that President/King Obama’s issuance of a decree concerning transgender access to bathrooms in America’s schools and the subject of who may use which facilities is firmly in the national conscience.
Lost in the discussion over reproductive organs are two far more serious issues, that of state’s rights –can a state pass it’s own laws or does big brother Washington D.C. run and control everything; and what should be the biggest concern of all —"

This shortage is pure "cash flow". Doesn't include bond payments. Socialism!-----Detroit schools face bankruptcy without state help, report says

Detroit schools face bankruptcy without state help, report says - Crain's Detroit Business:
The deteriorating finances of Detroit’s public schools may result in a bankruptcy filing if Michigan lawmakers don’t agree on a rescue package within the next two months, according to Moody’s Investors Service.
...Were a bankruptcy to occur, the holders of the district’s general-obligation debt should be unimpaired because the securities are backed by the state’s school-bond program, according to Moody’s.
Holders of state-aid bonds are “at risk” because debt service is paid from state funds that would otherwise go toward operations, Moody’s said in the report.
In fiscal year 2017, debt service on state aid revenue bonds is $105.3 million.
“Without an infusion of a significant amount of additional cash beyond the district’s existing short-term borrowing authority in fiscal 2017, it would be highly unlikely that the district would have resources to make payroll and debt service throughout the year,” Moody’s said.

If schools are so "dangerous" why are we sending these poor kids into them?-----Feds Promote Rainbow Badges for Teachers, Staff at Public Schools to Identify as LGBT ‘Allies’

Feds Promote Rainbow Badges for Teachers, Staff at Public Schools to Identify as LGBT ‘Allies’: "The federal government’s anti-bullying website posted a blog last month touting the OUT for Safe Schools program started by homosexual activists in the Los Angeles, Calif., public schools where “rainbow badges” are worn by teachers and staff to identify them as “allies” of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual or transgender students.
“School continues to be a dangerous place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth,” said the April 19 blog, which was written by staff from the Los Angeles LGBT Center and the Department of Education.
The blog said that 30,000 rainbow badges were provided to Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) teachers, administrators and staff “to wear voluntarily that proudly identify themselves as allies and protectors of students who are LGBT.”
“Despite increased public acceptance of LGBT people in general, many school campuses remain toxic environments for LGBT students, contributing to higher rates of suicide, depression, homelessness and HIV infection,” Lorri L. Jean, CEO of the Los Angeles LGBT Center."