Wednesday, July 12, 2017



July 12, 2017

The American Flag

By Tammy Derouin

Desecration of the American flag really strikes a nerve with me. It's the symbol of our freedom and it represents the United States of American. The flag should be treated with respect. If those who choose to destroy it understood the freedom it represents, the very freedom which gives them the right to desecrate the flag, I would think they would want to preserve and protect it rather than destroy it.

Image result for American Flag 13 StatesWhen foreign enemies desecrate our flag, it isn't surprising. After all, they are our enemies for a reason. They do not understand freedom. When Americans desecrate the American flag, it angers and saddens me. They do not understand freedom.

What is the purpose and what are they hoping to gain? Are they looking for attention that it will somehow put a greater emphasis on their grievance? As usual, the individuals cling to their rights, their freedom of speech or self-expression. Rights become very important when one feels they are being attacked unfairly. Isn't it interesting how left-leaning liberals cling to beliefs and ideals and their right to express their displeasure or their artistic visions because it's their right, but those who are center to right, on the political scale, are mocked and belittled for their beliefs and the desire to preserve freedom and the rights of all.

Americans have the right to speak freely and express themselves as long as they are not causing or calling for physical harm. If you do not like the message, you can walk away or turn the channel. I've never understood the need to destroy the symbol of our freedom. If the flag has no meaning, then neither do our rights.

I guess they do not realize how fortunate they are to be here.......

The way we were-----Billy Ocean - There'll Be Sad Songs (To Make You Cry)

It's the culture, stupid!-----WELCOME TO CHICAGO �� Where gang members praise... - Chicago Code BLUE

(6) WELCOME TO CHICAGO �� Where gang members praise... - Chicago Code BLUE: "Chicago Code BLUE-July 10 at 9:38am ·
Where gang members praise adolescents for carrying guns and glorifying the gang-gun culture.
Show the country why the federal government was called into Chicago.-#Chiraq"

Remember this!-----La Raza Rebrands as 'Unidos US' - Breitbart

La Raza Rebrands as 'Unidos US' - Breitbart:
The National Council of La Raza announced that it will change its name to UnidosUs, AP reports.
Image result for la raza unida gangPresident Janet Murguia described “La Raza” as an outdated term that did not resonate with its members...
AP exclusively translates “Raza” as “the people” in its report. 
However, the term can also be interpreted as “the race,” which carries a suggestion of zero-sum ethnic conflict. According to the AP:
Literally translated, “raza” means “race,” but that is not the definition of the word. The term for “the people” was coined to describe the various races Mexican people come from. Chicano civil rights activists popularized it in the 1960s and 1970s and it’s faced backlash today..."

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’:

Image result for free clip art Male and female"“This intensely felt sense of being transgendered constitutes a mental disorder in two respects. The first is that the idea of sex misalignment is simply mistaken – it does not correspond with physical reality. The second is that it can lead to grim psychological outcomes.”

The transgendered person’s disorder, said Dr. McHugh, is in the person’s “assumption” that they are different than the physical reality of their body, their maleness or femaleness, as assigned by nature."

Demographics Drive Our Long-Term Fiscal Challenges | Concord Coalition

Demographics Drive Our Long-Term Fiscal Challenges | Concord Coalition:
"...In 1960, there were five workers paying for each Social Security beneficiary.
But today that ratio has fallen from 5-to-1 to just 3-to-1.
And over the next 20 years, as baby boomers continue to leave the workforce, the ratio will fall to just 2-to-1.
The result is that Social Security (and Medicare, which serves a similar population) will consume an increasing share of federal spending...
...In addition to covering more beneficiaries, health care programs like Medicare will have to contend with higher costs per beneficiary.
In 2016, one-in-four of eligible Medicare beneficiaries were 80 or older.
Over the next 25 years, that will rise to one-in-three.
Because older beneficiaries tend to have more expensive health care needs, this trend will further increase federal spending on old-age health care programs..."

Good read-why we are losing-----Blog: What I saw at the anti-sharia rally in Texas

Blog: What I saw at the anti-sharia rally in Texas:
"When it comes to organizing, leftists are bloody geniuses, and that is one of their main sources of power.
That is why they are constantly outmaneuvering us.
A few weeks back, I received an email from Act for America, one of the very, very, very few conservative organizations that actually does something besides issuing proclamations that nobody else reads and then patting itself on the back.
Organizers were going to hold a rally against sharia law and for human rights in various cities.
I looked it up (, and San Antonio was not one of them.
Now, I know that there are many people in that city who would gladly take part in this – I have talked to them – but where and how to contact the group?
I tried but ultimately gave up in frustration.
...I also receive comments from some conservatives who declined to participate.
One states that such events accomplish nothing.
Image result for anti-sharia rally in TexasAnother that he's staying home to polish his guns, stroking the barrels.
...We arrived, and it was immediately obvious where the site was because we followed the chanting and noise made by the communists.
The communists (flying the hammer and sickle) easily outnumbered the ones advocating human rights. 
...I was eventually impressed by the communists' lung power.
They do not stop chanting their moronic slogans for one second – the usual bit about fascists and racists and homophobes and white supremacists.
Yadda, yadda, yadda.
Never mind that the anti-sharia group had blacks, gays flying the LGBT flag, Hispanics, and Asians.
...There were no Muslims on their side, although a number of white girls wore what they thought were "hijabs" as a sign of "solidarity" with the jihadists advocating female genital mutilation....
To say that the meeting is Austin was organized is a misnomer.
True, the venue was secured.
But no one knew each other.
There were no speakers, there was no agenda, there was no local publicity to speak of except for one TV reporter and cameraman who heard about it as it was taking place toward the end and was going from one person to the other trying to identify who the organizer was in order to interview him.
The communists, incidentally,  did organize themselves beforehand.  
They had a good showing in de facto opposition to human rights and in favor of female genital mutilation.
Folks, we need to get better organized."

Lunch video-----Abandoned Soviet Space Shuttles


Comey’s private memos on Trump conversations contained classified material | TheHill

Comey’s private memos on Trump conversations contained classified material | TheHill:

Image result for wikicommons images James Comey"More than half of the memos former FBI Director James Comey wrote as personal recollections of his conversations with President Trump about the Russia investigation have been determined to contain classified information, according to interviews with officials familiar with the documents.

This revelation raises the possibility that Comey broke his own agency’s rules and ignored the same security protocol that he publicly criticized Hillary Clinton over in the waning days of the 2016 presidential election."

New York’s Subways and the Crisis of Government | Power Line

New York’s Subways and the Crisis of Government | Power Line:
"Earlier this month, the U.S. Conference of Mayors vowed to change the Earth’s climate:
Image result for our political class is incompetent."
Mayors from across the country…pledged Friday to take the lead in reducing the nation’s carbon footprint after President Donald Trump withdrew from the Paris climate agreement.
“There will still be leadership from the United States,” Brainard said in a call with reporters organized by the U.S. Conference of Mayors. “It’s going to come from the mayors of the country.”
“If you are a mayor and not addressing shifts in changing weather patterns or preparing for the impacts of climate change you aren’t doing your job,” [Pittsburgh Mayor William] Peduto, a Democrat, said in a statement...
...But then there is this:
For months, the city’s aging transportation infrastructure has served New Yorkers one fresh outrage after another....
And this:
The New York City subway system, by far the largest and best public transit system in the United States, has reached a crisis level of dysfunction over the past few months, with serious congestion, delays, and a recent derailment in Harlem that injured 34 passengers. In a delayed response, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) declared a “state of emergency” on Thursday and ordered the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) to produce a reorganization plan to fix the problem.
Image result for new york subway filthyAnd this: “Every New York City Subway Line Is Getting Worse. Here’s Why.”
And this: “Some subways are literally held together with zip ties.”
And even this: “Snake hangs from pole for ride on New York subway.”
Many others–Glenn Reynolds, for one–have made the point: as the ambitions of our political class become ever more grandiose, its ability to effectively carry out the basic functions of government has withered. 
New York’s Mayor vows to cool down the surface of the Earth, something entirely outside his jurisdiction, but he cannot competently administer a subway system.
The same is true at the federal level. 
Our politicians want to create Heaven on Earth, extinguishing every scourge that has bedeviled humanity for millennia, from poverty to ill health and on and on. 
But can they balance a budget? 
Can they control the nation’s borders, one of the fundamental duties of any sovereign state? Apparently not.
When it comes to practical reality, our political class is incompetent."

Articles: Had Hillary Clinton Won the Election...

Articles: Had Hillary Clinton Won the Election...:
"...What might America look like today if Hillary had been elected?  
Had she won we would not be hearing a single word about Russia.  
Not a whisper.  
It was not on the left's radar at all.  

  • Ms. Clinton had embarrassed herself with that inane Office Depot reset button while she was Secretary of State.  
  • Obama had told Medvedev to tell "Vlad" he would have more flexibility after the election, presumably re: nuclear disarmament.  
  • The left cared nothing about that bit of collusion. 
  • Hillary and her campaign aides have long been involved with Russia for reasons of personal gain.
  • Clinton herself got $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation for allowing Russia to take over twenty percent of all uranium production in the U.S. 
  • Her campaign chairman, John Podesta, is reaping the financial benefits of being on the board of a Russian company, Joule, which he did not disclose.  
  • Besides, the Left has historically loved Russia and wanted to emulate its authoritarian governments. 
  • They laughed when Mitt Romney, in 2012, named Russia as our most serious foreign policy problem.  And Obama, even when he knew/believed that Russia was attempting to meddle in the election, he did nothing. 

They've done it for decades and so what?  
Image result for president hillary clinton
Hillary was going to win.
Had Hillary been elected, 

  • the Clinton Foundation would be raking in even more millions than it did before.  
  • She would be happily selling access, favors and our remaining freedoms out from under us.   
  • She would be further eviscerating our military and she would be raising taxes to fund Obamacare even though it is a clear and present disaster.  
  • Anyone who doubts that should look up Hillarycare, the monstrosity she designed behind closed doors when her husband was in the White House.  Her plan would dictate who could go to medical school, what specialty they would  "choose,"  and where they would be compelled to practice.  Her plan was the U.K.'s NHS on steroids.  Her plan was rationed care and death panels from hell.
  • Had HRC won, she would be implementing thousands of new regulations on businesses to further hamstring the economy.  
  • She would let the fascist freaks at the Environmental Protection Agency have their way with every aspect of our daily lives:  Our cars, our showerheads, our toilets, our rainwater in our yards, etc.  She would, like the EPA under Obama, privilege any species, no matter how insignificant,  over humans.  Central California has been devastated by the environmentalists' reverence for the delta smelt!  Thousands of farm workers lost their jobs thanks to this lefty decision, turning a lush agricultural valley into a brown wasteland in the name of "going green."  

This is the American left today..."
Read on, lots here!!

#1 This day 1971-----Carole King - It's Too Late/I Feel The Earth Move (BLOCKED IN GERMANY)

Seattle: where a politician's word means zero

Seattle: where a politician's word means zero:
“Oath” is defined as a solemn promise, often invoking a divine witness, regarding one’s future action or behavior.
Image result for liberals taxesThe Seattle City Council this afternoon passed an income tax ordinance. The vote, of course, was unanimous. We value diversity in Seattle – of everything but thought.
It proves that every member of the Seattle City Council is a liar who puts politics ahead of their word, their bond, and their ethics.
Because, you see every member of the council took an oath when they were sworn in. 
... They swore they would uphold the Constitution of the State of Washington. And today, all nine members voted for a measure that is clearly in defiance of that Constitution.
According to Article VII, Section of Washington’s Constitution “all taxes shall be uniform upon the same class of property within the territorial limits of the authority levying the tax and shall be levied and collected for public purposes only.”
What that means is that a graduated income tax in Washington is simply unconstitutional. If you tax “the wealthy,” then you must tax “the poor” at the exact same rate.
Our constitution is clear. Plus, the voters have been asked on ten occasions to weigh-in on an income tax. It has been rejected all ten times.
But that isn’t stopping the Seattle City Council from spending millions of taxpayer dollars on a legal fight that should prove futile.
I say “should” prove futile. They are hopeful that our ultra-liberal State Supreme Court will find a way to ignore the constitution and uphold this tax. If that happens, the floodgates will open and many cities in the state will be in a feeding frenzy to impose their income tax..."

You ought to know!

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ERICKSON: Democracy Dies Due To Journalists' Lies | Daily Wire

ERICKSON: Democracy Dies Due To Journalists' Lies | Daily Wire:

Image result for free clip art newspaper"If President Trump cured cancer tomorrow, the American press corps would assail him for putting a bunch of scientists on the unemployment line. He cannot win when a press corps has decided it would rather lie to smear him than tell a truth that might make him look good. The whole of it undermines American democracy and the very freedoms the press depends on to push their lies."

Time to Do Away With the Blue Slip | Power Line

Time to Do Away With the Blue Slip | Power Line
"The “blue slip”–the power of senators to block judicial nominations within their states–is a venerable Senate tradition that has long outlived its usefulness. 
Similar to the filibuster, liberals view the blue slip either as incorrigible obstructionism or as the height of prudent constitutionalism, depending only on which party’s president is nominating judges.
Image result for "The “blue slip”Thus, when Barack Obama was doing the nominating, Jeffrey Toobin, in a New Yorker article headlined “Blue-Slip Battle: 
The Senate Obstructionists’ Secret Weapon,” wrote:
[A]s the blue-slip process illustrates, the Senate remains a balky, hidebound, and inefficient institution, and the President’s opponents will continue to do their best to keep it that way.
On the other hand, now that Donald Trump is in the White House, the New York Times sees the blue slip as the Democrats’ avenue to “impede the Trump administration’s judicial onslaught.” “Judicial onslaught” meaning, in this case, nominating judges to fill vacancies...
...The blue slip tradition is relatively recent, dating only to the early 20th century. 
It is found nowhere in the Senate rules, but rather is followed (or, sometimes, not) at the discretion of the Judiciary Committee chairman. 
So far, at least, Grassley has not indicated that he intends to do away with the blue slip..."

AM Fruitcake