Sunday, September 23, 2018

John Rush - For those who say "We need to have more government...

John Rush - For those who say "We need to have more government...:
"For those who say "We need to have more government funded (i.e. - "Taxpayer funded" - the Government has NO money unless they extort it from us first) programs to help the poor, disabled and elderly", ask them how many such programs they think already exist. 
Answer: There are over 200 now!Image may contain: 1 person

EDITORIAL: John Kerry advises the mullahs on how to outwit the U.S. - Washington Times

EDITORIAL: John Kerry advises the mullahs on how to outwit the U.S. - Washington Times:
Image result for flickr commons images John Kerry
Defiance and dirty dealing from an enemy is expected, collusion with an enemy to reinforce its effrontery is not. Thanks to John Kerry, President Trump will face an extra formidable Iran when patience meets effrontery next week at the United Nations. The former U.S. secretary of State is conducting shadow diplomacy designed to foil the president’s aims in dialing back Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

The liberal dream to replace cars-----A Lime scooter rider died this morning in Washington, D.C., marking the second fatality this month | TechCrunch

lime segway scooterA Lime scooter rider died this morning in Washington, D.C., marking the second fatality this month | TechCrunch
"Lime, the 18-month-old, San Francisco-based company whose bright green bicycles and scooters now dot cities throughout the U.S., launched a pilot program in Tacoma, Washington, today, but that tiny victory might have felt short-lived. 
The reason: on the opposite side of the country, a Lime  rider was killed today by an SUV while tooling around Washington D.C.’s DuPont neighborhood. 
...On the one hand, the developments, while unfortunate, can hardly come as a surprise to anyone given how vulnerable riders or e-scooters are. 
...At the same time, city after city has deemed their use on sidewalks illegal out of fear that fast-moving riders will collide with and injure pedestrians. 
That leaves riders sharing city streets with the same types of giant, exhaust-spewing machines that they hope to increasingly displace
In fact, sales of traditional SUVs has continued to surge..."
Read all.

History for September 23

Image result for Walter Lippmann Quotes
History for September 23 -
William McGuffy 1800, Walter Lippmann 1889, Mickey Rooney (Joe Yule, Jr.) 1920
Image result for William McGuffey QuotesImage result for Walter Lippmann QuotesImage result for Mickey Rooney

Ray Charles 1930, Bruce Springsteen 1949 - Musician, Jason Alexander 1959 - Actor ("Seinfeld")
Image result for Ray CharlesImage result for bruce springsteen politics quotesImage result for Jason Alexander

1779 - John Paul Jones, commander of the American warship Bon Homme Richard, was quoted as saying "I have not yet begun to fight!" (ship name fixed!)
Image result for "I have not yet begun to fight!"

1806 - The Corps of Discovery, the Lewis and Clark expedition, reached St. Louis, MO, and ended the trip to the Pacific Northwest.
Image result for Corps of Discovery

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Sources: Nellie Ohr Is Refusing To Appear For Congressional Deposition | The Daily Caller

Sources: Nellie Ohr Is Refusing To Appear For Congressional Deposition | The Daily Caller:

Image result for Nellie Ohr Fusion GPSNellie Ohr, the wife of Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, is refusing to appear before Congress for a closed-door hearing that was scheduled to take place this Friday, sources tell The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Ohr, who worked for Fusion GPS, the firm behind the Steele dossier, was scheduled to appear for interviews during a joint session with the House Judiciary and House Oversight & Government Reform committees. But two congressional sources said that she is not cooperating with the requests and will have to be subpoenaed to compel her appearance.

The way we were-----Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds - Don't Pull Your Love

Boob-tube-----Sherlock Holmes Pearl of Death

Democrats: We Already Know Kavanaugh Is Guilty [Montage]

The U.S. government has blown almost $90 million on a doomed project to IMPORT DEMOCRAT VOTERS

The U.S. government has blown almost $90 million on a doomed project to IMPORT DEMOCRAT VOTERS
"Government Wasted $90 Million On a Few Dozen Afghan Women ($1.5 Million per Afghan Woman) To help Them Supposedly Find Jobs... and A Good Portion Went To A Clinton “Development” Company
Allow me to translate: The U.S. government has blown almost $90 million on a doomed project to IMPORT DEMOCRAT VOTERS... No price is too high for Democrats buying future votes.
Image may contain: 4 people, beard and text...So far, the program has helped between zero and 60 women, according to a federal audit. Let’s take the most optimistic extreme and say it helped 60 women find jobs or get promoted.
That comes to $1,500,000 per Afghan woman supposedly helped with the money spent so far.
We would enjoy a significantly higher standard of living if we stopped tolerating a government that arrogantly throws our money to the four winds and then wants more."
Read all!

Yes, The Deep State Is Real — And Working To Undermine Our Nation | Investor's Business Daily

Yes, The Deep State Is Real — And Working To Undermine Our Nation | Investor's Business Daily:

Image result for flickr commons images washington dcNo, what they're really worried about is that Nunes is right. There are highly questionable connections between officials in the Justice Department, FBI, CIA and Hillary Clinton campaign. They suggest that U.S. officials actively used their offices and taxpayer funds to sabotage Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. If so, it's a criminal conspiracy. People should go to prison.
Yet, shockingly, while Trump ordered the "immediate declassification" of the materials, the Deep State has other ideas. Justice, the FBI and the National Intelligence director's office are slow-walking the release. They plan to redact the documents, despite Trump's lawful order.

No, Tax Cuts Are Not Driving Deficits — It's The Spending, Stupid | Investor's Business Daily

No, Tax Cuts Are Not Driving Deficits — It's The Spending, Stupid | Investor's Business Daily
"Red Ink: Are President Trump's massive tax cuts what's driving federal deficits upward.
Everyone says so. 
But, it's not true.
It's just a way for lawmakers to distract the public while they crank up the spending machine.
Just like the Senate did this week.
Earlier this week, Trump's top economic advisor, Larry Kudlow, gave a talk at the Economic Club of New York in which he said that tax cuts aren't to blame for deficits.
"People are quick to blame deficits on tax cuts, but I don't buy that," he said.
"The gap is principally spending too much."
You could almost hear the jaws dropping among the Washington pundits and budget "experts."
How could Kudlow make such a ludicrous claim?..."
Read all.

Worth a click!--Yes!-----Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter


BELIEVE ALL WOMEN: Keith Ellison says his accuser fabricated domestic violence abuse story, can’t b…

See the source imageInstapundit  Blog Archive  BELIEVE ALL WOMEN
"Keith Ellison says his accuser fabricated domestic violence abuse story, can’t be sure others won’t ‘cook up’ allegations.
Related: Keith Ellison pounded about abuse at debate. 
Watch him blame accusers, say women can make things up!
He’s co-chair of the Democratic Party. 
They’re allegedly investigating him, but they’re slow-walking it past the election:
The Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party said a month ago it would investigate after a former girlfriend accused Mr. Ellison of emotional and physical abuse, but since then the party has said nothing as the probe fades largely from view..."
 "That’s different because shut up."----Posted by Glenn Reynolds

Lunch video-----Science proving Climate Change is not man-made

Noon-toon-----A.F. Branco Cartoon - Passing Wind

A.F. Branco Cartoon - Passing Wind
Kavanaugh Sexual Assault

Democrats Go Full Stalin on Kavanaugh and Declassification | Roger L. Simon

Democrats Go Full Stalin on Kavanaugh and Declassification | Roger L. Simon:

Image result for flickr commons images fbi building in dcBut in the grand tradition of Stalin and Beria, it is our FBI that leads the pack, and the man whose crime they wished to "show" is President Trump. Unfortunately, the tables have turned and the crime stoppers are about to be unmasked as the criminals (cf. Norman Mailer).
Enter Trump's call for the declassification of the FISA documents and related material, including all the text messages concerning Russia, that has been stonewalled by the FBI and DOJ for over a year, making the constitutionally mandated oversight by congressional committees nigh impossible.

SHOWDOWN: Pelosi and Schumer Send Letter Ordering Intel Agencies to Ignore Trump's Declassification Order *

SHOWDOWN: Pelosi and Schumer Send Letter Ordering Intel Agencies to Ignore Trump's Declassification Order *
"...It’s becoming more and more apparent that the Democrats are shaking in their boots over the upcoming release of prior classified information that will tell the truth about what was going on in order to spy on the Trump campaign. 
The American people want to know but the Democrats are obviously trying to subvert the president’s action...
In letter, Pelosi/Schumer/Schiff/Warner order intel agencies to ignore presidential order on declassification until consulting with Congress..."
Read all!

China's plan for conquest of the South Pacific | Asia Times

China's plan for conquest of the South Pacific | Asia Times
South Pacific-Map-Wikimedia Commons"Beijing’s militarization of islands and features it claims in the South China Sea is by now widely seen as a threat to freedom of navigation in one of the world’s most strategically important waterways.
What’s gone less noticed, however, is how Beijing could use those emerging forward bases to project power into the South Pacific, where critics say Beijing harbors “neo-colonial” ambitions and the United States maintains crucial naval and air force bases on Guam.
A Pentagon report released last month that said China was likely training for air strikes against US and allied targets will have brought China’s emerging power projection capabilities into the Pacific into stark and urgent relief among policymakers in Washington..."
Read on!

#1 This day 1974-----Andy Kim - Rock Me Gently

Mother arrested for taking phone away from teenage daughter |

Mother arrested for taking phone away from teenage daughter |
"HUDSONVILLE, Mich. -- A Michigan mother arrested after stealing her teen daughter's cell phone as a form of discipline has been vindicated.
The Ottawa County prosecutor dismissed the charges against the local woman on Tuesday. Questions remain, however, as to why she was arrested in the first place.
"I would like answers on why it got so far and how it got this far where this happened within my home. I'm disciplining my child, then I'm being the one handcuffed," Jodie May told WOOD-TV.
May was nursing her 4-week-old baby the day before Mother's Day when a deputy knocked on her door, telling her she'd be arrested on a misdemeanor theft charge.
"He had told me that he was going to arrest me, and I asked him if I could turn myself in on that Monday by myself, that I had a new baby. 
She wasn't taking the bottle yet," she said.
Her proposals weren't accepted.
She was arrested and taken to a holding cell before being released two hours later on a $200 bond..."
Read on.

You ought to know!

Kim Jong-un Wants Another Donald Trump Summit | National Review

Kim Jong-un Wants Another Donald Trump Summit | National Review:

Image result for flickr commons images Kim Jong-unNorth Korean leader Kim Jong-un is looking to hold a second summit with President Trump soon to “speed up the denuclearization process,” South Korean President Moon Jae-in said Thursday.
“Chairman Kim Jong Un said he wants Secretary Pompeo’s North Korea visit and a second summit with President Trump to happen at the earliest convenience in order to speed up the denuclearization process,” Moon said after his first visit to the North Korean capital this week.

AM Fruitcake

History for September 22

See the source image
History for September 22 -
John Houseman 1902, Tommy Lasorda 1927 - Baseball manager, Debby Boone 1956 - Singer
Image result for John HousemanImage result for Tommy LasordaImage result for Debby Boone

Andrea Bocelli 1958 - Opera singer, Joan Jett 1960, Scott Baio 1961 - Actor ("Happy Days," "Joanie Loves Chachi")
Image result for Andrea Bocelli Image result for Scott Baio

1862 - U.S. President Lincoln issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. It stated that all slaves held within rebel states would be free as of January 1, 1863.
Image result for President Lincoln issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.

1903 - Italo Marchiony was granted a patent for the ice cream cone.
Image result for Italo Marchiony was granted a patent for the ice cream cone.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Eviscerating Kavanaugh: Sen. Feinstein, have you no sense of decency? - Chicago Tribune

Eviscerating Kavanaugh: Sen. Feinstein, have you no sense of decency? - Chicago Tribune:

Image result for Dianne Feinstein PartyDecency was once an important feature of the Democratic Party’s story. Long before Bork became a verb, long before Clarence Thomas was dragged through the mud because a conservative black man proved a profound threat to Democrats, the party held fast to the notion of decency.
A lack of decency was something to be feared, something to be avoided for the health of the country.

The way we were-----Tracy Ullman - They Don't Know (complete video)

Boob-tube-----The Tracey Ullman Show 01

Fast times at Holton-Arms High when Christine Blasey Ford was a student there

Fast times at Holton-Arms High when Christine Blasey Ford was a student there
"Since high school keg parties at the elite prep schools attended by Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey are now a matter of consuming interest to the Democrat-media complex, it is perhaps telling that the high school yearbooks of Holton-Arms, the school attended by Blasey, have been scrubbed from the web.  
The blog Cult of the First Amendment says:
On Monday Sept. 17th, Christine Blasey Ford's high school yearbooks suddenly disappeared from the web.  I read them days before, knew they would be scrubbed, and saved them.  Why did I know they would be scrubbed?  Because if roles were reversed, and Christine Blasey Ford had been nominated for the Supreme Court by President Trump, the headline by the resistance would be this:
And it would be an accurate headline.  That's why the yearbooks have been scrubbed.  They are a testament to the incredible power these girls had over their teachers, parents and the boys of Georgetown Prep, Landon and other schools in the area.  In the pages below, you will see multiple photos and references to binge drinking and the accompanying joy of not being able to remember any of it.
The most revealing page in that regard is this one, which seems to indicate that drunken keg parties were a frequent pastime for the Holton-Arms girls:
These yearbooks are, therefore, relevant to the national investigation now being conducted in the media, in homes, and in the halls of Congress.  And they should not have been scrubbed.  If Brett Kavanaugh's yearbooks are fair game, so are these.
And you will wonder while reading them, why the hell did the faculty approve of these yearbooks?  Why did the parents take out paid ads in these yearbooks?  Animal House had nothing on the infamous "Holton party scene".
The resistance media has been singularly focused on Brett Kavanaugh's high school yearbooks, which imply that he got drunk and threw up.  There's no need to imply anything from the Holton-Arms yearbooks.  It's all there in focus, and the written word too.  All of the sordid details as approved for publication by a "look the other way" faculty.  And now it's available for historical/evidentiary review.
It is to this wild Holton culture we must look in order to shed light on the last minute accusation by Christine Blasey.  And in the official high school chronicles of this era, we find many names of people who can provide relevant evidence.
Christine "Chrissy" Blasey alleges she cannot recall the exact date, place or names of people who were at the party in question.  This research is intended to refresh her recollection and the recollections of others who may recall key facts.  (In this report, last names have been redacted and faces obscured, other than the picture of Chrissy Blasey seen below.)
If drunken keg parties were so common, isn't it possible that over the last three decades, some memories could have been confused?..."
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Straw Ban Straw Man -

Straw Ban Straw Man -
"When Seattle outlawed single-use plastic straws in September 2017, the decision drew snickers from spectators as the latest, silliest example of nanny state excess—and one that could happen only in the famously progressive city.
But by the time the ban went into effect in July 2018, straw bans had taken the world by storm.
Image result for straw ban fake scienceVancouver, British Columbia, banned straws in May.
...In April, British Prime Minister Theresa May announced plans to ban the little suckers kingdomwide. 
The European Union followed her lead a month later.
...A-list celebs like musicians Calvin Harris and Demi Lovato have publicly sworn them off.
Why this particular item, and why now? 
Eight million metric tons of plastic makes its way into the ocean every year, straw haters say.
They don't mention that the United States is responsible for only about 1 percent of this waste, and that straws are a far tinier fraction still. 
Perhaps you've heard the old saw that Americans use 500 million straws a day.
But way back in January, Reason broke the story that the source of this tidbit was a 2011 phone survey of three straw manufacturers, conducted by a 9-year-old..."
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Gregg Jarrett: If Rod Rosenstein defies Trump's order to declassify documents, he should be fired | Fox News

Gregg Jarrett: If Rod Rosenstein defies Trump's order to declassify documents, he should be fired | Fox News:

Image result for flickr commons images rod rosensteinPresident Trump has ordered that numerous documents involving the Russia investigation be declassified. The records have long been sought by Congress under lawful subpoenas. Yet, the FBI and Department of Justice have consistently obstructed the release of these materials under the guise of “classified” secrets. This is a convenient alibi all too frequently employed to cover-up wrongdoing and abuse of authority by those we entrust to uphold the law.