Thursday, June 15, 2017

U-M Student Newspaper: Shouting Down Speakers Doesn’t Infringe Free Speech [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

U-M Student Newspaper: Shouting Down Speakers Doesn’t Infringe Free Speech [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:

Image result for flickr commons images U of M"The University of Michigan’s main student newspaper, the Michigan Daily, published an editorial criticizing recently introduced legislation dealing with campus speech. The proposals would require Michigan’s state universities and colleges to adopt policies to protect freedom of speech, including sanctions for activists who prohibit others from speaking by shouting down their presentations. The Daily writes:"

NY Daily News Writer Goes Nuts Over Scalise Shooting, Blames White People for It

NY Daily News Writer Goes Nuts Over Scalise Shooting, Blames White People for It:
"In the wake of the shooting of Congressman Steve Scalise on Wednesday, many liberal journalists and celebrities on Twitter and other social media sites began exploiting the tragedy, lobbying for gun control or bashing Republicans. 
But, New York Daily News commentator Shaun King chose specifically to blame white people for the incident. 
Embarking on a Twitter tirade he tweeted out the following,“Instead of white people, in general, taking the heat for James Hodgkinson, he is almost instantly being called a liberal radical.”
King’s tweets seemed to increase in intensity and anger as time went on as he at one point went as far as to call for the banning of white people. But I continue to say that if America wanted to drastically reduce mass shootings by way of a human ban, white men must be banned first.”
King gained worldwide notoriety back in 2015 when, as a Black Lives Matter activist, he was revealed to be white despite having previously identified himself as black..."

AM Fruitcake

History for June 15

Image result for Magna Carta King John of England quotes
History for June 15 -
Erik H. Erickson 1902 - Psychologist and psychoanalyst, David Rose 1910, Erroll Garner 1921
Image result for Erik H. Erickson quotesImage result for David Rose the stripperImage result for erroll garner quote

Waylon Jennings 1937, Jim Varney 1949, Helen Hunt 1963
Image result for waylon jennings quotesImage result for Jim VarneyImage result for helen hunt young

1215 - King John of England put his seal on the Magna Carta.
Image result for King John of England put his seal on the Magna Carta.

1667 - Jean-Baptiste Denys administered the first fully-documented human blood transfusion. He successfully transfused the blood of a sheep to a 15-year old boy.
Image result for Jean-Baptiste Denys administered the first fully-documented human blood transfusion

1752 - Benjamin Franklin experimented by flying a kite during a thunderstorm. The result was a little spark that showed the relationship between lightning and electricity.
Image result for Benjamin Franklin experimented by flying a kite during a thunderstorm

1775 - George Washington was appointed head of the Continental Army by the Second Continental Congress.
Image result for George Washington was appointed head of the Continental Army

1864 - An order to establish a military burial ground was signed by Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton. The location later became known as Arlington National Cemetery.
Image result for Arlington National Cemetery.

1898 - The U.S. House of representatives approved the annexation of Hawaii.
Image result for U.S. House of representatives approved the annexation of Hawaii.

1944 - American forces began their successful invasion of Saipan during World War II.
Image result for American forces began their successful invasion of Saipa

1982 - In the capital city of Stanley, the Falklands war ended as Argentine troops surrendered to the British.
Image result for the Falklands war ended

Wednesday, June 14, 2017



Years of Deceit

By Tammy Derouin

From the time we are small children we are told and instructed on the importance of telling the truth. Early childhood lessons instill the importance of honesty. If you are wronged by a fellow playmate or classmate, you feel that everything will be cleared up once the truth is known. When lies are told to cover up wrongdoings and prevent punishment, the situation only gets worse. It's bad enough when you are wronged but what if, during the inevitable questioning, the one who wronged you, flat out lies? The perpetrator of this wrongdoing, in an attempt to save his own skin, decides to rewrite the story, blames you, destroyed evidence and may have even added a few colorful, albeit fictitious details and then to make it even more interesting, tries to get others to turn against you.
Image result for Flicker Commons Images Scales of Justice with Flags

That jaw that just hit the floor, while in the principal's office, will eventually toughen up. Sadly, this will not be the last time that you will witness the truth being twisted, turned and then repackaged to benefit someone else. Having been wronged, how do you react? Do you retaliate and try to get even or do you learn from this experience and return to fight another day?

These early life lessons, and how we handle them, set the course our life will take and will determine our individual characteristics. Will others want to gravitate towards you or will they seek to distance themselves from you? Honesty and living by the Golden Rule are good ideals to follow but it doesn't mean that life will be easy. Unfortunately, we soon learn that many people in this world find it easier and more rewarding to lie and deceive others for their own personal or agenda-driven gain.......

The way we were-----The Jamies - Summertime, Summertime

Must read of the day!--How they "think"-----Advice on how to talk to the white working class.

Advice on how to talk to the white working class.:
"Advice on how to talk to the white working class without insulting them."
If there is one thing everyone should be able to agree on about the past seven months, it is that the white working class can no longer be described as “forgotten.”
Image result for moronsRacist? 
We have read and heard the white working class described in all of those ways.
But the election of Donald Trump has ensured that we are discussing this group ad nauseam.
In a new book, White Working Class: Overcoming Class Cluelessness in America, Joan C. Williams argues that much of the analysis of this class has been misguided and condescending...
I spoke recently by phone with Williams, who is also a distinguished professor of law at University of California Hastings College of the Law. 
...we discussed Trump’s view of his own voters, the role of racism in class resentments, and whether there is any way to avoid being “condescending” to Trump’s supporters...
  • He just completely bald-facedly lies to them as if they’re morons.
  • But as for people like us, we should have some commitment to honesty. What attitude should we be taking toward people who voted for a racist buffoon that is scamming them?
Must read of the day!