Thursday, February 21, 2019

Judicial Watch Sues for ‘Coup’ Documents - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch Sues for ‘Coup’ Documents - Judicial Watch:

Image result for Head of Us Department of JusticeJudicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for all records of communication of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the Office of the Attorney General Jeff Sessions, or the Office of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein discussing the 25th Amendment or presidential fitness. Additionally, the lawsuit seeks all recordings made by any official in the Office of the Attorney General or Deputy Attorney General of meetings in the Executive Office of the President or Vice President.
The suit was filed after the Justice Department failed to respond to three separate FOIA requests dated September 21, 2018 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:19-cv-00388)). The lawsuit seeks all written and audio/visual records of any FBI/DOJ discussions regarding the 25th Amendment and plans to secretly record President Trump in the Oval Office.

The way we were-----I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing- The New Seekers

How to play Pull-a-Smollett: the game of social engineering

How to play Pull-a-Smollett: the game of social engineering

"At the risk of losing the punch line in the translation, let me start with a Russian joke:
"We're sorry, but you're no longer welcome in our house."
"Why is that?"
"The last time you visited, one of our spoons went missing."
"What nonsense, why would I steal your silverware?"
"We're not saying you did, we found it a day later, but the resentment still remains."

dzq427-uyaa9vem_orig.jpgWhile the stain on this poor fellow's reputation was accidental, we are now finding that such stains can be engineered, especially if the media is on your side. 
Consider the Trump-Russia collusion scenario. 
None of the claims against Trump have proven to be true, but "the resentment remains."
All of the examples of hate and violence by Trump supporters have also proven to be hoaxes, and yet the response usually is, "even if this one's a hoax, you can't deny that Trump has created an atmosphere of resentment, and so many hate crimes in the news can't all be hoaxes."
This is a projection...READ ALL!
In the meantime, here's a list of previous winners and their inspirational stories, courtesy of The Daily Caller.


  • Anti-Muslim Hate Crime In Michigan Turns Out To Be A Hoax (Nov. 2016)
  • Bisexual Student Fakes Trump-Inspired Hate Crime (Nov. 2016)
  • Gas Station Racism Goes Viral - Then Police Debunk It (Nov. 2016)
  • White Men Rob Muslim Woman Of Her Hijab And Wallet - Except It Never Happened (Nov. 2016)
  • Church Organist Vandalizes Own Church (Nov. 2016)
  • "Drunk White Men" Attack Muslim Woman In Story That Also Never Happened (Dec. 2016)
  • White Guy Sets His Own Car On Fire, Paints Racial Slur On His Own Garage (Dec. 2016)
  • Prankster Tricks Liberal Journalist Into Spreading Anti-Trump Hoax (Dec. 2016)
  • Student Writes Anti-Muslim Graffiti On His Own Door (Feb. 2017)
  • Israeli Man Behind Anti-Semitic Bomb Threats In The U.S. (April 2017)
  • Hoax At St. Olaf (May 2017)
  • Fake Hate At Air Force Academy Goes Viral (Sept. 2017)
  • K-State Fake Hate Crime (Nov. 2017)
  • Racist Graffiti Carried Out By Non-White Student (Nov. 2017)
  • Waiter Fakes Note Calling Himself A Terrorist (July 2018)
  • Waitress Fakes Racist Note, Blames Law Enforcement (July 2018)
  • New York Woman's Hate Crime That Wasn't (Sept. 2018)
  • Student Faked Racist Notes (Dec. 2018)
  • The Covington Catastrophe (Jan. 2019)
  • Bonus: Anti-Semitic Vandal Exposed As Democratic Activist (Nov. 2018)
  • Bonus II: Trump-Inspired Racist Blaze At Black Church Was Carried Out By Black Churchgoer (Nov. 2016)

Giant List Of MSM-FueledHate-Crime Hoaxes Meant To Frame Trump Supporters | Zero Hedge

Giant List Of MSM-FueledHate-Crime Hoaxes Meant To Frame Trump Supporters | Zero Hedge
See the source imageProfile picture for user Tyler Durden
 Tyler Durden

"As Brian Stelter and CNN work overtime to pretend that the MSM didn't uncritically promote Jussie Smollett's absurd "hate crime" story in a giddy rush to frame Trump supporters as violent, journalist and photographer Andy Ngo has pushed back.
In a running thread of hate-crime hoaxes that the MSM either uncritically reported - or gave little attention to once the truth came out, Ngo lists hoax after hoax designed to smear conservatives. 
Click on the first tweet and go from there, or keep scrolling: 
Right after Donald Trump’s election, the SPLC really stoked panic. A pro-gay Episcopal church in Indiana was vandalized w/“Heil Trump,” a swastika, & an anti-gay slur. Turns out it was the gay organ player who did it. He was only charged w/a misdemeanor. 
Days after the Pittsburgh massacre, Trump supporters were blamed for Nazi vandalism at a Brooklyn synagogue & fires in a Jewish community. Turns out the perpetrator was a gay black man who had worked with city council on an initiative to fight hate crimes. 
....Read all!! 

New York Times: Trump's Border Reforms Are Working

New York Times: Trump's Border Reforms Are Working:

Image result for flickr commons images president trumpA New York Times‘ article on the migrant caravans shows President Donald Trump’s border security reforms are successfully curbing the northward flow of migrants.
One-third of the 6,000 migrants who reached the border just in the November caravan have given up their effort to cross the border, the Times says: “Data from Mexican officials suggested that harsh policies he has introduced to crack down on asylum seekers may already be achieving some of its intended effects.”

Politicians use Jussie Smollett, while a 1-year-old boy shot in the head is set aside - Chicago Tribune

Politicians use Jussie Smollett, while a 1-year-old boy shot in the head is set aside - Chicago Tribune
"Something important has been lost in the embarrassing saga of Jussie Smollett..
What’s been lost is this:
I’m told that two dozen detectives were assigned to the Smollett case.
Can Chicago afford that, what with all the unsolved murders and shootings in this town?
There were some 18 people killed in Chicago after Smollett began telling his story in late January, that story in which he cast himself as the hero, about having to fight off pro-Trump racists.
...But two dozen detectives for Smollett just doesn’t seem right.
Make no mistake.
I’m not blaming the detectives, or the Chicago Police Department.
They work for a politician.
His name is Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who famously announced a few years ago that a crisis is a terrible thing to waste.
...“This was an attempted modern-day lynching,” tweeted Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris of California.
“No one should ever have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate.”
...It was a perfect anti-Trump story. It fit the prevailing narrative of many in the media (who are themselves liberal Democrats) that Trump supporters are racist and just itching to find some minorities to beat up.
...Or you might consider CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin.
She looked into the camera, and sighed, and her sigh was full of her politics.
“This is America in 2019,” she said.
See the source imageWe get it, Brooke. 
We’re terrible. 
Donald Trump is the president, and everything’s gone to hell.
A few weeks ago, after Smollett began telling his tale — in which he’s the hero fighting oppression and hatred — a 1-year-old child was shot in the head.
It looked like a street gang may have been targeting his mother.
She’s been shot before.
The child, Dejon Irving, is on life support.
I don’t think there were two dozen detectives assigned to Dejon Irving’s case.
But he’s not a star to be used by politicians in pursuit of power. 
He’s not a symbol.
Politicians don’t tweet his name. 
He’s just a little boy from Chicago, shot in the head."
Read all.

The true cost of faked hate crimes | Spectator USA

The true cost of faked hate crimes | Spectator USA
Should we punish fraudulent victims as vigorously as real criminals?--
"Some years ago I was introduced to one notion of how to tackle dishonest and insincere accusations of racism.
The idea was not just that there should be a social cost to making a dishonest claim, but that the cost should equal that borne by somebody who is accurately and correctly identified as a racist.
Without such a disincentive, there is no reason (other than decency and honesty, which may sometimes be in short supply) for people not to level such accusations insincerely.
Since Monday night I have been wondering, amid much else, whether some similar aspiration could be encouraged regarding hate crimes.
...It couldn’t have been better for some people. 
Nancy Pelosi and other leading Democrats tried to pin the hate crime on the White House.
In a frankly horrible piece of self-aggrandizing, sandpaper-voiced publicity-seeking, an actress called Ellen Page – with the complicity of Stephen Colbert – auditioned for chief weaponizer of the hate crime. 
Perhaps just as Pelosi has had to use the delete button on her Twitter account, so Colbert and Page may now be wishing their attribution of blame against the Vice President hadn’t gone quite so viral. In her potty-mouthed way Page had insisted that, ‘There [bleep] isn’t a debate’ over whether what happened to Jessie Smollett was a hate crime or not..."

Except that there was, and is, a debate..."
Read all.

Lunch video-----John Stossel - Recycling Stupidity


New York's abortion 'barbarism' having ripple effect - WND

New York's abortion 'barbarism' having ripple effect - WND:

Image result for flickr commons images Andrew CuomoA prosecutor dropped one of the charges that had been brought against a man suspected of stabbing and killing a pregnant woman in Queens on Feb. 3, noted the American Center for Law and Justice.
“We told you that New York’s barbaric abortion law would have real life (and death) consequences. Unfortunately, we’re already seeing the first evidence of that,” the organization, which has demanded from the state information about the abortion lobby’s influence on the law, said ACLJ.
After the law was signed Jan. 22 by Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Virginia tried to pass a similar law. Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam drew attention when, in defense of the bill, he advocated infanticide.
ACLJ said that in the Queens case, an “unspeakably savage crime that’s hard to even comprehend, let alone describe, will now go unpunished.”
“A man attacked his pregnant girlfriend in New York, reportedly dragging her out into the public vestibule of their apartment building and stabbing her repeatedly in the stomach as neighbors say she pled for the life of her unborn baby,” ACLJ said

Facebook Bans Jussie Wrongthink | The American Conservative

Facebook Bans Jussie Wrongthink | The American Conservative--By ROD DREHER • February 17, 2019

Facebook will not allow its users to read my commentary on Jussie Smollett’s apparent hate hoax. 
Facebook will apparently not allow its users to say that police believe Smollett, a black gay actor, may have paid his two “assailants” to attack him last month, and blamed it on white Trump supporters — this, even though that is being reported by multiple national media outlets.
A friend posted this on his Facebook account:
The link below on my wall is to Rod Dreher’s blog post that has been blocked by FB for “violating community standards,” if you can believe it. ...
Facebook did, in fact, block his tiny url link to my comment.
... But when you can’t talk about hate hoaxes in general, or about a celebrated hate hoax in particular? 
Presumably my blog post violated Facebook’s “hate speech” prohibition (I can’t find any of their other Community Standards that it might have violated). Facebook’s policy on “hate speech” is here. This, I suppose, is what my blog post violated:
But the entire reason for the post is new evidence indicating that Jussie Smollett was NOT a victim of a hate crime, but rather faked a hate crime!
Just after typing that line, the same friend who sent out the tiny url blocked by Facebook texted to say that Facebook is no longer blocking my Jussie Smollett post. 
If true, that’s good news — but the fact that FB blocked it in the first place is a very troubling sign. I’m not going to reinstate my account. 
I’m done with Facebook."

VIDEO: GW students say 'Colonials' mascot too offensive

Image result for George Washington University mascotVIDEO: GW students say 'Colonials' mascot too offensive
  • George Washington University is the latest college where individuals are considering changing their school mascot.
  • Campus Reform Correspondents Victoria Snitsar and Abigail Marone visited the school to ask students what they thought.
  • One student called the mascot "a little white supremacisty [sic]."

#1 This day 1960-----Percy Faith & His Orchestra - A summer place theme

Politicians' environmental regulations drive the high housing costs they complain about - American Experiment

Politicians' environmental regulations drive the high housing costs they complain about - American Experiment
Politicians’ environmental regulations drive the high housing costs they complain about Written by 
“municipal fees and regulations in the Twin Cities…are pushing up prices of new homes more sharply here than in other communities, making it nearly impossible to build a single-family house for less than $375,000”
...Policymakers in Minneapolis are looking to add to this regulatory burden. 
As the Star Tribune reports,
Minneapolis homeowners who want to sell their properties will soon be required to conduct tests for energy efficiency, a measure touted by elected officials as a step toward reaching the city’s sustainability goals....
Sellers will, of course, pass the costs of these tests on to the buyers. 
The price of housing will go up. 
The ‘affordable housing’ crisis will be made worse..."
Read all.


#RedforEd: Socialists Organizing Teachers to Turn Purple States Blue by 2020

#RedforEd: Socialists Organizing Teachers to Turn Purple States Blue by 2020:
Image result for Socialism Fist
A well-funded and subversive leftist movement of teachers in the United States threatens to tilt the political balance nationwide in the direction of Democrats across the country as Republicans barely hang on in key states that they need to hold for President Donald Trump to win re-election and for Republicans to have a shot at retaking the House and holding onto their Senate majority.

Fifty Years Of Failed Apocalyptic Forecasts | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog

Fifty Years Of Failed Apocalyptic Forecasts | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog
Fifty Years Of Failed Apocalyptic Forecasts--Posted on  by tonyheller
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
– H. L. Mencken
Academics have been forecasting doom for my entire life.  
Needless to say, it hasn’t happened, as we are still here.
A few days after we landed on the moon 50 years ago, Stanford professor Paul Ehrlich forecast that we would disappear in a cloud of blue steam within 20 years. 
Ehrich is John Holdren’s close associate, and Holdren was Obama’s science advisor.
A year later, he predicted that we would run out of food and water within a decade.
He wanted to poison Africans in order to save them from overpopulation.
A few years later the “immensely likeable” Ehrlich jumped on the global cooling bandwagon..."
Much, much more.
Read it all and trust not the Fools of Forecasting!

AM Fruitcake