Monday, May 14, 2018

Minneapolis City Council Approves Dockless Bike Pilot Program |

Minneapolis City Council Approves Dockless Bike Pilot Program |
"Nice Ride Minnesota is on the move once again.
Image result for Dockless Bike AbandonedThey're working to add a dockless bike program in Minneapolis, giving bikers more flexibility to use bikes when and where they want.
"We want to serve more people, in more places," Nice Ride Executive Director Bill Dossett said.
"We want it to be super convenient, we want it to be inexpensive."
A dockless bike can be parked anywhere, like along a sidewalk.
The bike can then be unlocked with an app.
..."One of the biggest concerns that I have is how are we going to be able to keep the public right of way clear of bikes just laying all around the city," Councilmember Andrea Jenkins asked.
Seattle, San Diego, and Dallas have similar programs.
Each city has had to deal with bikes that are destroyed, piled up or end up in a river..."
Read on!

#1 This day 1973-----Stevie Wonder - You are the sunshine of my life

Glenn K. Beaton: Let’s help vagrants, not use and enable them |

Glenn K. Beaton: Let’s help vagrants, not use and enable them |
"Alcoholics go to Alcoholics Anonymous, and they can only leave on the wagon.
Obese people often go to camps where their caloric use and intake are closely monitored.
So why do we encourage vagrants with drug problems to visit "shoot-up parks" to descend deeper into their sewer of dangerous and addicting drugs?
Image result for vagrants usaFor that matter, why do we encourage their vagrancy?
This isn't just a big city problem.
Here in the beautiful Roaring Fork Valley, we have vagrants.
The Glenwood Springs Post Independent recently reported that many vagrants illegally camp on private and public lands on the outskirts of town.
They litter the area, defecate and urinate on the ground, often start illegal campfires and frequently panhandle and worse.
...A bad economy is typically the reason offered for vagrancy, especially whenever there's a Republican president.
But that's not very convincing when unemployment is at 3.9 percent and vagrants are panhandling outside stores with "Help Wanted" ads in the window.
So what's the real reason for booming vagrancy in the face of a booming economy?
Officials down in Glenwood Springs think they know the reason.
It's because various community organizations inadvertently attract vagrants by offering them free stuff. 
They note that other nearby towns don't offer free stuff, and those towns have very few vagrants..."
Read on!

You ought to know!

I Didn't Grow Up Around Guns. Here Are My 4 Observations From the NRA Convention.

I Didn't Grow Up Around Guns. Here Are My 4 Observations From the NRA Convention.:

Image result for flickr commons images nra logo"I am a conservative. I did not grow up around guns. I can’t recall hearing my parents talk about guns in our home. My dad didn’t hunt and I never lived in an area prone to high crime or gun violence. Guns were never on my radar until I witnessed firsthand the debate over gun control in the U.S. Senate in 2013.
Since then I have come to understand the importance of the Second Amendment and that understanding grew even stronger this past weekend at the National Rifle Association convention in Dallas. Here a few of my observations and takeaways from the gathering that drew more than 87,000 people.

1. The NRA convention was a family affair."

VIDEO: Students say Trump doesn't deserve Nobel, but Obama does

VIDEO: Students say Trump doesn't deserve Nobel, but Obama does
"...I headed to the University of California, Santa Cruz to find out what students think about President Trump’s role, and whether they think he deserves consideration for the Nobel Prize. 
After speaking with numerous students throughout the afternoon, it became abundantly clear: they do not think he deserves any such award. 
“Hell, no; that’s a joke. What has he done for peace?” offered one student, while another added, “No. I feel like he just thinks that he deserves many awards.”
“It’s just too good of a prize for him to have credit for,” declared a particularly enthusiastic student.
Next, I decided to ask if they thought President Obama deserved the same award, which he won in 2009. The students passionately, and almost unanimously, agreed that he did. 
However, most were speechless when asked to describe what Obama did to earn the award. 
Watch the full video to see their responses:

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AM Fruitcake

History for May 14

Image result for david ben-gurion quotes
History for May 14 -
Thomas Gainsborough 1727 - Painter, Bobby Darin 1936 - Singer, actor, George Lucas 1944 - Film producer, screenwriter, director ("Star Wars" movie series)
Image result for Thomas GainsboroughImage result for Bobby Darin Beyond the SeaImage result for Star Wars George Lucas

Tim Roth 1961 - Actor ("Resovoir Dogs," "Pulp Fiction"), Cate Blanchett (Catherine Élise "Cate" Blanchett) 1969 - Actress, theatre director, Mark Zuckerberg 1984 - Founder of Facebook
Image result for Tim RothImage result for Cate BlanchettImage result for mark zuckerberg meme

1796 - The first smallpox vaccination was given by Edward Jenner.
Image result for smallpox vaccination was given by Edward Jenner

1804 - William Clark set off the famous expedition from Camp Dubois. A few days later, in St. Louis, Meriwether Lewis joined the group. The group was known as the "Corps of Discovery."
Image result for William Clark Camp Dubois.

1897 - "The Stars and Stripes Forever" by John Phillip Sousa was performed for the first time. It was at a ceremony where a statue of George Washington was unveiled.
Image result for "The Stars and Stripes Forever" by John Phillip Sousa was performed for the first time.

1897 - Guglielmo Marconi made the first communication by wireless telegraph.
Image result for Guglielmo Marconi made the first communication by wireless telegraph.

1942 - The Women's Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC) was established by an act of the U.S. Congress.
Image result for 1942 - The Women's Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC)

1948 - Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion proclaimed the independent State of Israel as British rule in Palestine came to an end.
Image result for David Ben-Gurion proclaimed the independent State of Israel

1961 - A bus carrying Freedom Riders was bombed and burned in Alabama.
Image result for bus carrying Freedom Riders was bombed and burned in Alabama.

1975 - U.S. forces raided the Cambodian island of Koh Tang and recaptured the American merchant ship Mayaguez. All 40 crew members were released safely by Cambodia. About 40 U.S. servicemen were killed in the military operation.
Image result for U.S. forces recaptured the American merchant ship Mayaguez

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Netanyahu Welcomes U.S. Delegation to Jerusalem on Eve of Embassy Opening | Breitbart

Netanyahu Welcomes U.S. Delegation to Jerusalem on Eve of Embassy Opening | Breitbart:

Image result for Israeli Flag Pins"JERUSALEM, Israel — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed the official U.S. delegation to Jerusalem Sunday evening, on the day before the transfer of the American embassy to Israel’s capital.
“Our people will be eternally grateful for [President Trump’s] decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and to move the American Embassy there tomorrow,” Netanyahu declared.
“Tomorrow will be an historic day for our people and for our state.”"

Immigration Is Top Concern Across Europe | The Daily Caller

Immigration Is Top Concern Across Europe | The Daily Caller:

Image result for free clip art Help Sign"Immigration is the number one concern for people across Europe, with terrorism following closely behind, according to a wide-ranging poll released Friday.
In nine European countries — Great Britain, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Lithuania, Greece and Italy — people believe the biggest problem facing the European Union (EU) is immigration, a YouGov poll found. The only two countries where immigration was not the top EU concern were Poland and Spain, where terrorism and unemployment took the top spots, respectively."

The way we were-----BIG BAD JOHN ~ Jimmy Dean (1961)

Boob-tube-----NBC News 1954

Former Navy SEAL: Waterboarding, Sleep Deprivation: Just Another Day at the Office

Former Navy SEAL: Waterboarding, Sleep Deprivation: Just Another Day at the Office
"The recent attacks on the president’s nominee, Gina Haspel, for the top spot in the CIA due to her involvement in the use of enhanced interrogation techniques by our DOD after 9/11 have me confused.
As a member of the U.S. military, I myself had to endure many of these same techniques.
For the record, I am far from the only one.
This is a very controversial topic.
Many senators, like former prisoner of war Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), stand in opposition to Haspel’s nomination, stating that “Her refusal to acknowledge torture’s immorality is disqualifying.” Democrats like Kamala Harris were very displeased that they could not get Gina Haspel to agree that the enhanced interrogations utilized in the past were immoral and unethical.
Yet many of my fellow veterans of all branches have undergone these “torture” techniques and worse in preparation to deploy into combat zones. 
This criticism of Haspel by both parties has me asking:
If they did this to us and we don’t have a problem with it, why are we so concerned about doing this to terrorists to extract vital intelligence to save lives?...
Read on!

Must read!-----The 'Election Collusion' Was between Our Intelligence Community and Britain

The 'Election Collusion' Was between Our Intelligence Community and Britain
"As I will explain, the widespread notion that Russia and Trump colluded to beat Hillary has long been demonstrable bunk.
What seems more clear each day is that there was collusion between certain members of the U.S. and British intelligence communities to spy on the Trump campaign. 
See the source imageThis may explain, in large part, the reluctance of the Department of Justice to reveal what it knows publicly.
After all -- with rare exceptions -- the two countries’ intelligence services have long had important information gathering and sharing agreements, and exposure of this may harm the traditional reciprocal relationship.
Whether the British counterparts were hoodwinked into playing this role is still unclear.
Maybe they were.
On the other hand, with most of what they know about the U.S. electorate doubtless coming from the NYT and even more left-wing British media, they may well have done this willingly, believing the globalist Hillary had a sure shot at the presidency and this was a means of cementing a relationship with her.

  • Key Developments This Week..."

Much here, read on!

Harry Reid sent sensitive Trump collusion letter over CIA objections - Washington Times

Image result for flickr commons images Harry ReidHarry Reid sent sensitive Trump collusion letter over CIA objections - Washington Times:

"Then-Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid released a letter in the heat of the 2016 election alleging Trump-Russia collusion even though the CIA director at the time urged him not to, according to a person familiar with their conversation."

News - Now They’re Waging War on Plastics! | Heartland Institute

News - Now They’re Waging War on Plastics! | Heartland Institute
"Earth Day Network’s misguided anti-plastic campaign is a sign of more nonsense to come.
Image result for Earth Day Network (EDN) chose “End Plastic Pollution”Earth Day Network (EDN) chose “End Plastic Pollution” as their theme for this year’s April 22 Earth Day.
It is just the tip of the anti-plastic activism that now consumes environmental extremists.
A Google search  on “Plastic Pollution Coalition” (a group claiming to represent “more than 500 member organizations” dedicated to “working toward a world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impacts”) yields almost 90,000 hits, including a video actor Jeff Bridges made for the campaign.
Even the United Nations has joined in, making “Beat Plastic Pollution” the theme of its June 5 World Environment Day, “a global platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated in over 100 countries.”..."
Read on!

Why the Left Refuses to Talk About Venezuela | Intellectual Takeout

Why the Left Refuses to Talk About Venezuela | Intellectual Takeout:
"During the 2016 presidential election, Bernie Sanders refused to answer questions about Venezuela during an interview with Univision.
He claimed to not want to talk about it because he's "focused on my campaign."
Many suggested a more plausible reason: Venezuela's present economy is an example of what happens when a state implements Bernie Sanders-style social democracy.
See the source imageSimilarly, Pope Francis — who has taken the time to denounce pro-market ideologies for allegedly driving millions into poverty — seems uninterested in talking about the untrammeled impoverishment of Venezuela in recent years.
Samuel Gregg writes in yesterday's Catholic World Report:
Pope Francis isn’t known as someone who holds back in the face of what he regards as gross injustices. On issues like refugees, immigration, poverty and the environment, Francis speaks forcibly and uses vivid language in doing so.
Yet despite the daily violence being inflicted on protestors in Venezuela, a steadily increasing death-toll, an explosion of crime, rampant corruption, galloping inflation, the naked politicization of the judiciary, and the disappearance of basic food and medical supplies, the first Latin American pope’s comments about the crisis tearing apart an overwhelming Catholic Latin American country have been curiously restrained.
This virtual silence comes in spite of the fact that the Catholic bishops who actually live in Venezuela have denounced the regime as yet another illustration of the "utter failure" of "socialism in every country in which this regime has been installed."
Thus, for many Venezuelans, the question is: "Where is Pope Francis?"...
Read all!

Lunch video-----Not Mother's Day Too


Sadiq Khan mocked for focus on junk food ad ban while London mired in stabbing crime - Washington Times

Image result for flickercommons images junk foodSadiq Khan mocked for focus on junk food ad ban while London mired in stabbing crime - Washington Times:

"London Mayor Sadiq Khan is under fire once again for prioritizing a ban on junk food advertising for the city’s transportation network while citizens grapple with a spate of stabbings."

Don Surber: The derp state

Don Surber: The derp state:
"If anyone wants to know why the Deep State of the nation's intelligence and law enforcement services missed 9/11, they should read Victor Davis Hanson's column, "The Trump Land Mine."
He makes the argument that in trying to get The Donald, they made the mistake of not knowing who their quarry was.
See the source image"If the deep state really wanted to dismantle and disarm Donald Trump, it would have been wise first to carefully learn how he was constructed and wired — and thus why he was especially dangerous to them.
Then to disarm him, elites would have had to offer superior agendas to his supporters, while engaging in reasoned debates and alternative visions — working with him when they found common and shared solutions, playing the loyal opposition when there did not," he wrote.
Instead they were reckless, arrogant, and easily trapped by an astute, sober man who sizes up every man when he enters a room. 
They thought he was dumb and erratic.
He is cold and calculating,
Apply their performance in this attempted coup to the performance of their actual jobs.
Obviously, President Trump was not the first world leader these saps misjudged. 
They got rolled by Iran, by the Muslim Brotherhood, and by the Castros.
The deep state is the derp state that is run by elitists who think they are elite when they are ordinary. And below average.
The public watches the straw grasping each day.
Even people who are casual about politics are beginning to laugh at these Keystone Kops.
But I wonder how many died due to the hubris of the swamp in Washington. 
Fortunately, President Trump is draining the swamp.
It is about time.
Once in every generation, Drāno in every drain in D.C."

Thomas Gallatin: NAACP: We Need Mandatory 'Implicit Bias' Testing for All Public Officials — The Patriot Post

Thomas Gallatin: NAACP: We Need Mandatory 'Implicit Bias' Testing for All Public Officials — The Patriot Post
"On Wednesday, USA Today ran an opinion article by NAACP President Derrick Johnson in which he called for mandatory “implicit bias” testing for all public officials. 
Hello 1984
Johnson asserts that recent events, such as the arrest of two black men at Starbucks, indicate “that racism still remains a much more popular drink in America than coffee.” 
...Johnson further writes, “The NAACP is calling for an expansion of the movement to demand mandatory testing for implicit bias, particularly for officials paid with public dollars. For major corporations, implicit bias training must become a part of corporate responsibility rather than always as a response to video-taped intolerance.” 
...“implicit bias” testing for “hidden” racism is none other than an effort to force a politically correct worldview. 
Like testing for some dangerous contagion within the public’s drinking water, Johnson is demanding that public officials be tested to make sure their thinking conforms with leftist ideals on racism and identity politics in order to weed out any “dangerous” non-conformist ideas or beliefs..."
Read on!


Be very afraid of Lansing's 'Special Assessment' tax hike!

Be very afraid of Lansing's 'Special Assessment' tax hike!
"What is a “special assessment” ???
See the source imageLansing is trying to create what they call a "special assessment" to allow private businesses to soak up your property taxes in order to make their businesses more profitable at your expense.
That's what House Bill 5325 (HB5325) would do.
Here is how describes the effect of the legislation:
"To expand the taxing power of local authorities created to deliver direct and indirect subsidies to business property owners in “principal shopping districts” and “business improvement districts,” by letting them impose property taxes styled as “special assessments” on home and residential property owners. 
Under current law residential property is excluded from the “assessments” these entities are authorized to impose."
This is the latest con that Lansing has come up with to rob us of our hard-earned money and funnel it into the coffers of their cronies. 
No doubt the lobbyist who came up with this one (perhaps while bribing one of our Reps or Senators with a free three-course dinner) was rewarded handsomely by their masters for coming up with this scheme.
Read on!

You ought to know!

White House slams Iran for spreading terror in Middle East - Washington Times

White House slams Iran for spreading terror in Middle East - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images white house"The White House on Friday called out Iran’s special forces Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps for spreading terror and political unrest though the Middle East, urging America’s allies to help confront the regime in Tehran.
“Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) pours resources into exporting destabilizing influence throughout the Middle East, even as the Iranian people are victims of a struggling economy,” the White House said in a statement."

"MY DAD'S THE MAYOR YOU F*CKING F*GGOT": Son of Denver Mayor GOES OFF On Officer!-Leaked Body Cam Footage Shows Denver Mayor’s Son Pulling the “I’ll Get You Fired” Card on Police Officer

Conservative Political Cartoons Daily - Posts
"Leaked Body Cam Footage Shows Denver Mayor’s Son Pulling the “I’ll Get You Fired” Card on Police Officer
It seems like democrats want to get into office because they think the rules won’t apply to them once they do.
And the problems don’t end with the son. 
How did this democrat escape sexual harassment charges that resulted in a $75,000 payout and keep his position?
WIKI-Michael B. Hancock admitted to sending suggestive text messages to his female subordinate, Leslie Branch-Wise, during his first year as the Mayor of Denver, Colorado.[12] 
He acknowledged his behavior as “inappropriate” when the victim, a Denver Police Department Detective, gave an interview in 2018 to disclose the sexual harassment she experienced.
"MY DAD'S THE MAYOR YOU F*CKING F*GGOT": Son of Denver Mayor GOES OFF On Officer!