Wednesday, June 14, 2017

History for June 14

Image result for donald trump quotesImage result for flag day
History for June 14 -
Harriet Beecher Stowe 1811, Antoine-Joseph "Adolphe" Sax 1848, Burl Ives 1909
Image result for Harriet Beecher Stowe QuotesImage result for Antoine-Joseph "Adolphe" SaxImage result for burl ives album

Pierre Salinger 1925, Jerzy Kosinski 1933, Donald Trump 1946 - Real estate developer, television personality
Image result for Pierre Salinger quotesImage result for jerzy kosinski quotesImage result for donald trump quotes

1775 - The Continental Army was founded by the Second Continental Congress for purposes of common defense. This event is considered to be the birth of the United States Army. On June 15, George Washington was appointed commander-in-chief.
Image result for birth of the United States Army.

1777 - The Continental Congress in Philadelphia adopted the "Stars and Stripes" as the national flag of the United States. The Flag Resolution stated "Resolved: that the flag of the United States be made of thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation." On May 20, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson officially proclaimed June 14 "Flag Day" as a commemoration of the "Stars and Stripes."
Image result for Continental Congress in Philadelphia adopted the "Stars and Stripes"

1834 - Cyrus Hall McCormick received a patent for his reaping machine.
Image result for Cyrus Hall McCormick received a patent for his reaping machine

1846 - A group of U.S. settlers in Sonoma proclaimed the Republic of California.
Image result for Republic of California.

1940 - The Nazis opened their concentration camp at Auschwitz in German-occupied Poland.
Image result for 1940 - The Nazis opened their concentration camp at Auschwitz

1951 - "Univac I" was unveiled. It was a computer designed for the U.S. Census Bureau and billed as the world's first commercial computer.
Image result for "Univac I"

1954 - U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed an order adding the words "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance.
Image result for Eisenhower signed an order adding the words "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance.

1954 - Americans took part in the first nation-wide civil defense test against atomic attack.
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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Comey privately told Congress about second confrontation with the former Attorney General | Circa News - Learn. Think. Do.

Comey privately told Congress about second confrontation with the former Attorney General | Circa News - Learn. Think. Do.:
Image result for lynch clinton"Comey told lawmakers in the close door session that he raised his concern with the attorney general that she had created a conflict of interest by meeting with Clinton’s husband, the former President Bill Clinton, on an airport tarmac while the investigation was ongoing.
During the conversation, Comey told lawmakers he confronted Lynch with a highly sensitive piece of evidence, a communication between two political figures that suggested Lynch had agreed to put the kibosh on any prosecution of Clinton."

Facebook Patent Reveals Plans to Collect Footage Through Cameras Without User Knowledge - Breitbart

Facebook Patent Reveals Plans to Collect Footage Through Cameras Without User Knowledge - Breitbart:

Image result for flickr commons images camera on laptop"A new patent filed by Facebook shows that the company may use phone, tablet and laptop cameras to spy on their users.
The Daily Mail reports that social media company Facebook filed a patent called “Techniques for emotion detection and content delivery” to collect “passive imaging data” via device cameras that are not turned on, an act which experts are calling an “ethical minefield.”"

The way we were-----Cold War Peacemaker: The Story of the B-36

It's Confirmed: Without Government Subsidies, Tesla Sales Implode | Zero Hedge

It's Confirmed: Without Government Subsidies, Tesla Sales Implode | Zero Hedge
"The punchline: "price really matters." 
And, by extension, taxpayer subsidies.
What happened next is probably obvious. 
As Bloomberg explains, while the government’s original plans anticipated to phase out tax breaks from 2016 to 2020, when they would be treated in the same way as fossil fuel-powered cars, on April 18, having taken note of the drop in sales, the government decided to change the rules.
"It’s no secret electrical vehicle sales have been below what we expected a year and a half ago," Tax Minister Karsten Lauritzen said in a statement. "The agreed phase-in has turned out to be hard and that likely halted sales."

The new rules mean the transition to a post-subsidy era has been postponed until at least 5,000 new electric cars are sold over the 2016-2018 period. Tax breaks will in any case be progressively eliminated as of 2019, regardless of sales numbers. The plan envisages a 40 percent registration tax minus a 10,000 kroner ($1,500) deduction in 2019, with the tax rising to 65 percent in 2021, 90 percent in 2021 and 100 percent in 2022.
...Should the rest of the world follow in Denmark's example, the same thing would happen to Tesla's market cap, which at last check amount to just over $800,000 per car sold..."

So-Called Anti-Fascists Have Proved They Are Worse Than the 'Fascists' They Oppose | Heat Street

So-Called Anti-Fascists Have Proved They Are Worse Than the 'Fascists' They Oppose | Heat Street
"Are anti-fascists the new fascists?
Anti-Semitic attacks, book burnings and black-shirted mobs violently silencing dissent: is the liberal West regressing to the toxic mindset of 1930s Nazi Germany?
On both sides of the Atlantic, there’s an ugly mood in the air.
In the UK, we’re sitting under a hung Parliament, where liberal cartoonists “joke” that we should hang our Prime Minister, Theresa May.
The day of the UK election, Twitter was awash with liberals competitively setting fire to copies of the Daily Mail &The Sun, British newspapers which had the temerity to attack hard-left socialist Prime Ministerial candidate Jeremy Corbyn.
Some intimated that Hitler would have approved of such tactics.
...But banning white guys from movie theaters is the least of America’s problems.
There, anti-fascists set fire to universities and violently assault people (including women) whose views they don’t like.
Tolerant Bernie Sanders was forced to apologize – “violence is absolutely and totally unacceptable” – after Bernie Bros showed their unbrotherly side when riots broke out at a Trump rally in San Jose.
It made no difference.
The liberal tendency to back the wrong horse, then riot when it loses, prevails..."
Read on!

Top MIT Scientist: Global Warming Science Is 'Propaganda'

Top MIT Scientist: Global Warming Science Is 'Propaganda':

Image result for flickr commons images Ice caps"A paper by five leading climatologists published in the journal Science and Education found only 41 out of the 11,944 published climate studies examined in Cook’s study explicitly stated mankind has caused most of the warming since 1950 — meaning the actual consensus is 0.3 percent.

“It is astonishing that any journal could have published a paper claiming a 97% climate consensus when on the authors’ own analysis the true consensus was well below 1%,” said Dr. David Legates, a geology professor at the University of Delaware and the study’s lead author."

What is phubbing and could it hurting your relationship?

What is phubbing and could it hurting your relationship?:
"New research suggests this pernicious problem is wrecking emotional havoc.
Yep, you could be a phubber and not realise it. 
Do you spend more quality time with your phone than you do with your partner?
Are you compulsively checking for notifications and endlessly scrolling through your social media feeds while in the presence of your significant other?
Image result for PhubbingIf this sounds like you, you may be one of millions of people experiencing what is a relatively new psychological condition known as ‘phubbing’ that, according to influential new research, may be slowly eroding your relationship with your partner.
Phone addiction is a ‘thing.'
Phubbing is a portmanteau of ‘phone’ and ‘snubbing’ and occurs when conversation is interrupted by attention being given to a smart phone rather than the person you’re with. 
...Julie believes tech companies like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter deliberately feed on our inherent psychological need for interaction and acceptance to manifest digital addiction and keep us coming back to them time and time again.
“You can be so seduced by the neurochemical hit of dopamine it provides, of constant connection at a safe distance … who else wants to reach me, the number of likes I’ve got, another funny story to read, the excitement of something new … that it can easily become what you do with your spare time,” she says.
“So it’s not much of a jump from that to also continuing to do so when you are with your partner, instead of using this time as an opportunity to connect with them...”
Read on!

As Soaring Pension Debt Eats Budgets, Teacher Says Reform ‘Makes No Sense’ [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

As Soaring Pension Debt Eats Budgets, Teacher Says Reform ‘Makes No Sense’ [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"...South Lyon Community Schools teacher Keith Kindred has written commentaries for the Michigan Radio website, talking about education from a teacher’s vantage point.
With Michigan’s underfunded school pension system in the headlines, Kindred’s latest commentary asks why legislative leaders want to give new school employees their own retirement fund contributions rather than continue to sign them up for lifetime government pensions.
“Still, the Republican leadership’s relentless drive to take out that anger on our union and its members is illogical, at best, and perhaps pathological.
Image result for pensions disasterTheir recent attempt to dismantle the teacher pension system, for example, simply makes no sense,” Kindred wrote.
ForTheRecord says: Since 2010, when Kindred first start writing for Michigan Radio, the South Lyon school district he works for has seen its required contributions to the pension fund rise from $3.2 million to $10.4 million in 2016.
That’s a $7.2 million increase.
The $10.4 million contribution — most of which goes to catch up on past underfunding — represented 14.2 percent of the school district’s entire general fund budget.
This is the budget that provides money for daily operating expenses, including teacher salaries.
Kindred earned $78,829 last year.
This year, South Lyon has 496 teachers.
If the pension burden had stayed the same as it was in 2010, each teacher could have received a $14,500 bonus this year.
Instead, the money went into a school retirement system whose debts have been rising, not going down.
It’s also a system that may leave more than half of new teachers with nothing because they don’t remain on the job for 10 years."

Lunch video-----9 Google search tips only power users know about


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Pamela Geller: Sharia Law Is ‘Misogynistic, Anti-Semitic, Anti-Infidel, Anti-Gay, Anti-Free Speech’

Pamela Geller: Sharia Law Is ‘Misogynistic, Anti-Semitic, Anti-Infidel, Anti-Gay, Anti-Free Speech’:

Image result for flickr commons images Quaran"“It’s great to see Americans are waking up,” Geller said. “Sharia is the most brutal and extreme system of governance ideology on the face of the Earth. It is misogynistic. It is anti-Semitic. It is anti-infidel. It is anti-gay. It is anti-free speech.”

She said “amputations, stonings, and sex slavery” could be found in Muslim countries living under sharia law."

U-M Student Newspaper: Shouting Down Speakers Doesn’t Infringe Free Speech [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

U-M Student Newspaper: Shouting Down Speakers Doesn’t Infringe Free Speech [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"The University of Michigan’s main student newspaper, the Michigan Daily, published an editorial criticizing recently introduced legislation dealing with campus speech.
Image result for Orwellian Double SpeakThe proposals would require Michigan’s state universities and colleges to adopt policies to protect freedom of speech, including sanctions for activists who prohibit others from speaking by shouting down their presentations.
The Daily writes:
“The state legislature shouldn’t merely change the wording of the bills to make them more palatable, they should not allow the bills to pass at all. 
Restrictions on free speech must remain within the limits of the First Amendment, anything more would violate students’ civil liberties. 
Moreover, as student protests become more prominent — and necessary — throughout the country, it is vital that students, school administrators, universities and community colleges remain vigilant over actions taken by the state and federal government to limit speech. 
For instance, students at the University have expressed opposition to, and ultimately helped cancel, a debate over the Black Lives Matter Movement. 
But, these protests did not infringe upon the free speech rights of speakers who protesters were organizing against, and should not, in future cases like this, be punished.”
ForTheRecord says: The Michigan Daily has an interesting definition of the word “cancel.”
In September 2016, as reported by the Michigan Daily, some 400 U-M students and others rushed into an auditorium and shouted down a debate over the Black Lives Matter movement. 
Protesters “jeered and hurled obscenity-laced tirades” for an hour until the moderator at the nonpartisan event gaveled it closed.
Some debate..."

EXCLUSIVE: Poll Shows Nearly HALF of Millennials Open To Government Removing Children From Homes That Won't Support Transgender Transitioning | Daily Wire

EXCLUSIVE: Poll Shows Nearly HALF of Millennials Open To Government Removing Children From Homes That Won't Support Transgender Transitioning | Daily Wire:
Image result for Orwellian thought control"On Monday, Whatsgoodly released the results of a poll regarding the views of millennials on a crucial issue of governmental intrusion: do young Americans believe that the government should “remove children from homes where the parents refuse to provide resources for gender transition?”
This issue has become a hot button of late thanks to a piece of legislation in Canada that gives the government the capacity to do just that.
The results are stunning.
...A whopping 60 percent of Clinton voters felt the same way; just seven percent of those who voted for Trump said yes, and 15 percent said they were unsure.
...All in all, this means that nearly half of all millennials polled were open to the idea that the government should forcibly intervene in a family if parents refuse to cater to the transgender notions of their children.
It should be noted that the question involved no age restrictions.
The left constantly claims that they have no designs on such legislation.
Of course, the left also said for years it wouldn’t go after the Boy Scouts or religious institutions on LGBT grounds, too."