July 12, 2017
The American Flag
By Tammy Derouin
Desecration of the American flag really
strikes a nerve with me. It's the symbol of our freedom and it
represents the United States of American. The flag should be treated
with respect. If those who choose to destroy it understood the
freedom it represents, the very freedom which gives them the right to
desecrate the flag, I would think they would want to preserve and
protect it rather than destroy it.
What is the purpose and what are they
hoping to gain? Are they looking for attention that it will somehow
put a greater emphasis on their grievance? As usual, the
individuals cling to their rights, their freedom of speech or
self-expression. Rights become very important when one feels they
are being attacked unfairly. Isn't it interesting how left-leaning
liberals cling to beliefs and ideals and their right to express their
displeasure or their artistic visions because it's their right, but
those who are center to right, on the political scale, are mocked and
belittled for their beliefs and the desire to preserve freedom and
the rights of all.
Americans have the right to speak
freely and express themselves as long as they are not causing or
calling for physical harm. If you do not like the message, you can
walk away or turn the channel. I've never understood the need to
destroy the symbol of our freedom. If the flag has no meaning, then
neither do our rights.