Monday, May 14, 2018

Hey, Girls: Karl Marx Was a Monster - American Greatness

Hey, Girls: Karl Marx Was a Monster - American Greatness
Image result for teen vogue"Teen Vogue, the leading journal of #TheResistance, has a feature lauding the ideas and intellectual contributions of Karl Marx (whose 200th birthday was last week).
Read that again. Teen . . . freaking . . . Vogue, which turned hard left after the 2016 election, is now touting the virtues of Marxist “thought.”
“While you may not necessarily identify as a Marxist, socialist, or communist,” Danielle Corcionne helpfully instructs, “you can still use Karl Marx’s ideas to use history and class struggles to better understand how the current sociopolitical climate in America came to be. Instead of looking at President Donald Trump’s victory in November 2016 as a snapshot, we can turn to the bigger picture of what previous events lead us up to the current moment.” 
The piece is full of sanitized junk like that.
Let’s dispense with the happy horse pucky, shall we? 
Marx was a racist and an antisemite
His idea of “liberation” led to the deaths of some 100 million people
“Marx may or may not have anticipated the scale of the slaughter to come,” writes Andrew Stuttaford, “but he understood perfectly well that mass murder was part of the package.”
Forgive me, but if you’re getting your explainers about Marxism from Teen Vogue, you’re doing it wrong. 
Read a book. 
Like this one
Or this one
Or this one
Definitely this one."
Read all!

Mueller Indicted A Russian Company That Didn't Even Exist, Court Transcripts Say | Daily Wire

Image result for free clip art What did you sayMueller Indicted A Russian Company That Didn't Even Exist, Court Transcripts Say | Daily Wire:

"This week, one of the Russian companies accused by Special Counsel Robert Mueller of funding a conspiracy to meddle in the 2016 U.S. presidential election was revealed in court to not have existed during the time period alleged by Mueller's team of prosecutors, according to a lawyer representing the defendant."

EMP Commission Warns Of Year-Long Blackout And A Massive Death Toll

EMP Commission Warns Of Year-Long Blackout And A Massive Death Toll
"A federal EMP commission report warns that even the smallest EMP attack on our grid system would down it for about a year, if not longer.  
A year-long blackout would certainly be coupled with a massive death toll that would devastate entire populations.
The so-called EMP Commission report said that this threat is very real, jeopardizes “modern civilization,” and would set back living conditions to those last seen in the 1800s. 
As a result of the chaos, millions would likely die, according to the report titled “Assessing the Threat from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), from the recently re-established Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack.
Image result for emp attack“The United States — and modern civilization more generally — faces a present and continuing existential threat from naturally occurring and man-made electromagnetic pulse assault and related attacks on military and critical national infrastructures. A nationwide blackout of the electric power grid and grid-dependent critical infrastructures — communications, transportation, sanitation, food and water supply — could plausibly last a year or longer. Many of the systems designed to provide renewable, stand-alone power in case of an emergency, such as generators, uninterruptible power supplies, and renewable energy grid components, are also vulnerable to EMP attack,” said the 27-page report.

“A long-term outage owing to EMP could disable most critical supply chains, leaving the U.S. population living in conditions similar to centuries
 past, prior to the advent of electric power,” said the July 2017 report provided Secrets.

In the 1800s, the U.S. population was less than 60 million, and those people had many skills and assets necessary for survival without today’s infrastructure. An extended blackout today could result in the death of a large fraction of the American people through the effects of societal collapse, disease, and starvation,” added the executive summary.
Three reports on the issue of an EMP attack have been declassified by the Pentagon and seven more are awaiting clearance...
Read the entire EMP Commission report by following the link below:

LAW PROFESSOR GLENN REYNOLDS: The Spying on Trump Is Worse Than We Even Imagine!

LAW PROFESSOR GLENN REYNOLDS: The Spying on Trump Is Worse Than We Even Imagine!
"... we found out why the Deep State has been working so hard to take down President Trump and the republic.
This is all starting to make sense now.
Kim Strassel at The Wall Street Journal reported on this explosive development last night:
Image result for Russian “collusion” obamaThanks to the Washington Post’s unnamed law-enforcement leakers, we know Mr. Nunes’s request deals with a “top secret intelligence source” of the FBI and CIA, who is a U.S. citizen and who was involved in the Russia collusion probe. When government agencies refer to sources, they mean people who appear to be average citizens but use their profession or contacts to spy for the agency. Ergo, we might take this to mean that the FBI secretly had a person on the payroll who used his or her non-FBI credentials to interact in some capacity with the Trump campaign...
Law professor, author and pundit Glenn Reynolds posted his thoughts on the latest developments.
Glenn pointed out months ago that the spying on Trump was worse than we can even imagine.
"I don’t think the FBI is being straight. I’m speculating, of course, but I think it’s going to turn out that they were spying on Trump from surprisingly early on, and that they didn’t expect him to win, and that when he did win, the Russian “collusion” thing was hyped up as a smokescreen.
Flashback, March 2017: “Hypothesis: The spying-on-Trump thing is worse than we even imagine, and once it was clear Hillary had lost and it would inevitably come out, the Trump/Russia collusion talking point was created as a distraction.”
Plus: “But if they thought Hillary was sure to win, why bother spying on Trump? 
A sinister reason: To prosecute him — for something, anything they could discover — after he lost, so as to properly cow Hillary’s opposition..."
Read all!

Lunch video-----SOUSA The Stars and Stripes Forever - "The President's Own" U.S. Marine ...


LIMBAUGH: Denying Trump's Accomplishments Is Increasingly Irrational | Daily Wire

LIMBAUGH: Denying Trump's Accomplishments Is Increasingly Irrational | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images President Trump"The Trump presidency, so far, has been dramatically different. He has aggressively attacked Obama's statist achievements and affirmatively promoted conservative policies on multiple fronts — and it's immensely gratifying to behold.
He is taking action on all the branches of government — the legislative, executive and judicial branches and the unrecognized administrative branch. Considering its unaccountability and its reach, the administrative state might as well be a branch. It is a progressive's dream because it expands government irrespective of which party is in power."

SICK. New Tom Steyer Mother's Day Card Claims GOP and Trump Are Turning Children into Nazis (VIDEO)

SICK. New Tom Steyer Mother's Day Card Claims GOP and Trump Are Turning Children into Nazis (VIDEO)
:Nextgen America is an environmental political action committee run by unhinged billionaire Tom Steyer...
The purpose of the group is to put more Democrats in office so China can make more windmills for America and energy costs can necessarily skyrocket.
Tom Steyer is a major Democrat Party donor...

For Mother’s Day Nextgen America released a video card that claims the GOP is turning children into Nazis.

Via Jack Posobiec:

“Only a mother can catch the signs early. This Mother’s Day, talk to your child about the GOP” Tom Steyer's super PAC is out with new ad for Mother's Day warning moms that their conservative kids are turning into Nazis
Read all!

#1 Movie this week 2001-----The Mummy Returns - Trailer