Thursday, October 04, 2018

Kimberley Strassel on Twitter: "2) It was response to a Sept. 26 letter demanding withdrawal of Kavanaugh nomination, based in part on Swetnick allegations. Grassley letter begins by noting that yesterday, Swetnick backtracked on basic allegations in interview with NBC news."

See the source imageKimberley Strassel on Twitter: "2) It was response to a Sept. 26 letter demanding withdrawal of Kavanaugh nomination, based in part on Swetnick allegations. Grassley letter begins by noting that yesterday, Swetnick backtracked on basic allegations in interview with NBC news."

Cory Booker Says It Doesn’t Matter If Judge Kavanaugh Is ‘Innocent Or Guilty’ | The Daily Caller

Cory Booker Says It Doesn’t Matter If Judge Kavanaugh Is ‘Innocent Or Guilty’ | The Daily Caller:
Image result for flickr commons images Cory Booker
New Jersey Senator Cory Booker on Tuesday told reporters that Judge Kavanaugh’s actual guilt or innocence regarding the allegations against him is irrelevant to the question of whether or not President Trump should rescind his nomination and pick someone else.

Lunch video-----Official Trump @War: Full Movie


USC Students Demanded a Professor Get Fired For Supporting Due Process and Suggesting That 'Accusers Sometimes Lie'

USC Students Demanded a Professor Get Fired For Supporting Due Process and Suggesting That 'Accusers Sometimes Lie':
Image result for flickr commons images Court Room
Nearly 100 students at the University of Southern California attended a rally at noon on Monday demanding a tenured professor be fired after he sent a reply-all email last Thursday to the student body noting that “accusers sometimes lie.”
“If the day comes you are accused of some crime or tort of which you are not guilty, and you find your peers automatically believing your accuser, I expect you find yourself a stronger proponent of due process than you are now,” emailed Professor James Moore.