"...But I do find it strangely reassuring that no matter what happens, our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters on the left will always brand the targets of their outrage du jour as Nazis.
For example, a few weeks ago, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement tweeted the following:
...But wait! Everybody knows that ICE is bad, so there must be a reason this is bad. Did you notice the tattoos on that guy's arm? Actor and genetic anomaly Ron Perlman sure did:
...As it turns out, Ron Perlman was wrong.
That is not an Iron Cross on that guy's arm:
That is not an Iron Cross on that guy's arm:
...Oh. Well, why would that stop anybody from calling him a Nazi? Their feelings don't care about his facts.
The whole moronic debacle got started by Talia Lavin, a "fact-checker" for the New Yorker. The magazine has apologized for the error, but I still want to know what they're paying their "fact-checkers" to do all day. This seems like a fact that would've been pretty easy for Lavin to check, but she didn't even bother.
Why didn't she bother? Why did she just assume the worst? Does she even know?
Perlman has apologized as well, sorta: