The New Color Line at University of Texas - Minding The Campus:
"Civil rights leaders once dreamed of a day when Americans would be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin, but today a different message is being spread at the University of Texas and other college campuses.
“Diversity” means singling out certain races for special treatment.
UT’s extensive diversity bureaucracy effectively creates a separate education experience for “students of color,” with programs like the African American Male Research Initiative, the Black Student Leadership Institute, the Black Male Education Research Collection, the John L. Warfield Center for African and African American Studies, and the African & African Diaspora Studies Department.
UT even has a taxpayer-funded research center, the innocuously-named Institute for Urban Policy Research & Analysis (IUPRA), that is focused on “social issues affecting Black communities in Texas.”..."
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Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Friday, September 21, 2018
Fast times at Holton-Arms High when Christine Blasey Ford was a student there
Fast times at Holton-Arms High when Christine Blasey Ford was a student there:
On Monday Sept. 17th, Christine Blasey Ford's high school yearbooks suddenly disappeared from the web. I read them days before, knew they would be scrubbed, and saved them. Why did I know they would be scrubbed? Because if roles were reversed, and Christine Blasey Ford had been nominated for the Supreme Court by President Trump, the headline by the resistance would be this:
And it would be an accurate headline. That's why the yearbooks have been scrubbed.
On Monday Sept. 17th, Christine Blasey Ford's high school yearbooks suddenly disappeared from the web. I read them days before, knew they would be scrubbed, and saved them. Why did I know they would be scrubbed? Because if roles were reversed, and Christine Blasey Ford had been nominated for the Supreme Court by President Trump, the headline by the resistance would be this:
And it would be an accurate headline. That's why the yearbooks have been scrubbed.
DOJ Looking into Allegations in Project Veritas 'Deep State' Sting
DOJ Looking into Allegations in Project Veritas 'Deep State' Sting:
The U.S. Department of Justice said on Wednesday it would look into alleged “misuse of government resources to advance personal interests” in response to a video from James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas purporting to expose “deep state” federal employees.
The U.S. Department of Justice said on Wednesday it would look into alleged “misuse of government resources to advance personal interests” in response to a video from James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas purporting to expose “deep state” federal employees.
Mistaken Identity? | Power Line
Mistaken Identity? | Power Line
Paul (and Senator Orrin Hatch) has already mentioned the possibility that Dr. Ford’s allegation of sexual assault by Brett Kavanaugh may be a case of mistaken identity, based in part on Ed Whelan’s cryptic tweets that Kavanaugh is going to be fully exonerated. This has set off a firestorm of rumors and expectations. Whelan has just now (6 pm eastern time) provided one specific scenario of this on Twitter, offering up a specific name (though careful to note that he makes no allegation of implication that the other person, Chris Garrett, assaulted Ford as claimed).
Read the whole thread—it doesn’t take long, but it is not easily summarized here. Whelan’s case relies on two pieces of circumstantial evidence: basic geography (Ford claimed the house where the party took place is close to Columbia Country Club, but Whelan notes that none of the identified party goers have homes anywhere near that location, but Garrett did), and the resemblance of Garrett to Kavanaugh.
Here’s the photographic evidence—Kavanaugh and Garrett in 1982, and today:
Interesting that Whelan has a contemporary photo of Garrett. There are a lot of Chris Garretts out there, and I haven’t been able to find this one yet.
I’m still waiting for a prothonotary warbler, a Woodstock typewriter, and microfilm hidden in a pumpkin to make an appearance."
Media Continues Its Slow Suicide – American Greatness
Media Continues Its Slow Suicide – American Greatness
"After reviewing last week’s news coverage, I would encourage President Trump to come up with a more accurate taunt than “fake news.”
Maybe “garbage news.”
Or perhaps “bottom-feeding news.”
Even try “we-are-a-collection-of-dishonest-miscreants-who-are-unworthy-of-an-ounce-of-the-American-people’s-trust news.”
But “fake news” is tame in light of the media’s misleading, destructive, and willfully ignorant reporting last week that was intended further to inflame a divided body politic.
Some of the lowlights featured
And it wasn’t just the dependable lunatics on the Left pushing trash commentary.
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"After reviewing last week’s news coverage, I would encourage President Trump to come up with a more accurate taunt than “fake news.”
Maybe “garbage news.”
Or perhaps “bottom-feeding news.”
Even try “we-are-a-collection-of-dishonest-miscreants-who-are-unworthy-of-an-ounce-of-the-American-people’s-trust news.”
But “fake news” is tame in light of the media’s misleading, destructive, and willfully ignorant reporting last week that was intended further to inflame a divided body politic.
Some of the lowlights featured
- MSNBC morning host Joe Scarborough, claiming Trump has done more damage to the country than the 9/11 terrorists;
- the editorial board of a major newspaper blaming Trump for Hurricane Florence;
- the wholesale acceptance of a highly flawed paper about hurricane deaths used to bash the president;
- and a despicable crusade not just to quash Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court, but to destroy his reputation and damage his young family.
And it wasn’t just the dependable lunatics on the Left pushing trash commentary.
- Bret Stephens, the NeverTrump “conservative” columnist for the New York Times, compared Trump to a drug addict.
- Washington Post “conservative” blogger Jennifer Rubin warned that if Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) voted to confirm Kavanaugh, their names would be, “as was the case with [Nazi-era traitor] Vidkun Quisling—synonymous with ‘sellouts,’ ‘collaborators,’ or, to use a Trumpism, ‘phonies.’”
- As the week came to a close, the New York Times was forced to append its misleading article that criticized U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley for buying pricey curtains to decorate her official residence. The window coverings, it turns out, actually were purchased by her predecessor in the Obama Administration. But it was too late. Social media had pounded Haley all morning for being extravagant and heartless.
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...why President Trump, and not a whining Obama, deserves all the credit.
"Heartland Institute Senior Fellow Peter Ferrara was a guest on Fox & Friends on Sept. 19, 2018 to explain why President Trump, and not a whining Obama, deserves all the credit.
Ferrara got the call to be on the show because of his piece in the Wall Street Journal titled "Why the 'Obama Recovery' Took So Long."
See more writing by Peter Ferrara and learn more about The Heartland Institute at the link below.
$10 for 99-Year Lease: Chicago Gifts Part of Jackson Park to 'Obama Center'
$10 for 99-Year Lease: Chicago Gifts Part of Jackson Park to 'Obama Center':
The now outgoing Rahm Emanuel administration is touting a deal to give away about 20 acres of historic Jackson Park to the controversial “Obama Center” for the tiny payment of $10 for a 99-year lease.
Despite multiple lawsuits seeking to stop the destruction of the historic city park and increasing federal inquiries into the backroom deals between Chicago politicians and Barack Obama’s presidential center, city officials are going full steam to give the go-ahead for the former president’s project, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.
The now outgoing Rahm Emanuel administration is touting a deal to give away about 20 acres of historic Jackson Park to the controversial “Obama Center” for the tiny payment of $10 for a 99-year lease.
Despite multiple lawsuits seeking to stop the destruction of the historic city park and increasing federal inquiries into the backroom deals between Chicago politicians and Barack Obama’s presidential center, city officials are going full steam to give the go-ahead for the former president’s project, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.
Le Pen & The Sovietization Of France | The American Conservative
Le Pen & The Sovietization Of France | The American Conservative
This is totalitarian. The BBC reports:
This is totalitarian. The BBC reports:
A French court has ordered far-right leader Marine Le Pen to undergo psychiatric tests as part of an inquiry into her sharing images of Islamic State group atrocities.Ms Le Pen tweeted pictures of the court order, calling the move “crazy”.She posted the images back in 2015, including one showing the decapitated body of IS victim James Foley.She has been stripped of her immunity as a parliamentarian and she could still face a fine or even jail. Le Pen posted documentary evidence of actual ISIS atrocities, in an attempt to demonstrate that there is no comparison between ISIS and her political party. So now, in France, simply posting images of actual, real-life events may be evidence of criminal insanity...
...Do you not see where this is going?
Do you not see why it must be stopped cold?
Do you not see why it must be stopped cold?
The Soviet Union used to declare dissidents criminally insane and imprison them in psychiatric units.
And now the same sort of thing is manifesting in the West, by those who want to preserve liberalism at all costs.
Those who challenge the regime, even with facts and images, will be taken to court and forced to submit to tests to prove that they are not criminally insane.
A breathtaking irony: the French state is doing this to silence those who criticize barbarians who would destroy liberalism."
Read all!
Nutrition Studies That Backed Obama-Era School Lunch Programs Get Retracted: Reason Roundup - Hit & Run :
Nutrition Studies That Backed Obama-Era School Lunch Programs Get Retracted: Reason Roundup - Hit & Run :
"Six nutrition papers retracted from JAMA Network.
The prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association(JAMA) Network announced Wednesday that it has retracted six papers that included Cornell University food scientist Brian Wansink as an author.
...His research was widely disseminated in major media and incorporated into government programs—most prominently, a program to encourage healthier eating in school cafeterias called the Smarter Lunchrooms program.
"Six nutrition papers retracted from JAMA Network.
The prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association(JAMA) Network announced Wednesday that it has retracted six papers that included Cornell University food scientist Brian Wansink as an author.
...His research was widely disseminated in major media and incorporated into government programs—most prominently, a program to encourage healthier eating in school cafeterias called the Smarter Lunchrooms program.
The Smarter Lunchrooms program was spearheaded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and designed by Wansink and his Cornell colleague David Just. As I noted here last August,
Read on.For the better half of a decade, American public schools have been part of a grand experiment in "choice architecture" dressed up as simple, practical steps to spur healthy eating. But new research reveals the "Smarter Lunchrooms" program is based largely on junk science..."
John Kerry: A Traitor for the Ages
John Kerry: A Traitor for the Ages:
John Kerry is a man who has instinctively sided with America's enemies his entire career. He was one of the reasons America lost the war in Vietnam. But in the liberal state of Massachusetts, he went on to become lieutenant governor and a US Senator. With sweet justice, Kerry's vicious and malicious slander of American veterans and his disgusting behavior came back to haunt him when he "reported for duty" to run for president in 2004 with his Vietnam medals proudly displayed in his office.
John Kerry is a man who has instinctively sided with America's enemies his entire career. He was one of the reasons America lost the war in Vietnam. But in the liberal state of Massachusetts, he went on to become lieutenant governor and a US Senator. With sweet justice, Kerry's vicious and malicious slander of American veterans and his disgusting behavior came back to haunt him when he "reported for duty" to run for president in 2004 with his Vietnam medals proudly displayed in his office.
History for September 21
History for September 21 -
H.G. Wells 1866, Larry Hagman 1931 - Actor ("I Dream of Jeanie," "Dallas"), James Woolsey 1941
Stephen King 1947 - Author, Bill Murray 1950 - Actor, Faith Hill 1967 - Country singer
1970 - "NFL Monday Night Football" made its debut on ABC-TV. The game was between the Cleveland Browns and the New York Jets. The Browns won 31-21.
1981 - The U.S. Senate confirmed Sandra Day O'Connor to be the first female justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Chuck Grassley's Letter to Brett Kavanaugh's Accuser | National Review
Chuck Grassley's Letter to Brett Kavanaugh's Accuser | National Review:
Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley sent a letter to Christine Blasey Ford’s attorney Wednesday making a final request that Ford attend a committee hearing scheduled for Monday and making clear that the FBI has no jurisdiction to investigate her claim prior to the hearing.
In the letter, Grassley explains that the Senate is charged with investigating the claim under its constitutional “advise and consent” duty.
“The FBI does not make a credibility assessment of any information it receives with respect to a nominee.
Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley sent a letter to Christine Blasey Ford’s attorney Wednesday making a final request that Ford attend a committee hearing scheduled for Monday and making clear that the FBI has no jurisdiction to investigate her claim prior to the hearing.
In the letter, Grassley explains that the Senate is charged with investigating the claim under its constitutional “advise and consent” duty.
“The FBI does not make a credibility assessment of any information it receives with respect to a nominee.
Feinstein Still Hasn’t Turned Over the Letter From Kavanaugh’s Accuser to Chuck Grassley
Feinstein Still Hasn’t Turned Over the Letter From Kavanaugh’s Accuser to Chuck Grassley:
Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee Dianne Feinstein is still refusing to turn over the unredacted version of a letter sent to her office in July. The letter is from Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault during a party in high school nearly 40 years ago.
Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee Dianne Feinstein is still refusing to turn over the unredacted version of a letter sent to her office in July. The letter is from Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault during a party in high school nearly 40 years ago.
North and South Korea Agree to Joint Search for Korean War Remains
North and South Korea Agree to Joint Search for Korean War Remains:
North and South Korean military officials agreed on Wednesday to conduct joint searches for the remains of Korean War soldiers, the first such cooperative project undertaken since the end of the war in 1953.
In a joint statement, officials from the two countries made a commitment to disarm the border village of Panmunjom by the end of October, beginning with the removal of landmines and some guard posts.
North and South Korean military officials agreed on Wednesday to conduct joint searches for the remains of Korean War soldiers, the first such cooperative project undertaken since the end of the war in 1953.
In a joint statement, officials from the two countries made a commitment to disarm the border village of Panmunjom by the end of October, beginning with the removal of landmines and some guard posts.
Chuck Todd: Maybe Kavanaugh Should Withdraw, Spare Country ‘Tinderbox’ Hearing
Chuck Todd: Maybe Kavanaugh Should Withdraw, Spare Country ‘Tinderbox’ Hearing
"Appearing on Tuesday’s Today show, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd suggested that the best course of action for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh might just be to withdraw rather than defend himself against sexual assault allegations during a public Senate hearing scheduled for Monday.
The NBC News Political Director feared that any hearing would be a “tinderbox” that could “erupt a culture war.”
"Appearing on Tuesday’s Today show, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd suggested that the best course of action for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh might just be to withdraw rather than defend himself against sexual assault allegations during a public Senate hearing scheduled for Monday.
The NBC News Political Director feared that any hearing would be a “tinderbox” that could “erupt a culture war.”
“Chuck, tell us what your gut tells you about this nomination. Is this thing in real trouble do you think?,”asked co-host Hoda Kotb.
Todd replied: “I definitely think it’s in trouble.”
He then advanced the case for Kavanaugh quitting the confirmation process: “I think nothing would surprise me, including him, by the end of the week, if Judge Kavanaugh decides he doesn’t want to go through this, it isn’t worth it, he doesn’t want to – maybe he can win but he doesn’t want an asterisk – I mean, it wouldn’t surprise me if he chose to withdraw and chose to back down.”
Todd replied: “I definitely think it’s in trouble.”
He then advanced the case for Kavanaugh quitting the confirmation process: “I think nothing would surprise me, including him, by the end of the week, if Judge Kavanaugh decides he doesn’t want to go through this, it isn’t worth it, he doesn’t want to – maybe he can win but he doesn’t want an asterisk – I mean, it wouldn’t surprise me if he chose to withdraw and chose to back down.”
So whether Kavanaugh is actually guilty or not apparently doesn’t matter, the media will place an “asterisk” next to his name regardless..."
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Project Veritas Publishes First Report on “Administrative State” Resistance Bureaucrats…. | The Last Refuge
Project Veritas Publishes First Report on “Administrative State” Resistance Bureaucrats…. | The Last Refuge
Project Veritas Publishes First Report on “Administrative State” Resistance Bureaucrats….
Project Veritas Publishes First Report on “Administrative State” Resistance Bureaucrats….
"Project Veritas has released the first installment in an undercover video series unmasking the deep state.
The video features a State Department employee, Stuart Karaffa, engaged in radical socialist political activity on the taxpayer’s dime, while advocating for government resistance.
Stuart Karaffa is also a ranking member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America (Metro DC DSA.)
Stuart Karaffa is just the first federal government employee that Project Veritas has filmed in an undercover series unmasking the deep state.
More video reports are to be released soon."
More video reports are to be released soon."
Trump: Exposing FBI corruption would be 'a crowning achievement' - Washington Times
Trump: Exposing FBI corruption would be 'a crowning achievement' - Washington Times:
President Trump said Wednesday that his order to declassify documents about FISA, Carter Page and the Russia probe is a “great service to the country” that could expose the special counsel investigation as a “hoax.”
In an interview with Hill.TV, Mr. Trump said the move is all about transparency but hopes to expose “something that is truly a cancer in our country.”
President Trump said Wednesday that his order to declassify documents about FISA, Carter Page and the Russia probe is a “great service to the country” that could expose the special counsel investigation as a “hoax.”
In an interview with Hill.TV, Mr. Trump said the move is all about transparency but hopes to expose “something that is truly a cancer in our country.”
CNN's Jim Acosta has learned Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's attorneys have submitted a list of expert witnesses they demand to be allowed to testify.
(1) Fans of Best of the Web Today (yes, a spoof... but is it really?)
Dateline CNN
CNN's Jim Acosta has learned Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's attorneys have submitted a list of expert witnesses they demand to be allowed to testify.
The list includes:
The list includes:
Al Sharpton
Tawana Brawley
Mike Nifong
Crystal Mangum
Jackie Coakley
Haven Monahan
Sabrina Erdely
The staff of Rolling Stone Magazine
UVA President Teresa Sullivan
Tawana Brawley
Mike Nifong
Crystal Mangum
Jackie Coakley
Haven Monahan
Sabrina Erdely
The staff of Rolling Stone Magazine
UVA President Teresa Sullivan
Republicans Set to Push Ahead With Kavanaugh Nomination
Republicans Set to Push Ahead With Kavanaugh Nomination:
Mr. Grassley responded that the committee wasn’t willing to wait for a full FBI investigation of Dr. Ford’s allegations.
“Dr. Ford’s testimony would reflect her personal knowledge and memory of events. Nothing the FBI or any other investigator does would have any bearing on what Dr. Ford tells the committee, so there is no reason for any further delay,” Mr. Grassley said in a statement Tuesday night.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican on the Judiciary committee, said Wednesday the committee should set a vote.
Mr. Grassley responded that the committee wasn’t willing to wait for a full FBI investigation of Dr. Ford’s allegations.
“Dr. Ford’s testimony would reflect her personal knowledge and memory of events. Nothing the FBI or any other investigator does would have any bearing on what Dr. Ford tells the committee, so there is no reason for any further delay,” Mr. Grassley said in a statement Tuesday night.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican on the Judiciary committee, said Wednesday the committee should set a vote.
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