California high school misspells own name on diploma covers |
ONTARIO, Calif. – Ontario High School’s class of 2016 received their diplomas Friday, an experience they’ll likely never forget.
Not because the graduation ceremony was remarkable or because it capped off 12 years of hard work, but because of the embarrassing diplomas themselves – which came with a cover embossed with “Ontario High Shcool,” NBC Los Angeles reports.
“Wooo graduated from Ontario High Shcool!!!” Yaya posted to Twitter May 19 along with picture of her diploma cover..."
Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Monday, May 23, 2016
HORRIFIC: 12-Year-Old Christian Girl Burned Alive At The Hands Of Sharia Law ⋆ US Herald
HORRIFIC: 12-Year-Old Christian Girl Burned Alive At The Hands Of Sharia Law ⋆ US Herald:
"As the persecution of Christians in the Middle East by Muslims determined to create a caliphate where all non-Muslims are either subjugated or exterminated, ISIS barbarians committed one of their most heinous acts in furtherance of their religion.
After a woman was late paying the “jaziya” tax assessed against all Christians in areas controlled by ISIS, jihadists came to the family home in Mosul to collect."
"As the persecution of Christians in the Middle East by Muslims determined to create a caliphate where all non-Muslims are either subjugated or exterminated, ISIS barbarians committed one of their most heinous acts in furtherance of their religion.
After a woman was late paying the “jaziya” tax assessed against all Christians in areas controlled by ISIS, jihadists came to the family home in Mosul to collect."
About 1 in 7 Michigan residents get food stamps, and 6 other facts about SNAP
About 1 in 7 Michigan residents get food stamps, and 6 other facts about SNAP | "Nearly one of every seven Michigan residents — including one in four Michigan children — currently receive food stamp benefits, according to data from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services...
In 2005, about 9 percent of Michigan households participated in SNAP, according to U.S. Census estimates.
...Currently, about 15 percent of Michigan residents — slightly under 1.5 million people — receive benefits, including 27 percent of Michigan children under age 18..."
In 2005, about 9 percent of Michigan households participated in SNAP, according to U.S. Census estimates.
...Currently, about 15 percent of Michigan residents — slightly under 1.5 million people — receive benefits, including 27 percent of Michigan children under age 18..."
When A Third Becomes 97 Percent: A Con That Changed the Western World
When A Third Becomes 97 Percent: A Con That Changed the Western World - Breitbart:
"You’ve probably heard that 97 percent of scientists say global warming is real.
Of course, that in itself is a meaningless statement, since no one disputes that the earth has warmed by roughly 0.8 degrees Celsius over the past century or so.
But the “97 percent of scientists believe in global warming” mantra became gospel on May 16, 2013, when President Obama tweeted “Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree: #climate change is real, man-made, and dangerous.”
What the president was referring to was a 2013 paper by the University of Queensland’s John Cook. In his research, Cook studied 11,994 papers published between 1991 and 2011 that mentioned the search words “global warming” and “global climate change.”
Guess what Cook actually found?
Only 32.6 percent of the papers endorsed the view of anthropogenic (man-made) global warming. But of that group, 97 percent said that “recent warming is mostly man-made.”
And so, by a nice sleight-of-hand obfuscation, the great “97
percent consensus” was born.
...Bottom line:
In the actual study in question, only one-third of the 11,994 academic papers studied could be construed as arguing for man-made warming.
The other two-thirds may have focused on other factors, perhaps the unprecedented increase in solar activity seen over the past century.
Regardless, the big lie has taken hold, and is now being used to push for “decarbonization” policies, and to silence critics of “global warming.”"
"You’ve probably heard that 97 percent of scientists say global warming is real.
Of course, that in itself is a meaningless statement, since no one disputes that the earth has warmed by roughly 0.8 degrees Celsius over the past century or so.
But the “97 percent of scientists believe in global warming” mantra became gospel on May 16, 2013, when President Obama tweeted “Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree: #climate change is real, man-made, and dangerous.”
What the president was referring to was a 2013 paper by the University of Queensland’s John Cook. In his research, Cook studied 11,994 papers published between 1991 and 2011 that mentioned the search words “global warming” and “global climate change.”
Guess what Cook actually found?
Only 32.6 percent of the papers endorsed the view of anthropogenic (man-made) global warming. But of that group, 97 percent said that “recent warming is mostly man-made.”
And so, by a nice sleight-of-hand obfuscation, the great “97
percent consensus” was born.
...Bottom line:
In the actual study in question, only one-third of the 11,994 academic papers studied could be construed as arguing for man-made warming.
The other two-thirds may have focused on other factors, perhaps the unprecedented increase in solar activity seen over the past century.
Regardless, the big lie has taken hold, and is now being used to push for “decarbonization” policies, and to silence critics of “global warming.”"
Lunch video-----REUNITED - P.O.W. & The Last B-26
From comments:
W Allstreet Rhode-Kille My uncle Mort was a B26 Marauder pilot.
A few years ago he was able to travel to a collection near Orlando and sit in the cockpit for the first time in 65 years.
He closed his eyes and started pointing around, they thought he was having a senior moment, but then he spoke louder and they realized he was doing his preflight checklist.
He passed away in Jan 2015, four months short of his 90th birthday.
When A Third Becomes 97 Percent: A Con That Changed the Western World - Breitbart
When A Third Becomes 97 Percent: A Con That Changed the Western World - Breitbart:
"You’ve probably heard that 97 percent of scientists say global warming is real. Of course, that in itself is a meaningless statement, since no one disputes that the earth has warmed by roughly 0.8 degrees Celsius over the past century or so.
But the “97 percent of scientists believe in global warming” mantra became gospel on May 16, 2013, when President Obama tweeted “Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree: #climate change is real, man-made, and dangerous.”
"You’ve probably heard that 97 percent of scientists say global warming is real. Of course, that in itself is a meaningless statement, since no one disputes that the earth has warmed by roughly 0.8 degrees Celsius over the past century or so.
But the “97 percent of scientists believe in global warming” mantra became gospel on May 16, 2013, when President Obama tweeted “Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree: #climate change is real, man-made, and dangerous.”
The scandal in Washington no one is talking about
The scandal in Washington no one is talking about | New York Post
The deadly-but-forgotten government gun-running scandal known as “Fast and Furious” has lain dormant for years, thanks to White House stonewalling and media compliance.
But newly uncovered e-mails have reopened the case, exposing the anatomy of a coverup by an administration that promised to be the most transparent in history.
“At least 20 other deaths or violent crimes have been linked to Fast and Furious-trafficked guns.”
A federal judge has forced the release of more than 20,000 pages of emails and memos previously locked up under President Obama’s phony executive-privilege claim.
A preliminary review shows top Obama officials deliberately obstructing congressional probes into the border gun-running operation.
Fast and Furious was a Justice Department program that allowed assault weapons — including .50-caliber rifles powerful enough to take down a helicopter — to be sold to Mexican drug cartels allegedly as a way to track them..."
Read on.
This ought to make you ANGRY!!
The deadly-but-forgotten government gun-running scandal known as “Fast and Furious” has lain dormant for years, thanks to White House stonewalling and media compliance.
But newly uncovered e-mails have reopened the case, exposing the anatomy of a coverup by an administration that promised to be the most transparent in history.
“At least 20 other deaths or violent crimes have been linked to Fast and Furious-trafficked guns.”
A federal judge has forced the release of more than 20,000 pages of emails and memos previously locked up under President Obama’s phony executive-privilege claim.
A preliminary review shows top Obama officials deliberately obstructing congressional probes into the border gun-running operation.
Fast and Furious was a Justice Department program that allowed assault weapons — including .50-caliber rifles powerful enough to take down a helicopter — to be sold to Mexican drug cartels allegedly as a way to track them..."
Read on.
This ought to make you ANGRY!!
Important read-----Atmospheric Scientist Shreds Rising Sea Level Propaganda And Alarmist Hysterics
Atmospheric Scientist Shreds Rising Sea Level Propaganda And Alarmist Hysterics - Technocracy News:
TN Note: These are stinging words from retired atmospheric physicist Charles Clough. He quickly debunks the fear-mongering of rising ocean levels that supposedly will wipe out hundreds of million of coastal dwellers. In short, it is a scam. Pseudo- and wannabe-scientists are twisting existing data, fabricating new data out of thin air and then applying faulty logic to arrive at fantastical conclusions. Such is the Technocrat mindset and practice.
In yet another instance of the media jumping on the climate alarmist bandwagon, The New York Times this past February boldly headlined “Seas Are Rising at Fastest Rate in Last 28 centuries.” The article went on to proclaim “the worsening of tidal flooding in coastal communities is largely a consequence of greenhouse gases from human activity, and the problem will grow far worse in coming decades, scientists reported Monday.”
“Worsening tidal flooding”—“grow far worse”—scary words for coastal inhabitants, but do they help the reader understand what the two reports (here and here) actually said? More importantly, do they help the reader evaluate what was reported? Or does the NYT wording continue the intellectually shallow but emotionally potent sea-level terror theme of Al Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth?
The two reports published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) made several claims. During pre-industrial history (prior to 1860), global sea level rose at an average rate of 0.1 to 0.3 mm/yr. From 1860 to 1900 it rose at an average rate of 0.4 mm/yr, and from 1900 to the present it has been rising at 1.4 mm/yr. The studies project for various hypothetical CO2 emission-increase scenarios during this 21st century a total rise in global sea level between 1 ft and 2.5 ft.
- First, observe that “tidal flooding” is not the same as the spectacular “storm-surge” that accompanies severe coastal storms like Sandy or the fictionalized surge in the 2004 apocalyptic sci-fi film The Day After Tomorrow. Such surges can easily exceed the reports’ estimated increase in tidal flooding by ten times or more. You probably wouldn’t know that from media stories like the NYT piece. Mitigation of known storm surge damage could protect coastal communities from the worst guesses of sea-level rise for the rest of this century!
- Second, forecasting sea-level rise involves even more guesswork than forecasting global warming. Actual sea-level direct measurement data exist only for a century and a half and only for a few regions of the earth. Even in the world’s best documented region, the eastern North Sea and Baltic region, tide-gage records of sea-level measurement are less than 200 years old. Estimates of sea-level changes over 28 centuries necessarily rely upon layers of interpretation of various proxies such as evidence of shoreline changes. Extensive modeling, therefore, is required as the two PNAS papers demonstrate. Each model element to some degree has to involve guesswork. Resulting estimates of sea-level rise rates vary from 1.15 mm/yr to about 3 mm/yr—a considerable variation for any long-term projections.
- Third, tide gages and proxies give relative sea-level, not absolute sea-level. They show sea-level relative to the land level. Absolute sea-level measurements from satellite only began in the early 90s—too recent to establish significant trends. To obtain absolute sea-level measurements from relative measurements or proxies, scientists have to correct for many variables—vertical changes in both land and ocean basin levels, ocean salinity changes, overland glacial decreases and increases, on-shore-off-shore prolonged winds, and gravitational interactions between the earth and lunar orbits. Would readers of media headline articles know that?
- Finally, there is the problem of learning how long the oceans take to reach equilibrium once there is a change in global temperature. Temperatures have been generally rising and sea-levels with them ever since the end of the ice age thousands of years ago. But there have been numerous up-and-down oscillations in this general trend, none of which is well understood. Are we in one or more of these oscillations now?
Given these caveats in the reasoning behind the claim that “seas are rising at the fastest rate in the last 28 centuries,” it comes as no surprise that renowned experts in the field like Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner of Sweden don’t take these reports seriously. Mörner challenges one of the PNAS papers, pointing out several of its conflicts with actual observations: nowhere do global tide gauges show valid increases in the rate of sea-level rise, and new satellite altimetry of absolute sea-level when carefully calibrated shows a mean rise of 0.5 mm/yr, not the modeled 1.4 mm/yr.
Since atmospheric CO2 emission levels do not correlate with such changes prior to the industrial age, the upward trend in temperature and sea level will continue regardless of the political campaign to impose economy-destroying carbon asceticism on the world’s population. Readers of such articles ought to heed the advice of Harvard oceanographer Roger Revelle (whom Al Gore claimed taught him fear of global warming’s planetary effects). Revelle’s last published article (co-authored with S. Fred Singer and Chauncey Starr) before his death was entitled “What to Do about Global Warming: Look before You Leap” (Cosmos 1 (1991): 28–33).
Atmospheric physicist Charles Clough, Bel Air, MD, is retired chief of the U.S. Army Atmospheric Effects Team at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD; retired Lt. Col., U.S. Air Force Reserve Weather Officer; President of Biblical Framework Ministries; adjunct Professor at Chafer Theological Seminary, Albuquerque, NM; and a Fellow of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation.
My fav-----9 Vintage Ads That Are So Ridiculously Racist and Sexist They'd Be Banned Today
9 Vintage Ads That Are So Ridiculously Racist and Sexist They'd Be Banned Today | PJ Media
4. Mr. Leggs Slacks
4. Mr. Leggs Slacks
Here's an ad for men's pants. Would this fly today? Here is the beginning of the copy for the ad: “Though she was a tiger lady, our hero didn’t have to fire a shot to floor her. After one look at his Mr. Leggs slacks, she was ready to have him walk all over her..."
via Oddee
First Baltimore Police Officer Charged in Freddie Gray Case Acquitted on All Charges |
First Baltimore Police Officer Charged in Freddie Gray Case Acquitted on All Charges |
"BALTIMORE (TheBlaze/AP) — A Baltimore officer was acquitted Monday of assault and other charges in the arrest of Freddie Gray, dealing prosecutors a significant blow in their attempt to hold police accountable for the young black man’s death from injuries he suffered in the back of a police van."
"BALTIMORE (TheBlaze/AP) — A Baltimore officer was acquitted Monday of assault and other charges in the arrest of Freddie Gray, dealing prosecutors a significant blow in their attempt to hold police accountable for the young black man’s death from injuries he suffered in the back of a police van."
Target CEO Blames Climate Change, Not Bathroom Policy, for Hurting Sales
Target CEO Blames Climate Change, Not Bathroom Policy, for Hurting Sales:
"As retailer Target sees its stock plummeting and sales dropping in the midst of a boycott over its recently announced pro-transgender bathroom policy, the company’s CEO is insisting the weather is the cause of falling sales, not the company’s bathroom policy."
"As retailer Target sees its stock plummeting and sales dropping in the midst of a boycott over its recently announced pro-transgender bathroom policy, the company’s CEO is insisting the weather is the cause of falling sales, not the company’s bathroom policy."
Feds Order Colleges to Stop Checking Criminal/School Discipline History Because it Discriminates Against Minorities
Feds Order Colleges to Stop Checking Criminal/School Discipline History Because it Discriminates Against Minorities - Judicial Watch:
"The Obama administration has ordered the nation’s colleges and universities to stop asking applicants about criminal and school disciplinary history because it discriminates against minorities. Institutions are also being asked to offer those with criminal records special support services such as counseling, mentoring and legal aid once enrolled.
The government’s official term for these perspective students is “justice-involved individuals” and the new directive aims to remove barriers to higher education for the overwhelmingly minority population that’s had encounters with the law or disciplinary issues through high school..."
"The Obama administration has ordered the nation’s colleges and universities to stop asking applicants about criminal and school disciplinary history because it discriminates against minorities. Institutions are also being asked to offer those with criminal records special support services such as counseling, mentoring and legal aid once enrolled.
The government’s official term for these perspective students is “justice-involved individuals” and the new directive aims to remove barriers to higher education for the overwhelmingly minority population that’s had encounters with the law or disciplinary issues through high school..."
History for May 23
History for May 23 -
Friedrich Anton Mesmer 1734 - Physician, astrologist, Scatman Crothers (Benjamin Sherman "Scatman" Crothers) 1910 - Actor, musician, singer, dancer, Barbara Barrie 1931 - Actress
Joan Collins 1933 - Actress ("Dynasty"), Robert Moog 1934 - Musician, Drew Carey 1958 - Actor, game show host
1618 - The Thirty Years War began when three opponents of the Reformation were thrown through a window.
1701 - In London, Captain William Kidd was hanged after being convicted of murder and piracy.
1873 - Canada's North West Mounted Police force was established. The organization's name was changed to Royal Canadian Mounted Police in 1920.
1900 - Civil War hero Sgt. William H. Carney became the first African American to receive the Medal of Honor, 37 years after the Battle of Fort Wagner.
1934 - In Bienville Parish, LA, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were ambushed and killed by Texas Rangers. The bank robbers were riding in a stolen Ford Deluxe.
1945 - In Luneburg Germany, Heinrich Himmler, the head of the Nazi Gestapo, committed suicide while imprisoned by the Allied forces.
1949 - The Republic of West Germany was established.
1960 - Israel announced the capture of Nazi Adolf Eichmann in Argentina.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
BREAKING: Federal Judge Just Issued MASSIVE Order Against Obama’s DOJ…Finally! | The Proud Conservative
BREAKING: Federal Judge Just Issued MASSIVE Order Against Obama’s DOJ…Finally! | The Proud Conservative:
"A federal judge in Texas has determined that the Justice Department has intentionally and repeatedly misled the court about Obama’s executive order for amnesty.
The New York Times reported…
In a blistering order, Judge Andrew S. Hanen of Federal District Court in Brownsville accused the Justice Department lawyers of lying to him during arguments in the case, and he barred them from appearing in his courtroom.
He demanded that Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch provide a “comprehensive plan”
"A federal judge in Texas has determined that the Justice Department has intentionally and repeatedly misled the court about Obama’s executive order for amnesty.
The New York Times reported…
In a blistering order, Judge Andrew S. Hanen of Federal District Court in Brownsville accused the Justice Department lawyers of lying to him during arguments in the case, and he barred them from appearing in his courtroom.
He demanded that Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch provide a “comprehensive plan”
Absolute MUST read to your graduates (and their parent/s)-----The Neal Boortz Commencement Speech More Boortz The Neal Boortz Commencement Speech:
"No, this speech has never been delivered at a college or a university.
It was written to protest the fact that such an invitation has never been offered!
It has only been delivered on my radio show, printed in my book "The Terrible Truth About Liberals" and produced on a limited edition CD.
The irony is that this commencement speech has been more widely distributed, and has been the subject of more comment than any commencement speech that actually has been delivered at any college or university in the past 50 years. ©Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 by Neal Boortz.
"I am honored by the invitation to address you on this august occasion.
It's about time.
Be warned, however, that I am not here to impress you; you'll have enough smoke blown your way today.
And you can bet your tassels I'm not here to impress the faculty and administration.
You may not like much of what I have to say, and that's fine.
You will remember it though.
Especially after about 10 years out there in the real world.
This, it goes without saying, does not apply to those of you who will seek your careers and your fortunes as government employees.
This gowned gaggle behind me is your faculty.
You've heard the old saying that those who can - do.
Those who can't - teach.
That sounds deliciously insensitive.
But there is often raw truth in insensitivity, just as you often find feel-good falsehoods and lies in compassion.
Note from JAMBORK-This is long so I cut much out. All is fabulous and valuable. Please read the entire Speech and pass on.
...Don't bow to the temptation to use the government as an instrument of plunder.
If it is wrong for you to take money from someone else who earned it -- to take their money by force for your own needs -- then it is certainly just as wrong for you to demand that the government step forward and do this dirty work for you.
Don't look in other people's pockets.
You have no business there.
What they earn is theirs.
What your earn is yours.
Keep it that way.
Nobody owes you anything, except to respect your privacy and your rights, and leave you the hell alone.
Speaking of earning, the revered 40-hour workweek is for losers.
Forty hours should be considered the minimum, not the maximum.
You don't see highly successful people clocking out of the office every afternoon at five.
The losers are the ones caught up in that afternoon rush hour.
The winners drive home in the dark.
Free speech is meant to protect unpopular speech.
Popular speech, by definition, needs no protection.
...Now, if you have any idea at all what's good for you, you will get the hell out of here and never come back.
Class dismissed."
"No, this speech has never been delivered at a college or a university.
It was written to protest the fact that such an invitation has never been offered!
It has only been delivered on my radio show, printed in my book "The Terrible Truth About Liberals" and produced on a limited edition CD.
The irony is that this commencement speech has been more widely distributed, and has been the subject of more comment than any commencement speech that actually has been delivered at any college or university in the past 50 years. ©Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 by Neal Boortz.
"I am honored by the invitation to address you on this august occasion.
It's about time.
Be warned, however, that I am not here to impress you; you'll have enough smoke blown your way today.
And you can bet your tassels I'm not here to impress the faculty and administration.
You may not like much of what I have to say, and that's fine.
You will remember it though.
Especially after about 10 years out there in the real world.
This, it goes without saying, does not apply to those of you who will seek your careers and your fortunes as government employees.
This gowned gaggle behind me is your faculty.
You've heard the old saying that those who can - do.
Those who can't - teach.
That sounds deliciously insensitive.
But there is often raw truth in insensitivity, just as you often find feel-good falsehoods and lies in compassion.
Note from JAMBORK-This is long so I cut much out. All is fabulous and valuable. Please read the entire Speech and pass on.
...Don't bow to the temptation to use the government as an instrument of plunder.
If it is wrong for you to take money from someone else who earned it -- to take their money by force for your own needs -- then it is certainly just as wrong for you to demand that the government step forward and do this dirty work for you.
Don't look in other people's pockets.
You have no business there.
What they earn is theirs.
What your earn is yours.
Keep it that way.
Nobody owes you anything, except to respect your privacy and your rights, and leave you the hell alone.
Speaking of earning, the revered 40-hour workweek is for losers.
Forty hours should be considered the minimum, not the maximum.
You don't see highly successful people clocking out of the office every afternoon at five.
The losers are the ones caught up in that afternoon rush hour.
The winners drive home in the dark.
Free speech is meant to protect unpopular speech.
Popular speech, by definition, needs no protection.
...Now, if you have any idea at all what's good for you, you will get the hell out of here and never come back.
Class dismissed."
Michelle Obama’s Nutrition Facts Label Not Based on Science
Michelle Obama’s Nutrition Facts Label Not Based on Science:
"A controversial regulation to update the nutrition facts label that is part of the first lady’s Let’s Move push was finalized by the Food and Drug Administration on Friday, and scientists are warning the new label is not based on sound science.
The changes to the nutrition facts label, which first lady Michelle Obama will announce Friday when she speaks at the Let’s Move-aligned Partnership for a Healthier America, requires food manufacturers to list added sugars, which scientists say lacks “scientific rigor.”
The label will also cost companies at least $640 million to update, and a net social cost of $1.4 billion.
...In her remarks, Mrs. Obama called the added sugar change to the label the “most important of all.”
...The scientists said the new label is “misleading,” and note that it was based on the 2015 Dietary Guidelines, whose committee did not include a single expert on sugars.
“We are concerned that U.S. public health policy in this area may be progressing down a path that history suggests to be counterproductive,” the scientists wrote.
“Specifically, the FDA’s proposed rule revising the Nutrition Facts Label with regard to an added sugars declaration and the establishment of a dietary reference value (DRV) of 10 percent lacks both the scientific rigor based on careful consideration or evidence-based reviews and a thorough appraisal of unintended consequences that will surely arise...”
"A controversial regulation to update the nutrition facts label that is part of the first lady’s Let’s Move push was finalized by the Food and Drug Administration on Friday, and scientists are warning the new label is not based on sound science.
The changes to the nutrition facts label, which first lady Michelle Obama will announce Friday when she speaks at the Let’s Move-aligned Partnership for a Healthier America, requires food manufacturers to list added sugars, which scientists say lacks “scientific rigor.”
The label will also cost companies at least $640 million to update, and a net social cost of $1.4 billion.
...In her remarks, Mrs. Obama called the added sugar change to the label the “most important of all.”
...The scientists said the new label is “misleading,” and note that it was based on the 2015 Dietary Guidelines, whose committee did not include a single expert on sugars.
“We are concerned that U.S. public health policy in this area may be progressing down a path that history suggests to be counterproductive,” the scientists wrote.
“Specifically, the FDA’s proposed rule revising the Nutrition Facts Label with regard to an added sugars declaration and the establishment of a dietary reference value (DRV) of 10 percent lacks both the scientific rigor based on careful consideration or evidence-based reviews and a thorough appraisal of unintended consequences that will surely arise...”
See What’s Happened to Target’s Stock in the Past Month Amid Transgender Bathroom Uproar |
See What’s Happened to Target’s Stock in the Past Month Amid Transgender Bathroom Uproar |
"Target’s stock had tumbled to $68.60 per share as of Saturday. The 52-week low for the stock is $65.50. Target Corp. also announced on Wednesday that it expects sales to be flat or down 2 percent in the second quarter."
"Target’s stock had tumbled to $68.60 per share as of Saturday. The 52-week low for the stock is $65.50. Target Corp. also announced on Wednesday that it expects sales to be flat or down 2 percent in the second quarter."
N.C. school board votes to stop naming valedictorians due to 'unhealthy' competition
N.C. school board votes to stop naming valedictorians due to 'unhealthy' competition - Washington Times:
"A North Carolina school board has voted to stop naming high school valedictorians and salutatorians in an effort to reduce “unhealthy” competition among students.
...“We have heard from many, many schools that the competition has become very unhealthy,” school board Chairman Tom Benton told the paper in an interview.
“Students were not collaborating with each other the way that we would like them to.
...The new system would reportedly result in more seniors being recognized..."
"A North Carolina school board has voted to stop naming high school valedictorians and salutatorians in an effort to reduce “unhealthy” competition among students.
...“We have heard from many, many schools that the competition has become very unhealthy,” school board Chairman Tom Benton told the paper in an interview.
“Students were not collaborating with each other the way that we would like them to.
...The new system would reportedly result in more seniors being recognized..."
The war against white young men!-----UW-Madison suspends frat for alleged toleration of racial slurs
UW-Madison suspends frat for alleged toleration of racial slurs:
"The University of Wisconsin-Madison has suspended its Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) fraternity for allegedly responding inadequately to complaints about a “discriminatory environment” at the chapter.
UW issued a press release Tuesday announcing the suspension, saying SAE would be reinstated on November 1, provided that each of its members completes training in diversity, inclusion, and mental health.
...Blank then mentions the diversity and inclusion training SAE members will be required to take, saying she expects the national fraternity to undertake parallel efforts to reeducate the members of its Wisconsin chapter, as well.
...No details regarding the complaint or suspension were ever released, but according to a timeline of events on UW’s website, the circumstances leading to SAE’s current suspension also began with a Halloween party.
At that party, which took place in 2014, a member of the fraternity alleges that another member “addressed him with a racial slur and choked him for about five seconds until other members intervened.”
Leaders of the chapter maintain that they were not informed of any racial component to the fight at the time, but did impose sanctions on the aggressor.
According to The Badger Herald, the CSO report concluded that SAE had acted to its “fullest capability” based on the information available to them, but despite largely exonerating the fraternity on that count, the Committee expressed dissatisfaction with its handling of the overall environment in light of subsequent reports of intolerant behavior.
The next incident on the timeline took place in March of 2015, when an SAE member “ran down State Street yelling a racial slur.”
The university acknowledges that the fraternity expelled that member and suspended another who was “involved” in the incident, but notes that the expelled member “continued to be present at times at the chapter house.”
Three additional complaints were filed at irregular intervals over the course of this school year, all by the same student who claims to have been victimized at the 2014 Halloween party.
Sometime in fall 2015, the complainant asserts that he raised objections about “racial, anti-gay, and anti-Semitic slurs” he had overheard at the house, but was rebuffed by fellow members.
Then, on December 22, he claims to have “heard another member yelling a racial slur outside the house,” though the fraternity says it was unable to identify the member in question.
A few months later, on February 26, the student filed another complaint, saying “he heard another member repeatedly singing a lyric containing a racial slur.”
The other member denied the accusation, and no disciplinary action was taken.
The following week, the complainant brought his charges to the university, prompting the Division of Student Life to launch a one-month investigation that served as the basis for the CSO’s eventual determination against SAE..."
"The University of Wisconsin-Madison has suspended its Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) fraternity for allegedly responding inadequately to complaints about a “discriminatory environment” at the chapter.
UW issued a press release Tuesday announcing the suspension, saying SAE would be reinstated on November 1, provided that each of its members completes training in diversity, inclusion, and mental health.
...Blank then mentions the diversity and inclusion training SAE members will be required to take, saying she expects the national fraternity to undertake parallel efforts to reeducate the members of its Wisconsin chapter, as well.
...No details regarding the complaint or suspension were ever released, but according to a timeline of events on UW’s website, the circumstances leading to SAE’s current suspension also began with a Halloween party.
At that party, which took place in 2014, a member of the fraternity alleges that another member “addressed him with a racial slur and choked him for about five seconds until other members intervened.”
Leaders of the chapter maintain that they were not informed of any racial component to the fight at the time, but did impose sanctions on the aggressor.
According to The Badger Herald, the CSO report concluded that SAE had acted to its “fullest capability” based on the information available to them, but despite largely exonerating the fraternity on that count, the Committee expressed dissatisfaction with its handling of the overall environment in light of subsequent reports of intolerant behavior.
The next incident on the timeline took place in March of 2015, when an SAE member “ran down State Street yelling a racial slur.”
The university acknowledges that the fraternity expelled that member and suspended another who was “involved” in the incident, but notes that the expelled member “continued to be present at times at the chapter house.”
Three additional complaints were filed at irregular intervals over the course of this school year, all by the same student who claims to have been victimized at the 2014 Halloween party.
Sometime in fall 2015, the complainant asserts that he raised objections about “racial, anti-gay, and anti-Semitic slurs” he had overheard at the house, but was rebuffed by fellow members.
Then, on December 22, he claims to have “heard another member yelling a racial slur outside the house,” though the fraternity says it was unable to identify the member in question.
A few months later, on February 26, the student filed another complaint, saying “he heard another member repeatedly singing a lyric containing a racial slur.”
The other member denied the accusation, and no disciplinary action was taken.
The following week, the complainant brought his charges to the university, prompting the Division of Student Life to launch a one-month investigation that served as the basis for the CSO’s eventual determination against SAE..."
Group That Helped Sell Iran Nuke Deal Also Funded Media |
Group That Helped Sell Iran Nuke Deal Also Funded Media |
"WASHINGTON (AP) — A group the White House recently identified as a key surrogate in selling the Iran nuclear deal gave National Public Radio $100,000 last year to help it report on the pact and related issues, according to the group’s annual report. It also funded reporters and partnerships with other news outlets."
"WASHINGTON (AP) — A group the White House recently identified as a key surrogate in selling the Iran nuclear deal gave National Public Radio $100,000 last year to help it report on the pact and related issues, according to the group’s annual report. It also funded reporters and partnerships with other news outlets."
Professor Run Out of Classroom for Offending Students Will Lose Job
Professor Run Out of Classroom for Offending Students Will Lose Job - Hit & Run :
"...Andrea has been denied continuation of her tenure," her husband, Scott Quenette, told Reason. Despite having a recommendation from the tenure committee and her department.
...her employment at KU will be at an end."
But the reason for that seems clear.
Last fall, members of Quenette's class asked to discuss the racial tensions on campus.
Quenette made the mistake of confessing her own blind spots, and used imperfect language when she did so.
She said, "It's not like I see nigger spray-painted on walls," according to her students.
She also denied that racism was the sole explanation for some black KU students falling behind in their studies.
Quenette's statements weren't malicious, and she didn't use the n-word as a slur.
Moreover, she's a professor of communications, and the classroom was an appropriate place to have a conversation about these issues—even if the conversation bothered some people.
But her students didn't see it that way, and published a letter calling on KU to fire her.
A lengthy investigation ensued: months later, the university determined that Quenette had broken no policies.
Even so, her career at KU will soon be at an end..."
"...Andrea has been denied continuation of her tenure," her husband, Scott Quenette, told Reason. Despite having a recommendation from the tenure committee and her department.
...her employment at KU will be at an end."
But the reason for that seems clear.
Last fall, members of Quenette's class asked to discuss the racial tensions on campus.
Quenette made the mistake of confessing her own blind spots, and used imperfect language when she did so.
She said, "It's not like I see nigger spray-painted on walls," according to her students.
She also denied that racism was the sole explanation for some black KU students falling behind in their studies.
Quenette's statements weren't malicious, and she didn't use the n-word as a slur.
Moreover, she's a professor of communications, and the classroom was an appropriate place to have a conversation about these issues—even if the conversation bothered some people.
But her students didn't see it that way, and published a letter calling on KU to fire her.
A lengthy investigation ensued: months later, the university determined that Quenette had broken no policies.
Even so, her career at KU will soon be at an end..."
Tolerance! Over 50 Muslim Countries Blocking LGBT Groups from UN AIDS Convention
Tolerance! Over 50 Muslim Countries Blocking LGBT Groups from UN AIDS Convention... » Louder With Crowder:
"Wherever gays go, AIDS follows.
They make up more than half of the HIV infected population in the US.
So it’s kind of a huge problem for dude loving dudes.
The UN plans to host an “End AIDS” meeting, where loads of LGBT groups are expected to show up.
As they should, since the increase in AIDS is primarily their fault (see Dear AIDS Day Activists: Facts or Political Correctness? Pick One).
That’s not hate speech, that’s science.
But one group is preventing multiple LGBT groups from going to said meeting.
You want to venture a guess as to who?
A group of 51 Muslim states has blocked 11 gay and transgender organizations from attending a high-level meeting at the United Nations next month on ending AIDS…
Egypt wrote to the president of the 193-member General Assembly on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to object to the participation of the 11 groups.
It didn’t give a reason in the letter.
...Oddly enough, Muslims are the only “minority” leftists love as much as LGBT.
Even though they want to crush the gays."
"Wherever gays go, AIDS follows.
They make up more than half of the HIV infected population in the US.
So it’s kind of a huge problem for dude loving dudes.
The UN plans to host an “End AIDS” meeting, where loads of LGBT groups are expected to show up.
As they should, since the increase in AIDS is primarily their fault (see Dear AIDS Day Activists: Facts or Political Correctness? Pick One).
That’s not hate speech, that’s science.
But one group is preventing multiple LGBT groups from going to said meeting.
You want to venture a guess as to who?
A group of 51 Muslim states has blocked 11 gay and transgender organizations from attending a high-level meeting at the United Nations next month on ending AIDS…
Egypt wrote to the president of the 193-member General Assembly on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to object to the participation of the 11 groups.
It didn’t give a reason in the letter.
...Oddly enough, Muslims are the only “minority” leftists love as much as LGBT.
Even though they want to crush the gays."
Funny!-----Woman in Chewbacca mask sets the record for most-viewed Facebook Live post ever
Woman in Chewbacca mask sets the record for most-viewed Facebook Live post ever - Trending - CBC News:
Candace Payne is not a celebrity.
Candace Payne is not a celebrity.
She doesn't know Michael Bublé, hasn't served as president, and, to the best of our knowledge, she's never wrapped elastic bands around a watermelon until it explodes.
Nor has she shared live footage of someone giving birth without their knowledge.
Payne is a mom from Dallas, Texas, who really appreciates "the simple joys in life" — like Star Wars merch and making videos in her car.
And yet, with zero resources outside of her phone, a personal Facebook profile, and one very fun Chewbacca mask, she managed to master something this week that brands and publishers across the globe have been sinking their all into for months.
Payne has crushed the record for the most-viewed Facebook Live post in history.
The roughly four-minute-long video, titled "It's the simple joys in life..." currently boasts a view count of just over 114 million views as of Saturday afternoon.
Buzzfeed's famous "watermelon elastic" stream held the title previously with about 10 million views, according to Tech Insider, despite the attempts of many publishers to build up bigger numbers since Facebook Live rolled out to non-celebrities in April.
So how did a 37-year-old mother of two become the most successful user of Facebook's live-streaming service in history?
It's hard to know, exactly, but Payne's infectious laugh, positive attitude, and surprisingly life-like Chewbacca mask are certainly making a lot of people happy right now.
Buzzfeed's famous "watermelon elastic" stream held the title previously with about 10 million views, according to Tech Insider, despite the attempts of many publishers to build up bigger numbers since Facebook Live rolled out to non-celebrities in April.
So how did a 37-year-old mother of two become the most successful user of Facebook's live-streaming service in history?
It's hard to know, exactly, but Payne's infectious laugh, positive attitude, and surprisingly life-like Chewbacca mask are certainly making a lot of people happy right now.
BREAKING UPDATE: Iran Comes Clean – Obama’s Betrayal Greater Than Expected | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
BREAKING UPDATE: Iran Comes Clean – Obama’s Betrayal Greater Than Expected | John Hawkins' Right Wing News:
"Recently an Iranian military commander has claimed that the U.S. has been quietly encouraging them, the Islamic Republic, to keep it’s missile testing a secret – in most part to not raise concerns in the region. Now, the cat is out of the bag and guess what… MAJOR cause for concern is spreading rapidly throughout the region, as more details of this possible betrayal come to light."
"Recently an Iranian military commander has claimed that the U.S. has been quietly encouraging them, the Islamic Republic, to keep it’s missile testing a secret – in most part to not raise concerns in the region. Now, the cat is out of the bag and guess what… MAJOR cause for concern is spreading rapidly throughout the region, as more details of this possible betrayal come to light."
‘Genderqueer’ teacher wins $60,000 after threatening federal workplace harassment complaint
‘Genderqueer’ teacher wins $60,000 after threatening federal workplace harassment complaint |
"GRESHEM, Ore. – Hall Elementary School transgender teacher Leo Soell will receive a $60,000 payout from the Gresham-Barlow School District for emotional distress tied to alleged harassment by co-workers.
The fifth-grade teacher came out as transgender after a mastectomy for breast cancer early last year. Soell does not identify as male or female, and prefers to be addressed with the pronoun “they.”
...According to the news site:
If kids asked whether Soell was a boy or a girl, district leaders told Soell to respond, “We all have private lives, and it would not be appropriate to talk about our private lives during the school day.”
A district spokeswoman last year said administrators were worried about “age appropriateness.”
Soell, 25, explained they rationale behind they complicated gender to the Portland Tribune last August.
“I identify as transgender.
Specifically, I say transmasculine and genderqueer,” Soell said.
“The genderqueer piece comes from not identifying within the gender binary of male and female – so (I fit in) along the spectrum, I between.”
...Regardless, Soell contends they co-workers were not supportive of they lifestyle, and made her life difficult at work by repeatedly referring to her as “lady,” or using female pronouns.
Some also allegedly occupied a unisex bathroom on campus to prevent Soell from using the facility, they alleges.
...In a deal hammered out with the help of a federal judge, Gresham-Barlow officials agreed to pay Soell $60,000 for attorney fees and emotional distress, to designate all of Hall Elementary’s staff bathrooms as gender-neutral, and to install gender-neutral bathrooms in all of the district’s schools within the next three years, according to the news site..."
"GRESHEM, Ore. – Hall Elementary School transgender teacher Leo Soell will receive a $60,000 payout from the Gresham-Barlow School District for emotional distress tied to alleged harassment by co-workers.
The fifth-grade teacher came out as transgender after a mastectomy for breast cancer early last year. Soell does not identify as male or female, and prefers to be addressed with the pronoun “they.”
...According to the news site:
If kids asked whether Soell was a boy or a girl, district leaders told Soell to respond, “We all have private lives, and it would not be appropriate to talk about our private lives during the school day.”
A district spokeswoman last year said administrators were worried about “age appropriateness.”
Soell, 25, explained they rationale behind they complicated gender to the Portland Tribune last August.
“I identify as transgender.
Specifically, I say transmasculine and genderqueer,” Soell said.
“The genderqueer piece comes from not identifying within the gender binary of male and female – so (I fit in) along the spectrum, I between.”
...Regardless, Soell contends they co-workers were not supportive of they lifestyle, and made her life difficult at work by repeatedly referring to her as “lady,” or using female pronouns.
Some also allegedly occupied a unisex bathroom on campus to prevent Soell from using the facility, they alleges.
...In a deal hammered out with the help of a federal judge, Gresham-Barlow officials agreed to pay Soell $60,000 for attorney fees and emotional distress, to designate all of Hall Elementary’s staff bathrooms as gender-neutral, and to install gender-neutral bathrooms in all of the district’s schools within the next three years, according to the news site..."
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