Monday, February 18, 2019

We will NEVER please them! Just do the right thing.

Democrats' Gun Control Wouldn't Stop Parkland, Las Vegas, Orlando

Democrats' Gun Control Wouldn't Stop Parkland, Las Vegas, Orlando:

Image result for flickr commons images Gun RightsThe universal background check House Democrats want to vote on this week would not have stopped the Parkland high school shooting, the 2017 Las Vegas attack, or the 2016 Orlando Pulse shooting.

Montage: ABC's Roberts Uses Interview to Try Salvaging Smollett's Sensational Story :: Grabien News

Montage: ABC's Roberts Uses Interview to Try Salvaging Smollett's Sensational Story :: Grabien News
‘If the attackers are never found, how will you be able to heal?’
ABC’s Robin Roberts scored an interview with the man who sparked a worldwide media blockbuster after claiming he was the victim of a vicious, racist, homophobic hate crime.
Actor Jussie Smollett, who says he was randomly attacked by two Trump-supporting fanatics in the middle of a Chicago night two weeks ago, discussed the incident for the first time Thursday morning.
...After an initial portion of the interview aired, Roberts told viewers that Smollett is “consistent,” “credible,” and “very cooperative” — none of which is actually true..."
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AM Fruitcake

History for February 18

See the source image
History for February 18 -
Count Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta 1745, Enzo Ferrari 1898, Jack Palance 1919
See the source imageImage result for Enzo FerrariImage result for Jack Palance

Gahan Wilson 1930, John Travolta 1954 - Actor ("Pulp Fiction"), Molly Ringwald 1968 - Actress ("Sixteen Candles)
 See the source image  Image result for John TravoltaImage result for Molly Ringwald 2018

1885 - Mark Twain's "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" was published in the U.S. for the first time.
Image result for 1885 - Mark Twain's "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"

2001 - NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt, Sr., was killed in a crash during the Daytona 500 race.
Image result for Dale Earnhardt, Sr., was killed in a crash

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Mark Penn: To get Trump, FBI and Justice Department officials trampled the Constitution | Fox News

Mark Penn: To get Trump, FBI and Justice Department officials trampled the Constitution | Fox News:

Image result for flickr commons images fbi logoThe most egregious anti-democratic actions ever taken by the what can now fairly be called the Deep State are confirmed with the publication of fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s new book detailing how the FBI and Justice Department plotted to remove President Trump from office for firing FBI Director James Comey.
Justice Department and FBI officials spied on U.S. citizens with false warrants, gave a pass to one presidential campaign with a predetermined investigation, investigated another political campaign on the basis of no verified evidence, and illegally leaked information on investigations. They discussed wiretapping and using the 25th Amendment to the Constitution to remove President Trump, and appointed a special counsel as a retaliatory move for Comey’s firing.

The way we were-----Adam Faith - It's Alright

Boob-tube-----Donald Duck--What's My Line

Clarice Feldman - "More inconvenient facts.."

Clarice Feldman - Clarice Feldman shared a post.:
"More inconvenient facts.."

Image may contain: 1 person


Instapundit � Blog Archive � HARSH, BUT FAIR: …

Senate panel probing meetings between Russians and Obama economic officials - Washington Times

Senate panel probing meetings between Russians and Obama economic officials - Washington Times:
Image result for flickr commons images obama
The Senate Finance Committee is probing meetings reportedly held in 2015 between two of former President Barack Obama’s top economic officials and Maria Butina, a Russian national who later pleaded guilty to conspiring to covertly influence U.S. foreign policy, the panel said Friday.

"Vote for me and I will use the power of government to take stuff from others and give it to you."---Fans of Best of the Web Today

Fans of Best of the Web Today--Michael Smith
"So far, all of the Democrat candidates (and presumptive candidates) are offering up different flavors of the same trope always pushed by Democrats. 
They range from the absurd to the merely incredulous - but as always, have one central, unifying theme.
More government.

24/7/365 and in every aspect of your life.
This year is unique in that most of the big name candidates are running to the left of where Bernie Sanders was last cycle (although they are probably where Bern really was since he came toward the center to run against Hillary).
Their message, distilled to its essence, is this "Vote for me and I will use the power of government to take stuff from others and give it to you."
Might as well be "From those according to their ability to those according to their need (or in today's terms - their wants and desires).
I've never seen President Trump as a conservative. 
He is a populist who sees conservative policies as the right route for America, but cast against the current slate of communists calling themselves Democrats, he might as well be Barry Goldwater."

The 'Miles Per Gallon' Illusion | RealClearScience

The 'Miles Per Gallon' Illusion | RealClearScience
"Consider the case of two car owners: One is looking to switch their SUV averaging 12 miles per gallon (MPG) to an SUV averaging 14.
The other is looking to switch their compact car averaging 30 MPG to a newer model averaging 40.
Both individuals drive 10,000 miles per year.
Who of these two people would save the most gasoline and money?
Duke University Professors Richard P. Larrick and Jack B. Soll originally posed this scenario back in 2008 in an article published to the journal Science.
To many people, the answer might seem obvious: the second individual would save the most, as they are boosting their MPG by 33% (vs. 16.7%) and will be able to travel 10 miles more per gallon (vs. just two).
But this is completely wrong, and it just takes some quick math to figure out why.
...As Nobel Prize-winning behavioral economist Daniel Kahneman noted in his book Thinking, Fast and Slow, "The five-year interval between the publication of 'The MPG Illusion' and the implementation of a partial correction is probably a speed record for a signification application of psychological science to public policy."
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Lunch video-----Stossel: The College Scam


Supreme Court to decide whether citizenship question can be included in 2020 census | Fox News

Supreme Court to decide whether citizenship question can be included in 2020 census | Fox News:
Image result for flickr commons images supreme court
The Supreme Court will decide whether the 2020 census can include a question about citizenship, ensuring a quick review of a lower court ruling that blocked the Trump administration from doing so.
The high court will hear arguments for the case in late April, with a decision by late June.

Cardinal Theodore McCarrick defrocked by Pope Francis - Washington Times

See the source imageCardinal Theodore McCarrick defrocked by Pope Francis - Washington Times:
FILE - In this April 23, 2002 file photo Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of the Archdiocese of Washington, waves as he arrives at the Vatican in a limousine. On Saturday, Feb. 16, 2019 the Vatican announced Pope Francis defrocked former U.S. Cardinal Theodore McCarrick after Vatican officials found him guilty of soliciting for sex while hearing Confession.  (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini, file)"VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis has defrocked former U.S. Cardinal Theodore McCarrick after Vatican officials found him guilty of soliciting for sex while hearing Confession and sexual crimes against minors and adults, the Holy See said Saturday.
The punishment for the once-powerful prelate, who had served as the archbishop of Washington and had been an influential fundraiser for the church, was announced five days before Francis is set to lead an extraordinary gathering of bishops from around the world to help the church grapple with the crisis of sex abuse by clergy and systematic cover-ups by church hierarchy.
The decades-long scandals have shaken the faith of many Catholics and threatened his papacy..."
Read on.

Networks: 2,202 Minutes on Russia Scandal, Zero for No Collusion Report

Networks: 2,202 Minutes on Russia Scandal, Zero for No Collusion Report
"It’s been two days since NBC’s exclusive reporting that the Senate Intelligence Committee has found no material evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, and as of yet none of the three major broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) have given it even a single second of coverage in their evening newscasts. 
Considering these networks have given the Russia probe a massive 2,202 minutes of airtime, their silence on this major development is deafening.
...However none of those three shows have even mentioned the investigation since NBC’s report came out on February 12.
The situation has been much the same on those networks’ flagship morning shows. 
Neither CBS This Morning nor NBC’s Today have even acknowledged this new information from Senate investigators since the news broke on February 12.
ABC’s Good Morning America briefly touched on it in a news brief totaling less than one minute on February 13..."
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#1 This day 1995-----TLC - Creep (Official Video)


Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, meme and textInstapundit  Blog Archive  OH DEAR...
She doesn’t realize that was money Amazon was going to bring to the area. 
New York was simply agreeing not to take it away."---Posted by Gail Heriot

Democrat justice is a sham!

Fruitcake AOC is no outlier - WND

Fruitcake AOC is no outlier - WND:

Image result for flickr commons images Fruit cakeThe main problem in American politics is not the obvious polarization but the underlying reasons for it. Partisanship, angst and divisiveness are all preferable to surrendering the culture and fundamentally transforming the republic.
The Democratic Party has deceived much of the public into believing that its positions aren’t extreme, but the truth is coming out now for all to see. Such veritable crackpots as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are not merely fringe fruitcakes; they are just bringing the party out of the closet.
It’s as if half this decades-long leftist conspiracy to turn America into a socialist hellhole has finally been exposed by the unwitting soldiers of the revolution, who have understood everything about it but were told to keep their mouths shut about their ultimate goals.

Transgender Man Awarded $120,000 in Discrimination Case at Iowa Prison - The New York Times

Transgender Man Awarded $120,000 in Discrimination Case at Iowa Prison - The New York Times
"In 2015, Jesse Vroegh, a registered nurse working in an Iowa prison, asked his employers at the state Department of Corrections to allow him to use the men’s restrooms and locker rooms at work because he was transitioning from female to male.
But the department denied his requests, citing its concerns about the “rights of the male officers” and saying that transgender issues were “too controversial,” according to a lawsuit.
Jurors in Iowa thought differently.
On Wednesday, a jury in District Court in Polk County awarded Mr. Vroegh $120,000, for workplace discrimination on the basis of sex and gender identity and for damages related to being denied insurance coverage for gender reassignment surgery, the decision said..."
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AM Fruitcake

History for February 17

See the source image
History for February 17 -
Thomas Malthus 1766, Rene Laennec 1781, H.L. Hunt 1889
Image result for thomas malthus quotesSee the source imageSee the source image

Lou Diamond Phillips 1962 - Actor, Larry the Cable Guy 1963 - Actor, comedian ("Blue Collar TV"), Michael Jordan 1963 - Basketball player
Image result for Lou Diamond PhillipsImage result for Larry the Cable Guy QuotesImage result for Michael Jordan

1801 - The U.S. House of Representatives broke an electoral tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. Jefferson was elected president and Burr became vice president.
Image result for U.S. House of Representatives broke an electoral tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. Jefferson was elected president and Burr became vice president.

1995 - Colin Ferguson was convicted of six counts of murder in the December 1993 Long Island Rail Road shootings. He was later sentenced to a minimum of 200 years in prison.
See the source image

Saturday, February 16, 2019

William Barr Is Our New Attorney General. Here Are 4 Things He Should Focus on Right Away | The Heritage Foundation

William Barr Is Our New Attorney General. Here Are 4 Things He Should Focus on Right Away | The Heritage Foundation:

Image result for Wikicommons ImagesWilliam Barr Attorney GeneralBarr promised that the department’s conduct would be “above and away from politics.” Nothing, he added, “could be more destructive of our system of government, of the rule of law, or the Department of Justice as an institution, than any toleration of political interference with the enforcement of the law.”
So what should Barr focus on, and why?

The way we were-----The Detergents - Leader of the Laundromat

Boob-tube-----People Fainting On Live TV 2018

4 Ways Democrats Want to Ruin Your Life

4 Ways Democrats Want to Ruin Your Life:

Image result for flickr commons images ronald reaganPresident Ronald Reagan once said, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream.  It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
Perhaps now, more than at any other time recently, these words must be heeded.  The foundation of American values and freedom is under assault.  The attack is not from a foreign power, but from within.  The Democrats, their media allies, and those who still wear the name "Never Trump" are attempting to fulfill President Barack Obama's dream and transform America.  They seek to redefine what it means to be an American and recalibrate the fundamentals of the American dream.
It is readily seen in four different spheres.

A record number of Americans are 90 days behind on their car payments

A record number of Americans are 90 days behind on their car payments

  • More than 7 million Americans are at least 90 days behind on their auto loans, according to the New York Fed.
  • That's higher than the peak in 2010 as the country was still reeling from the devastating financial crisis.
  • The "number of distressed borrowers suggests that not all Americans have benefited from the strong labor market and warrants continued monitoring and analysis of this sector," Fed economists say.
and this : Student loan debt edged higher to $1.46 trillion while credit card balances rose to $870 billion, right around their crisis peak.
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