Friday, July 22, 2016

Middle-age-plus memory decline may just be a matter of changing focus

Middle-age-plus memory decline may just be a matter of changing focus | KurzweilAI:
"Are you middle-aged or older and having problems remembering details, like where you left the keys or parked your car?
Cheer up, it may simply be the result of a change in what information your brain focuses on during memory formation and retrieval, rather than a decline in brain function, according to a study by McGill University researchers.
In the study, published in the journal, NeuroImage, 112 healthy adults ranging in age from 19 to 76 years were shown a series of faces.
Participants were then asked to recall where a particular face appeared on the screen (left or right) and when it appeared (least or most recently).
The researchers used functional MRI to analyze which parts of brain were activated during recall of these details.
Different parts of the brain involved
Senior author Natasha Rajah, Director of the Brain Imaging Centre, and colleagues found that young adults activated their visual cortex while successfully performing this task.
But for middle-aged and older adults, their medial prefrontal cortex was activated instead.
That’s a part of the brain known to be involved with information having to do with one’s own life and introspection.
This may reflect changes in what adults deem “important information” as they age, she said..."

White House Claims That Student Debt Is Good for the Economy

White House Claims That Student Debt Is Good for the Economy | The Daily Sheeple:
"These days, student loan debt is probably one the most controversial and maligned issues in America.
Pretty much everyone agrees that these debts are overwhelming young people, and preventing them from starting productive lives.
Image result for obama college debtThat is, everyone except The Council of Economic Advisors, a research group that works for the White House.
The organization recently released a paper which argued that these student loans are actually beneficial to the economy.
“Federal student loan programs help expand access to high-quality education, which has long-lasting benefits to individuals as well as the overall macroeconomy through higher labor productivity and faster GDP growth.”
The report goes on to claim that the Fed’s student loan program has helped build skills among workers, earning them more money and driving growth.
...And yet, the Council of Economic Advisors concluded their report by saying “College remains an excellent investment overall, and the majority of dollars in the student loan market continue to fund investments with large returns to student borrowers and the economy.”
Don’t be.
This is what happens when the scammers conduct a study on their own scam."

Conservatives, If We Want Unity, We Have To Unite Around Our Principles |

Conservatives, If We Want Unity, We Have To Unite Around Our Principles |

"Trump became the nominee on Tuesday. On Wednesday, conservatism was finally kicked to the curb. It was made official when Ted Cruz and his wife had to be escorted out of the building by security simply because he gave speech that profoundly defended the principles of conservatism without kissing the ring of the Godking. A speech that featured lines like:

…America is more than just a land mass between two oceans, America is an ideal. A simple, yet powerful ideal. Freedom matters.

For much of human history government power has been the unavoidable constant in life. Government decrees and the people obey, but not here. We have no king or queen, we have no dictator, we the people constrain government."

Technology Is Making Doctors Feel Like Glorified Data Entry Clerks

Technology Is Making Doctors Feel Like Glorified Data Entry Clerks - Slashdot:
"An anonymous reader writes from a report via Fast Company:
The average day for a doctor consists of hours of data entry. 
Since the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009 took effect in January of 2011, which incentivized providers to adopt electronic medical records, hospitals have spent millions, sometimes billions, on computer systems that weren't designed to help providers treat patients to begin with.
Image result for Doctors confusedThe technology was supposed to reduce inefficiencies, make doctors' lives easier, and improve patient outcomes, but in fact it has done the opposite. 
"Frankly, the main incentive is to document exhaustively so you cover your ass and get paid," says Jay Parkinson, a New York-based pediatrician and the founder of health-tech startup Sherpa.
The systems are flooding doctors with important and utterly meaningless alerts. 
One of the biggest problems is that the systems have made it very difficult for doctors to share information between one another, which is what the systems were intended to do all along.
"Because it doesn't help the bottom line of the biggest medical record vendors or the hospitals to make it easy for patients to change doctors," reports Fast Company..."

Federal judge blocks Michigan ban on straight-party voting

Federal judge blocks Michigan ban on straight-party voting - Crain's Detroit Business:
"DETROIT — A judge on Thursday blocked Michigan's new ban on straight-party voting, saying it's a direct strike on the rights of blacks in big cities who tend to vote for Democrats with a single mark on the ballot.
U.S. District Judge Gershwin Drain signed an injunction a week after hearing arguments.
He said the law would place a "disproportionate burden" on blacks in the fall election, the first election that would be affected.
..."The real question that the court must answer is whether the burdens caused by P.A. 268 are in part caused by or linked to social and historical conditions that have produced or currently produced discrimination against African-Americans," Drain wrote.
"This question is unavoidably answered in the affirmative..."

Lunch video-----Vietnam Jets - MiG-17/A-4/F-100 - EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2015


Why Glenn Beck Believes Cruz’s Huge RNC Gamble Could Actually Help Him in Long Run |

Why Glenn Beck Believes Cruz’s Huge RNC Gamble Could Actually Help Him in Long Run |

"“Last night was an amazing night that was a turning point, truly a turning point. There is a remarkable thing that happened with Ted Cruz” Beck, who endorsed Cruz during the GOP primary, said at the start of his radio show Thursday. “I don’t know what else you wanted him to say. He said, ‘Vote your conscience … stand for the Constitution.”"

Yup, She's Crooked

Yup, She's Crooked | The Weekly Standard:
"Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt person ever to get this close to becoming president of the United States. 
Image result for hillary liesAaron Burr was corrupt, but his treason didn’t occur until after his presidential possibilities had dried up. Ulysses Grant was a great man whose administration was riddled with corruption, but he wasn't personally involved.
Warren Harding wasn't a great man, but he wasn't party to the corruption in his administration either. Hillary Clinton stands alone.
Her corruption has many dimensions.
It encompasses her personal, professional, and political life.
There are lots of overlaps.
Her use of a private email server engulfs all three aspects.
With Clinton, one never has to exaggerate. 
Her malfeasance speaks for itself, loudly.
She lies to get out of trouble and fool the press and voters.
But she also lies gratuitously—when it's not required to avoid trouble.
...Clinton has a masochistic relationship with the media.
She spurns them.
They protect her..."

86-Year-Old Woman Defends Herself by Beating Would-Be Thief... with a Package of Bacon

Image result for bacon what can't it do86-Year-Old Woman Defends Herself by Beating Would-Be Thief... with a Package of Bacon | The Daily Sheeple:
Sometimes in the name of self-protection, you just have to go with what’s handy.
In the case of this 86-year-old grocery store shopper, what she had on hand was a package of bacon.
After an elderly woman withdrew a large sum of cash from an ATM, she decided to go for groceries at a supermarket in Altrincham, UK. 

Soon after, a younger woman approached her cart and demanded all the money she had just withdrawn.
Instead of giving up everything she had, the elderly shopper decided she would beat the woman in the head with a package of bacon.
It worked, and the would-be robber ran off.
That’s right. 

Behold… the power of bacon.

Immigration in Europe: Map of the percentages and countries of origin of immigrants

Immigration in Europe: Map of the percentages and countries of origin of immigrants

Watch the Full 2016 Republican National Convention - Day 4

White House Responds to Petition Requesting ‘Black Lives Matter’ Be Labeled a Terror Group |

White House Responds to Petition Requesting ‘Black Lives Matter’ Be Labeled a Terror Group |

"The petition was originally created on July 6, the same day a gunman in Dallas opened fire on police, leaving five officers dead. In order for a petition to receive a response from the White House, it must receive at least 100,000 signatures. The petition currently boasts more than 140,000 signatures.

The petition reads as follows:
Terrorism is defined as “the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims”. This definition is the same definition used to declare ISIS and other groups, as terrorist organizations. Black Lives Matter has earned this title due to its actions in Ferguson, Baltimore, and even at a Bernie Sanders rally, as well as all over the United States and Canada. "

Immigration in Europe: Map of the percentages and countries of origin of immigrants

Immigration in Europe: Map of the percentages and countries of origin of immigrants

AM Fruitcake

History for July 22

History for July 22 -
Gregor Mendel 1822, Karl Menninger 1893, Alexander Calder 1898

Bob Dole 1923, Alex Trebek 1940, Albert Brooks 1947

1376 - The legend of the Pied Piper of Hamelin leading rats out of town is said to have occurred on this date.

1587 - A second English colony was established on Roanoke Island off North Carolina. The colony vanished under mysterious circumstances.

1796 - Cleveland was founded by General Moses Cleaveland.

1798 - The USS Constitution was underway and out to sea for the first time since being launched on October 21, 1797.

1933 - Wiley Post ended his around-the-world flight. He had traveled 15,596 miles in 7 days, 18 hours and 45 minutes.

1943 - American forces led by General George S. Patton captured Palermo, Sicily.

2003 - In northern Iraq, Saddam Hussein's sons Odai and Qusai died after a gunfight with U.S. forces.

2011 - Space Shuttle Atlantis landed successfully at Kennedy Space Center after completing STS-135. It was the final flight of NASA's space shuttle program.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Federal Appeals Court Deals Major Blow to Strict Texas Voter ID Law |

Federal Appeals Court Deals Major Blow to Strict Texas Voter ID Law |

"Lawyers for Texas have argued that the state makes free IDs easy to obtain. They said any inconveniences or costs involved in getting one do not substantially burden the right to vote, and that the Justice Department and other plaintiffs had failed to prove that the law resulted in denying anyone the right to vote"

Why Conservatives Can’t Understand Liberals (and Vice Versa)

Why Conservatives Can’t Understand Liberals (and Vice Versa) | Intellectual Takeout:
..."They found five primary categories that serve as our moral foundation:
1) Care/harm: This foundation is related to our long evolution as mammals with attachment systems and an ability to feel (and dislike) the pain of others. It underlies virtues of kindness, gentleness, and nurturance.
2) Fairness/reciprocity: This foundation is related to the evolutionary process of reciprocal altruism. It generates ideas of justice, rights, and autonomy. [Note: In our original conception, Fairness included concerns about equality, which are more strongly endorsed by political liberals. However, as we reformulated the theory in 2011 based on new data, we emphasize proportionality, which is endorsed by everyone, but is more strongly endorsed by conservatives]
3) Loyalty/betrayal: This foundation is related to our long history as tribal creatures able to form shifting coalitions. It underlies virtues of patriotism and self-sacrifice for the group. It is active anytime people feel that it's "one for all, and all for one."
4) Authority/subversion: This foundation was shaped by our long primate history of hierarchical social interactions. It underlies virtues of leadership and followership, including deference to legitimate authority and respect for traditions.
5) Sanctity/degradation: This foundation was shaped by the psychology of disgust and contamination. It underlies religious notions of striving to live in an elevated, less carnal, more noble way. It underlies the widespread idea that the body is a temple which can be desecrated by immoral activities and contaminants (an idea not unique to religious traditions).
What Haidt found is that both conservatives and liberals recognize the Harm/Care and Fairness/Reciprocity values.
Liberal-minded people, however, tend to reject the three remaining foundational values— Loyalty/betrayal, Authority/subversion, and Sanctity/degradation —while conservatives accept them.
It’s an extraordinary difference, and it helps explain why many liberals and conservatives in America think “the other side” is bonkers.
Liberals might contend, of course, that these values are not proper morals at all but base human traits responsible for xenophobia, religious oppression, etc.
Haidt rejects this thesis.
And through a series of historical illustrations, psychological studies, and cross-cultural references he explains that many liberals often fail to appreciate a timeless truth that conservatives usually accept: order tends to decay.
(A truth, I’ll add, buttressed by the second law of thermodynamics.)
Now, Haidt is not suggesting conservatives are superior to liberals.
He points out that conservatives tend to value order even at the cost of those at the bottom of society, which can result in morally dubious social implications.
Liberals, however, often desire change even at the risk of anarchy...."

Black athletes called athletic center ‘Plantation,' say they worked for white students to play golf

Black athletes called athletic center ‘Plantation,' say they worked for white students to play golf - The College Fix:
Image result for southern plantation workers"University of Colorado Boulder Chancellor Philip DiStefano recently told the board of regents that some black student athletes have referred to the Dal Ward Athletic Center as “The Plantation” – calling it that because they believed their efforts essentially paid for white student to play sports such as golf and tennis.
The anecdote came as DiStafano spoke to regents in a larger discussion about diversity and inclusion, comments summarized by a local reporter at the meeting in a series of tweets.
“#CUBoulder Chancellor Phil DiStefano is sharing a story about a recent conversation he had with a black athletic dept. staffer,” Daily Camera reporter Sarah Kuta tweeted.
“DiStefano says black athletes call Dal Ward Athletic Center ‘The Plantation’ because all they’re valued for is their athletic contributions.
DiStefano says black athletes call it ‘The Plantation’ because their performance pays for white people to play golf, tennis, run track.
Their sweat and tears is really for other people, not for them.”...

Police Detective Risks Career, Takes Down Race Baiter Obama With Brutal Revelation

Police Detective Risks Career, Takes Down Race Baiter Obama With Brutal Revelation:

"“The president of the United States has blood on his hands and it will not be able to become washed off.”

Loomis said President Obama had blamed police in a “reprehensible” manner and that the president has scapegoated law enforcement.

“How the hell did we ever become the bad guys in this country?” Loomis said. “It’s the irresponsible reporting of the media and it’s the irresponsible statements of people that are credible, like the president of the United States, like celebrities.”"

Erdogan Unleashes Unprecedented Crackdown: Fires All University Deans; Suspends 21,000 Private School Teachers

Erdogan Unleashes Unprecedented Crackdown: Fires All University Deans; Suspends 21,000 Private School Teachers | Zero Hedge:
Erdogan Unleashes Unprecedented Crackdown: Fires All University Deans; Suspends 21,000 Private School Teachers
Over the weekend, after the initial reports of the purge unleashed by Erdogan against Turkey's public, we previewed the upcoming, far more dangerous counter-coup as follows: "it was the next step that is the critical one: the one where Erdogan - having cracked down on his immediate military and legal opponents - took his crusade against everyone else, including the press and the educational system."
But while Turkey's press is already mostly under Erdogan's control, it is the educational witch hunt fallout that is far more troubling, and just as expected over the past hour we have gotten a glimpse of just how extensive the Turkish's president cleansing of secular society will be, when the state-run Anadolu news agency reported that Turkey's ministry of education has sacked 15,200 personnel for alleged involvement with a group the government claims is responsible for Friday's failed coup.
Even more shocking, Anadolu reports that Turkey's Board of Higher Education has requested the resignations of all 1,577 university deans, effectively dismissing them.  Of the deans dismissed, 1,176 worked in public universities and 401 in private institutions..."

Fancypants Case Western Offers GOP Convention SAFE SPACE

Fancypants Case Western Offers GOP Convention SAFE SPACE | The Daily Caller:
"Case Western Reserve University is providing a “safe space” for students who are upset about this week’s Republican National Convention.
Image result for SAFE SPACEThe fancypants private school in Cleveland — where tuition, fees and room and board cost $60,304 per year — is located just over 4 miles from Quicken Loans Arena, where the GOP convention is occurring.
 A July 11 statement in The Daily, Case Western’s internal e-newsletter, informs students — and professors, and administrators — that the private school’s Social Justice Institute “will host a ‘safe space'” in the basement of concrete-laden Crawford Hall for the duration of the convention, which runs from July 18 to July 21.
“After extensive consultation among our leadership team and discussions in last week’s open forums, we have decided that the university will reduce its on-campus operations significantly from Monday, July 18, through the close of the convention Thursday, July 21,” the statement explains..."

Lunch video-----World Collapse Explained in 3 Minutes


Baltimore Cops To Sue Marilyn Mosby For Malicious Prosecution | The Daily Caller

Baltimore Cops To Sue Marilyn Mosby For Malicious Prosecution | The Daily Caller:

"Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby will face a slew of new counts, including malicious prosecution and false arrest in a lawsuit brought by two Baltimore cops, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned."

Boris Johnson may be “the sole politician in Europe qualified to deal with Erdogan”

Boris Johnson may be “the sole politician in Europe qualified to deal with Erdogan” - The Rebel:

Boris Johnson was London’s mayor until a few weeks ago; plus an MP; plus helped campaign for the Leave side of Brexit campaign, and I was sort of hoping that he’d run for the leadership of the Tory Party there after David Cameron stepped down.
But instead, he was just appointed to be their foreign minister. Which I think is perfect.
The UK's Spectator magazine had a poetry contest recently about the Turkish president, Erdogan.
Remember, Erdogan has persuaded the German government to prosecute a German comedian for reading a dirty poem about Erdogan on the German version of Saturday Night Live.
So the Spectator had a contest for rude poems about Erdogan. And Johnson entered. And obviously he won, with this limerick:
There was a young fellow from Ankara
Who was a terrific wankerer
Till he sowed his wild oats
With the help of a goat
But he didn’t even stop to thankera.
I am deadly serious when I say he may be the sole politician in Europe qualified to deal with Erdogan, especially as he conducts his Stalinst purges of Turkey’s government, judiciary, media and military.

In case you forgot.... or only watch/listen to NPR-PBS-CNN-ABC-NBC-CBS....

9 Killed, 55 Shot in Chicago - 33 in One Day, Marking Worst Day of Shootings in a Year - Breitbart

9 Killed, 55 Shot in Chicago - 33 in One Day, Marking Worst Day of Shootings in a Year - Breitbart:

"With 55 shootings and five deaths, the weekend in Chicago was particularly bloody, so much so that Sunday marked itself as having the most shootings in a single day in over a year.
Friday rang in with nine shootings and one death at around 3 PM. One of the shooting incidents included no less than three victims in the same incident."

Butler Co. sheriff urges civilian staff to carry weapons at work

Butler Co. sheriff urges civilian staff to carry weapons at work | Local News - WLWT Home: "HAMILTON (WLWT and AP) —One southwest Ohio sheriff is encouraging staffers with licenses to carry to bring their weapons to work.
Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones has declared himself “the most interesting sheriff in the world.”
In a memo sent to employees last week, Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones urged civilian employees and volunteers to carry their weapons at the sheriff's office and while operating any department vehicle away from headquarters.
"Everyone should exercise some extra caution at this time concerning their own personal safety," Jones wrote.
The memo was sent after recent attacks against police officers in other parts of the county.
In the memo, Jones urged employees to plan their attire appropriately and carry their weapons discreetly when in public view.
The sheriff also reminded staffers to adhere to state guidelines for carrying concealed weapons when off department premises."

AM Fruitcake