Tuesday, April 24, 2018

History for April 24

Image result for Robert Penn Warren Quotes
History for April 24 - On-This-Day.com
Robert Penn Warren 1905, Jill Ireland 1936,  Shirley MacLaine 1934 - Actress
Image result for Robert Penn Warren QuotesImage result for Jill IrelandImage result for Shirley MacLaine

Sue Grafton 1940 - Author, Barbra Streisand 1942 - Singer, Kelly Clarkson (Kelly Brianne Clarkson) 1983 - Singer, first "American Idol" participant to win a Grammy Award
Image result for a is for alibiImage result for Barbra Streisand 1965Image result for Kelly Brianne Clarkson

1805 - The U.S. Marines attacked and captured the town of Derna in Tripoli.
Image result for U.S. Marines attacked and captured the town of Derna in Tripoli.

1877 - Russia declared war on the Ottoman Empire.
Image result for Russia declared war on the Ottoman Empire.

1915 - During World War I, the Ottoman Turkish Empire began the mass deportation of Armenians.
Image result for Ottoman Turkish Empire began the mass deportation of Armenians.

1953 - Winston Churchill was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.
Image result for Winston Churchill was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.

1967 - Soviet astronaut Vladimir Komarov died when his craft crashed with a tangled parachute.
Image result for Soviet astronaut Vladimir Komarov died

1990 - The space shuttle Discovery blasted off from Cape Canaveral, FL. It was carrying the $1.5 billion Hubble Space Telescope.
Image result for Hubble Space Telescope.

1997 - The U.S. Senate ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention. The global treaty banned the development, production, storage and use of chemical weapons.
Image result for U.S. Senate ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention.

2003 - A U.S. official reported the North Korea had claimed to have nuclear weapons.
Image result for North Korea had claimed to have nuclear weapons.

Monday, April 23, 2018

NARRATIVE FAIL: Newly Discovered CDC Surveys Demolish Anti-Gun Talking Points | Daily Wire

NARRATIVE FAIL: Newly Discovered CDC Surveys Demolish Anti-Gun Talking Points | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images ar-15"Newly discovered statistics from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that were never released to the public strengthen the argument for guns and blow a hole in the gun control narrative. The statistics show that guns are used in a defensive manner against crimes far more than they are used by criminals to commit crimes.
A new report from Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck shows that recently unearthed surveys from the CDC, which were never made public, show that Americans use guns in millions of defense scenarios every year on average."

The way we were-----Johnny Rivers-'' Poor side of town''

Boob-tube-----You Bet Your Life Outtakes 1960-61, Part 1

The new sex ed curriculum includes in depth 'education' on gender, gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation.

(10) Facebook: "
Stefanie Duncan Fetzer--
"I'm sorry people, but dammit! 
Wake up!
New sex ed curriculum was introduced last year. 
This curriculum was not written by educators. 
Or education specialists. 
It was written by activists. 
The new sex ed curriculum includes in depth 'education' on gender, gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation. 
Now, maybe you're ok with this. 
Good for you.
 But, not all parents think it is the place of a teacher to have these sensitive discussions with their children.
In CA, parents have the right to opt their child out of the sex ed curriculum. 
Except in this case. 
No opt out. 
This new curriculum is magically exempt from opt out!
At least the guys in OC are generous enough to inform that parents still have the freedom to discuss this issue with their kids and let them know whether or not they disagree with the policy or the material. 
I'm sure it's just a matter of time before that freedom is gone as well! ��"
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Woman fined $500 for saving free Delta Air Lines snack | Fox News

Woman fined $500 for saving free Delta Air Lines snack | Fox News
Image result for apple garden of eden"...The Colorado woman is facing a $500 fine from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for saving a free apple she received as a snack from Delta Air Lines on her way back to the United States from Paris, France.
Crystal Tadlock told Fox 31 Denver, toward the end of her flight from Paris, flight attendants passed out apples in plastic bags as a snack.
Tadlock put the fruit in her carry-on to save for when she was hungry during the second leg of her trip.
Once Tadlock arrived in the U.S., she went through Customs and her bag was chosen to be randomly searched, Fox 31 reported.
Tadlock says a Customs agent pulled out the apple in the plastic bag with Delta’s logo on it.
When questioned about the snack, Tadlock explained she received the apple from the airline and asked if she could throw it away or eat it, Fox 31 reported.
The Customs agent allegedly told her no and fined her $500 for carrying the undeclared fruit.
"He had asked me if my trip to France was expensive and I said, 'yeah.'
I didn’t really get why he was asking that question, and then he said 'It’s about to get a lot more expensive after I charge you $500,'" said Tadlock to Fox 31..."
Read on!

The only thing you need to know about Earth Day

The only thing you need to know about Earth Day:

Image result for flickr commons images earth"So, if we want the environment to get better, Mother Earth to heal her wounds, Gaia to recover, etc., we need to go pell for leather in making the world's poorest as rich as possible as fast as possible. That’s the pre-condition for people to care enough to do all of those things which we know will benefit the environment.

The excellent news is we know how to do that.
We know there’s only one economic system which does do that. Every country and populace that has got rich has done so through some variant of capitalist free-marketry. No socialist system has managed it, no feudal, no planned, no fascist, certainly no communist. Every place and time which has engaged in what we today call neoliberal globalization has become rich. Thus, that's the system we need to use to save the environment, isn’t it?"

To The Horror Of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling Is Here

To The Horror Of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling Is Here
"Around 1250 A.D., historical records show, ice packs began showing up farther south in the North Atlantic. 
Glaciers also began expanding on Greenland, soon to threaten Norse settlements on the island. 
Image result for Global Cooling Is HereFrom 1275 to 1300 A.D., glaciers began expanding more broadly, according to radiocarbon dating of plants killed by the glacier growth. 
The period known today as the Little Ice Age was just starting to poke through.
...Colder winters began regularly freezing rivers and canals in Great Britain, the Netherlands and Northern France, with both the Thames in London and the Seine in Paris frozen solid annually. 
The first River Thames Frost Fair was held in 1607. 
In 1607-1608, early European settlers in North America reported ice persisting on Lake Superior until June.
...The Little Ice Age, following the historically warm temperatures of the Medieval Warm Period, which lasted from about AD 950 to 1250, has been attributed to natural cycles in solar activity, particularly sunspots. 
...The increase in global temperatures since the late 19th century just reflects the end of the Little Ice Age. 
The global temperature trends since then have followed not rising CO2 trends but the ocean temperature cycles of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). 
Every 20 to 30 years, the much colder water near the bottom of the oceans cycles up to the top, where it has a slight cooling effect on global temperatures until the sun warms that water. 
That warmed water then contributes to slightly warmer global temperatures, until the next churning cycle..."
Much here!
Read on!

This is what a dying civilisation looks like

(1) Facebook: (click link for video!)
Janet Shagam shared a video.
RockingMrE - 
"This is what a dying civilisation looks like; sophists, solipsists and nihilists reigning supreme, and brainwashing is the order of the day. 
The people pushing this madness know that it can never continue unless they brainwash the youth. 
This is why it's the most important fight of all - if we lose the youth we lose the fight. 
Simple as that!
Conversely, if they lose the fight they don't get another generation of damaged degenerates pushing a lifestyle that destroys both the individual and society. 
ANYONE that would allow their children to go through this is no responsible parent. 
They're nothing but a coward that would rather sacrifice their offspring than rock the boat and do what's right!""

Parsons Road Primary
Traditional Britain Group
on Wednesday
"If it's not parading school children through a mosque, it's dismantling their sexual identity expectations for when they hit puberty.
In both cases it advances the perspectives of a fraction of the population at the expense of the cultural norms of the majority.
Perhaps such heavy-handed indoctrination will create a rebellious counter-culture that rejects these perspectives. 
Traditionalism is now the true counter-culture."

Lunch video-----How to Use "Gender-Neutral" Pronouns Correctly: Crazy Cathy Teaches Tucker


When Kids Know More About Gender Fluidity Than Auschwitz, Your Culture is Toast - TheResurgent.com

When Kids Know More About Gender Fluidity Than Auschwitz, Your Culture is Toast - TheResurgent.com:

Image result for wikicommons images Auschwitz"But Auschwitz? Not knowing what Auschwitz was? How can anyone look at that and say that there need not be an immediate re-emphasis on some of the actual facts of history as opposed to what we’re seeing in academia today: the Howard Zinn “history as a social struggle” approach, intentionally formulating bias to create social activism in students.
Because as others have noted, when a larger percentage of your country’s youth can expound upon the meaning of gender fluidity than they can what happened at Auschwitz, the future is imperiled."

Woke to a Nightmare – Da Tech Guy Blog

Woke to a Nightmare – Da Tech Guy Blog
"...When Starbucks can be accused of being racist simply because a store manager did not want to allow non-paying non-customers to squat in a store, thus keeping paying customers from using the space, then you know that the Left has truly crossed the Rubicon of Wokeness, and no one is safe.
Image result for communal bathrooms collegeOf course, the biggest problem is that real damage is being done right now, not only to our society, but to individuals who are caught up in all this intersectionality and wokeness.
...We are in the process of visiting schools with my daughter, and encountered a surprising trend among several “elite” colleges that we’ve visited. 
Gone are the days when dorms were segregated by male and female floors, or even wings, and the idea of male and female bathrooms has gone the way of the dodo. 
At several of these schools, males and females share the bathroom, including shower facilities. 
Apparently the showers are individual locked stalls, but that still means that my freshman daughter could step out of the shower in her robe, and be faced with a male senior who may only be wrapped in a towel shaving at the sink next to her. 
...How is that possibly a good environment for either sex?...
Read on!

#1 Movie this week 1983-----Flashdance - Trailer

Arctic ice like you’ve not seen it before | Watts Up With That?

Arctic ice like you’ve not seen it before | Watts Up With That?:
"...This is via the Canadian Ice Service, and it’s a view I have not seen before. 
It shows a polar view looking down at the North pole which is a composite of several days worth of MODIS views via NASA Goddard to create a Composite of the Arctic image.
The actual image is very high resolution and I can’t show it fully here, but the detail is quite good. 
To help orient you, I’ve annotated some landmarks on this preview image.
You can see the full image here, and click the image again to zoom in on it..."
Read on!

#1 This day 1966-----Righteous Brothers - (You're My) Soul & Inspiration (1966)

The Muslim Brotherhood's Strategic Plan For America - Court Document | Clarion Project Clarion Project

The Muslim Brotherhood's Strategic Plan For America - Court Document | Clarion Project Clarion Project
"The Muslim Brotherhood’s Strategic Plan For America – Court Document
The following is the official document from a 1991 meeting which outlines the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic goals for North America. 
The document was entered as evidence in the 2008 Holy Land Terror Funding Trial. 
...The original document in Arabic follows the English translation.
We have highlighted in yellow the following quotes which are of particular significance. 
The page numbers noted below correspond to the page numbers in the center of the bottom of each page in the document). 
Page 4:
“Enablement of Islam in North America, meaning: establishing an effective and a stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims’ causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims’ efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global Islamic State wherever it is.”
Page 5:
“…the Movement must plan and struggle to obtain “the keys” and the tools of this process in carry out [sic] this grand mission as a ‘Civilization Jihadist’ responsibility.”
Page 7:
“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”
“[W]e must possess a mastery of the art of ‘coalitions’, the art of ‘absorption’ and the principles of ‘cooperation.’”
Page 18:
“A list of our organizations and the organizations of our friends” – This is where the Muslim Brotherhood listed its front groups in the U.S.. Note that prominent organizations like CAIR, ISNA, ICNA and others are named here.
The page numbers above correspond to the page numbers in the center of the bottom of each page in the english translation of the document (provided following the Arabic). "
No automatic alt text available.

You ought to know!

McCabe got the order to shut down Hillary investigation from...Obama?

McCabe got the order to shut down Hillary investigation from...Obama?:

Image result for wikicommons images Andrew McCabe"Horowitz found that McCabe lacked candor in describing how he authorized his in-house FBI special counsel (not Mueller) to reveal the phone call to Wall Street Journal reporter Devlin Barrett.  By doing so, McCabe confirmed there was an FBI investigation of the Clinton Foundation.
Barrett was working on an article criticizing McCabe and the FBI on the basis that McCabe had shut down the investigation.
The Horowitz report discloses:"