Saturday, February 16, 2019

Lunch video-----Milton Friedman on Slavery and Colonization


Bullet Train: Could California's Doomed Project Fund Trump's Border Wall? | Investor's Business Daily

Bullet Train: Could California's Doomed Project Fund Trump's Border Wall? | Investor's Business Daily:

Image result for flickr commons images Gov. NewsomSo, Newsom plans to dump another $7.6 billion — on top of the $3 billion the state has already spent — over the next three years to build a 119-mile high-speed rail that goes from nowhere, to nowhere.
As Republican state Sen. Jim Nielsen aptly observed: "We're going to put more billions into a train in a place where there is no ridership and no freight will be hauled. What economy is that going to improve in the Central Valley? "
Newsom's reason for keeping this zombie infrastructure project going makes even less sense.
"Abandoning high-speed rail entirely," he says, "means we will have wasted billions of dollars with nothing but broken promises and lawsuits to show for it."
So, he wants to waste billions more just to save face?

Lest we forget-- 2008-----MuskegonPundit: We’re Not in Lake Wobegon Anymore

MuskegonPundit: We’re Not in Lake Wobegon Anymore
We’re Not in Lake Wobegon Anymore
"The party of Lincoln and Liberty was transmogrified into the party of hairy-backed swamp developers and corporate shills, faith-based economists, fundamentalist bullies with Bibles, Christians of convenience, freelance racists, misanthropic frat boys, shrieking midgets of AM radio, tax cheats, nihilists in golf pants, brownshirts in pinstripes, sweatshop tycoons, hacks, fakirs, aggressive dorks, Lamborghini libertarians, people who believe Neil Armstrong’s moonwalk was filmed in Roswell, New Mexico, little honkers out to diminish the rest of us, Newt’s evil spawn and their Etch-A-Sketch president, a dull and rigid man suspicious of the free flow of information and of secular institutions, whose philosophy is a jumble of badly sutured body parts trying to walk. Republicans: The No.1 reason the rest of the world thinks we’re deaf, dumb and dangerous."
Nice to see some "love" from Garrison Keillor....... 
or maybe a look into the mind of liberals and ......Obama?

#1 This day 1957-----Elvis Presley - Too Much

Tucker: There was no Russian collusion

Replace "BTUs" with "CFUs"?

A Rising Tide of Global Corruption - Judicial Watch

A Rising Tide of Global Corruption - Judicial Watch:

Image result for flickr commons images EarthTransparency International is out with its annual global corruption index and the news is not good. Around the world, according to the group’s sophisticated scoring system, democratic institutions are embattled by a rising tide of corruption.
TI’s “Corruption Perceptions Index” is the gold standard in assessing corruption worldwide. The index is drawn from comprehensive data sets of more than a dozen international organizations, including the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, Freedom House, and the Economist’s Country Risk Service. Descriptions of sources, statistics and methodology can be found here, below “Resources and Downloads.”
Because corruption operates in the shadows, hard data is elusive. TI’s index measures expert and in-country perceptions, focusing on public corruption, bribery, diversion of public funds, malfeasance and crime by public officials, transparency and accountability.
The failure to curb corruption is “contributing to a worldwide crisis of democracy,” TI says. The 2018 research shows “a disturbing link between corruption and the health of democracies, where countries with higher rates of corruption also have weaker democratic institutions and political rights.”
According to the new data, “on a scale of zero (a highly corrupt public sector) to 100 (a very clean public sector), two-thirds out of the 180 countries surveyed have scored below 50 in 2018’s CPI—meaning that the majority pass as corrupt.”

The Trouble With Solar | Power Line

The Trouble With Solar | Power Line
"The Democrats’ Green New Socialism proposes blanketing the U.S. with solar panels and wind turbines so as to replace all reliable forms of power generation with unreliable, intermittent sources. 
Everyone knows that solar panels don’t produce electricity at night, but there is another problem: they don’t produce electricity when it snows, either.
A friend took this photo and wrote:
I was up in Ramsey [Minnesota] picking up my camper, and next door is this fantastic $30,000,000 brand-new solar installation. 
Doesn’t look like they’re making much electricity today, but it sure is going to make for good union jobs clearing the snow off these things.
Do they try to clear the snow off? 
I don’t know. 
It would be a massive undertaking and would add to the absurd inefficiency of solar power.
As is too seldom pointed out, one of the worst features of both solar and wind energy is that they are terrible for the environment..."
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AM Fruitcake

History for February 16

See the source image
History for February 16 -
Henry Adams 1838, Hugh Beaumont 1909, Sonny Bono 1935 - Singer (Sonny and Cher)
Image result for Henry Adams QuotesImage result for Hugh BeaumontImage result for Sonny Bono

LeVar Burton 1957 - Actor, Ice-T 1958 - Rapper, John McEnroe 1959 - Tennis player
Image result for LeVar BurtonImage result for Ice-TImage result for John McEnroe

1804 - A raid was led by Lt. Stephen Decatur to burn the U.S. Navy frigate Philadelphia. The ship had been taken by pirates.
Image result for Lt. Stephen Decatur to burn the U.S. Navy frigate Philadelphia.

1959 - Fidel Castro seized power in Cuba after the overthrow of President Fulgencio Batista.
See the source image

Friday, February 15, 2019

Media Played The ‘Hate Card’ With Covington Students And It Backfired, Says Michelle Malkin | The Daily Caller

Media Played The ‘Hate Card’ With Covington Students And It Backfired, Says Michelle Malkin | The Daily Caller:
Image result for flickr commons images Michelle Malkin
“The theme here, and I’ve been talking about this for the past several weeks and months now, is that we finally have people who are willing to fight back against the defamation and smear machines, because it wasn’t just the archdiocese that jumped the gun,” she said. “Why did they do that? Because of the immense amount of social media and mainstream media pressure that stereotypes people, that plays the hate card game and nobody ever pushes back.”

The way we were-----A drive through 1940's Los Angeles!

Boob-tube-----Funniest Funny Local News Fails 2017

'Everyone is poly,' no one is serious, and other reasons dating in San Francisco is awful - SFGate

'Everyone is poly,' no one is serious, and other reasons dating in San Francisco is awful - SFGate
"San Francisco is a city full of young, ambitious people with great food, hundreds of bars and even more activities. 
What could go wrong when you're looking for love? 
<p>"Everyone is poly. No one seems to really want a relationship or is already in a relationship. No one seems to really want kids. I'm from the area and don't plan on leaving, but I'm not sure how many other</p>I spent about six years actively dating around the Bay Area. st were "not looking for something serious."
...I attributed these failures not to the region in which I was dating, but to the fraught Millennial dating landscape as a whole. 
Perhaps I was wrong in thinking this, according to a popular San Francisco Reddit thread, posted just in time for Valentine's Day.
The poster asked, "What annoys you the most about dating in SF?" 
More than 100 comments later, it appears there is much to be perturbed by. 
...People also decried the "transient" nature of San Francisco residents, as well as the area's apparently unconventional sexual mores. 
Said one commenter: "Everyone is poly" (as in polyamorous)..."
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Smoking cannabis in your teens IS linked to depression in later life as it 'damages brain' | Daily Mail Online

Smoking cannabis in your teens IS linked to depression in later life as it 'damages brain' | Daily Mail Online

  • Smoking cannabis in your teens IS linked to depression in later life: Major study reveals drug ‘damages children's brains’ and half a MILLION adults could avoid mental-health disorder if they had turned down marijuana
  • Largest study of its kind found that 7% of adult depression could be prevented
  • Drug has also been linked to suicidal thoughts and attempts
  • Researchers say tackling the use of millions of under 18s should be a priority 

See the source image"Smoking cannabis in your teenage years raises the risk of depression and suicide in later life, a landmark new study has found.
Researchers from the US and UK have revealed the drug could impair a child's brain to the extent it triggers mental health disorders later in life.
In the largest research of its kind, experts from Oxford University and McGill University estimated that over half a million adults in the UK and US could be saved from mental health disorders by avoiding the drug as a teenager..."
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Ted Cruz Revives 'EL CHAPO' Bill to Pay for Border Wall

Ted Cruz Revives 'EL CHAPO' Bill to Pay for Border Wall:

Image result for flickr commons images border wallFollowing the conviction of Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman in a New York federal court on Tuesday, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) revived his call to pay for border wall construction with the assets seized from drug traffickers. The Texas senator first introduced the “EL CHAPO” Act in 2017.
“America’s justice system prevailed today in convicting Joaqun Guzmn Loera, aka El Chapo, on all 10 counts,” Senator Cruz said in a tweet on Tuesday. He said that prosecutors are seeking the seizure of $14 billion in “drug profits and other assets” from the jailed drug lord and that those funds should go toward building the border wall.

Eighty per cent of Vatican priests are gay according to explosive new book | Daily Mail Online

Eighty per cent of Vatican priests are gay according to explosive new book | Daily Mail Online
See the source imageEighty per cent of Vatican priests are gay according to explosive new book which claims to uncover double lives of homophobic priests who use male prostitutes
  • 'In the Closet of the Vatican' claims homophobic priests most likely to be gay
  • 570-page expose to be released next week as Pope holds sex abuse summit
  • Author Frederic Martel said book exposes double life of some senior clerics
  • Found some had discreet relationships with men, while others used prostitutes  
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And zero MSM outrage!-----New Emails Confirm FBI Tried To Work Deal With State Dept To Minimize Hillary Email Scandal | Daily Wire

New Emails Confirm FBI Tried To Work Deal With State Dept To Minimize Hillary Email Scandal | Daily Wire
See the source image"Over two years after the fact, newly released FBI emails obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request confirm that James Comey's FBI attempted to work out a quid pro quo deal with the Obama State Department to help minimize the Hillary Clinton private email server scandal just weeks before the 2016 election.
..."This is a flashing red light of potential criminality," Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz (Utah) told Fox News at the time.
"In return for altering the classification, the possibility of additional slots for the FBI at missions overseas was discussed," he said.
On Monday, Fox News' Gregg Re reported that over two years later, the allegation that the FBI and State Department floated a "quid pro quo" deal has now been confirmed, and it originated with the FBI..."
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Lunch video-----Bad Laws Cause Homeless Crisis


Poll: Media's All-Out Assault on Trump Only Hurts Trust in Journalists

Poll: Media's All-Out Assault on Trump Only Hurts Trust in Journalists:
Image result for flickr commons images president trump
Polling proves that public trust in the establishment media has collapsed in every imaginable way during Trump’s presidency.
There is no doubt anymore that corporate media’s ongoing assault against President Trump has backfired in a way that journalists will never recover from.
An IBD/TIPP poll asked about “the public’s perception of the mainstream news media” and found that “fully half the country says its trust in the media decreased over the past two years,” while only eight percent say they have more trust in the media.

Political Journalists Are Trying To Gaslight America

Political Journalists Are Trying To Gaslight America:
  • When conventional media bias won't do the trick.
"In the past week, I’ve noticed a number of Democrats and liberal journalists refusing to concede inconvenient facts.
No matter how many times, for instance, you quote the plain language of the Virginia or New York abortion bills, they won’t acknowledge that both legalize the procedure until the moment of birth for virtually any reason.
See the source imageNo matter how many times you show them language in those bills that protect doctors who terminate babies who are born alive from prosecution, they shake their heads as if you’re indulging in some right-wing conspiracy theory.
No matter how many times you provide them with data that shows more than 15,000 abortions of viable babies being performed every year––most, if not all, having nothing to do with “saving the mother’s life”––they say “no.” (I’ve experienced it personally.)

  • During President Trump’s speech in El Paso yesterday, a Vox writer feigned indignation and claimed that “Trump falsely accuses Ralph Northam” of saying the governor supports “a newborn baby [coming] out into the world, and wrap the baby, make the baby comfortable, and then talk to the mother and talk to the father and then execute the baby. Execute the baby!”

  • Maggie Haberman, a White House correspondent for The New York Times, retweeted the claim to her million followers. To put this in perspective, Haberman’s following on Twitter is nearly as large as the Times’ daily weekday circulation.

...The same game is being played with the Green New Deal proposal..."
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Rats, Public Defecation And Open Drug Use: Our Major Western Cities Are Becoming Uninhabitable Hellholes – End Of The American Dream

Rats, Public Defecation And Open Drug Use: Our Major Western Cities Are Becoming Uninhabitable Hellholes – End Of The American Dream
"Almost everyone that goes out to visit one of our major cities on the west coast has a similar reaction. 
Those that must live among the escalating decay are often numb to it, but most of those that are just in town for a visit are absolutely shocked by all of the trash, human defecation, crime and public drug use that they encounter. 
Once upon a time, our beautiful western cities were the envy of the rest of the world, but now they serve as shining examples of America’s accelerating decline. 
See the source imageThe worst parts of our major western cities literally look like post-apocalyptic wastelands, and the hordes of zombified homeless people that live in those areas are too drugged-out to care.  
The ironic thing is that these cities are not poor.  
In fact, San Francisco and Seattle are among the wealthiest cities in the entire nation.  
So if things are falling apart this dramatically now, how bad will things get when economic conditions really start to deteriorate?
Let’s start our discussion by looking at the rat epidemic in Los Angeles. 
Thanks to extremely poor public sanitation, rats are breeding like mad, and at this point they have even conquered Los Angeles City Hall…"
Read on.

#1 This day 1974-----Barbra Streisand "The Way We Were"

Coloradans Fight Big Pharma and Big Soros to Stop Nation’s First Heroin Injection Site

Coloradans Fight Big Pharma and Big Soros to Stop Nation’s First Heroin Injection Site
"Among all the twisted, oxymoronic and just plain moronic theories of the left, the most radical is their campaign to combat the opioid scourge by helping addicts to shoot up. 
Image result for “harm reduction site”They call this a “harm reduction site” – as if aiding addicts to keep injecting killer drugs into their veins benefits them. 
The addict would come to the injection site, go into a booth, and shoot up. 
Medical personnel on hand would administer a heroin antidote if the addict overdosed.
And that’s called “saving a life.”
Yet the powerful thought leaders in the drug lobby, the Drug Policy Alliance and its sister group Drug Policy Action, (DPA) rake in millions each year from shady billionaire George Soros and his Open Society Foundations to convince the public and government officials that opening hard drug injection sites across the country is the most compassionate thing we can do for drug users..."
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Well, they ARE "Government Motors".

Roger Stone Files Motion to Force Mueller to Prove He Didn't Leak to CNN

Roger Stone Files Motion to Force Mueller to Prove He Didn't Leak to CNN:

Image result for flickr commons images Robert MuellerLongtime political operative Roger Stone on Wednesday filed a motion requesting a federal judge force special counsel Robert Mueller to prove he did not tip off CNN about his January 25 arrest.
Stone’s legal team argues CNN showed it a draft copy of the indictment, stamped without a PACER, after their client’s arrest, suggesting the document had been released prematurely. “A person with privileged access to a ‘draft’ of Roger Stone’s Indictment, identical to that which had been filed under seal … had — in violation of the Court’s Order — publicly distributed the Indictment prior to its release from the sealing ordered by the Court,” the filing reads.

No plastic gloves or dressings: Inside the last pediatric surgical ward in Caracas - CNN

No plastic gloves or dressings: Inside the last pediatric surgical ward in Caracas - CNN
See the source image"Caracas, Venezuela (CNN)Six-year-old Antonella was diagnosed with throat cancer four years ago, and her mother brings her to Domingo Luciani Hospital in Caracas as often as she can for chemotherapy.
Today, however, it's Antonella's mom who is being treated -- for malnutrition, a state-inflicted malady that is sweeping across oil-rich Venezuela.
Struggling to feed herself and her child, she fainted when she walked into the hospital where Antonella is slowly dying.
The trips are becoming less frequent as the hospital struggles to restock the drugs Antonella needs. Medicine is just one of a long laundry list of essential supplies that the country, gripped by a political and humanitarian crisis, is lacking.
Doctors at Domingo Luciani depend on donations to feed their patients.
Electricity at the hospital is intermittent, and the pharmacy is almost empty. 
Absent too is the familiar odor of disinfectant -- there's none left..."
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AM Fruitcake