Sunday, May 13, 2018

AM Fruitcake

History for May 13

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History for May 13 -
Joe Louis (Barrow) 1914 - Boxer, "The Brown Bomber", Harvey Keitel 1939 - Actor ("Pulp Fiction", "Thelma and Louise", "Taxi Driver"), Richie Valens (Richard Steven Valenzuela) 1941 - Singer
 Image result for joe louis quotesImage result for Harvey Keitel Taxi DriverImage result for Ritchie Valens La Bamba

Mary Wells 1943 - Singer, Stevie Wonder (Steveland Morris) 1950 - Musician, Dennis Rodman 1961 - Basketball player, nickname: "The Worm", actor
Image result for Mary WellsImage result for Stevie Wonder as a BabyImage result for Dennis Rodman North Korea

1607 - An expedition led by Captain Christopher Newport arrived at Jamestown, Virginia. The passengers went ashore the next day and this site became the first permanent settlement English colony in America.
Image result for Captain Christopher Newport arrived at Jamestown, Virginia.

1787 - Captain Arthur Phillip left Britain for Australia. He successfully landed eleven ships full of convicts on January 18, 1788, at Botany Bay. The group moved north eight days later and settled at Port Jackson.
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1888 - Slavery was abolished in Brazil.

1912 - Royal Flying Corps was established in England.
Image result for 1912 - Royal Flying Corps was established in England.

1917 - Near Fatima, Portugal, three peasant children reported seeing a vision of the Virgin Mary.
Image result for Fatima, Portugal, three peasant children reported seeing a vision of the Virgin Mary.

1940 - Winston Churchill made his first speech as the prime minister of Britain.
See the source image

1958 - U.S. Vice President Nixon's limousine was battered by rocks thrown by anti-U.S. demonstrators in Caracas, Venezuela.
Image result for Nixon's limousine was battered by rocks thrown by anti-U.S. demonstrators in Caracas, Venezuela.

1985 - A confrontation between Philadelphia authorities and the radical group MOVE ended as police dropped an explosive onto the group's headquarters. Eleven people died in the fire that resulted.
Image result for radical group MOVE police dropped an explosive onto the group's headquarters

Saturday, May 12, 2018

DHS to push for criminal charges against all border jumpers - Washington Times

DHS to push for criminal charges against all border jumpers - Washington Times:
Image result for Wikicommons Images Law of Justice
"The Trump administration said Monday it will now pursue criminal charges against every migrant nabbed jumping the U.S.-Mexico border, putting serious teeth behind President Trump’s goal of stiffening immigration enforcement.
While most border jumpers will face charges for illegally entering the U.S., parents who bring their children with them as they sneak across could face smuggling charges, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said. That could mean they will be separated from their children while they await their trials — and serve sentences."

The way we were-----The Toys - Lovers Concerto - HQ

Boob-tube-----Stars Who Fired Back At Their Interviewer On Live TV

‘Ope!’: The All-Purpose Expression of Midwestern Politeness | Chicago magazine | Politics & City Life May 2018

‘Ope!’: The All-Purpose Expression of Midwestern Politeness | Chicago magazine | Politics & City Life May 2018:
"Midwestern politeness is a real thing.
Just as coastal visitors are surprised by the expanse of Lake Michigan (“It looks like an ocean!”), so too are they tickled, or infuriated, by our manners...
And generations of polite Midwesterners have honed down its pervasive variations into a single, all-purpose word: “Ope!” 
See the source imageIt’s an onomatopoeia of our Midwestern deference.
 Love it or hate it, spend enough time in the middle of the country and you’ll start ope-ing your way through everyday life. 
It’s something, as a Chicago native, I didn’t really even notice I did until ope jokes started making the rounds on Twitter last fall.
This magical, monosyllabic exclamation applies to a whole slew of circumstances: Accidentally pulling on a push door; trying to flag down a waiter; realizing you were served the wrong dish; hearing a mildly juicy piece of gossip; realizing a car is coming when you’re about to cross the street; thanking someone for opening a door for you; feeling the first drops of rain.
“Ope!” works for all of ‘em.
It’s a way to announce your presence in the most passive, non-intrusive way possible.
We’re too kind to say “Excuse me”—that can come off as pushy, right?
...Honestly, ope is barely a word, and more of a guttural reaction; it almost sounds like a tiny heave.
It effectively translates to, “I don’t mean to bother you or anyone around me, ever, but I’ve noticed…” 
Ope is less of a word, and more of a reflex..."
Read all!

A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Germany: April 2018

A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Germany: April 2018:
  • See the source imageOne of Germany's leading economists, Hans-Werner Sinn, warned that the migrant crisis could end up costing German taxpayers more than one trillion euros: "The cost to the taxpayer could also be higher. So far, there are about 1.5 million migrants who have come to Germany since 2015. And no: They are not dentists, lawyers and nuclear scientists, but mostly underqualified immigrants, who have arrived in the promised land... where the standard of living without employment is higher than in many countries of origin with employment."
  • In his first media interview as the new head of the influential GdP police union in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Michael Mertens was asked if there are any no-go zones in NRW, Germany's most populous state. He replied: "There are areas where police do not go alone, only in large teams. Such areas are now present in almost all NRW cities."
  • "We now have new phenomenon in having refugees or people of Arab origin who are bringing another form of anti-Semitism back into the country. This dismays us." — German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Much here. Read all!

THE WINNING JUST DOESN'T STOP: Five Top Leaders Of ISIS Captured By U.S.-Iraqi Coalition | Daily Wire

Image result for free clip art 5THE WINNING JUST DOESN'T STOP: Five Top Leaders Of ISIS Captured By U.S.-Iraqi Coalition | Daily Wire:

"On Wednesday, Iraqi officials announced that an intricate cross-border sting enabled them to capture five senior Islamic State (ISIS) leaders.
The brilliant operation, which took three months for the U.S.-Iraqi coalition to execute, started with the capture of Alwaan al-Ithawi, an Iraqi known by the nom de guerre Abu Zeid al-Iraqi, whom Iraqis say is a top aide to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. "

Watchdog takes UMich to court over 'subjective' speech code

Watchdog takes UMich to court over 'subjective' speech code
See the source image
  • Speech First, a national First Amendment advocacy group, has filed a lawsuit against the University of Michigan over its "highly subjective" policies restricting free speech.
  • The lawsuit contends that the school's disciplinary code is unconstitutionally broad because it imposes stiffer penalties for "unwanted negative attention" that administrators deem to be motivated by "bias."
...“The University of Michigan has a disciplinary code that prohibits ‘harassment’ and ‘bullying,’ and increases the penalties if such actions are motivated by ‘bias,’” the group explained in a press release. 
“As used, these concepts capture staggering amounts of protected speech and expression given that Michigan defines harassment as ‘unwanted negative attention perceived as intimidating, demeaning, or bothersome to an individual.’”
“Worse still, Michigan has created a Bias Response Team [BRT] that receives complaints of ‘bias’ and ‘bias incidents’ from offended students and is tasked with investigating and punishing those who commit offenses,” Speech First added.
...“We have an epidemic on our hands in the higher education system—universities are establishing rules and protocols that create a dangerous environment in which free speech protections under the First Amendment no longer exist,” she warned..."
Read all!

A cynical moan about leaving the Iran deal | Power Line

A cynical moan about leaving the Iran deal | Power Line:
See the source image"President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the nuclear deal has produced much hand-wringing from its supporters. criticism being leveled at Trump’s decision is bogus and cynical.
Former Obama administration officials are complaining that Trump’s move harms America’s reputation for compliance with international agreements.

  • “When the United States unilaterally abrogates an international agreement in the absence of any breach, we undermine international perceptions of our reliability and responsibility,” Susan Rice sniffs. 
  • “Trump’s action. . .severely undermines the credibility of the United States to uphold international agreements that we sign which will endure after he is gone,” Ben Rhodes adds.

But, as Jack Goldsmith points out, President Obama made this deal on his own presidential authority, in the face of significant domestic opposition, without seeking or receiving approval from the Senate or the Congress. 
Thus, under our Constitution, the U.S. committed itself to abide by the deal only for as long as Obama remained president — a fact Obama and his team fully understood..."
Read all!

Lunch video-----The Truth About Virtue Signalling

Wondermark » Archive » #1398; Bored to be Dialed, Part 2

Wondermark » Archive » #1398; Bored to be Dialed, Part 2
By taking the time to read this comic, you have delayed your next activity enough that you will now either avoid OR get caught in a car accident that you wouldn't have before. Either you're welcome or I'm sorry

Boy Scouts Lose 425,000 Boys 1 Week After Announcing Name Change

Boy Scouts Lose 425,000 Boys 1 Week After Announcing Name Change:

Image result for free clip art Goodbye"The Scouts should have been prepared for this.
One week after the century-old Boy Scouts of America announced it was changing its name and its mission to accept girls at all levels of scouting, its single biggest participant announced Tuesday that it was cutting ties to the Scouts.
And taking one-fifth of the Scouts membership with it."

A worthy read-----How to Offer Condolences Without Sounding Like an Ass

How to Offer Condolences Without Sounding Like an Ass
Image result for How to Offer Condolences"If you’re not careful, your well-meaning condolences can make you sound like a total ass. 
The trick to offering your sincere sympathy to the bereaved is knowing what to avoid while you show your support. 
These are the seven big no-no’s.

  • Don’t Compare

You’ve probably experienced loss in your own life, or at least know someone else who has, but don’t ever make comparisons to your own experiences... 
...Most importantly: don’t hesitate to reach out. 
It might feel like you’re bothering them during a troubling time, but they need support, comfort, and even a good distraction if you can go visit them."
Read all!

Matthew Goodwin on Twitter: "Voters across the EU were asked: "What are the two top issues facing the #EU right now?"

Matthew Goodwin on Twitter: "Voters across the EU were asked: "What are the two top issues facing the #EU right now?" Take a look below... Source: YouGov April 2018…"

#1 This day 1963-----Charleston style - Jimmy Soul - If You Wanna Be Happy

Male Student Accuses Female Student of Sexual Assault. She Says He Wanted Revenge. - Hit & Run :

Male Student Accuses Female Student of Sexual Assault. She Says He Wanted Revenge. - Hit & Run :
"The University of Cincinnati suspended a female student for allegedly engaging in nonconsensual sex with a male student who claimed he was too drunk at the time to approve the encounter.
See the source imageThe fact that this case involves a male accuser ("John Doe") and a female aggressor ("Jane Roe") makes it unusual among Title IX complaints. (Title IX is the federal statute that forbids sex discrimination in schools.)
But the female student's lawsuit against Cincinnati—which accuses the university of violating her due process rights—reveals something even odder:
Roe had previously filed a sexual misconduct complaint against one of Doe's friends.
Roe's lawsuit, then, suggests that Doe filed the complaint against Roe as a kind of revenge for getting his friend in trouble. (I have an alternative theory, but I'll save that for the end.)
...Here's an alternative theory: Doe woke up, realized they had engaged in sexual activity while they were both drunk, and feared that she would file a complaint against him, as she had done to his friend.
Panic-stricken, he felt he had no choice but to beat her to the punch.
Indeed, if you suspect you are going to become the subject of a Title IX investigation, the optimal strategy may very well be to file the first complaint.
 For reasons not completely clear to me, Title IX administrators often appear biased in favor of the initial complainant, and presume the other party is the wrongdoer."
Read all!

You ought to know!

The Southern Poverty Law Center Is A Hate-Mongering Scam

The Southern Poverty Law Center Is A Hate-Mongering Scam:

Image result for Flicker Commons Images Southern Poverty Law Center"Publications that have exposed SPLC’s hate-profiteering include Tablet magazine; a newspaper local to SPLC’s headquarters, the Montgomery Advertiser; Philanthropy magazine, Harper’s magazine, Megan McArdle at Bloomberg; The Weekly Standard; City Journal; National Review; and The Washington Free Beacon.
Simply put, SPLC is not a legitimate arbiter of public discourse. It poisons public discourse for profit. Its business model is to target groups and people, sometimes with baseless smears, to gin up fear and anger so people send SPLC gobs of cash it largely doesn’t use to benefit the oppressed. "

UK proposes six-year prison sentence for criticizing Islam

UK proposes six-year prison sentence for criticizing Islam
"The draft law speaks only about criticizing “religion,” but everyone knows which religion is meant. 
No one is going to go to prison for criticizing Christianity or Judaism. 
This is more of Britain’s gallop toward Sharia and ruin.
“UK Proposes Six Year Prison Sentences for Online Posts Against Religion, Transgender,” by Liam Deacon, Breitbart, May 10, 2018:
People promoting “hostility” towards a religion or the transgendered online could get much harsher sentences, of up to six years in jail, especial if they have a large online audience according to new proposals..."
Read on! 

AM Fruitcake

History for May 12

Image result for Florence Nightingale Quotes
History for May 12 -
Florence Nightingale 1820 - Nurse, contributed to modern nursing procedures, author, Katherine Hepburn 1907 - Actress ("Morning Glory", "On Golden Pond [1981]", "The Rainmaker"), Mary Kay Ash 1915 - U.S. businesswoman and the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, Inc., born Mary Kathlyn Wagner
Image result for Florence Nightingale QuotesImage result for Katherine HepburnImage result for Mary Kay Ash Quotes

Yogi Berra 1925 - Baseball player, manager, George Carlin 1937 - Comedian, actor, Vanessa Williams 1963 - Actress
Image result for Yogi Berra QuotesImage result for George Carlin QuotesImage result for Miss America 1984 Vanessa Williams

1885 - In the Battle of Batoche, French Canadians rebelled against the Canadian government.
Image result for Battle of Batoche

1926 - The airship Norge became the first vessel to fly over the North Pole.
Image result for Norge became the first vessel to fly over the North Pole.

1940 - The Nazi conquest of France began with the German army crossing Muese River.
Image result for Nazi conquest of France began with the German army crossing Muese River.

1943 - The Axis forces in North Africa surrendered during World War II.
Image result for Axis forces in North Africa surrendered during World War II.

1950 - The American Bowling Congress abolished its white males-only membership restriction after 34 years.
Image result for American Bowling Congress white males-only

1957 - A.J. Foyt won his first auto racing victory in Kansas City, MO.
Image result for A.J. Foyt won his first auto racing victory in Kansas City, MO.

1975 - U.S. merchant ship Mayaguez was seized by Cambodian forces in international waters.
Image result for Mayaguez was seized by Cambodian

1978 - The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced that they would no longer exclusively name hurricanes after women.
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Friday, May 11, 2018

Trump Meeting Date Significance | The Daily Caller

Trump Meeting Date Significance | The Daily Caller:
Image result for Flicker Commons ImagesRonald Reagan as President
"President Trump’s meeting with Kim Jong Un on June 12 will fall on the 31st anniversary of Ronald Regan’s monumental “tear down this wall” speech.
On June 12, 1987, then-President Reagan stood before the Brandenburg Gate on the west side of the Berlin Wall and delivered one of the most iconic sentences in American history: “Mr. Gorbachev … tear down this wall!”"

The way we were-----Wild Cherry-Play that funky music W/ lyrics

Boob-tube-----MTV Original Broadcast 8/1/1981

How they "think"-----Now we know why Donald Trump "won" all four surprise swing states by the same one percent - Palmer Report

Now we know why Donald Trump "won" all four surprise swing states by the same one percent - Palmer Report:
"Just days after the 2016 election, Palmer Report began documenting the various ways in which the voting results didn’t make any mathematical or statistical sense.
It wasn’t impossible for Donald Trump to have won, but it was impossible for him to have won in the way that he won. 
Image result for trump russia memeOne of the things that stood out was Trump’s margin of surprise victory in the four swing states that decided the election.
Now we finally have some real world insight from the Senate Intelligence Committee into why that margin was so mathematically suspicious.
Not only did Donald Trump pull off upset victories in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Florida, he won them all by right around one percent.
Naturally occurring statistical results would have had Trump winning one of the states by one percent, one of them by 2.3 percent, one of them by 0.6 percent, and so on.
If a football team pulled off four upset victories in a row, and they were all by the same 23-10 score, you’d scratch your head, because numbers don’t work that way in the real world.
So why would Trump have won all four of these states by the same margin?
It turns out the margin couldn’t have gone any lower..."
Read on for more insanity! 
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BOMBSHELL: Parkland Shooter Was Assigned To Obama-Era Program, Superintendent Lied, Report Suggests | Daily Wire

BOMBSHELL: Parkland Shooter Was Assigned To Obama-Era Program, Superintendent Lied, Report Suggests | Daily Wire:
Image result for flickr commons images obama
"Late on Sunday night, local Florida media reported that the gunman who shot up Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in February was assigned to a controversial Obama-era disciplinary program which the Broward County Public Schools superintendent previously denied existed on multiple occasions."