War on Truth
By Tammy Derouin
Truth and logic are no longer part of the political
equation. For the Left, they have become
pesky, annoying inconvenient truths. When
the facts don’t add up in their favor or when the truth threatens their agenda,
an all-out war gets underway.
We now live in a world where the desired outcome is predetermined.
Actions and deeds play out as if they
were scripted. The truth is no longer
relevant. In fact, if the truth does
manage to find its way to the surface, a political task force rushes to the
scene, destroys the evidence, scrubs and sanitizes the damning mess and resets
the scene to their liking. Media outlets
all across the nation are ready to redirect our attention while a new reality
is under construction.
There once was a time when you could rely on the truth to
set the record straight. Justice is
dependent upon truth. When it’s revealed
but ignored, justice does not exist. Our
government has repeatedly ignored the truth and has sought to conceal it. The
war on truth is a continuous, tiresome battle for the Left. They are fully aware that facts will destroy
them, which is why they attack so feverishly. Their existence is depended upon
lies and uninformed constituents.