Dues Skim: How Unions Tried to Capture Taxpayer Funds - Capital Research Center
- Stop states from skimming money from those taking care of our most vulnerable citizens and giving it to unions
- How Unions Tried to Capture Taxpayer Funds | SCOTUS Steps In | Union Cronyism Resists Reform
Summary: In over a dozen states
union-friendly politicians skim vast sums every year off people taking care of low-income children and disabled loved ones; the money is then funneled to unions. This scheme, which the Supreme Court curtailed in a ruling saying unions could not force providers to pay them, is still functioning in some states.

Labor unions in these states work in conjunction with politicians in a scheme that many critics describe as a
“dues skim.”
The skim feeds off two different groups–home healthcare providers and daycare providers.
...In a scheme to put Medicaid and other federal monies directly into the unions’ pockets, these states are deducting dues from benefit checks earmarked for these workers and passing this revenue directly to unions, often without the knowledge of the workers themselves.
Here is how the “dues skim” works: Federal money is sent to the states in question to pass on as subsidy checks to
homecare providers who are mostly friends and family members taking care of sick relatives or daycare providers taking care of low-income children, many of which are also relatives.
union-friendly lawmakers and governors
claim that since the subsidies emanate from the state, these providers can be considered public employees.
as public employees, they can be unionized which means the state can automatically deduct dues which will then be sent directly to the union.
The union has an election (of which many of the providers are not aware) and dues money starts bleeding from their subsidy checks..."
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