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Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Bill Gates of hell: Windows 10 hijacking computers
Bill Gates of hell: Windows 10 hijacking computers:
"Microsoft changed the coding on the “X” so that clicking it now instructs MS to “upgrade” your computer to Windows 10. Yes, really.

In fact, the two options on the page, “OK” and “Upgrade Now,” do the same thing as the “X.”
To avoid the forced “upgrade,” a user has to go into the fine print.
Inside a logo box in the ad is a scheduled date for a mandatory upgrade. The user must look in the tiny type just below that line and find where it says “here” and click on that to avoid the upgrade."
"Microsoft changed the coding on the “X” so that clicking it now instructs MS to “upgrade” your computer to Windows 10. Yes, really.
In fact, the two options on the page, “OK” and “Upgrade Now,” do the same thing as the “X.”
To avoid the forced “upgrade,” a user has to go into the fine print.
Inside a logo box in the ad is a scheduled date for a mandatory upgrade. The user must look in the tiny type just below that line and find where it says “here” and click on that to avoid the upgrade."
Balance Due: Credit-Card Debt Nears $1 Trillion as Banks Push Plastic
Balance Due: Credit-Card Debt Nears $1 Trillion as Banks Push Plastic - WSJ
U.S. credit-card balances are on track to hit $1 trillion this year, as banks aggressively push their plastic and consumers grow more comfortable carrying debt.
That sum would come close to the all-time peak of $1.02 trillion set in July 2008, just before the financial crisis intensified, and could signal an easing of frugal habits ingrained by the recession.
The boom has been driven by steady economic conditions and an improving job market that have made creditworthy consumers less reluctant to take on debt.
In addition, lenders have signed up millions of subprime consumers who previously weren’t able to get credit.
...Capital One, the nation’s fourth-largest credit-card issuer, said credit-card sales jumped 14% in the first quarter from a year earlier.
The company’s strategy to boost card usage by raising spending limits and giving out more cards is also paying off:
Capital One customers spent 20% more on their cards during the first three months of the year than they did a year ago..."
U.S. credit-card balances are on track to hit $1 trillion this year, as banks aggressively push their plastic and consumers grow more comfortable carrying debt.

The boom has been driven by steady economic conditions and an improving job market that have made creditworthy consumers less reluctant to take on debt.
In addition, lenders have signed up millions of subprime consumers who previously weren’t able to get credit.
...Capital One, the nation’s fourth-largest credit-card issuer, said credit-card sales jumped 14% in the first quarter from a year earlier.
The company’s strategy to boost card usage by raising spending limits and giving out more cards is also paying off:
Capital One customers spent 20% more on their cards during the first three months of the year than they did a year ago..."
EPA Just Declared War On Millions Of Car Owners
EPA Just Declared War On Millions Of Car Owners | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
"The EPA wants to boost the amount of ethanol mixed in with gasoline, which could damage millions of car engines. (AP)
Energy: The EPA’s proposal to increase the amount of ethanol that must be blended into gasoline is a trifecta of regulatory abuse.
It will do nothing for the environment, it will do nothing for energy security, and it could wreck millions of car engines.
The decision stems from a misbegotten 2007 energy bill signed by President Bush that requires ever-increasing amounts of ethanol to be included in gasoline.
Not an increasing percentage, but an actual amount.
The EPA’s proposal would require refineries to blend in almost 19 billion gallons of ethanol and other “biofuels” by 2017, which is 700,000 gallons more than they do now.
But there’s a problem. Americans aren’t consuming enough gasoline.
In fact, consumption this year is well below the 2007 forecast, both because cars are more efficient and because people are driving less than expected.
So, if oil refiners are to pump 19 billion gallons of ethanol into their gasoline supplies, they won’t be able to keep ethanol ratio below 10%.
Why does that matter?
Because ethanol is corrosive and can degrade plastic, rubber and metal parts.
And the more ethanol in gasoline, the most likely this damage will occur.
So going above 10% can wreak havoc with car engines — as well as those in motorcycles, lawnmowers, power boats, you name it — that aren’t built to handle the higher ethanol levels.
...Oh, and by the way, diverting so much corn into gasoline tanks has raised the price of food, which hurts the poor.
So why is the EPA pushing ethanol?
Does it help fight global warming?
Does it help cities fight smog?
Does it help the U.S. become more energy independent?
The answer is: None of the above.
"The EPA wants to boost the amount of ethanol mixed in with gasoline, which could damage millions of car engines. (AP)
Energy: The EPA’s proposal to increase the amount of ethanol that must be blended into gasoline is a trifecta of regulatory abuse.
It will do nothing for the environment, it will do nothing for energy security, and it could wreck millions of car engines.
The decision stems from a misbegotten 2007 energy bill signed by President Bush that requires ever-increasing amounts of ethanol to be included in gasoline.
Not an increasing percentage, but an actual amount.

But there’s a problem. Americans aren’t consuming enough gasoline.
In fact, consumption this year is well below the 2007 forecast, both because cars are more efficient and because people are driving less than expected.
So, if oil refiners are to pump 19 billion gallons of ethanol into their gasoline supplies, they won’t be able to keep ethanol ratio below 10%.
Why does that matter?
Because ethanol is corrosive and can degrade plastic, rubber and metal parts.
And the more ethanol in gasoline, the most likely this damage will occur.
So going above 10% can wreak havoc with car engines — as well as those in motorcycles, lawnmowers, power boats, you name it — that aren’t built to handle the higher ethanol levels.
...Oh, and by the way, diverting so much corn into gasoline tanks has raised the price of food, which hurts the poor.
So why is the EPA pushing ethanol?
Does it help fight global warming?
Does it help cities fight smog?
Does it help the U.S. become more energy independent?
The answer is: None of the above.
- A 2011 study by the National Research Council found that ethanol use could boost overall CO2 emissions. An earlier study published in Science also found that, when you consider the impact of converting forests and grasslands to cornfields, ethanol sharply increases carbon emissions.
- Meanwhile, a 2007 study by a Stanford University environmental engineer found that increasing ethanol levels in gasoline can lead to more smog..."
Everyone is a government agent?-----Geek Squad employee allegedly searched PCs for the FBI
Geek Squad employee allegedly searched PCs for the FBI:
"The staffer allegedly conducted warrantless searches on the feds' behalf.
An astute PC technician is supposed to report any illegal content they see while fixing a machine, but one employee of Best Buy's Geek Squad might have gone too far.
The defense in a child pornography case alleges that the FBI paid Geek Squad agent Justin Meade to search customers' computers for illegal material, bypassing the warrant the FBI would need to conduct its own searches.
A secret informant file supposedly shows that Meade was considered a source for child porn investigations between 2009 and 2012, leading to the bust in question.
Attorneys for the accused, Dr. Mark Rettenmaier, want the evidence tossed out as a result.
Both the FBI and Meade deny that there were any orders to conduct searches.
The agent says he was only following Geek Squad's reporting policy, which also forbids payments from law enforcement.
However, the FBI also acknowledges that it paid Meade $500 for an unmentioned reason -- the question is whether or not this was an after-the-fact reward or an incentive.
It's far from certain that the accusation will stick.
The defense could have valid concerns that the FBI violated a constitutional right... or it could be blowing smoke to distract from damning evidence.
Either way, this isn't going to quiet fears (however overblown) that law enforcement might use device repair shops as fishing nets for crooks."
"The staffer allegedly conducted warrantless searches on the feds' behalf.
An astute PC technician is supposed to report any illegal content they see while fixing a machine, but one employee of Best Buy's Geek Squad might have gone too far.
A secret informant file supposedly shows that Meade was considered a source for child porn investigations between 2009 and 2012, leading to the bust in question.
Attorneys for the accused, Dr. Mark Rettenmaier, want the evidence tossed out as a result.
Both the FBI and Meade deny that there were any orders to conduct searches.
The agent says he was only following Geek Squad's reporting policy, which also forbids payments from law enforcement.
However, the FBI also acknowledges that it paid Meade $500 for an unmentioned reason -- the question is whether or not this was an after-the-fact reward or an incentive.
It's far from certain that the accusation will stick.
The defense could have valid concerns that the FBI violated a constitutional right... or it could be blowing smoke to distract from damning evidence.
Either way, this isn't going to quiet fears (however overblown) that law enforcement might use device repair shops as fishing nets for crooks."
The Big List of bathroom attacks
"The latest moves in his sexual-alternative agenda, which many commentators are describing as an “obsession,” follow his advocacy for “same-sex marriage” and for transgenders in the military and governmental positions.
Just say no! The petition that rejects Barack Obama’s transgender agenda.
Critics say Obama’s policy gives perverts the opportunity to attack women and children.
The president’s supporters are demanding evidence, and now the non-profit legal group Liberty Counsel has responded."
VIDEO: Students sign petition to allow man on women’s basketball team
VIDEO: Students sign petition to allow man on women’s basketball team:
In recent weeks, the issue of transgender rights has been brought to the forefront around the country.
In recent weeks, the issue of transgender rights has been brought to the forefront around the country.
Last week, President Obama directed public schools to allow students to use whichever bathroom they identified with, and now it seems to be just a matter of time before the same demands are made for transgender athletes.
As a contributor for Campus Reform, I wanted to see just how far young people are willing to go to accommodate those in the transgender community, so I went to the University of Maryland posing as a student who identified as a woman but was unable to try out for the women’s basketball team because of my “assigned gender at birth.”
Not knowing what to expect, I brought along 50 letters addressed to the school’s president, and began seeking signatures from “concerned students.”
Despite making no effort to exude femininity, it soon became apparent that students were more than willing to go along with the idea that I was a woman who had every right to play basketball with other women.
As the day progressed, I began to push the envelope further, calling myself a “hero” and even suggesting the abolition of gender-specific sports leagues. It seemed like the more outlandish my suggestions, the more enthusiastic my supporters became.
Of the 50 students who stopped to speak with me, just one insisted that I was clearly not a woman, and as such, should not be allowed to play basketball on the women’s team..."
History for May 25
History for May 25 -
Ralph W. Emerson 1803 - Essayist, philosopher, poet, Luther 'Bill' Robinson (Bill "Bojangles" Robinson) 1878 - Tap dancer, actor, Igor Sikorsky (Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky) 1889 - Pioneer in aviation with helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft

Robert Ludlum 1927 - Author (The Jason Borne series of books), Frank Oz 1944 - Actor, puppeteer (many Muppets characters, Yoda's voice), Mike Myers 1963 - Actor, comedian, screenwriter, cast member on "Saturday Night Live," ("Austin Powers" movies)

1844 - The gasoline engine was patented by Stuart Perry.

1927 - The "Movietone News" was shown for the first time at the Sam Harris Theatre in New York City.

1935 - Jesse Owens tied the world record for the 100-yard dash. He ran it in 9.4 seconds. He also broke three other world track records.

1953 - In Nevada, the first atomic cannon was fired.

1968 - The Gateway Arch, part of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial in St. Louis, MO, was dedicated.

1979 - An American Airlines DC-10 crashed during takeoff at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport. 275 people were killed.

1992 - Jay Leno debuted as the new permanent host of NBC's "Tonight Show."

2009 - North Korea announced that it had conducted a second successful nuclear test in the province of North Hamgyong. The United Nations Security Council condemned the reported test.
Ralph W. Emerson 1803 - Essayist, philosopher, poet, Luther 'Bill' Robinson (Bill "Bojangles" Robinson) 1878 - Tap dancer, actor, Igor Sikorsky (Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky) 1889 - Pioneer in aviation with helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft
Robert Ludlum 1927 - Author (The Jason Borne series of books), Frank Oz 1944 - Actor, puppeteer (many Muppets characters, Yoda's voice), Mike Myers 1963 - Actor, comedian, screenwriter, cast member on "Saturday Night Live," ("Austin Powers" movies)
1844 - The gasoline engine was patented by Stuart Perry.
1927 - The "Movietone News" was shown for the first time at the Sam Harris Theatre in New York City.
1935 - Jesse Owens tied the world record for the 100-yard dash. He ran it in 9.4 seconds. He also broke three other world track records.
1953 - In Nevada, the first atomic cannon was fired.
1968 - The Gateway Arch, part of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial in St. Louis, MO, was dedicated.
1979 - An American Airlines DC-10 crashed during takeoff at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport. 275 people were killed.
1992 - Jay Leno debuted as the new permanent host of NBC's "Tonight Show."
2009 - North Korea announced that it had conducted a second successful nuclear test in the province of North Hamgyong. The United Nations Security Council condemned the reported test.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Clinton Turns Down Fox News Invite for Democratic Debate in California |
Clinton Turns Down Fox News Invite for Democratic Debate in California |
"Days after Bernie Sanders agreed to participate in a Fox News debate, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton declined the invitation.
“We have declined Fox News’ invitation to participate in a debate in California,” Clinton spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri said in a statement. "
“We have declined Fox News’ invitation to participate in a debate in California,” Clinton spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri said in a statement. "
Rapper Threatens To Kill Donald Trump If His "Momma's Food Stamps" Are Taken Away
Rapper Threatens To Kill Donald Trump If His "Momma's Food Stamps" Are Taken Away:
Threats by prominent members of the black community against Donald Trump, either directly or indirectly, are nothing new.
Threats by prominent members of the black community against Donald Trump, either directly or indirectly, are nothing new.
Just under two months ago we reported about the latest social fallout incident from Trump’s rising popularity, when prominent Black Lives Matter activist and rapper Tef Poe tweeted a message for “white people”: if Donald Trump wins the presidency, “niggas” will ‘incite riots everywhere.’
“Dear white people if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know,” Poe tweeted. A screenshot of his since deleted tweet was captured below by the Daily Media.
To be sure, the antagonism among African-Americans toward Trump is well-known by now, and even CLSA’s noted commentator Chris Wood touched upon this in the latest edition of hs “Greed and Fear” newsletter.
...However, a new and perhaps even more bizarre protest, not to mention death threat, against Donald Trump was revealed this weekend when Louisiana rapper Maine Muzik said during a YouTube video recording that he would kill presumptive presidential candidate Donald Trump if his “Mamma’s food stamps are taken away.” To wit:
I could go to war with whoever the fuck I want to, but I really want to go to war with Donald Trump because Donald Trump trying to take food stamps from my mamma and that’s all the fuck she’s got. As long as the motherfucking government let us keep food stamps… we gonna be good, but the first time this nigga pass a law talking about he taking Louisiana purchase, shit going to get ugly. I swear to god on every motherfucking chain I got, bitchez gonna go down.You gotta understand them (inaudible) love Fruit Loops. They love that shit so if you take that shit nigga it’s coming with the madness and a nigga ain’t gonna play about that. Y’all take Donald Trump and let him know it’s up over here. We gonna declare war..."
Culture of corruption-----Bogus tutoring programs stole $1.2 million from Detroit students, feds say
Bogus tutoring programs stole $1.2 million from Detroit students, feds say |
"...U.S. Attorney Barbara L. McQuade's office claims Carolyn Starkey-Darden, the former Detroit Public Schools director of grant development, left the district after nearly 40 years in 2005, at which time the 69-year-old created multiple after-school and tutoring entities that billed and were paid at least $1.275 million fraudulently for services never administered to students.
"Ms. Starkey-Darden cheated the students of Detroit Public Schools out of valuable resources by fraudulently billing for her company's services" said David P. Gelios, special agent in charge of the FBI Detroit Division.
"In fact, Detroit students were cheated twice by this scheme.
"Students that needed tutoring never received it, and money that could have been spent on other resources was paid to Ms. Starkey-Darden as part of her fraud scheme."
...Another federal probe recently found a dozen or more teachers accepted bribes and kickbacks in exchange for offering contracts and fraudulent payments to a school supply company operated by Norman Fry, 74, of Franklin..."
"...U.S. Attorney Barbara L. McQuade's office claims Carolyn Starkey-Darden, the former Detroit Public Schools director of grant development, left the district after nearly 40 years in 2005, at which time the 69-year-old created multiple after-school and tutoring entities that billed and were paid at least $1.275 million fraudulently for services never administered to students.

"In fact, Detroit students were cheated twice by this scheme.
"Students that needed tutoring never received it, and money that could have been spent on other resources was paid to Ms. Starkey-Darden as part of her fraud scheme."
...Another federal probe recently found a dozen or more teachers accepted bribes and kickbacks in exchange for offering contracts and fraudulent payments to a school supply company operated by Norman Fry, 74, of Franklin..."
Washington state GOP convention supports Cruz | TheHill
"The Washington state GOP convention backed Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) over presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump this weekend."
Your tax dollars at "work"-----This higher ed pop quiz will make your jaw drop
This higher ed pop quiz will make your jaw drop - The College Fix:
"How bad is the state of higher education in Oklahoma?
Take this shocking pop quiz to find out — but be warned — it is not for the faint of heart.
Higher education watchdog Brandon Dutcher poses this question:
An Oklahoma university president told reporters that a certain activity is “morally wrong” — even called it a “sin.”
Your job as quiz taker is to guess which of these items — culled from the headlines in recent years — prompted the denunciation.
(A similar version of this quiz was first reported by See Thru Edu.)
Remember, only one item is the correct answer:
Now comes time for the big reveal.
Click to see if you "passed"!
"How bad is the state of higher education in Oklahoma?
Take this shocking pop quiz to find out — but be warned — it is not for the faint of heart.
Higher education watchdog Brandon Dutcher poses this question:
An Oklahoma university president told reporters that a certain activity is “morally wrong” — even called it a “sin.”
Your job as quiz taker is to guess which of these items — culled from the headlines in recent years — prompted the denunciation.
(A similar version of this quiz was first reported by See Thru Edu.)
Remember, only one item is the correct answer:
- Oklahoma State University held its annual “Dragonfly” drag show in which students competed for best drag queen and drag king. The show “is adult in nature,” OSU has warned, “and is not recommended for those under the age of 18.”
- Oklahoma State University hosted a “trans homoeroticism” lecture and slideshow.
- After becoming aware of a hip-hop artist whose lyrical stylings include “f*ck the police,” “you went to jail as a b*tch, came home as a dyke,” “these niggas was robbing your sh*t,” and lyrics much, much worse than that, OU agreed to pay him $40,000 to perform on campus.
- When the clock ran out on a student representing the University of Oklahoma in a national college debate tournament, he refused to yield the floor, yelling: “F*** the time!”
- University of Central Oklahoma launched a program geared toward “bisexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, intersex, asexual, queer, questioning, and allied students.”
- The University of Oklahoma student newspaper distributed 11,000 latex condoms by attaching them to the front of the newspapers.
- The University of Oklahoma “Assistant Director for LGBTQ and Health Programs” (yes, that’s an actual job title) announced the opening of a separate-but-equal “LGBTQ lounge” on campus.
- Some Oklahomans believe government subsidies to higher education should be reduced.
Now comes time for the big reveal.
Click to see if you "passed"!
Your energy bills at "work"?-----DTE Energy Foundation gives $2 million to Detroit Symphony Orchestra
DTE Energy Foundation gives $2 million to Detroit Symphony Orchestra - Crain's Detroit Business
"DTE Energy Foundation is providing a $2 million grant to the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, marking its sixth year of support for the orchestra's community concert series, held each September.
The grant will fund the four free community concerts for each of the next three years, as well as music education in schools and outreach to senior citizens, said Randi Berris, manager of corporate communications for DTE Energy Co.
DTE plans to announce the grant during a pop-up concert at its Detroit headquarters this morning, the fourth pop-up DSO performance it's sponsored this month around the region.
The DSO's performances out in the commuinity are "a great way to ensure the larger community has an opportunity to hear the symphony, something that might not otherwise be accessible to many people," Berris said."
"DTE Energy Foundation is providing a $2 million grant to the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, marking its sixth year of support for the orchestra's community concert series, held each September.
DTE plans to announce the grant during a pop-up concert at its Detroit headquarters this morning, the fourth pop-up DSO performance it's sponsored this month around the region.
The DSO's performances out in the commuinity are "a great way to ensure the larger community has an opportunity to hear the symphony, something that might not otherwise be accessible to many people," Berris said."
Romanian hacker who says he breached Clinton server finalizing plea deal | Fox News
"The Romanian hacker who claimed he easily breached Hillary Clinton’s personal email server is finalizing a plea deal with the FBI and U.S. attorney, Fox News has learned.
Marcel Lehel Lazar, the 44-year-old hacker also known as “Guccifer,” first gave indications he wanted to cooperate with the U.S. government in mid-April, during an interview with Fox News. Lazar, in a subsequent discussion, said he was working on a plea deal – he then suspended media contact earlier this month."
Good one!-----TRUMP AD: Bill Clinton chomps cigar over voices of accusers
TRUMP AD: Bill Clinton chomps cigar over voices of accusers - The American MirrorThe American Mirror:
A new ad released by the Donald Trump campaign is going after President Clinton. Hard.
A new ad released by the Donald Trump campaign is going after President Clinton. Hard.
The ad features several quotes from some of Clinton’s accusers over a picture of the former president chomping on a cigar. “Is Hillary really protecting women?” the ad is captioned on Facebook.
The women say:
- “I was very nervous.”
- “No woman should be subjected to it.”
- “It was an assault.”
- “He starts to bite on my top lip and I try to pull away from him.”
The ad ends with a cackling Hillary Clinton and the words, “Here We Go Again?”
“Nobody, perhaps in the history of politics,” Trump declared at a recent rally, “was worse to women or abused more women than Bill Clinton.”
Moron-Nation-----VIDEO: Portland State students pledge money to help Hamas attack cafes, schools
VIDEO: Portland State students pledge money to help Hamas attack cafes, schools - The American MirrorThe American Mirror:
There apparently are *a lot* of students who will knowingly give financial aid to terrorists.
Filmmaker Ami Horowitz, posing as a worker for “American Friends For Hamas,” made a series of provocative statements to students walking on the campus of Portland State University recently, including:
- “We’re not your father’s terrorist organization, we’ve kind of evolved beyond that.”
- “We want to fund operations against Israel and the types of attacks we’re talking about are cafes and schools, you know, soft targets.”
- “Cafes and schools — soft targets. You know, make them feel it.”
- “The suicide bomber’s all we’ve got. It’s kind of like the poor man’s F-15.”
- “We want to wipe Israel off the map.”
“I’ve actually been learning about, this last school year, about everything that’s going on over there so I like the sound of what you’re doing,” one person said. “It sounds like a great thing to do.”
Another said, “I’m totally against the Israeli genocide.”...
Woman Dies Climbing Everest To Show 'Vegans Can Do Anything'
Woman Dies Climbing Everest To Show 'Vegans Can Do Anything' | The Daily Caller:
"A vegan woman who attempted to climb Mount Everest to demonstrate that “vegans can do anything” died on Saturday afternoon at an Everest base camp before reaching the summit.
The woman, Maria Strydom, was a professor at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, reports the Daily Mail.
Strydom, a 34-year-old citizen of South Africa, described herself as an experienced mountain climber.
On Friday, she turned back during the last leg of her expedition after she began to feel ill."
The woman, Maria Strydom, was a professor at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, reports the Daily Mail.
Strydom, a 34-year-old citizen of South Africa, described herself as an experienced mountain climber.
On Friday, she turned back during the last leg of her expedition after she began to feel ill."
First Baltimore Police Officer Charged in Freddie Gray Case Acquitted on All Charges |
"BALTIMORE (TheBlaze/AP) — A Baltimore officer was acquitted Monday of assault and other charges in the arrest of Freddie Gray, dealing prosecutors a significant blow in their attempt to hold police accountable for the young black man’s death from injuries he suffered in the back of a police van."
Leonardo DiCaprio: Fighting Fossil a Private Jet?
Leonardo DiCaprio: Fighting Fossil a Private Jet?
Leonardo DiCaprio Flies To Accept Environmental Award in Private Jet.
Yes Really…

Have you ever noticed that with increased celebrity comes insufferable hypocrisy (see Angelina Jolie and Clooney:
Massive Hypocrites When it Comes to Refugees… and
Proud Feminist Amy Schumer: ‘Don’t Call me Plus-Sized!’ Let’s Count the Ironies…)?
One of my favorite examples is none other than Leonardo DiCaprio.
Leo wants to end fossil fuels, reverse global warming, and save the environment so badly… he’ll fly out on his private jet to tell you about it.
No word yet as to whether it runs on solar.
No really, he literally flew to accept an award from an environmental-impact group… on his private jet..."
Leonardo DiCaprio Flies To Accept Environmental Award in Private Jet.
Yes Really…
Have you ever noticed that with increased celebrity comes insufferable hypocrisy (see Angelina Jolie and Clooney:
Massive Hypocrites When it Comes to Refugees… and
Proud Feminist Amy Schumer: ‘Don’t Call me Plus-Sized!’ Let’s Count the Ironies…)?
One of my favorite examples is none other than Leonardo DiCaprio.
Leo wants to end fossil fuels, reverse global warming, and save the environment so badly… he’ll fly out on his private jet to tell you about it.
No word yet as to whether it runs on solar.
No really, he literally flew to accept an award from an environmental-impact group… on his private jet..."
History for May 24
History for May 24 -
Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit 1686 - Physicist, engineer, he determined the temperature scale named after him, Emanuel Leutze 1816, Queen Victoria (Britain) 1819

Samuel I. Newhouse 1895, Bob Dylan (Robert Allen Zimmerman) 1941 - Musician, singer, songwriter (Traveling Wilburys), Gary Burghoff 1943 - Actor ("M*A*S*H")
1764 - Bostonian lawyer James Otis denounced "taxation without representation" and called for the colonies to unite in demonstrating their opposition to Britain’s new tax measures.
1830 - The first passenger railroad service in the U.S. began service.
1844 - Samuel F.B. Morse formally opened America's first telegraph line. The first message was sent from Washington, DC, to Baltimore, MD. The message was "What hath God wrought?"
1941 - The HMS Hood was sunk by the German battleship Bismarck in the North Atlantic. Only three people survived.
1961 - The Freedom Riders were arrested in Jackson, Mississippi.
1983 - The Brooklyn Bridge's 100th birthday was celebrated.
1994 - The four men convicted of bombing the New York's World Trade Center were each sentenced to 240 years in prison.
2000 - The U.S. House of Representatives approved permanent normal trade relations with China. China was not happy about some of the human rights conditions that had been attached by the U.S. lawmakers.
Monday, May 23, 2016
BREAKING: Oklahoma Makes Move To IMPEACH Obama For Stunning Reason
BREAKING: Oklahoma Makes Move To IMPEACH Obama For Stunning Reason:
"President Barack Obama’s administration recently issued an “executive decree” in the form of a letter to all public and private schools in the nation that essentially threatened them with the loss of federal funding and even lawsuits if they refused to comply with the progressive agenda of allowing transgender individuals to use whichever bathroom they choose.
That decree obviously ruffled quite a few feathers, and several states have basically stated that they will simply ignore the “guidance” from Obama and go about their own business as they see fit, federal funding be damned."
That decree obviously ruffled quite a few feathers, and several states have basically stated that they will simply ignore the “guidance” from Obama and go about their own business as they see fit, federal funding be damned."
Flashback To All The People Who Praised Chavez’s Socialism
Flashback To All The People Who Praised Chavez’s Socialism :
"Dead Socialist Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez was praised throughout his life by many figures in academia, journalism and Hollywood despite his brutal regime.
This praise included Salon writer David Sirota’s piece after the leader’s death, titled “Hugo Chavez’s economic miracle.”
In British publication The New Statesman, a headline as Chavez was nearing death in January 2013 was “Hugo Chavez: Man against the world,” and its sub-headline read “As illness ends Hugo Chavez’s rule in Venezuela, what will his legacy be? Richard Gott argues he brought hope to a continent.”
...Mexican NGO, the Citizens’ Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice, published its annual ranking of urban crime in January 2016, and found that in 2015, Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, was the most murderous place on Earth...
...the fact that Venezuela has arguably the biggest hoard of oil reserves in the world, at more than 500 billion barrels,” according to Forbes’ Christopher Helman.
OPEC reports that Venezuela has 24.9 percent of proven crude oil reserves as of the end of 2014 — Saudi Arabia comes in a close second with 22.1 percent.
...Meanwhile, the Venezuelan workweek for government employees was limited to four days a week and then two days a week in April to deal with electricity shortages.
Daily four-hour blackouts across most of Venezuela was another policy implemented in April by the socialist government to deal with its self-made crisis..."
"Dead Socialist Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez was praised throughout his life by many figures in academia, journalism and Hollywood despite his brutal regime.
This praise included Salon writer David Sirota’s piece after the leader’s death, titled “Hugo Chavez’s economic miracle.”
...Mexican NGO, the Citizens’ Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice, published its annual ranking of urban crime in January 2016, and found that in 2015, Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, was the most murderous place on Earth...
...the fact that Venezuela has arguably the biggest hoard of oil reserves in the world, at more than 500 billion barrels,” according to Forbes’ Christopher Helman.
OPEC reports that Venezuela has 24.9 percent of proven crude oil reserves as of the end of 2014 — Saudi Arabia comes in a close second with 22.1 percent.
...Meanwhile, the Venezuelan workweek for government employees was limited to four days a week and then two days a week in April to deal with electricity shortages.
Daily four-hour blackouts across most of Venezuela was another policy implemented in April by the socialist government to deal with its self-made crisis..."
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