Tuesday, May 15, 2018

How Communism Became the Disease It Tried to Cure - Foundation for Economic Education

See the source imageHow Communism Became the Disease It Tried to Cure - Foundation for Economic Education
"From Radical Revolutionaries to Privileged Bureaucrats
...But his authority, Weber explains, does not come from others acknowledging his powers, per se.
His sense of authority and destiny comes from within, knowing that he has a truth that he is to reveal to others and then knowing that truth will result in men being set free; and when others see the rightness of what he knows, it becomes obvious and inevitable that they should follow his leadership.
Certainly Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) fit that description.
See the source image...“There is no such thing as salary or a benefice. Disciples or followers tend to live primarily in a communistic relationship with their leader . . . Pure charisma . . . disdains and repudiates economic exploitation of the gifts of grace as a source of income, though to be sure, this often remains more an ideal than a fact . . .
...Let us hope that with this year marking the one-hundredth anniversary of the communist revolution in Russia mankind will learn from that tragic mistake, and come to realize and accept that only individual liberty and economic freedom can provide the just, good, and prosperous society that humanity can and should have."
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Job Security: Federal civil service employees have a 99.5 percent chance of never being fired

Job Security: Federal civil service employees have a 99.5 percent chance of never being fired:
"The average American looking for complete job security need not look further than the non-defense federal government’s public workforce, where there is a 99.5 percent chance they will never be fired for cause according to data retrieved from the Office of Personnel Management’s FedScope.
It is nearly impossible for a federal workforce employee to be terminated for poor performance, while in the private sector these firings occur significantly more often..."
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Iranian Student Group: $100,000 Reward for Destroying U.S. Jerusalem Embassy | National Review

Iranian Student Group: $100,000 Reward for Destroying U.S. Jerusalem Embassy | National Review:
Image result for flickr commons images American Embasy Jerusalem Israel Seal
"A radical Iranian student group is reportedly offering a $100,000 reward to anyone who bombs the U.S. embassy in Israel, which officially opened Monday after being relocated from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
The Iranian Justice Seeker Student Movement disseminated posters Monday calling for an attack on the newly inaugurated embassy, according to a translation of local Farsi language reports obtained by the Washington Free Beacon."

Lunch video-----The Decline of Kmart...What Happened?


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Obama admin. spied on Trump campaign more than previously known, set ‘spy traps,’ new reporting says | TheBlaze

Obama admin. spied on Trump campaign more than previously known, set ‘spy traps,’ new reporting says | TheBlaze:

Image result for flickr commons images Obama/Kerry"Following Kimberly Strassel’s bombshell reporting at the Wall Street Journal that alleges the FBI may have placed a spy in the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, a well-known investigative reporter dropped another bomb.
Paul Sperry, who writes for RealClearPolitics and the New York Post, reported Friday the Obama administration set spy “traps” for low-level officials in the Trump campaign.

First, what did Strassel report?"

Sweden: Muslim leader says “We are in Sweden only to spread Islam….Sweden will be a Muslim country”

Sweden: Muslim leader says “We are in Sweden only to spread Islam….Sweden will be a Muslim country”:
“SWEDEN’S Muslim: ‘Our mission is to make Sweden Muslim,’” 
Save My Sweden, May 1, 2018:
"The young Muslims who listened to Dominic Driman were educated in the basic idea of ​​Islam: spreading religion everywhere. 
See the source imageIt is, according to Driman himself, the only reason why humans exist.
And to the young Muslims in Sweden, the call was clear. 
They must first organize themselves to make the Rock, otherwise known as Sweden, an Islamic country.
A film was posted on Young Muslims on the Facebook page of the Rock, but soon it was taken down. Thanks to the Swedes, the newspaper Svegot has received it.
It is a worrying message that is being spread and taught to the overwhelmingly large population of Muslim youth in Sweden.
Driman can be heard explaining in the film that the central question is, why are they (Muslims) in Sweden today? 
Why is there not peace in Syria and Somalia?
He believes that Allah has created these “trials” in order for Muslims to come to Sweden, among others, to “save” Sweden. He states:
“We are in Sweden, only to spread Islam.”...
Read on!

How The Congressional Baseball Shooting Didn't Become The Deadliest Political Assassination In American History

How The Congressional Baseball Shooting Didn't Become The Deadliest Political Assassination In American History:
"Roger Williams cannot enjoy fireworks on the Fourth of July anymore.
The 68-year-old Texan is a longtime NRA member, but these days, he can’t hunt.
Once, during a congressional committee hearing, the chairman banged a gavel — clap — on the desk, and Roger Williams fell out of his seat.
It’s been almost a year since Williams and nearly two dozen of his Republican colleagues were shot at as they were wrapping up baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia, on June 14, 2017.
...He thinks about that morning almost every day.
They were practicing for the Congressional Baseball Game, one of those cheerful bipartisan events that's becoming extinct in Washington.
It's an annual game, held for charity, where Democrats play Republicans, staffers come out to cheer their bosses on, and everyone shakes hands at the end, reporters and lobbyists looking on.
...The shooting was, Alexandria’s elected prosecutor concluded, “an act of terrorism” that was “fueled by rage against Republican legislators.”
...Those nine minutes were a near miss of modern American history, between the dark aftermath of a deadly, mass political assassination and our own reality, in which most people don’t think very often about June 14, 2017, the difference between everything changing, and almost nothing changing at all..."
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#1 This day-----1981-----Kim Carnes - Bette Davis Eyes

California Bill Seeks to Replace Washington or Lincoln's Birthday Holidays with 'May Day' | Breitbart

California Bill Seeks to Replace Washington or Lincoln's Birthday Holidays with 'May Day' | Breitbart:
See the source image"A Democrat California assemblyman introduced a bill seeking to make “May Day,” or International Workers Day, a state holiday that would replace President George Washington’s or President Abraham Lincoln’s birthday.
Assemblyman Miguel Santiago’s (D-Los Angeles) legislation calls for consolidating the two presidents’ birthdays to be observed on the third Monday in February as a single “President’s Day” holiday, but it also calls for the state to observe May 1 as “International Workers Day.
International Workers Day, also known as “May Day,” had been observed in countries under Communism for decades and was designated as an official holiday of the Soviet Union..."
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You ought to know!

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Harry Reid sent sensitive Trump collusion letter over CIA objections - Washington Times

Image result for flickr commons images Harry ReidHarry Reid sent sensitive Trump collusion letter over CIA objections - Washington Times:

"Then-Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid released a letter in the heat of the 2016 election alleging Trump-Russia collusion even though the CIA director at the time urged him not to, according to a person familiar with their conversation."

A new bill would allow local government to impose "Rain Tax"

A new bill would allow local government to impose "Rain Tax":
"Republican sponsored legislation in the state Senate would empower local units of government to set up a “storm-water utility” with the power to assess fees on citizens and businesses.
Image result for taxes NFIB opposed Senate Bill 756 when it came before the Senate Natural Resources Committee telling the Committee that the bill seeks to do an end run around past court decisions that have ruled against these various local”’fee” attempts.
Courts have ruled that the fees are nothing more than local taxes imposed without a vote of the citizens within the taxing jurisdiction.
...Empowering local governments to subvert the constitutional and proper process for raising taxes, by disguising taxes as fees, undoes the hard work that the legislature and governor have done to improve Michigan’s business climate.
Companies considering expanding or locating to Michigan will be discouraged by this kind of local conduct and companies already in Michigan will avoid those localities."
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AM Fruitcake

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History for May 15

Image result for Katherine Anne Porter Quotes
History for May 15 - On-This-Day.com
Lyman Frank Baum 1856 - Author of children's books ("The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"), Pierre Curie 1859 - Physicist, Katherine Anne Porter 1890 - Journalist, essayist, short story writer
 Image result for Lyman Frank Baum Quotes Image result for Katherine Anne Porter QuotesImage result for Marie and Pierre Curie

James Mason (James Neville Mason) 1909 - Actor, Trini Lopez (Trinidad López III) 1937 - Singer, guitarist, Madeleine Albright 1937 - First woman to become a U.S. Secretary of StateImage result for James MasonImage result for Trini Lopez Lemon TreeImage result for madeleine albright kim jong il toast

1618 - Johannes Kepler discovered his harmonics law.
Image result for Kepler discovered his harmonics law.

1911 - The U.S. Supreme Court ordered the dissolution of Standard Oil Company, ruling it was in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act.
Image result for U.S. Supreme Court ordered the dissolution of Standard Oil Company

1930 - Ellen Church became the first female flight attendant.
Image result for Ellen Church became the first female flight attendant.

1940 - Nylon stockings went on sale for the first time in the U.S.
Image result for 1940 - Nylon stockings went on sale for the first time in the U.S.

1948 - Israel was attacked by Transjordan, Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon only hours after declaring its independence.
Image result for 1948 - Israel was attacked by Transjordan, Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon

1963 - The last Project Mercury space flight was launched.
Image result for last Project Mercury space flight was launched

1972 - Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace was shot by Arthur Bremer in Laurel, MD while campaigning for the U.S. presidency. Wallace was paralyzed by the shot.
Image result for George C. Wallace was shot by Arthur Bremer

1975 - The merchant ship U.S. Mayaguez was recaptured from Cambodia's Khmer Rouge.
Image result for Mayaguez was recaptured from Cambodia's Khmer Rouge.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Inside the mind of the hate-America left

Inside the mind of the hate-America left:

Image result for flickr commons images brain"This little thought experiment is meant to provide just a tiny glimpse into the mind, worldview and de facto religion of what we call – in political code words – “the left.”
The left, which today entirely dominates the Democratic Party, has long demonstrated its dissatisfaction with America by striving to replace its free-market capitalist economic system with Marxism/socialism, replace its Judeo-Christian values with moral relativism and sexual anarchy, and replace its Constitution through audacious judicial activism.
And of course, the biggest “replacement” campaign of all is the left’s ongoing obsession with replacing you and me – traditionally minded, America-loving citizen-voters – via uncontrolled immigration, both legal and illegal."

Court case demands records on Carter Center terror support

Court case demands records on Carter Center terror support:

"that organization run by former President Jimmy Carter, as long as 10 years ago was targeted by a Michigan congressman for its officials apparently meeting with leaders of terror groups.
Image result for flickr commons images Jimmy CarterWouldn’t really be off their agenda, since Carter himself has complained of “horrible persecution” of Palestinians by Israel, and has called on the Jewish state to give up land over it’s “atrocious” “domination” of Palestinians.”
Then just last month, the Zionist Advocacy Center filed a lawsuit against the center for allegedly using taxpayer funds to provide material support to international terror groups in violation of federal law.
The case alleges that in 2015, the Carter Center received more than $30 million in taxpayer grants while hosting designated terrorists at is facilities and providing various forms of assistance to the Palestinian terror group Hamas and other known terror entities.
And, significantly, the American Center for Law and Justice launched a Freedom of Information Act records demand to the State Department for records related to the Carter Center and the same issue.

The way we were-----The Very Best Of Doo-Wop

Boob-tube-----Susan Boyle - I Dreamed A Dream - Les Miserables - Official Britains Go...

A national contagion!-----Search Michigan counties for the biggest budget shortfalls | Bridge Magazine

Search Michigan counties for the biggest budget shortfalls | Bridge Magazine
"Ranking the fiscal health of Michigan’s 83 counties
A number of counties are struggling with public pension debt. 
But overall, northern Michigan counties tend to have better balance sheets, with less debt per capita and fewer long-term pension problems, according to financial data analyzed by the state treasury department. 
Several downstate counties, particularly in south-central Michigan, are not faring as well. "