Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Lunch video-----Neil Cavuto rattles off a long list of leftist violence the hypocritical media ignores – TheBlaze

Neil Cavuto rattles off a long list of leftist violence the hypocritical media ignores – TheBlaze:
"Fox News’ Neil Cavuto went through a list of all the violence coming from the left since President Trump was elected in order to show what he saw as hypocrisy of the media on Trump’s offensive tweeting. The monologue aired Monday at the end of his show.
“So ABC News reports that after his CNN wrestling tweet,” Cavuto began, “President Trump will have to own any violence that might come as a result.
The New York Times cites some journalists’ fears the wrestling themed portrayal of violence is dangerous, saying it could incite attacks or threats against news media employees.”
“CNN itself says it is a sad day when the president of the United States encourages violence against reporters,” he added.

  • “But I guess it’s really not a sad day when it’s former New Year’s host Kathy Griffin holds up the president’s bloody head,” he added. “Not so sad there.”
  • “Or when a Shakespeare in the Park troupe murders Caesar-style a President Trump look-alike. That’s OK,” he explained. 
  • “Just like rioters at UC Berkeley turning violent to shut down a pro-Trump speech by Ann Coulter is OK, only weeks after doing the same exact thing to protest another conservative speaker was deemed OK.”
  • “Or turning over cars and lighting them on fire at the president’s inauguration is OK,” Cavuto continued. 
  • “Or left-wing professors urging violence against Trump supporters, including one, Eric Clanton arrested for assaulting Trump backers with a bike lock. That’s OK. 
  • Or liberal actress Sarah Silverman calling for a coup, that’s OK. 
  • Or Charlie Sheen calling for the president’s death, that’s OK.”
  • “Or Johnny Depp musing about another actor killing another president,” he added. “That’s OK.
  •  Or liberal journalists such as VOX’s Emmett Reinsin defending such acts because that’s OK, they’re all OK.”...

Read on!!


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Fill 'Er Up. And Head for the Beach. | The Weekly Standard

Fill 'Er Up. And Head for the Beach. | The Weekly Standard:

Image result for flickr commons images Gass Station Pump"There would be no relief, according to John Kerry, Barrack Obama, and others. Increasing domestic production might sound like a good idea, they said, in the patronizing way they have of explaining things to the masses, but this just wasn’t possible. “We can’t drill our way out of this,” they said, with the sort of certainty and authority that allows no dissent.

In the decade since, Obama and the others have been proved not merely wrong but spectacularly wrong. We did drill our way out. Did we ever."

San Francisco Fooled into Voting for $5.8 Billion Pension Spike - Breitbart

San Francisco Fooled into Voting for $5.8 Billion Pension Spike - Breitbart:
"A new San Francisco civil grand jury report blames $5.8 billion in unfunded county public pension liabilities on voters not realizing that they were voting for two pension spikes.
Despite being Ground Zero for social justice warrior elites, San Franciscans always assumed they would never be ravaged by unions and crony liberal politicians spiking unfunded pensions, because the city’s century-old county charter required a public vote for any enhancement of a government benefit.Image result for california unfunded pensions
But when the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) issued Statements 67 and 68, which required greater public pension liability disclosures by mid-2015, auditors calculated that the national unfunded public sector pension liability for state and local governments had jumped by almost 50 percent to $1.378 trillion. 
In a surprise to ultra-liberal San Franciscans, their unfunded pension liability spiked to $5.8 billion.
According to a finding by the grand jury’s June 2017 report: “There are several causes for the underfunding of the Retirement System, but the main underlying cause is the retroactive retirement benefit increases implemented by voter-approved propositions between 1996 and 2008.”
The grand jury documented 12 separate initiatives that were put on the ballot by San Francisco’s County Supervisors and dutifully passed by the public between 1996 and 2012 that had some type of impact on retro-active retirement benefit increases..."

Global Warming Study Canceled After Humiliating Discovery

Global Warming Study Canceled After Humiliating Discovery
Image result for Global Warming Study Canceled"You can say this for bleeding-heart liberals: They certainly have a flair for the ironic.
An expedition designed to gather evidence of global warming and “climate change” in the Arctic was canceled last month after a humiliating discovery was made:
There was so much ice in the Arctic that the icebreaker it was going to use was needed elsewhere..."

#1 This day 1983--The Police - Every Breath You Take

YOU THINK? “Journalism Standards Collapsed in the 2016 Election.”

Instapundit » Blog Archive » YOU THINK? “Journalism Standards Collapsed in the 2016 Election.” Michael Goodwin is the chief poli…:
YOU THINK? “Journalism Standards Collapsed in the 2016 Election.” 
No automatic alt text available.Michael Goodwin is the chief political columnist for The New York Post...
“To the age-old elements of who, what, when, where, and why, [New York Times editor Dean Baquet] added the reporter’s opinion. Now the floodgates were open, and virtually every so-called news article reflected a clear bias against Trump. Stories, photos, headlines, placement in the paper—all the tools that writers and editors have—were summoned to the battle. The goal was to pick the next president.”
Political coverage underscores the old saying that “politics is Hollywood for ugly people.” 
Working in the industry I can honestly say that there are great old-school journalists at AP, The Times, The WashPost and elsewhere. 
But those are people covering finance, economy, manufacturing and general assignment. 
The political reporters are all about being “behind-the-scenes” king (or queen) makers. 
Even Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security advisor (and brother of CBS News President David Rhodes) admitted in a Kinsleyan gaffe that:
The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.
The saddest part is that most of the MSM are in complete denial, and are racing with each other to be The Official Organ of the Resistance. 
Racing to the bottom, that is. 
This will keep ending in tears."

You ought to know!

Donald Trump Rips Media: ’Their Agenda Is Not Your Agenda’

Donald Trump Rips Media: ’Their Agenda Is Not Your Agenda’:

Image result for flickr commons images Donald Trump"“The fake media is trying to silence us but we will not let them,” Trump said. “The people know the truth. The fake media tried to stop us from going to the White House, but I’m president and they’re not.”

Trump recalled his great election victory, vowing to continue fighting for his agenda, accusing the media of trying to stop him."

Fake news?-----US Manufacturing, Meet Fake News: One Of These Is Wrong | The Daily Sheeple

US Manufacturing, Meet Fake News: One Of These Is Wrong | The Daily Sheeple
"The state of US manufacturing at any given moment is supposed to be simple: it is either expanding, or it is contracting. 
Except, of course, when it is doing both. 
We wont bore readers with details (we did that earlier), and instead will just present two headlines with some supporting data, from two different sources discussing the sector which, with all due respect to the US services sector, still accounts for well more than half of the S&P’s net income. 
First, here is Markit, which in its June report on US manufacturing said that “Manufacturing growth weakens again in June” with the chief economist at IHS, Chris Williamson, saying “Manufacturers reported a disappointing end to the second quarter, with few signs of growth picking up any time soon.” 

And then there is Bloomberg, which in a featured article writes “Manufacturing Pickup in U.S. Signals Boost to Economic Growth” and adds “American factories powered up in June at the fastest pace in nearly three years, with robust advances in production, orders and employment that indicate a firming in the economy” 
Good luck spotting the real fake news. 

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

AM Fruitcake

History for July 5

Image result for Henry Cabot Lodge Quotes
History for July 5 -
David G. Farragut 1801 - Officer in U.S. Navy durin the U.S. Civil War, known for the paraphrased quote: "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!", P.T. Barnum (Phineas Taylor Barnum) 1810 - American showman, businessman, entertainer, Cecil John Rhodes 1853 - British business man, politician in South Africa
Image result for david farragut famous quoteImage result for P.T. Barnum QuotesImage result for Cecil John Rhodes Quotes

Jean Cocteau (Jean Maurice Eugène Clément Cocteau) 1889 - Poet, novelist, dramatist, boxing manager, playwright, Henry Cabot Lodge 1902 - American statesman, historian, Huey Lewis 1951 - Musician (Huey Lewis and the News)
Image result for Jean Cocteau QuotesImage result for Henry Cabot Lodge QuotesImage result for Huey Lewis

1811 - Venezuela became the first South American country to declare independence from Spain.

1865 - William Booth founded the Salvation Army in London.
Image result for William Booth founded the Salvation Army

1865 - The U.S. Secret Service Division was created to combat currency counterfeiting, forging and the altering of currency and securities..
Image result for 1865 - The U.S. Secret Service Division was created

1943 - The battle of Kursk began as German tanks attack the Soviet salient. It was the largest tank battle in history.
Image result for The battle of Kursk

1946 - The bikini bathing suit, created by Louis Reard, made its debut during a fashion show at the Molitor Pool in Paris. Micheline Bernardini wore the two-piece outfit.
Image result for 1946 - The bikini bathing suit, created by Louis Reard, made its debut during a fashion show at the Molitor Pool in Paris. Micheline Bernardini

1948 - Britain's National Health Service Act went into effect, providing government-financed medical and dental care.
Image result for britain's national health service nhs failure

1951 - Dr. William Shockley announced that he had invented the junction transistor.
Image result for Dr. William Shockley announced that he had invented the junction transistor.

1975 - Arthur Ashe became the first black man to win a Wimbledon singles title when he defeated Jimmy Connors.
Image result for Arthur Ashe became the first black man to win a Wimbledon singles title when he defeated Jimmy Connors.

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Levin: 'The Entire Progressive Movement Rejects the Declaration of Independence' - Breitbart

Levin: 'The Entire Progressive Movement Rejects the Declaration of Independence' - Breitbart:

Image result for Declaration Independence We the People"Sunday on “Fox & Friends Weekend,” conservative talk show host Mark Levin criticized progressivism, saying the “entire progressive moment rejects the Declaration of Independence.”
Levin went on to explain that progressives believe that rights come from the government, adding that those who fought in the Revolution would be “appalled” by people with the same mindset as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

Levin: 'The Entire Progressive Movement Rejects the Declaration of Independence' - Breitbart

Levin: 'The Entire Progressive Movement Rejects the Declaration of Independence' - Breitbart:

Image result for Declaration Independence We the People"Sunday on “Fox & Friends Weekend,” conservative talk show host Mark Levin criticized progressivism, saying the “entire progressive moment rejects the Declaration of Independence.”
Levin went on to explain that progressives believe that rights come from the government, adding that those who fought in the Revolution would be “appalled” by people with the same mindset as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

The way we were-----The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight