The two men provided “starkly conflicting accounts” about a conversation they had over a leak to The Wall Street Journal, according to a Justice Department Inspector General report released last week. Mr. McCabe insisted he told his boss that he had authorized the disclosure about the Clinton Foundation investigation, but Mr. Comey has denied that claim."
Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Comey knew of Wall Street Journal leak, McCabe lawyer says - Washington Times
Comey knew of Wall Street Journal leak, McCabe lawyer says - Washington Times:
"Former FBI Director James Comey knew his Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was leaking information about the Clinton Foundation probe to the press, a lawyer representing Mr. McCabe said.
The two men provided “starkly conflicting accounts” about a conversation they had over a leak to The Wall Street Journal, according to a Justice Department Inspector General report released last week. Mr. McCabe insisted he told his boss that he had authorized the disclosure about the Clinton Foundation investigation, but Mr. Comey has denied that claim."
The two men provided “starkly conflicting accounts” about a conversation they had over a leak to The Wall Street Journal, according to a Justice Department Inspector General report released last week. Mr. McCabe insisted he told his boss that he had authorized the disclosure about the Clinton Foundation investigation, but Mr. Comey has denied that claim."
Lies allowed to stand — The Patriot Post
Political Editors: Tuesday Short Cuts — The Patriot Post

- The BIG Lie: “Women are dying because we are losing elections.” —DNC Deputy Chief Keith Ellison
- Alpha Jackass: “People will rot in hell for besmirching the reputation, the integrity and the professional history of [Comey and Mueller].” —Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT)
- Someone’s not telling the truth: “Throughout the [Clinton email probe] process I did what I always do: rise above politics and uphold the law. At no time did I ever discuss any aspect of the investigation with anyone from the Clinton campaign or the DNC. I have known James Comey almost 30 years. Throughout his time as director we spoke regularly about some of the most sensitive issues in law enforcement and national security. If he had any concerns regarding the email investigation, classified or not, he had ample opportunities to raise them with me both privately and in meetings. He never did.” —ex-Attorney General Loretta Lynch
We gonna make our children pay?-----Bankrupt Public-Employee Pensions: The Next Big Financial Crisis? | Investor's Business Daily

"Pension Crisis: As the media relentlessly focus on the federal government's burgeoning debt, a new report says that states face their own ticking debt bomb: the exploding liabilities for lavish state and local public-employee pensions.
...A new report by the Pew Charitable Trusts shows that the problem is getting out of hand.
In 2016, the most recent full year for which data are available, states were more than $1.4 trillion in the red.
Pension debt has increased for 15 straight years, and shows no signs of abating.
Indeed, as Reason blogger Eric Boehm notes, "The really scary part is that pension debt keeps increasing despite the fact that taxpayers' contributions to state-level pension plans have doubled as a share of state revenue in the past decade."...
Read on!!!
James Comey Pilloried Left, Right, and Center | National Review
James Comey Pilloried Left, Right, and Center | National Review:
"Not only does the book offer zilch in the way of damaging new evidence against the president in the Russia matter or anything else, but its most revealing and most noticed passage pulverizes Comey’s own reputation. The former FBI director is being pilloried from left, right, and center. Perhaps even worse for him, he is being mocked as a pompous ass from left, right, and center. This is quite an achievement when you consider that it isn’t a Fire and Fury–style exposé but Comey’s own memoir that is making a fool of him."
K-12: How Our Schools Make Monsters
K-12: How Our Schools Make Monsters:
"Lots of people who study K-12 education end up looking for a metaphor, a parallel, to explain the unnecessary stupidity of our public schools.
Don't bother.
Ayn Rand has run ahead and done the job.
"Lots of people who study K-12 education end up looking for a metaphor, a parallel, to explain the unnecessary stupidity of our public schools.
Ayn Rand has run ahead and done the job.
In 1970, Rand published a very long essay titled "The Comprachicos" (which roughly translates to the child-buyers).
It lovingly examines a bit of history mentioned in a Victor Hugo novel.
He wrote about vicious exploiters who mutilate and transform children into all sorts of freaks, dwarfs, gymnasts, and novelties.
The techniques are analogous to those used by bonsai masters.
You cut, twist, break, deprive – you do whatever works to make a glorious anomaly.
It lovingly examines a bit of history mentioned in a Victor Hugo novel.
He wrote about vicious exploiters who mutilate and transform children into all sorts of freaks, dwarfs, gymnasts, and novelties.
The techniques are analogous to those used by bonsai masters.
You cut, twist, break, deprive – you do whatever works to make a glorious anomaly.
Finding this history, Rand must have shouted, "Eureka."
She perceived that Progressive educators are the comprachicos of our time:
She perceived that Progressive educators are the comprachicos of our time:
The production of monsters – helpless, twisted monsters whose normal development has been stunted – goes on all around us. But the modern heirs of the comprachicos are smarter and subtler. They do not hide, they practice their trade in the open, the results are invisible. In the past this horrible surgery left traces on a child's face, not in his mind. Today it leaves traces in his mind, not on his face. In both cases the child is not aware of the mutilation he has suffered. Today's comprachicos do not use narcotic powders. They take a child before he is fully aware of reality and never let him develop that awareness. Where nature put a normal brain, they put mental retardation.
...For example:
The thought of all the living species that train their young in the art of survival, the cats who teach their kittens to hunt, the birds who spend such strident effort on teaching their fledglings to fly – yet man, whose tool of survival is the mind, does not merely fail to teach a child to think, but devotes the child's education to the purpose of destroying his brain, of convincing him that thought is futile and evil, before he has started to think[.] ... Men would shudder ... if they saw a mother bird plucking the feathers from the wings of her young, then pushing him out of the nest to struggle for survival – yet that was what they did to their children."
...Many people try to explain the failures of modern education by pointing to incompetence and good intentions gone awry.
...She credits our Education Establishment with evil intent from start to finish..."
...She credits our Education Establishment with evil intent from start to finish..."
Thin film converts heat from electronics into energy | Berkeley News
Thin film converts heat from electronics into energy | Berkeley News:
"Nearly 70 percent of the energy produced in the United States each year is wasted as heat.
Much of that heat is less than 100 degrees Celsius and emanates from things like computers, cars or large industrial processes.
Engineers at the University of California, Berkeley, have developed a thin-film system that can be applied to sources of waste heat like these to produce energy at levels unprecedented for this kind of technology..."

Much of that heat is less than 100 degrees Celsius and emanates from things like computers, cars or large industrial processes.
Engineers at the University of California, Berkeley, have developed a thin-film system that can be applied to sources of waste heat like these to produce energy at levels unprecedented for this kind of technology..."
'MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME': Hillary, DNC Funneled $84 Million Through State Parties To Avoid Campaign Finance Laws, Lawsuit Claims | Daily Wire
'MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME': Hillary, DNC Funneled $84 Million Through State Parties To Avoid Campaign Finance Laws, Lawsuit Claims | Daily Wire:
"On Monday, a lawsuit was filed against the Federal Election Commission (FEC) with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia that claims the government entity has ignored complaints alleging that the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) funneled money through state parties to avoid campaign finance laws."
Michigan Requires More Training for Makeup Artists Than Car Mechanics - Hit & Run :
Michigan Requires More Training for Makeup Artists Than Car Mechanics - Hit & Run :
"Donna Williams has worked as a makeup artist in California and on movie productions in her home state of Michigan.
But when she looked into the possibility of opening her own salon, she found that doing it legally would require 400 hours of training in skills she already had.
To lawfully apply makeup to people's faces and get paid for it, Williams would have to obtain an esthetician license.
On top of the 400 hours of class time, she would have to pass multiple tests and pay $200 to the state.
Becoming a full-fledged cosmetologist—someone allowed not just to apply makeup but to style hair and offer other salon services—would require 1,500 hours of study..."
Read on!
But when she looked into the possibility of opening her own salon, she found that doing it legally would require 400 hours of training in skills she already had.
To lawfully apply makeup to people's faces and get paid for it, Williams would have to obtain an esthetician license.
On top of the 400 hours of class time, she would have to pass multiple tests and pay $200 to the state.
Becoming a full-fledged cosmetologist—someone allowed not just to apply makeup but to style hair and offer other salon services—would require 1,500 hours of study..."
Read on!
Trains Not on Time in California – Da Tech Guy Blog

"by baldilocks
When depredation after depredation mandated promote and allowed by California’s government, this should barely register in the Sweepstakes of Surprise.
Trains along the popular Capitol Corridor are running later than before, and homeless camps are partly to blame.Rail officials say more people have trespassed on train tracks in the last year, forcing engineers at times to hit the brakes to avoid a possible crash – and at times tragically unable to. That’s left trains loaded with commuters or freight grinding to a halt in the middle of nowhere.Capitol Corridor board chair Lucas Frerichs said the issue is foremost about human safety. But, it’s also a business problem.
You think?
However, I wonder if California’s elected officials plan to give CA to the homeless and the illegal aliens.
Actually, I don’t wonder.
One more nail in the coffin."
(Thanks to Breitbart California)Juliette Akinyi Ochieng has been blogging since 2003 as baldilocks. Her older blog is here. She published her first novel, Tale of the Tigers: Love is Not a Game in 2012.
Hit Da Tech Guy Blog’s Tip Jar for his new not-GoDaddy host!
This is how they lie!-----Sea Level Stakes for the Caribbean, in Pictures | Climate Central
Sea Level Stakes for the Caribbean, in Pictures | Climate Central:
"Sea Level Rise Report by Climate Central
Long-term sea level rise set in motion by near-term carbon emissions threatens major coastal cities across the world.
Science-based imagery helps show the stakes for the Caribbean.
The first image in each pair below shows projections of post-2100 sea level rise that could be locked in following 4°C (7.2°F) of warming from carbon pollution...
..The images on this page were created by visual artist Nickolay Lamm based on Climate Central’s maps and elevation data, with support from the Inter-American Development Bank..."
Read all the lies!
"Sea Level Rise Report by Climate Central
Long-term sea level rise set in motion by near-term carbon emissions threatens major coastal cities across the world.
Science-based imagery helps show the stakes for the Caribbean.
The first image in each pair below shows projections of post-2100 sea level rise that could be locked in following 4°C (7.2°F) of warming from carbon pollution...
..The images on this page were created by visual artist Nickolay Lamm based on Climate Central’s maps and elevation data, with support from the Inter-American Development Bank..."
Read all the lies!
So we’re just going to ignore that an ex-Bill Clinton staffer interviewed James Comey on the Hillary Clinton email scandal?
So we’re just going to ignore that an ex-Bill Clinton staffer interviewed James Comey on the Hillary Clinton email scandal?:
"After all, Stephanopoulos, whose knee-jerk response to the Clinton email scandal was to say, “we'll also see if her critics overreact on this one,” is a “well-respected” member of the press; he’s “one of the biggest stars” on television.
If you think it’s strange that a former Clinton aide and Clinton Foundation donor should be assigned the task of interviewing Comey on the Clinton email scandal, you’re probably not alone. It's strange indeed that no one at his network seems to care."
If you think it’s strange that a former Clinton aide and Clinton Foundation donor should be assigned the task of interviewing Comey on the Clinton email scandal, you’re probably not alone. It's strange indeed that no one at his network seems to care."
Money For Roads Doesn’t Go Where It’s Needed The Most [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
Money For Roads Doesn’t Go Where It’s Needed The Most [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"...“The antiquated and inefficient formula used for sharing road funds with state and local road agencies guarantees that much of this funding will not go to those roads experiencing the most traffic or those in the worst condition,” the council stated in a report it released last month.
...Under existing law, 39 percent of the money available for Michigan roads each year goes to the state Department of Transportation, 39 percent goes to county road commissions and 22 percent goes to cities and villages.
...The Citizens Research Council said the state's system of divvying up the money doesn’t take into consideration which roads need repairs the most..."
Read all!
...Under existing law, 39 percent of the money available for Michigan roads each year goes to the state Department of Transportation, 39 percent goes to county road commissions and 22 percent goes to cities and villages.
...The Citizens Research Council said the state's system of divvying up the money doesn’t take into consideration which roads need repairs the most..."
Read all!
History for April 18
History for April 18 -
George Henry Lewes 1817 - English philosopher, literary and theater critic, Clarence Darrow 1857 - Attorney, famous for his part in the Scopes 'monkey trial', Hayley Mills 1946 - Actress ("The Parent Trap"), singer
James Woods 1947 - Actor ("The Onion Field", "Casino"), Rick Moranis 1954 - Actor ("Parenthood", "Ghostbuster" series, "Spaceballs"), Conan O'Brien 1963 - Television personality ("Late Night with Conan O'Brien")
1775 - American revolutionaries Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott rode though the towns of Massachusetts giving the warning that the Regulars were coming out. Later, the phrase "the British are coming" was attributed to Revere even though it is unlikely he used that wording.
1906 - San Francisco, CA, was hit with an earthquake. The original death toll was cited at about 700. Later information indicated that the death toll may have been 3 to 4 times the original estimate.
1923 - Yankee Stadium opened in the Bronx, NY. The Yankees beat the Boston Red Sox 4-1. John Phillip Sousa's band played the National Anthem.
1938 - Superman made his debut when he appeared in the first issue of Action Comics. (Cover date June 1938)
1942 - James H. Doolittle and his squadron, from the USS Hornet, raided Tokyo and other Japanese cities.
1945 - American war correspondent Ernie Pyle was killed by Japanese gunfire on the Pacific island of Ie Shima, off Okinawa. He was 44 years old.
1949 - The Republic of Ireland was established.
1983 - The U.S. Embassy in Beirut was blown up by a suicide car-bomber. 63 people were killed including 17 Americans.
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Obama's Justice Dept. feuded with FBI, agents quit as politics played larger role - Washington Times
Obama's Justice Dept. feuded with FBI, agents quit as politics played larger role - Washington Times:
"Acrimony between the FBI and the Justice Department was so bad in the waning days of the Obama administration that some agents quit the bureau in frustration, a former G-man says.
Fractures which began during the tenure of former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. deepened in the later years, and particularly in the run-up to the 2016 president election.
The depths of the antagonism were exposed in an inspector general’s report last week looking into former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who was fired from the FBI earlier this year for misleading multiple investigations. While saying Mr. McCabe lacked candor in questioning, some of it under oath, the report went much deeper, describing the rift between the bureau and its political masters at the department."
Fractures which began during the tenure of former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. deepened in the later years, and particularly in the run-up to the 2016 president election.
The depths of the antagonism were exposed in an inspector general’s report last week looking into former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who was fired from the FBI earlier this year for misleading multiple investigations. While saying Mr. McCabe lacked candor in questioning, some of it under oath, the report went much deeper, describing the rift between the bureau and its political masters at the department."
Contractor for Wayne County defrauded airport authority of $1.5 million, feds say | Crain's Detroit Business
Contractor for Wayne County defrauded airport authority of $1.5 million, feds say | Crain's Detroit Business:
"An Oakland County businessman with a checkered past has been charged with defrauding the Wayne County Airport Authority out of $1.5 million.
Gary Tenaglia has been charged in the U.S. District Court of Eastern Michigan with wire fraud over what prosecutors allege was a scheme that involved a de-icing material that was never applied at the Detroit Metropolitan Airport's Blue Deck, court documents show.
...“The Wayne County Airport Authority (WCAA) is aware of the FBI investigation involving the owner of a former WCAA contractor," the airport authority said in a statement.
..."The city is disappointed to learn that Mr. Tenaglia has been charged with wire fraud conspiracy," Auburn Hills Mayor Kevin McDaniel said in a statement Monday afternoon.
...Tenaglia has been convicted of public utility fraud in the past and filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
...In addition, Tenaglia and his wife, Kathy, filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in early 2005..."
Read all!
Gary Tenaglia has been charged in the U.S. District Court of Eastern Michigan with wire fraud over what prosecutors allege was a scheme that involved a de-icing material that was never applied at the Detroit Metropolitan Airport's Blue Deck, court documents show.
...“The Wayne County Airport Authority (WCAA) is aware of the FBI investigation involving the owner of a former WCAA contractor," the airport authority said in a statement.
..."The city is disappointed to learn that Mr. Tenaglia has been charged with wire fraud conspiracy," Auburn Hills Mayor Kevin McDaniel said in a statement Monday afternoon.
...Tenaglia has been convicted of public utility fraud in the past and filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
...In addition, Tenaglia and his wife, Kathy, filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in early 2005..."
Read all!
Independent tests show Flint water improving, lead below federal action limit |
Independent tests show Flint water improving, lead below federal action limit |
"FLINT, MI -- Court-ordered testing by a Michigan State University professor shows Flint's water is well below the federal action limit for lead.
The Natural Resources Defense Council announced the results in a news release Friday, April 13, saying tests of 92 homes with lead service lines showed the 90th percentile for lead was 4 parts per billion.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency action level is 15 ppb for lead, and the MSU results are nearly identical to state testing that has also shown vastly reduced lead in city water.
State testing in the first three months of 2018 also showed the 90th percentile for lead at 4 ppb compared to more than 20 ppb as recently as the first half of 2016.
'Flint's water quality is restored' after latest testing, state says..."
Read all!
The Natural Resources Defense Council announced the results in a news release Friday, April 13, saying tests of 92 homes with lead service lines showed the 90th percentile for lead was 4 parts per billion.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency action level is 15 ppb for lead, and the MSU results are nearly identical to state testing that has also shown vastly reduced lead in city water.
State testing in the first three months of 2018 also showed the 90th percentile for lead at 4 ppb compared to more than 20 ppb as recently as the first half of 2016.
'Flint's water quality is restored' after latest testing, state says..."
Read all!
David Hogg's boycott of Fox News star backfires: Laura Ingraham's viewership jumps 20% - Washington Times
David Hogg's boycott of Fox News star backfires: Laura Ingraham's viewership jumps 20% - Washington Times:
"Sponsors who left Fox News star Laura Ingraham’s show at the behest of teen gun control activist David Hogg are missing out on a 20 percent increase in eyeballs.
The conservative author of “Shut up and Sing” lost nearly 30 advertisers since a boycott against her show launched March 29, but those who held firm are benefiting from a ratings windfall. Data compiled by the media watchdog News Busters shows a jump from 2.23 million viewers prior to Mr. Hogg’s campaign to 2.7 million since her return from a vacation."
The conservative author of “Shut up and Sing” lost nearly 30 advertisers since a boycott against her show launched March 29, but those who held firm are benefiting from a ratings windfall. Data compiled by the media watchdog News Busters shows a jump from 2.23 million viewers prior to Mr. Hogg’s campaign to 2.7 million since her return from a vacation."
• Chart: Parking Costs Are Extortionate In Some U.S. Cities | Statista

"...A recent analysis conducted by INRIX found that the average U.S. driver has to pay $10,288 a year in car ownership costs.
That's made up of direct costs (including maintenance, fuel, insurance, and parking/toll fees) and indirect/hidden costs (wasted time, parking fines and overpayments). The indirect costs are proving the greatest financial burden for drivers and INRIX found that congestion and parking-fees alone account for 45 percent of the total cost of ownership.
New York is the most expensive place in the U.S. to own a car with the total cost of driving $18,926, while LA comes second ($14,834) and San Francisco is third ($14,625)..."
Read all!
These 3D printed homes can be constructed for $4,000 - Business Insider
These 3D printed homes can be constructed for $4,000 - Business Insider:
"Following is a transcript of the video.
A home like this can be built in less than 24 hours at a cost of only $4,000.
The secret?
3D printing...
...This prototype house was built in Austin, TX.
The home measures 650 square feet.
Mortar was printed layer by layer.
Human workers installed windows, doors, plumbing, and electrical systems...
Read all.
Evan Loomis: Our first product is a 3D printer that can print a"
"Following is a transcript of the video.
A home like this can be built in less than 24 hours at a cost of only $4,000.
The secret?
3D printing...
...This prototype house was built in Austin, TX.
The home measures 650 square feet.
Mortar was printed layer by layer.
Human workers installed windows, doors, plumbing, and electrical systems...
Read all.
Evan Loomis: Our first product is a 3D printer that can print a"
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