WILLIAMS: Is Income Inequality Fair? | Daily Wire
"Some Americans have much higher income and wealth than others.
Former President Barack Obama explained,
"I do think at a certain point you've made enough money."
An adviser to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who has a Twitter account called "Every Billionaire Is A Policy Failure" tweeted, "My goal for this year is to get a moderator to ask
'Is it morally appropriate for anyone to be a billionaire?'"

Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren, in calling for a wealth tax, complained,
"The rich and powerful are taking so much for themselves and leaving so little for everyone else."
...In a free society, people earn income by serving their fellow man.
Here's an example: I mow your lawn, and you pay me $40. Then I go to my grocer and demand two six-packs of beer and 3 pounds of steak.
In effect, the grocer says, "Williams, you are asking your fellow man to serve you by giving you beer and steak.
What did you do to serve your fellow man?"
My response is, "I mowed his lawn." The grocer says, "Prove it."
That's when I produce the $40.
We can think of the, say, two $20 bills as certificates of performance — proof that I served my fellow man.
A system that requires that one serve his fellow man to have a claim on what he produces is far more moral than a system without such a requirement.
For example, Congress can tell me, "Williams, you don't have to get out in that hot sun to mow a lawn to have a claim on what your fellow man produces.
Just vote for me, and through the tax code, I will take some of what your fellow man produces and give it to you."...
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