‘I have got stacks of voter registration forms where people say, ‘Yes, I am a non-citizen,’ and they still get registered to vote’
PIRRO: "Welcome back to “Justice.” My next guest believes the real uninfluence in our elections has been ignored for years. Jay Christian Adams joins me to explain. Christian, thanks for being us tonight. When our government says illegals don’t vote and they tell us that all the time. Is that a lie?"
ADAMS: "It’s certainly not true because I can give name after name after name of foreign citizens in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Texas, California, who have been posting ballots in federal elections. At least the years in federal prison when an illegal registers and votes."
ADAMS: "It’s certainly not true because I can give name after name after name of foreign citizens in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Texas, California, who have been posting ballots in federal elections. At least the years in federal prison when an illegal registers and votes."